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Mounting media: An overview

Article · January 2014

DOI: 10.4103/2277-8632.128479

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3 authors, including:

Rooban Thavarajah
Ragas Dental College


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Review Article

Mounting media: An overview

Shamala Ravikumar, R. Surekha, Rooban Thavarajah1
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Navodaya Dental College, Raichur, Karnataka, 1Department of Oral
and Maxillofacial Pathology, Ragas Dental College and Hospital, Chennai, India

Histological sections, which need to be examined for any length of time or to be stored must be mounted under a cover-slip. There
are various types of mounting media available both commercially and also are prepared in one’s own laboratory for mounting tissue
sections. Some types of mounting media harden to hold the coverslip firmly in place and other types use different solvents such as
water, glycerin and xylene because the stains in the sample preparation are sensitive to particular solvent. In order to prevent the of
immonoflurescent slides, few mounting media contain antifade reagents. As less emphasis is given in the literature on mounting media,
an attempt is made to review, venture and summarize on various types of mounting media and their uses in routine histopathologically
and immunochemical staining.

Key words: antifade, coverslip, mounting media

INTRODUCTION durable film. The medium is important for the image

formation as it affects the specimen’s rendition.[3]
In histology or a pathology laboratory, mounting
is the last procedure in the series that ends with Mounting media should ideally have a refractive
a permanent histological preparation on the table, index (RI) as close as possible to that of the fixed
well after the tissue processing and staining. Viz., protein (tissue) (approximately 1.53). As light passes
(1) fi xing, (2) paraffi n embedding, (3) sectioning, from one medium to another, it changes speed and
(4) staining, (5) dehydrating, and (6) clearing bends. An example of this is the apparent bending of
operations.[1] a stick when placed in water. Light travels fastest in
a vacuum and in all other media light travels more
The mounting medium is the solution in which the slowly. The RI of a medium is the ratio of the speed
specimen is embedded, generally under a cover glass. of light in a vacuum to the speed of light in the
It may be liquid, gum or resinous, soluble in water, medium (it is always >1).[4]
alcohol or other solvents and be sealed from the
external atmosphere by non-soluble ringing media.[2] A mounting medium with an RI close to that of the
The main purpose of mounting media is to physically fixed tissue will therefore render it transparent, with
protect the specimen; the mounting medium bonds only the stained tissue elements visible. This is where
specimen, slide and coverslip together with a clear the term “clearing” comes from-xylene, for instance,
has an RI very close to that of fixed tissue; therefore,
Address for correspondence
inducing a certain amount of transparency.[4]
Dr. Shamala Ravikumar,
Department of Oral Pathology, Navodaya Dental College,
Raichur, Karnataka, India. A mounting medium with an RI too far either side of
E-mail: 1.53 will provide poor clarity and contrast. This can
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be demonstrated practically by viewing a tissue section
Quick Response Code: with no mounting medium since air has a RI of 1.0.[4]
A mounting medium should be chosen that will not
fade the particular stains used; for example, basic
aniline dyes should be mounted in non-acid containing
mountants. Preparations showing the Prussian blue
reaction should be mounted in non-reducing media.[5]
Journal of Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences 2014;3(Supplement-1): S1-8 S1
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Ravikumar, et al.: Mounting media

PROPERTIES OF AN IDEAL MOUNTING (adhesive) mountants usually approximates that of

