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Volume 14, Number 11, 2011

ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/cyber.2010.0445

Are Cyberbullies Less Empathic?

Adolescents’ Cyberbullying Behavior
and Empathic Responsiveness

Georges Steffgen, Ph.D.,1 Andreas König, M.S.,1 Jan Pfetsch, Ph.D.,2 and André Melzer, Ph.D.1


Meta-analyses confirm a negative relationship between aggressive behavior and empathy, that is, the ability to
understand and share the feelings of others. Based on theoretical considerations, it was, therefore, hypothesized
that a lack of empathic responsiveness may be characteristic for cyberbullies in particular. In the present study,
2.070 students of Luxembourg secondary schools completed an online survey that included a cyberbullying
questionnaire4 and a novel empathy short scale. According to the main hypothesis, analyses of variances
indicated that cyberbullies demonstrated less empathic responsiveness than non-cyberbullies. In addition, cy-
berbullies were also more afraid of becoming victims of cyberbullying. The findings confirm and substantially
extend the research on the relationship between empathy and aggressive behavior. From an educational point of
view, the present findings suggest that training of empathy skills might be an important tool to decrease

Introduction Irrespective of the differences just mentioned, the question

emerges as to whether cyberbullying is a covert form of
psychological bullying.4 If so, then the same causal risk and
C yberbullying is a recent phenomenon resulting
from the advancement of new communication tech-
nologies. It has been described as the deliberate and re-
protection factors or psychosocial correlates of becoming the
target or the perpetrator of traditional bullying might also
peated harm inflicted through the use of computers, cell apply to cyberbullying. In line with this notion, recent studies
phones, and other electronic devices,1 carried out as an ag- suggested that students’ roles in traditional bullying pre-
gressive act by a group or individual, against a victim who dicted the same behavior in cyberbullying.4–7
cannot easily defend himself.2 A great number of electronic
communication tools provide opportunities for cyberbully-
Cyberbullying and empathy
ing, including cell phones (e.g., text messages, pictures/
video clips) or the Internet (e.g., email, instant messaging, Empathy can be defined as sharing another person’s
and chat rooms). emotional state,8,9 for example, when observing another
Unlike traditional bullies, cyberbullies can benefit from person in distress. Hoffman10 sees empathy as a feeling that
greater anonymity, and many victims may not have the fits someone else’s condition more than one’s own, but this
knowledge or administrator rights to identify the user of an feeling does not have to match that of the other person ex-
anonymous email account or a mobile phone card.1 In addi- actly. For example, empathic persons may observe an angry
tion, cyberbullies have a stronger feeling of power and im- friend and feel themselves angry or sad or compassionate,
perviousness to sanctions than traditional bullies. Altogether, depending on the situation and the reason that caused the
cyberbullying appears to be a more pervasive phenomenon, angry feeling of the friend.
which may occur anywhere and at any time.3 With regard to Other approaches suggest that empathy involves both an
current communication technologies, there is no place for emotional and a cognitive dimension. Here, empathy is defined
cybervictims to hide. In contrast, perpetrators benefit from as the ability to understand and share another person’s emo-
the breadth of the audience and a greater invisibility com- tional state or context.11 Although no consensus has yet been
pared with traditional forms. reached among researchers, it is suggested to conceptualize

Research Unit INSIDE, University of Luxembourg, Walferdange, Luxembourg.
Berlin Institute of Technology, Institute of Education, Berlin, Germany.


