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Influence of Instruction on Velocity and Accuracy in Soccer Kicking of

Experienced Soccer Players

Article  in  Journal of Motor Behavior · April 2014

DOI: 10.1080/00222895.2014.898609 · Source: PubMed

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Roland van den Tillaar Aleksander Ulvik

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Influence of Instruction on Velocity and Accuracy in

Soccer Kicking of Experienced Soccer Players
a a
Roland van den Tillaar & Aleksander Ulvik
Department of Teacher Education of Nord Trøndelag University College, Levanger, Norway
Published online: 28 Apr 2014.

To cite this article: Roland van den Tillaar & Aleksander Ulvik (2014): Influence of Instruction on Velocity and Accuracy in
Soccer Kicking of Experienced Soccer Players, Journal of Motor Behavior, DOI: 10.1080/00222895.2014.898609

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Journal of Motor Behavior, Vol. 46, No. 5, 2014
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Influence of Instruction on Velocity and Accuracy in Soccer
Kicking of Experienced Soccer Players
Roland van den Tillaar, Aleksander Ulvik
Department of Teacher Education of Nord Trøndelag University College, Levanger, Norway.

ABSTRACT. The authors’ aim was to investigate the speed-accu- throwing. All these studies used instructions that emphasize
racy tradeoff in soccer kicking with the dominant and nondomi- velocity, accuracy or both in different throwing tasks
nant foot by using different types of instructions prioritizing speed
or accuracy in experienced soccer players. Ten male soccer play-
(Etnyre, 1998; Indermill & Husak, 1984; van den Tillaar &
ers were randomly given 1 of the 4 instructions that differed in Ettema, 2003, 2006). The discrepancy in findings may be
aspects of the kick they should emphasize and what the secondary caused by the different target size, distance, and type of
aim would be (speed or accuracy). It was found that ball velocity movement. Etnyre used dart throwing, in which the main
was affected by instruction in the expected way: emphasis on focus is on accuracy, while in team handball the throwing
accuracy and ball velocity reduced for both kicking feet. In addi-
tion kicking accuracy increased when emphasizing this, but only velocity is also very important to score goals.
with the dominant foot indicating that Fitts’ law only was found in All previous studies in the speed-accuracy tradeoff on
kicks with the dominant foot. fast discrete movements were performed in throwing,
Downloaded by [Roland van den Tillaar] at 13:15 30 April 2014

which is executed with arms. Arms are generally used for

Keywords: dominant–nondominant, Fitts’ law, performance,
speed-accuracy tradeoff more fine motor tasks such as grasping and writing, while
the lower limbs are mainly used for gross motor tasks such
as walking, jumping, and running. The differences in main
purpose between the limbs can thereby influence the speed-
V elocity and accuracy of kicking are two dominant fac-
tors in kicking in sports such as soccer, rugby, and
American football. To make a goal-directed kick there are
accuracy tradeoff in a different way. Soccer kicking is a
good example of a fast discrete movement with the lower
several possible strategies; one is simply kick as fast as pos- limbs that is very much used in different sports in which
sible without any intent to aim accurately, trying to surprise both speed and accuracy are both very important. Further-
the opponent by the velocity of the ball. Another strategy is more, in soccer a lot of times both feet are used for kicking.
to kick the ball as accurately as possible, trying to keep the However, it is not precisely known how the kicking perfor-
ball out off reach of the opponent. mance is influenced by instructions that emphasize veloc-
Earlier studies have reported different tradeoffs between ity, accuracy, or both. To our best knowledge only two
velocity and accuracy that apply to different movement studies have investigated soccer kicks based on max kick-
classes and were based on different theoretical principles ing speed and accuracy (Andersen & D€orge, 2011; Lees &
(Fitts, 1954; Schmidt, Zelaznik, & Frank, 1978; Schmidt, Nolan, 2002) and found that by prioritizing accuracy the
Zelaznik, Hawkins, Frank, & Quinn, 1979; Plamondon & kicking ball velocity decreased to 75% (Lees & Nolan,
Alimi, 1997). For example, Fitts’ law showed a logarithmic 2002) to 85% (Andersen & D€orge, 2011). However, in
function between speed and accuracy, which Fitts based on these studies very few subjects were included (two and
principles of limited information processing capacity. seven). Furthermore, accuracy was only measured as a hit
Schmidt et al. (1978; 1979) found a tradeoff relationship or miss that does not give detailed enough information. In
between the magnitude and variability of force for a large addition, only two instructions were used in these studies:
force range in simple static as well as dynamic actions. kick as fast as possible and hit the target. It seems reason-
However, most of these studies were performed on simple able to suggest that in kicking as fast as possible is initiated
or cyclical tasks and perhaps not suitable for fast discrete by a different control and movement strategy than when
movements that often are used in sports like throwing and having to aim as precise as possible. Detailed knowledge
kicking (van den Tillaar & Ettema, 2003). According to may help elucidate the underlying mechanisms of the
Indermill and Husak (1984) and Etnyre (1998) in these speed-accuracy tradeoff (e.g., Fitts, 1954; Plamondon &
types of movements throwing velocity and accuracy were Alimi, 1997). Furthermore, the findings may have practical
influenced in an inverse manner. In contrast, van den Till- implications regarding training instructions.
aar and Ettema (2003, 2006) showed that this only happens Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate
partly. They found that throwing velocity decreases when the effect of type of instruction on the kicking performance
accuracy is more important, but that the accuracy of the (velocity and accuracy) with the dominant and
performance is not better when focusing on accuracy and
thereby did not follow Fitts’ law. Therefore, Van den Till-
Correspondence address: Roland van den Tillaar, Depart-
aar and Ettema (2006) suggested that it is the characteristics ment of Teacher Education of Nord Trøndelag University Col-
of the task that causes the lack of the appearance of the lege, Odins veg 23, 7603 Levanger, Norway. e-mail: roland.
speed-accuracy tradeoff in team handball overarm tillaar@hint.no