MEDIA (MOUNTANT) tissue proteins (fixed) and they provide firm adhesion
of the coverslip, these mountants are the type most
1. RI should be as close as possible to that of glass, frequently used.[7]
i.e., 1.5.
2. It should be colorless and transparent. Natural resinous media
3. It should not cause stain to diffuse or fade. • Canada balsam (RI = 1.52-1.54)
4. It should be dry to a non-stick consistency and • Phenol balsam (variant of Canada balsam)
harden relatively quickly. • Dammar balsam (RI = 1.52-1.54)
5. It should not shrink back from the edge of cover- • Euparal (RI = 1.48).[2]
6. It should be able to completely permeate and fill Canada balsam: (RI = 1.54)[8]
tissue interstices. Canada balsam is an oleoresin obtained from
7. It should have no adverse effect on tissue the bark of the fir Abiesbalsamea (of the family
components. Pinaceae), native to North America. The dried resin
8. It should be resistant to contamination is freely soluble in xylene and other organic solvents.
The standard mountant for histology and also for
(particularly microorganism growth).
taxonomy, be it zoological or botanical is Canada
9. It should protect the section from physical
balsam, a now scarce and very expensive natural
damage and chemical activity (oxidation and
changes in pH).
10. It should be completely miscible with dehydrant
Canada balsam was first described by as a suitable
or clearing agent.
mounting media by Andrew Pritchard in the 1830’s.
11. It should set without crystallizing, cracking or
It is the most widely used mountant because of
shrinking (or otherwise deform the material being
its proven archival quality, with a track record of
mounted) and not react with, leach or induce
150 years and does not crystallize or absorb moisture.
fading in stains and reaction products (including Mount and Pitkin state that Canada balsam is the only
those from enzyme histochemical, hybridization, mountant not to deteriorate when kept for years in
and immunohistochemical procedures). various climates. Noyes states several million years as
12. Finally, once set, the mountant should remain longevity of Canada balsam, comparing it with natural
stable (in terms of the features listed above).[6,7] fossilized amber. Walker and Crosby mention that
Canada balsam is particularly recommended because
CLASSIFICATION OF MOUNTING MEDIA it’s RI (1.53) is very close to that of glass.[2]

1. Resinous (hydrophobic/adhesives/organic/non- Rawlins relegates Canada balsam as having

aqueous) been widely used at one time as it is strongly
2. Aqueous media (hydrophilic/non-adhesive) “autoflourescent.” The harmful solvents which,
constitute a health hazard such as xylene may limit
Resinous/non-aqueous/adhesive media its use as mountant and use of non-toxic solvents
These are natural or synthetic resins dissolved in instead of xylene like histomount may solve the safety
benzene, toluene or xylene and are used when a problem, but might cause other problem such as slow
permanent mount is required and frequently used in hardening and premature darkening. Other authors
routine H and E staining procedures.[6] have reported problem such as “crazing.” Other
disadvantages include; it yellows with age; is very
In general, adhesives harden through solvent slow to harden and; as it becomes increasingly acidic
evaporation and thereby fix the accompanying over time, cationic dyes are poorly preserved and the
coverslip to the slide. During this process the RI of Prussian blue product of Perls’ reaction is bleached.[2,7]
the medium alters, moving away from that of the
solvent and toward that of the dry mountant. The Eupharal (RI = 1.48)
exact RI of the applied medium cannot therefore Eupharal is a semi-synthetic mountant. It is composed
be known. Nevertheless, as the RI of hydrophobic of a mixture of eucalyptol, sandarac (a resin from
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Ravikumar, et al.: Mounting media

the tree, Tetraclininarticulata grown in North West that slides can be cleaned of excess mountant simply
Africa), paraldehyde and camsal (camphor and by stripping it off after cutting around the edge of
phenyl salicylate). It is regarded as good permanent coverslip.[2,5,7]
preservative, proven over the passage of time, of
consistent quality, safe, quick and easy to use, good Gurr’s neutral mounting medium (RI 1.51)
optically with low RI and drying quickly. It does This is a mixture of coumarone and other resins as
not use the carcinogenic solvent, xylene and hence 76% solution in cineol. This mountant is a rather
being better than Canada balsam and is used as an viscous solution.
alternative to balsam. Some fading may occur in
hematoxylin stained sections; in this situation the Histoclad (RI 1.54)
green (or “Vert”) copper-containing form of Euparal Clay Adam’s Histoclad is a 60% solution of a
is advocated.[2,5,7] synthetic resin in toluene.

