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| serene —— 'SAGRADO CORAZON DE JESUS oe | GUIADE TRABAJO. ae —————] L DATOS DE IDENTIFICACION. —] —— Sa aa [Penose: “Ge | 26032020 Tiempo: | 5h Guia No. | 2 = ce = : (Sompetencia: | Sccuingistca, =. ee wee |) oe eee erga f Read the statements and write recommendations about safety at home: a 1. Poisoning incidents involve medicines, household products and cosmetics. 3. RECUPERACION DE CONOCIMIENTOS PREVIOS ill | should use adequate lighting throughout the house, Bums are usual injuries. I \ iF she Boms with dhe shoe , She 5 emageicy Won 40 be cored Cleaning progucs COUR be keA by cdrom maar ay - if Cid take Cleaning Prodvels they unl) hove On atident Broken glass can cause severe cuts. if dhe loss in my (om Boke 1 shovld Qev Wop Beforr 1 cat myself | Far not oqanzed wth my Pedicatrams oon 1 Wall end v2 Persyred | —. 2. MOTIVACION | 2. Goo Ink and watch the video several time: bans: w= bTSPWuuraKM ‘Title: El condicional | en inglés - Con fururo WILL y MODALES Escaneado con CamScanner Césigo: FOR-GE-008 INSTITUGION EDUCATIVA Version: F SAGRADO CORAZON DE JESUS Fecha: 10207 GUIA DE TRABAJO Paget SSCS~«d ‘3_ MOMENTO BASICO [ss FIRST CONDITIONAL Te PRESENTSIMPLE + FUTURE SIMPLE | | ¢ If we work hard, we will finish the project on time. Tetat len tel The first conditional is used to express a real or very probable situation in the future. It refers to things that will possibly happen in the future if a condition is met. The first conditional is common when we are talking about possible plans, promises, warnings, threats or for persuading someone. (CONDITION ) RESULT ( PRESENTSIMPLE + FUTURE SIMPLE \¢ [f1go to Italy next week for work, I'll visit the Colosseum. ¢ Ifthave time tomorrow, | will help you. ¢ Ifyou touch that wire, you will get an electric shock. Nae Is ey EXAMPLES WITH MODAL VERBS IN FIRST CONDITIONAL: POSSIBILITY ( may / might / can / could ) she asks Marcos, he may / might be able to listen to her. ‘PERMISSION (can /could /may /might) _ _ You can imay goto the celebration if you've finished the duties. OBLIGATION (must /have (got) fo ) Ifyou don't come soon, | must /will have to leave without you, ‘SUGGESTION (should / could / might) ifhe has those symptoms, he should go to the Urgencies immediately, { Escaneado con CamScanner INSTITUCION EDUCATIVA SAGRADO CORAZON DE JESUS GUADE TRABAIO 18. Complete he sentences. + exe NLDA perme ue terse Ot Gon 4049: INE (rte topo) nee 3 ey, zs (eave) row. they MIGY (may) get rere by tou ryw TDS (rot to stat) doing exerose. you _ CONT tear prectce oraisis, 4. reveyene OQ(EC> _ayeet Make (mate contrton er neveg ar restos: tye CON ___eanynetemsats xrwil obton0 (ep ett eae s © wate WHOCOdS _frcto rae) at teer shetsnl NOt AD Teton) my est cncsion 7. eee studs (study) har every day. rey Con f° _ pase) 8. tmymon NAO STONY (ro spend) money omy beeen pry. OR VF fon) he nestor, the Cats, (exh cttettocs ne _ ill ge ent 10, we Nj 10 TON (recto have) some fee Se on Senatay, we COIS 1 (eoutert victor omnes, b. Answer the questions. 4 Wat wa yu $0 yu ca hep trig? wall watch by 2. Whatwi yar meneraay#yeuae be moa? t_would eH an 3. Wiatwa you eat? you ae Ferg al ENN V would cat 4, Whstwa you dot you cana i? \would be scond 5 oe reoreeaael ea, V wostd_wy_a 8. Where wi you oF you oe on vacaton RTO LWIA wD oA Vocation to aPuleo * eae SEE celng_nt fn) ‘Ape pesca | *Taold Shdy lo aly J G__ MOMENTO DE EVALUATION 2. Complete the sentences : Pee nt eeen ete Cou chose argitey off | L. Vel) hole ty cone) the maothon.14 the O45 dy ma any 3.14 they Jyeat her ete She wr\| neabte 70 Feitury gelrecortter Of forthe let | Escaneado con CamScanner SAGRADO CORAZON DE JESUS Fecha 807-2017 —| GUIA DE TRABAJO. Pagna vt |cssgs onceacs | INSTITUCION EDUCATIVA | verso ecemmeemaaerss al L vornamwainoe Lf bo date hether coig of Ynicet Memseanteaever UF Moria heks Worha jo Sody thet salve Te prabkm< Sanne: 4 5 5 Theywenthave to goto tiat_} He can take food trom the fidge TOU Cte beonas| & Feemesnesmas You shuld set Hed 9% Enytamergetstnejes WC ail abe ae Conlpcobe 10. Wesnousgototredentst_'f WE oer sy bal can the Teale, 1. tmyomrpnr noon SPO CON QA Cather end 12, My topiend wattuy an aparment UME Ge} Ob TOT PSY ALE PRS he yt 18 moominmetse You wil healie aa ow | 5. MOMENTO DE EXTENSION. ; ) a Joie wine Yes. Wil Buy a white gotf GTiiflleam to dive te golf . a uhst_woold happen if teterends wi Beta fel so bd he beats ip wih is gna 3 Wold hare H tou wanes the om? she fais her Science test sh won't go to the party. a Hi Soodrt choloicte Brod ) ) wont dogo wth pe 4 Fined & new skit i | want to go to your weeding, « vhat wold jou a5 if You 4a doo caeena 2 ‘eat black coffee and a lemon cheesecake i196 0 a colfee Shop 7, Wher ry stops Onna ule ead the [ble 7 Wet reine Dl when aera s Laan stor (nm doce howe 7 Norhe wont ay Fore Ws rane o tf why Pots vient 70 chick My aunt wil war towers I iy pares go ewich ean wo lin gored 40 sidy iw Byqolo M1 go to Bogota if Want to study law next year, Escaneado con CamScanner 49 nS Suave 10 vkedicy 7

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