R. van den Tillaar & A. Ulvik

nondominant foot in experienced soccer players. Because in  0.05 m, soccer experience ¼ 14.5  2.5 years) playing
overarm throwing the speed-accuracy tradeoff stated by in the second-fifth division of the national competition par-
Fitts’ law (1954) was not followed and it was suggested ticipated in this study. All the participants had their right
that it is the characteristics of the task that causes the lack foot as dominant kicking foot. A written informed consent
of the appearance of the speed-accuracy tradeoff, it is inter- was obtained prior to all testing from all subjects and the
esting to investigate if the same results will be found in study complied with the approval of the local committee
soccer kicking. As a result of this the same setup and for medical research ethics and the current ethical standards
hypothesis was formulated as in the throwing studies of van in sports and exercise research.
den Tillaar and Ettema (2003, 2006) to make it possible to
compare the findings directly with overarm throwing. It
was hypothesized that instructions where the focus was on
accuracy would result in lower kicking velocities than those After a general warmup of 10 min (jogging and specific
where the focus was on velocity and that accuracy was not kicking drills to warm up the body and to avoid injury
influenced by instruction. Furthermore, that kicking with under testing), kicking performance was tested for starting
the dominant and nondominant foot would show the same diagonal from a 3 m distance. The participants were given
development, but with a lower accuracy and kicking veloc- a series of tasks that differed in instructions for what
ity with the nondominant foot. Different results from these aspects of the kick they should emphasize and what the sec-
throwing studies (van den Tillaar & Ettema, 2003, 2006) ondary aim would be. The four instructions were modified
Downloaded by [Roland van den Tillaar] at 13:15 30 April 2014

suggest that the type of movement and used limbs would be from earlier studies of van den Tillaar and Ettema (2003,
of importance in the speed-accuracy tradeoff. 2006) in overarm throwing who used five instructions. In
the first task (Vo), the instruction was to kick as hard as pos-
Method sible to determine maximal ball velocity. Therefore, in this
Ten experienced male soccer players (age ¼ 22.0  instruction, individuals were not asked to aim at the actual
2.5 years, body mass ¼ 70.8  6.4 kg, body height ¼ 1.85 target (the soccer goal) to ensure that the subjects would
not prioritize accuracy at all. In the second task, the instruc-
tion was to kick as fast as possible (maximum velocity)
with a secondary aim to kick accurate (VA). In the third
task the opposite of the second instruction was given: the
main aim was to hit the center of the target and second aim
to kick as fast as possible (Av). In the last task, the only aim
was to hit the target (Ao). No absolute constraints were set
regarding velocity and accuracy, merely prioritization. The
actual verbal instructions are given subsequently.

(Vo) Kick the ball as fast as possible straight for-

wards in the goal.
(VA) Kick the ball as fast as possible and try to hit
the center of the target.
(Av) Hit the center of the target and try to kick the
ball as fast as possible.
(Ao) Hit the center of the target.