Phenol and dammar balsam Permount (RI 1.528)

These are similar to Canada balsam and are rarely Fisher’s Permount is a 60% solution of naphthalene
used as mountant because of dirt and impurities polymer in toluene.
usually present and difficulty of filtering prepared
mountant.[5] Pro-texx (RI 1.495)
Pro-Texx from Lerner Laboratories 171 industry
Synthetic resinous media Pittburghs is a mounting medium of neutral pH and
A great number of synthetic resins either made in the with an antioxidant additive to preserve stain quality.
laboratory or prepared commercially are available. It is soluble in both toluene and xylene.
The most commonly used are the polyesterenes, such
as Kirkpatrick & Lendrum’s mountant and Gurr’s Technicon resin (RI 1.62)
distrene plasticizer xylene (DePex). This mountant from the Technicon Corporation is
1. DPX (DePeX [Distrene 80: A commercial a 60% solution of coumarone-indene polymer in
polystyrene, a plasticizer, e.g., dibutyl phthalate benzene and xylene in equal parts. It has a tendency
and xylene]) (RI = 1.52) to form bubbles on hardening due to the high
2. Histomount (RI = 1.49-1.50) volatility of benzene.
3. Cover bond (RI = I.53)
4. Gurr’s neutral mounting medium (RI =1.51) UV-inert (RI 1.517)
5. Histoclad (RI = 1.54) A patented mounting medium that is non-fluorescent
6. Permount (RI = 1.526) from Gurr.[6]
7. Pro-texx (RI = 1.495)
8. Technicon Resin (RI = 1.62) Resin-embedded tissue
9. Uv-inert (RI = 1.517) Sections of tissue embedded in plastic compounds
10. XAM (RI = 1.52).[6,7] (such as epoxy resins) can be successfully mounted
in liquid resin of the same type. Sections should
DPX be completely dry before applying mountant, which
DPX is a colorless, neutral medium in which most is best set using the same conditions prescribed for
standard stains are well preserved. It is prepared tissue blocks.[7]
by dissolving the common plastic, polystyrene, in a
suitable hydrocarbon solvent (usually xylene). Gurr Photosensitive resins
suggested that it undergoes considerable degree Light polymerizing resins have the advantage of
of shrinkage when drying and should be applied very short setting times, requiring in the order of
liberally to the slide. They set quickly and in doing 10-30 seconds exposure to ultraviolet light to harden
so often retract from the edge of the coverslip. This completely. Once cured; however, the mountant
can be prevented by adding a plasticizer, which is cannot be dissolved nor the coverslip removed
thought to resist the effect by forming a mesh with (as might be necessary for restaining). Acrylic
the polymerized plastic. Most commonly used routine based light sensitive resins are also suitable for
mountant. It has a greater advantage over balsam fluorescence microscopy.[7]
Journal of Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences 2014;3(Supplement-1) S3
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Ravikumar, et al.: Mounting media