empathy as a multidimensional construct with cognitive and relationship were explored, along with potential influences
emotional components12,13 that have to be taken into account to of the location of cyberbullying (inside or outside of school),
understand empathy as a fundamental emotional ability or medium of cyberbullying (internet or mobile phone), and
personality trait that differs between individuals and develops bullying status (being a traditional and cyberbully simulta-
from the cradle on.10,14 neously).
Two meta-analyses confirmed the negative relationship
between antisocial behavior and empathy.13,15 Both cognitive
and emotional empathy were shown to mitigate aggressive
behavior.13 To date, however, research has mainly focused Participants and procedure
on the link between empathy and aggression in general, and
The sample consisted of 2,070 students. A total of 941 (45.5
few studies addressed the empathic skills of traditional
percent) boys and 1.127 (54.5 percent) girls who attended 7th to
bullies. These studies revealed an inconsistent pattern. Some
13th grade classes in Luxembourg public secondary schools
studies reported a weak-to-moderate negative relationship
(56.9 percent were 7th to 9th graders) participated (2 missing
between empathy and bullying others.16–20 Other studies
values). A total of 73.3 percent (or 22 of 30) of all secondary
found a significant difference between prosocial children and
schools in Luxembourg participated. The mean age of the
bullies, but this difference disappeared when controlling
sample was 15.9 years (SD = 2.3; range: 12–24). Participants
for sex.21 Also, a negative relationship between empathy
received school permission to participate before data were
and bullying was observed either only for boys22 or only for
collected using an anonymous online survey. Classes were
girls (for affective empathy).19 Further, differences in trait
tested as a whole with students working on separate PCs in
empathy were found between bullies and non-bullies for
computer science rooms. Students participated voluntarily and
boys regarding violent bullying and for girls regarding in-
without remuneration. They were assured that data would be
direct bullying.19
treated confidentially and were allowed to end the study
As just mentioned, cyberbullies can remain more anony-
whenever they wanted. Only a few participants (1.1 percent)
mous and distant than traditional face-to-face bullies and,
had to be excluded from analyses because of missing data.
hence, will less likely observe the immediate consequences of
Of all the participants, 68.1 percent had Internet access at
their behavior. Therefore, cyberbullies may even experience
school, 94.6 percent at home, 39.6 percent at a friend’s place,
less empathy for their victims than traditional bullies.23 Al-
and 7.2 percent at other places. 93.2 percent reported having
ternatively, cyberbullying may particularly attract persons
their own mobile phone. 54.1 percent indicated spending
with low trait empathy. However, first research findings are
‘‘more than 1 hour/day’’ on the internet; 34.3 percent, ‘‘sev-
inconsistent. In one study, cyberbullies were not found to
eral hours a week’’; 7.9 percent, ‘‘several hours per month’’;
have a lack of empathy in comparison to victims, bully vic-
and 3.8 percent, ‘‘never or almost never.’’
tims, and non-involved persons,24 which is at odds with
findings on traditional bullying. In contrast, another study
found lower peer-estimated values of empathy for cyber-
bullies than for non-cyberbullies, although the sample size Cyberbullying questionnaire. A German short version of
was quite small (N = 71).25 A third study used self-reports to the cyberbullying questionnaire was used.2 Each of the 30
measure empathy and cyberbullying and found a weak items used a 6-point ordinal scale (almost daily, several times
negative relationship between the constructs for the overall a week, about once a week, about once a month, 1–3 times a
sample.26 In all three studies, empathy was understood as a year, never). Students indicated how often they had become
general personality trait and not directly related to a specific victims, perpetrators, or witnesses of traditional or cyber-
ability to understand and share another person’s emotional bullying, in the current school year (the study was conducted
state in the context of current communication technologies. at the end of the school year). Then, participants were asked
In sum, the empirical basis is still sparse. Findings are in- how often they had become victims of cyberbullying or ac-
consistent and based on trait measures of general empathy. tively cyberbullied others, both inside or outside school, and
Studies are also limited, in part, for reasons of sample size. for each of six media types (i.e., text message, picture/video
Therefore, no clear conclusion can be drawn about the rela- clip, phone call, email, websites/chat room, or instant mes-
tionship between empathy and cyberbullying. Nevertheless, saging). For the purpose of this study, students who indicated
this question is especially interesting, because low empathy having bullied others at least ‘‘about once a month’’ during
can be considered a risk factor for aggressive or offending the previous year were categorized as ‘‘(cyber)bullies.’’
behavior in general.13,15 If empathy turns out to be negatively
related to cyberbullying as well, prevention efforts should Empathy scale. A novel scale was designed for the
include a training of empathy for cyber victims to diminish present study. Lack of empathy was measured with three
cyberbullying. items specific to the context of cyberbullying. Students indi-
Given the shortcomings in the literature, the aim of the cated their agreement to statements on a 5-point Likert scale
present study was to examine further the role of empathy (fully agree, slightly agree, partly agree/disagree, slightly
for cyberbullying. In particular, the hypothesis was tested disagree, totally disagree; see Table 1).28
that cyberbullies show less empathy than non-cyberbullies In addition, fear of cyber victimization and preference for
(see also ref.27). Drawing from the literature about tra- ‘‘virtual’’ contacts were tested with three items each, using the
ditional bullying and empathy, we hypothesized to find same Likert scale.
a negative relationship not only between empathy and tra-
ditional bullying but also between empathy and cyber- Demographic questionnaire. Students recorded their sex,
bullying. In addition, age and sex differences for this age, and overall years in school.

