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Social Media is an umbrella term that describes websites that (1) connect people and (2) involve user-

generated content. User-generated content is the hallmark of a social media site versus a traditional
website. This model contrasts with the editorially controlled style of old media. Social media is
sometimes called Web 2.0
Let's find out what Prof. Karan Bhatia has to share with us in this module.
Key learning points from this topic:

Top-Down Approach

Strategy vs Execution

Types of Social Media Platforms

Importance of Data & Metrics

Topic: 1.1 - What is Social Media?
Social media is the collective of online communications channels dedicated to community-based
input, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration. Websites and applications dedicated to
forums, micro blogging, social networking, social networking, social bookmarking, social curation
and wikis are among the different types of social media.
Key learning points from this topic:

Social Media is a Website or App that allows users to: create content, connect with others, share

We also understood what is bookmarking channels

Topic: 1.2 - Evolution & History of Social Media
Today, social media is a term that everyone knows. Even the most remote areas of the world have at least heard of
Facebook and Twitter, and are probably using them on a regular basis. But it wasn’t always that way. Social media,
in its present form, has been around a relatively short term and even though you probably can’t imagine living
without it now, except for the last few decades, everyone did.

Of course, how you define social media can determine where you actually start the history of the medium.

For example: some people define communication by letters via the postal service as social media, but most people
define it as the ability to use the internet to share and communicate instantly with others, even across great
distances. That means, that social media can be traced back to one website in particular – and no, it wasn’t

The Birth of Social Media can be traced back since 1997, let's understand the history and evolution in more detail
through the video below.

Key learning points from this topic:

1. History of Social Media

2. Current Platforms of Social Media
3. Importance to know which platform is best for which business
Topic: 1.3 - Current Landscape of Social Media
Every year, we take a look at the past year and make informed predictions of the year to come. Based on 2018’s
algorithm changes, privacy scandals, and the world political climate’s build-up, 2019 is poised for social media
networks to regain the trust of their users. You’ll notice the idea of “trust” as a vein that runs through most of the

The year is also ripe for more unique brand positioning campaigns. A direct result of more advertisers on social
media platforms is higher advertising costs. This year, we should expect to see more money invested in paid

Let us check out what Prof. Karan Bhatia has to say in this video.

 Key learning points from this topic:

1. Growth of Video content by 2020

2. How the component like live streaming has picked up to engage users
3. How AI helps in Social Media through Messengers & Chat-bots
4. Mobile-First Approach
5. Importance of Influencer Marketing for Brands

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