Aqueous Mounting Media buffered glycerol (RI = 1.47) is commonly used to

Aqueous mounting medium are used for mounting mount sections for immunofluorescence and glycerol
sections from distilled water when the stains would may be added to other agents to retard drying and
be decolorized or removed by alcohol and xylene as cracking.[7]
would be the case with most of the fat stains (Sudan
methods). These media are of three types: The syrups, Apathy’s medium (RI = 1.52)
Gelatin media, and Gum Arabic media.[5] It is one of the most useful aqueous mountants
for fluorescent microscopy, being virtually non-
Some of the metachromatic stains tend to diffuse fluorescent.
from the sections into mounting media shortly after
mounting: this may be prevented by using fructose Dissolve the ingredients with the aid of gentle heat.
syrup. Gome stains, e.g., methyl violent tend to
diffuse into medium after mounting. This can be Farrant’s medium (RI = 1.43)
avoided by using Highman’s medium. Aqueous Dissolve the gum Arabic in the distilled water with
mounting media require the addition of bacteriostatic gentle heat, add glycerin and arsenic trioxide. It is
agents such as phenol, crystal of thymol or sodium also recommended for fat stains.[5]
merthiolate to prevent the growth of fungi.[5,6]
1. Water (RI = 1.333). Highman’s medium (RI = 1.52)
2. Glycerine jelly (RI = 1.47). Recommended with the metachromatic dyes especially
3. Glycerine-Glycerol (RI = 1.47). methyl violet.[6]
4. Apathy’s medium (RI = 1.52).
5. Farrant’s medium (RI = 1.43). Polyvinyl alcohol
6. Highman’s medium (RI = 1.52). Polyvinyl alcohol, often used as a mountant in
7. Fructose syrup (RI = 1.47). immunofluorescence microscopy, has been
8. Polyvinyl alcohol. recommended as an alternative for glycerine jelly.
Adding paraphenylenediamine to the preparation is
Water effective in retarding photo fading.[7] Various mounting
In spite of low RI, (1.333), water serves as a media and their uses are discussed in Table 1.
convenient temporary mountant for some whole
specimens for examining certain microorganisms Ringing media/sealant media
live (saline mount) and particularly when checking Liquid, glycerin, and gum chloral mount need to
sections during the staining procedures.[7] be ringed around the edge of the coverslip to seal
the mountant and prevent escape, loss through
Glycerine jelly evaporation or oxidation through contact with air.
This is usually regarded as the standard mountant for Excess monutant from round the edge should be
fat stains. Dissolve the gelatin in the distilled water in removed by scalpel before ringing. If the mountant is
a conical flask in a water bath and add glycerine and prone to shrinkage, ringing may not stop the ingress
phenol mix well and store.[5] of air as any stress applied to the ring or coverslip
may fail. The resin moutants usually do not need
Glycerine-glycerol ringing as the solvent in the resin needs to evaporate
This commonly utilized aqueous mountant is a in order to harden. Though, Gray suggests that
mixture of glycerol and gelatine and has a RI of Canada balsam be ringed to stop it darkening from
1.47. It should set quite hard but for long-term atmospheric oxidation. One can use solid vaseline,
preservation sections are best ringed and sealed. paraffin wax or beeswax, Valap or nail polish as
Various formulations are in use.[7] ringing media or sealant.[1,3]

As with other solvents it is used because it is cheap, Ringing the coverslip

safe and quick to use with little preparation. Ringing The term “ringing” originated because round
the coverslip with a hydrophobic seal will extend coverslips were initially used and the coating applied
the life of mounted sections, although cationic dyes in the form of a circle or “ring.” A ringing iron is
will diffuse into the medium over time. Phosphate needed to spread the solid type of medium around
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Ravikumar, et al.: Mounting media


Mounting medium RI Implications
Resinous DPX 1.52 Very commonly used. Sets quickly
Canada balsam 1.52-1.54 Most widely used previously. Turns yellow with age. Sets slowly and due to use of xylene as
solvent (carcinogen) hence preferred less
Euparal 1.48 Best alternative for Canada balsam and Xylene free. Can fade hematoxylin counterstaining of
cell nuclei hence use green copper containing euparal
Aqueous glycerol 1.46 Can be added to other media to slow drying and cracking
Glycerine-glycerol 1.47 Commonly used for fluorescent labels e.g.: Phosphate buffered glycerol
Apathy’s medium 1.52 Most useful aqueous mountants for fluorescent microscopy, being virtually non-fluorescent
Farrant’s medium 1.43 Recommended for fat stains
Polyvinyl alcohol 1.5 Alternative for glycerine jelly commonly used for fluorescent
labels with paraphenylenediamine as antifading agent
DPX = Distrene, plasticizer, xylene/dibutylpyhlate; RI = Refractive index

the coverslip. A T-shaped piece of copper, which is Mountants for immunochemical staining
about one-eighth of an inch in thickness with the (immunofluorescence and enzymatic labeling)
bottom of the upright piece embedded in a rubber The choice of mounting medium following
bung or wooden handle is used. During use the immunochemical staining is largely dictated by the label
cross piece is heated in the flame of Bunsen burner, (and in the case of enzymatic labels, the chromogen)
touched onto the surface of the ringing agent and used to visualize the antigen. Aqueous mounting medium
then applied to the edges of the coverslip. Nail is generally suitable for all enzymatic label/chromogen
polish varnish can be applied with a brush gently. combinations and fluorescent labels. Specimens mounted
With practice ringing may be simply, quickly and in such media are mounted straight from the aqueous
cleanly completed.[1,5] phase (with no dehydration or clearing).[4]