Table 1. Scales, Item Wordings, and Statistical Values bullies showed a greater lack of empathy for others being
victimized than non-cyberbullies (F(1, 2,065) = 29.71; p < 0.001).
Item rit Conbach’s a However, no differences were found between victims and
Lack of empathy 0.69 non-victims of cyberbullying (F(1, 2,065) = 0.17; p = 0.68; see
I find websites that make fun of 0.46 Table 2 for group means). There was no significant effect for
other people funny/amusing. sex (F(1, 2,065) = 1.84; p = 0.18) and no significant interaction (F(1,
Persons being harassed or threatened 0.57 2,065) = 1.91; p = 0.17).
via cell phone or internet deserve so. With regard to traditional bullying, a similar pattern of
Everyone should be allowed to spread 0.47 results was observed. A greater lack of empathy was found
anything he wants via his for bullies than for non-bullies (F(1, 2,063) = 61.39; p < 0.001) and
own website. for boys than for girls (F(1, 2,063) = 6.06; p < 0.05). The interac-
Preference for ‘‘virtual’’ contacts 0.68 tion was not significant (F(1, 2,063) = 1.06; p = 0.30).
I have more online friends 0.51 However, bullying behavior of both, boys (F(1, 937) = 28.57;
than normal friends. p < 0.001) and girls (F(1, 1125) = 33.25; p < 0.001), was signifi-
It’s easier to make friends online than 0.46 cantly associated with a greater lack of empathy. Again, no
in everyday life/real life.
differences were found between victims and non-victims of
I use my cell phone more often 0.51
to send others text messages than bullying (see Table 3 for group means).
to speak with them directly. Of N = 103 cyberbullies, 82.5 percent were also traditional
bullies (N = 85). To test whether being both traditional
Fear of cyber victimization 0.79
I am afraid of being harassed 0.59 and cyberbully adds to the effect, a 2 · 2 ANOVA was per-
or threatened via cell phone formed for the subsample of cyberbullies only. Results
or internet. showed a marginally significant main effect indicating a
I feel physically bad/sick, because 0.62 greater lack of empathy for cyberbullies who were also
I’m being harassed or threatened traditional bullies compared with nonbullies (F(1, 102) = 1.95;
by cell phone or internet. p = 0.05). Both the main effect for sex (F(1, 102) = 1.81; p = 0.18)
I often do not want to go 0.70 and the interaction effect were not significant (F(1, 102) = 2.16;
to school, because I’m being p = 0.15).
harassed or threatened. No significant correlations were found between age and
lack of empathy (r = 0.03; p = 0.08, N = 2,052), or between age
and the intensity of cyberbullying (r = 0.02 [Kendall’s Tau];
Results p = 0.29, N = 2,047). Also, an ANOVA comparing different age
groups among cyberbullies yielded no significant differences
Traditional bullying, cyberbullying, and empathy
in their lack of empathy (F(4, 99) = 1.87; p = 0.12; see Table 4).
To test for overall mean differences in cyberbullying, a Compared with non-victims, victims of traditional bully-
series of 2 · 2 (bullies vs. non-bullies; boys vs. girls) analyses ing were also more afraid of becoming cybervictims
of variances (ANOVAs) was performed, with empathy for (F(1, 2,062) = 9.14; p < 0.01, for the main effect, see Table 3 for
the cybervictim serving as the dependent variable. Cyber- group means). This is especially true for the female sample

