Lesson Plan Format: Name of Teacher: John Jairo Vinasco and Roosevelt Lopez Institution: La Julita

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Name of Teacher: John Jairo Vinasco and Roosevelt Lopez


Institution: La Julita

Date : DAY MONTH YEAR Length of class

1 hour

Course: Group: Room:

English intermediate 5-A
Number of students: Average age of Students:
21 10 to 12
Learning Aim for the lesson: At the end of the lesson learners will be able to identify concepts from
a text, images and provide definition in a written form. Learners will take advantage of can to express
capacity. They will use the following vocabulary: Mother Board, CPU, software, hardware,

Linguistic Aim: Pragmatic Aim: read and identify concepts

from a text, images and provide definition in a
written form

Professional aims:

By the end of the class I expect:

 To have had a learning centered class.

 Encouraged learners to participate actively

 Managed the time well

Assumed knowledge:

Estándar General: comprendo textos cortos, sencillos e ilustrados sobre temas cotidianos, personales y
Estándares específicos
Asocio un dibujo con su descripción escrita.

Utilizo gráficas para representar la información más relevante de un texto.


 Flashcards

 Reading

 Handout.

 Markers and board

Anticipated problem Anticipated solution

1. learners might not understand the concepts 1. Provide a good explanation by using realia in order
2. to have a better comprehension.
3. 2.
Stage Aim of the Procedure(description in detail of the activity) Time and Comments
(skill practice) activity Student & Teacher activity interaction
What will the Learners do?
What will the F do?

Warming up Ls will play a game in which they have to 10 minutes

guess the name of some devices and their

Ls are shown some pictures of different

digital gadget. T elicits information about
what these devices can do by asking learners 15 minutes
Engage questions with can: What can this electronic
gadget do?
T tells learners the names of the components
and drills in order to check pronunciation.

Following, learners look at the same devices

and component and compared with each
other. The images will have some text in
which learners needs to read to identify the
use of can and cannot expressing capacity.
Study After that, learners look at the same images,
but this time there is no supporting text. T 15 minutes
asks them questions about what the gadget
on the images can or can’t do in order to
check for learners’ comprehension.

Afterward, learners will answer some

question on their notebooks in which they
put into practice the structures and forms
Activate previously covered. Afterward, Ss have to
write a brief paragraph describing their 20 minutes
favorite gadget with the features that they

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