1. Paraffin wax is applied with a ringing iron and is Fluorescence emission of fluorescein isothiocyanate
satisfactory as a temporary ringing agent. from labeled antibody in microscopical preparations
2. Du noyer’s wax-colophonium resin mixture: may be influenced by the characteristics of the
mounting medium, in particular, its pH, its ionic
strength, its viscosity and the presence of quenching
It is prepared by heating 10 parts of paraffin wax
agents (Cherry, 1970). Fluorescence emission is
in evaporating dish and dissolving in it 40 parts of
greater at alkaline than at acid pH (Hiramoto,
colophonium resin. It is a more permanent mount.
Bernecky, Jurand and Hamlin, 1964). A semi-
3. Ladies nail varnish:
permanent medium containing polyvinylalcohol
grade 51-05 Elvanol1 and glycerol was described by
Nail varnish with or without color can be used as
Rodriguez and Deinhardt in 1960.[9]
ringing media. A liquid preparation sealed well with
nail polish could last some months. Aqueous mounting media for phycobiliprotein
4. Cement: fluorescent labels (phycoerythrin, phycocyanin) must
not contain glycerol as this quenches the staining
Asphalt based cement can be applied as ringing media intensity. Similarly, exposure to excitation light of
direct from collapsible tubes making it a permanent most fluorescent labels results in diminished staining,
mount.[1,2,5] a process known as photo bleaching.[4]

Adhesives Fluorescent mounting media commonly contain

Various laboratories use synthetic adhesives to glue antifade agents that slow down the photo bleaching
sections and small specimens on the microscopic of such labels, such as 1,4-diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane
slides. RI and permanency are important as also are (DABCO) and paraphenylenediamine, which act as
the pH and chemical constituents of glue or mountant free-radical scavengers.[4]
as such might erode or even destroy the specimen.
Adhesive media presently used are araldite epoxy Resinous media can only be used for enzymatic labels
resin, cellofas, crystalbond thermoplastic resin, etc.[2] where the precipitate formed between the enzyme,
Journal of Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences 2014;3(Supplement-1) S5
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Ravikumar, et al.: Mounting media

and the chromogen is not soluble in the alcohols used semithin sections of rabbit cerebral cortex stained with
during dehydration of the tissue.[4] toluidine blue and pyronin G. Among four synthetic
mounting media tested, only DePeX prevented fading
Both quality and intensity of the fluorescence signal of the sections during the 1 st month. The average
in most immunolabeled preparations after aqueous optical density of sections after 1 year was higher in
mounting such as polyvinyl alcohol-based solutions preparations mounted with DePeX than in sections
(e.g., Mowiol) slowly diminish with time and finally, treated with the other mounting techniques tested in the
samples become unsuitable for examination. To avoid study.[13]
this, Espada et al. described a very simple and rapid
non-aqueous mounting procedure for cultured cells and Preventing the fading of fluorescence intensity
tissue sections, which preserves the fluorescent signal caused by the excitation light is very important
in an excellent way after immunodetection. After for obtaining stable and accurate images. Several
fluorescence labeling, preparations are dehydrated in types of mounting media are available (Gill, 1979;
ethanol, cleared in xylene and mounted in DePeX. Johnson et al. 1981,1982; Giloh and Sedat 1982; Harris
Using this non-aqueous mounting medium, the 1986; Krenik et al. 1989; Longin et al.1993), such as
fluorescent signal remains high and stable, allowing p-phenylenediamine (Johnson et al. 1981,1982; Platt and
a suitable and permanent preservation of labeled and Michael 1983), N-propyl gallate (Giloh and Sedat 1982)
counterstained microscopical preparations.[10] and 1-4 DABCO (Johnson et al. 1982; Langanger et al.
Franklin and Filion used a new technique for
retarding fading of fluorescence. The antioxidant Ready-to-use anti-fading kits are also commercially
beta-mercaptoethanol (BME) was used in conjunction available, such as Slow Fade Light Antifade Kit
with the permanent mountant DePeX (DePeX- (Molecular Probes; Eugene, OR), Perma-Fluor
BME) retarded fluorescent fading of mithramycin, (Lipshaw/Immunon; Pittsburgh, PA), FluoroGuard
acridine orange and Hoechst 33258 stained chicken Antifade Reagent (Bio-Rad Laboratories; Hercules,
erythrocytes, each to a varying degree. The initial CA) and ProLong Antifade Kit (Molecular Probes).[14]
fluorescence of all dyes examined was more intense
with DePeX-BME than with DePeX alone. Specimens Ono et al. compared several commercial and
mounted in DePeX-BME showed strong fluorescence homemade antifade media, using a confocal laser
and excellent morphology. They also concluded scanning microscope coupled to a computer. They
that if kept in the dark, they could be stored quantitatively measured fading of fluorescence to
indefinitely without deterioration. Retarding fading of formulate an equation, evaluated the antifading
fluorescence with DePeX-BME facilitated quantitation ability of several antifading media and restored the
of deoxyribonucleic acid by using fluorescence faded images to the original level according to this
cytophotometry.[11] equation. ProLong showed the highest antifading
factor (A) value. It’s A value remained high even
Mounting media and fading under strong excitation. ProLong, however, has a low
Fading of the images is one of the key factors in initial intensity of fluorescence (EM1) value. On the
diagnosis difficulties and storage of slides for long other hand, FluoroGuard showed the second highest
duration with few of the mountants. Various mounting A value and a relatively high EM1 value.[14]
media tend to fade with time. Humphrey and Pittman
used a simple cytophotometric technique to quantitate Staudt et al. demonstrate that a solution of 97%
stain fading of basic aniline dye-stained epoxy- thiodiethanol (TDE) gives a perfect match for the
embedded tissues mounted in six different commonly n = 1.515 RI of glass and immersion oil. Fixed
used mountants. Significant fading was detected with biological specimens can be easily embedded in 97%
all six mountants, although rates varied. The lowest TDE solutions, giving a uniform RI from the lens
rate of fading was observed with immersion oil and too deep in the specimen.[15]
the highest rate of fading with Canada balsam.[12]
Combined coverslip and mountant
Schmolke conducted the study to find the most suitable Several manufacturers supply a medium of a varnish-
medium for durable mounting of Araldite embedded like nature, which may be used to coat the section
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Ravikumar, et al.: Mounting media