Table 2. Mean Preference for ‘‘Virtual’’ Contacts,

Lack of Empathy, and Fear of Cyber Victimization Table 3. Mean Preference for ‘‘Virtual’’ Contacts,
for Cyberbullies and Non-Cyberbullies Lack of Empathy, and Fear of Cyber Victimization
for Bullies, Non-Bullies, Victims, and Non-Victims
Non-cyberbullies Cyberbullies F p
Non-bullies Bullies F p
Preference 2.47 (1.05) 2.83 (1.12) 10.90 < 0.01
for ’’virtual’’ Preference 2.60 (1.02) 2.65 (0.96) 1.21 n.s.
contacts for’’virtual’’
Lack of empathy 2.31 (1.04) 2.72 (1.06) 29.71 < 0.001 contacts
Fear of cyber 1.96 (1.11) 2.39 (1.36) 14.44 < 0.001 Lack of empathy 2.28 (1.03) 2.84 (1.05) 61.39 < 0.001
victimization Anxiousness about 1.99 (1.13) 1.98 (1.13) 0.03 n.s.
being cyberbullied
Non-victim of Victim of
cyberbullying cyberbullying Non-victim of Victim of
bullying bullying
Preference 2.61 (1.02) 2.67 (0.95) 1.27 n.s. Preference 2.59 (1.01) 2.68 (0.97) 3.13 n.s.
for ‘‘virtual’’ for ‘‘virtual’’
contacts contacts
Lack of empathy 2.37 (1.06) 2.28 (1.00) 0.17 n.s. Lack of empathy 2.42 (0.99) 2.46 (0.96) 0.44 n.s.
Fear of cyber 1.96 (1.14) 2.11 (1.03) 4.13 < 0.05 Anxiousness about 1.93 (1.13) 2.11 (1.11) 9.14 < 0.01
victimization being cyberbullied

Standard deviations are given in parentheses. Standard deviations are given in parentheses.
n.s., not significant. n.s., not significant.

Table 4. Mean Lack of Empathy for Different Empathy and cyberbullying: being both bully and victim
Age Groups of Cyberbullies
It has been argued that differences in empathy between
Age M n bullies and non-bullies may result from the inclusion of per-
sons who are both cyberbullies and victims of cyberbully-
12–13 2.88 (1.40) 17 ing.24 This was tested by splitting the sample into four
14–15 2.51 (1.13) 36 groups, taking into account their status both as victims and
16–17 2.98 (0.96) 15
perpetrators. The resulting four groups (neither cyberbully
18–19 3.19 (1.07) 21
20–24 3.39 (1.24) 11 nor victim: ‘‘non-involved,’’ cybervictim-only, cyberbully-
only, and ‘‘cyberbully and victim’’) were compared in a 4 · 2
Standard deviations are given in parentheses. ANOVA with sex as second independent variable. Results
show a significant main effect on lack of empathy for the
created grouping variable regarding the perpetrator/victim
(F(1, 1127) = 22.32; p < 0.001). Also, cyberbullies were more status (F(3, 2,056) = 10.87; p < 0.001, see Table 5 for group
afraid of being cyber-victimized themselves (F(1, 2,063) = 14.44; means), but not for sex (F(1, 2,056) = 2.79; p = .10; F(3, 2,056) = 1.05;
p < 0.001; see Table 2). Although in the 2 · 2 (cyberbullies vs. p = .37, for the interaction).
noncyberbullies; boys vs. girls) ANOVA, the main effect for A post hoc analysis (Scheffé test) revealed significant dif-
sex (F(1, 2,063) = 2.89; p = .095) and the interaction effect ferences for the cyberbully-only group compared with the
(F(1, 2,063) = 3.20; p = .074) were only marginally significant, a ‘‘not-involved’’ group (mean difference = 0.71, p < 0.001) and
test of the simple main effects showed that this was only true the cybervictim-only group (mean difference = 0.69, p < 0.01),
for female (F(1, 1126) = 17.35; p < 0.001), but not for male cy- and a tendency compared with the ‘‘cyberbully and victim’’
berbullies (F(1, 936) = 1.81; p = .18). group (mean difference = 0.60, p = .07).

