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1. What might be some of the reasons to explain why Harry failed to motivate Andrew to buckle

- Harry failed to motivate Andrew to buckle down because both Andrew and the other gang
insisted to listen to Harry on what could have been a more productive workplace. Harry thinks
that their productivity can be better if there were no nonscheduled breaks. He even pointed
out that ‘You could be making more money without working any harder – just steadier. You
can still enjoy working but you’ll never get ahead if you don’t take things more seriously.’
That only shows that he is concerned about their productivity and their workplace. Andrew,
on the other hand is more interested in having fun with the gang rather than working to get
more money. Andrew is leaning towards sociable and belongingness while Harry is more on

2. If the rest of the bricklaying gang really wanted more money, why didn’t they keep working
when Andrew stopped to tell them one of his stories?

- When Harry talked to his gang, they felt the pressure to work to make more money than
laughing and talking. But it was a lot of fun working with Andrew. The nonscheduled
breaks stopped for a while. However, the patterned returned and repeated so many times
and went back to their old habits. I think Harry should have talked to all of the gang
including Andrew and talk things down to make everything clear and concise.

3. Harry felt that if a manager couldn’t motivate personnel with money, there wasn’t much left.
How else could a manager motivate his personnel?

- Harry was scared that his gang could have made more money if they stopped their
nonscheduled breaks. He wasn’t aware of the other things that their gang was doing like
being productive when they are working. He needs to change the way he manages by
being flexible and communicate to the gang more. Sometimes it’s good to take a break
from a hectic work as long as they keep their productivity in work.

4. Do you consider that Harry really had a problem with Andrew’s gang? After all, productivity
was high. Was the problem really Harry’s, because of his own ‘insecurity’?

- I think Harry is insecure of Andrew because Andrew gets more attention that Harry even
if he is the boss in their gang. Harry did something that concerns the gang’s behavior
because as the head of the team he is obliged to take action to what he thinks was wrong.
He wanted to show superiority and authority to his gang. But the problem lies within
Harry for the problem he thinks was never a problem. It could be a problem if they take
nonscheduled breaks and make things unproductive. The gang did their work right by
being productive when working setting aside the fun and get serious to what they are
doing. Harry should communicate to his gang more and try to motivate his gang to be
able to boost their productivity like camping or team building.

5. Should he have been prepared to defend his staff if Senior Management had commented on
their standing around talking?

- If Senior Management had commented on their standing around talking, he should

defend his gang because the gang is his people and family. I think every Site Manager
should know his or her people better than any other. He should be able to defend them
and explain why they are doing it. He could tell the Senior Management that even if taking
some unscheduled breaks, they are able to do their job effectively. He can also tell that
by taking some unscheduled breaks, the gang eases up the work they are doing by talking
and laughing. Every Site Manager has a different approach on how to ease up the work
and motivate the people.

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