surface, by dipping, pouring or spraying. This type of very short working distance of high magnification
medium obviates the use of coverslip. For low power oil immersion objective lens.
microscopy, combined mountant and coverslip may
prove quite satisfactory although little protection of Air bubbles: If there is one odd air bubble it may
the section to abrasion is given.[8] be removed with gentle pressure but if there are
many, instead of chasing with a dissecting needle
Mounting the sections and wasting time, put the slide back in xylene so that
There are many ways to mount the coverslip on coverslip is separated and remount the section without
slides, but whatever way works for one is fine as long air bubbles.[5]
as there are no air bubbles formed.
A. Slide method Which mountant is the best one?
B. Coverslip method Gutierrez states that “No mounting media are fully
satisfactory.” Most workers who wish their slide
Slide method mounts to be permanent have prepared their own
1. An appropriate size of coverslip for mounting is mountants and given “pet names” to it and not
selected and laid on the blotting paper. bothering to publish the recipe.
2. One or two drop of mountant is placed on the
slide containing section preferably in the middle Many brands of mountants are and have been made
to avoid trapping of air bubbles. to secret recipes whose names or recipes have
3. The slide is quickly inverted over the coverslip, been changed and have been copied by others. The
one end is placed on the blotting paper and the conservator may be faced with the problem of not
other end slowly lowered until the mountant knowing what the deteriorating mountant consists of
touches the coverslip. even if the name of the mountant is written on the
4. The mountant spreads under the coverslip and slide as it may not be the published recipe.[2]
slides and with the coverslip attached, is quickly
inverted and the coverslip guided into place with CONCLUSION
a dissecting needle.
To conclude various commercial manufacturers have
Alternatively add the mountant on the slide as various mounting media and fluorescent-free mounting
described, media both in aqueous and resin forms. RI also plays
an equal role in choosing the good mountant. Hence
Place one end of the coverslip on the slide and with one should choose a mounting media that suits the
the aid of a dissecting needle; slowly lower the viewing and preserving the required sections for
coverslip into position. further research.

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S8 Journal of Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences 2014;3(Supplement-1)

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