Empathy and cyberbullying via mobile

phone or Internet
In the present study, cyberbullies showed less empathy for
Two 2 · 2 (cyberbullies vs. non-cyberbullies; boys vs. girls)
others being victimized than non-cyberbullies, those who
ANOVAs were performed to further explore the differences in
have become both cyberbullies and victims, and those who
empathy depending on the specific media used for perpetra-
were not at all involved in cyberbullying. The present results
tion. A group variable for ‘‘Internet bullies’’ was computed by
are, therefore, in line with studies documenting a negative
combining bullying behavior using chat rooms, email, and
relationship between empathy and cyberbullying25,26 and in
instant messengers. In contrast, ‘‘mobile phone bullies’’ com-
contrast to results stating no lack of empathy of cyberbul-
prised bullying via mobile phone calls, sending pictures
lies,24 perhaps due to the use of a different instrument to
or short messages to the victim. Both mobile phone bullies
measure empathy.24
(F(1, 2,065) = 44.20; p < 0.001, for the main effect) and Internet
In contrast to other studies, empathy was tested using
bullies (F(1, 2,065) = 31.61; p < 0.001, for the main effect) showed a
items that focused on the cyber context exclusively. We be-
greater lack of empathy than did non-cyberbullies. Ad-
lieve that it is important to account for the greater anonymity
ditionally, the ANOVA comparing Internet bullies to non-
of the cyberbully (compared to the traditional bully) and the
bullies indicated a significant sex difference with men showing
lack of immediate feedback from the victim. However, future
a greater lack of empathy than women (F(1, 2,064) = 9.86;
research should include both general and context-specific
p < 0.01).
measures of empathy to further examine differences between
empathy in online and offline situations.
Empathy and cyberbullying inside or outside of school
In addition, only few sex effects were observed. Type of
An equivalent grouping variable was computed for cy- media (Internet versus cell phone) or location of perpetration
berbullies perpetrating from inside versus outside school. (inside versus outside school) did not matter at all. Alto-
Again, two 2 · 2 ANOVA indicated that cyberbullies both gether, these findings are in line with studies showing a
within school (F(1, 2,060) = 48.27; p < 0.001, for the main effect) negative relationship between empathy and aggression.15
and outside school (F(1, 2,064) = 46.45; p < 0.001, for the main It is important to note that the literature on the relation of
effect) showed a greater lack of empathy than non- empathy and bullying is not entirely clear cut. However,
cyberbullies. In addition, and with regard to cyberbullies mixed results are likely to reflect differences in methodology:
outside school, boys showed a significantly greater lack of most studies that found an overall negative relationship be-
empathy than girls (F(1, 2,064) = 7.88; p < 0.01). tween empathy and bullying used self-reported bullying

Table 5. Mean Lack of Empathy for the Different Roles in Cyberbullying

Role of cyberbullies and victims

Non-involved Cybervictim only Cyberbully only Cyberbully and victim F p

Lack of empathy 2.33 (1.04) 2.36 (1.08) 3.04 (1.15) 2.44 (1.09) 10.87 < 0.001
N 1901 61 74 29

Standard deviations are given in parentheses.


scales, including the present study.16–20 In contrast, studies sponses when the consequences of a violent act were high-
that yielded mixed or sex-moderated effects used peer reports lighted.30
of bullying behavior.21,22 Since self-report measures of em-
pathy can focus on mental states (e.g., affective and cognitive Acknowledgment
processes) and peer-report measures heavily rely on visible,
behavioral expressions of empathy (e.g., verbal statements or We thank Luc Bredemus for data collecting.
helping behavior in favor of a victim), future research should
compare both measurement types directly. Disclosure Statement
The present study further suggests that a lack of empathy
No competing financial interests exist.
might be a risk factor for cyberbullying behavior. Therefore,
our findings have important implications for prevention and
intervention. With regard to the development of new anti- References
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Address correspondence to:
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23. Pornari C, Wood J. Peer and cyber aggression in secondary Prof. Georges Steffgen
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24. Almeida A, Marinho S, Esteves C, Gomes S, Correia I. Vir- Route de Diekirch
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book 20th Biennial ISSBD Meeting. Würzburg, Germany,
2008. E-mail:

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