The target was a 1  1 square in a standard soccer goal

on the middle of the goal at 1.25 m height (Figure 1). Kick-
ing distance was 11 m. A regular senior soccer ball for men
(weight approximately 0.45 kg, with diameter 68 cm) was
used. Each subject was asked to kick eight times according
FIGURE 1. Experimental setup indicating target size and to each instruction with each leg, leading a total of 32 kicks
distance, and measures used to express accuracy. Mean
per leg per subject. The different instructions were given in
radial error was measured as the average of absolute dis-
tance to the centre of the target (a). The subject’s own mid- a random order to avoid that learning, fatigue, or any other
point is measured as the average hit location over all trials time related effect might affect the results in a systematic
per instruction per subject. Centroid error is the absolute way. The random order was determined by a random num-
distance of the subject’s own midpoint to absolute target ber generator. The subjects had approximately 40–60 s of
midpoint (b). Bivariate variable error, also referred to as
rest between each attempt (van den Tillaar & Ettema, 2003,
consistency, is the average of the absolute distance to the
subject’s own midpoint (c). 2006). The next kick was performed when the participant
felt that he was ready for it. Not more than eight kicks

288 Journal of Motor Behavior

Speed Accuracy in Soccer Kicking

according to each instruction and with each kicking foot measured with a ruler with an accuracy in mm. when the
were performed to avoid an effect of fatigue on velocity or video camera was connected to a 0.61.0 m flat screen.
accuracy (van den Tillaar & Ettema, 2003, 2006). All kicks The 11 m target was used as calibration frame.
were performed within a 40–50-min time period.
Measurements To assess the effects of instruction on velocity and accu-
Maximal ball kicking velocity was determined using a racy in kicks with the dominant and nondominant leg, a
Doppler radar gun (Stalker ATS II, Applied Concepts Inc., repeated measures 2 Kicking Foot (dominant, nondomi-
Plano, TX), with 0.028 m/s accuracy within a field of 10 nant)  4 Instruction (Vo, VA, AV, Ao) analysis of variance
from the gun. The radar gun was located 1 m behind the (ANOVA) was used. When significant differences were
participant at ball height during the kick. found also a one-way ANOVA was performed on each
Kicking accuracy was measured (50 Hz) with a video kicking foot. In the case that the sphericity assumption was
camera (Sony HDR A-S15, Tokyo, Japan) at a distance of violated, the Greenhouse-Geisser adjustments of the p val-
15 m from the goal. The camera was placed such that the ues are reported in the results. A post hoc test using Holm-
subject did not obstruct the visual field of the camera Bonferroni probability adjustments was used to locate sig-
toward the goal (Figure 1). The projection of a regular sized nificant differences. All variables are expressed as M  SD.
soccer goal (2.447.32 m) was in the vision of the video Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 21.0 for
Downloaded by [Roland van den Tillaar] at 13:15 30 April 2014

camera with the target exactly in the middle. The position Windows (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL).
of the centre of the ball was measured at the moment that
the ball struck the goal. Mean radial error (MRE), bivariate Results
variable error (BVE), and centroid error as described by
Hancock, Butler, and Fishman (1995) and van den Tillaar For both kicks with the dominant and nondominant foot,
and Ettema (2003, 2006) were used as a measurement of there was a significant influence of instruction on ball
accuracy (Figure 1). MRE was measured as the average of velocities (main instruction effect; F(1.8, 16.6) ¼ 43.6,
absolute distance to the center of the target (Figure 1: dis- p < 0.001, h2 ¼ .83. Post hoc comparison showed that the
tance a). Each subject’s midpoint was measured as the aver- ball velocity was significantly higher when there was no
age hit location over all trials for each instruction. The aim of accuracy (instruction Vo) and that the ball velocity
absolute distance of a subject’s midpoint to the absolute was significantly lower when the aim was only accuracy
midpoint is called the bias or centroid error (Figure 1: dis- (instruction Ao; Figure 2). When performing a one-way
tance b). The BVE, also referred to as consistency, was ANOVA on each kicking foot post hoc comparisons
measured, as the average of the absolute distance to the showed that the ball velocity only was significantly higher
subject’s own midpoint (Figure 1: distance c). The x and y for instruction Vo with the dominant kicking foot and not
positions of the ball from the center of the target were with the nondominant foot (Figure 2). In addition, ball
velocity was significantly higher when kicking with the
dominant foot compared with the nondominant one, F(1, 9)
¼ 30.6, p < .001, h2 ¼ .78). However, post hoc comparison
showed no significant difference in ball velocity between
the kicking feet for instruction Ao. The relationship
between instruction and ball velocity was the same for the
kicks with both feet (no kicking foot-instruction interaction,
F(1.2, 11.0) ¼ 3.36, p ¼ .87, h2 ¼ .27 (Figure 2).
Accuracy with the dominant foot was significantly higher
than with the nondominant foot for all three measurements
(centroid error, BVE, and MRE) of accuracy, F(1, 9) 
9.21, p  .014, h2 ¼ .51. Post hoc comparison showed that
only the accuracy was significantly higher with the domi-
nant foot in all instructions except instruction Av (p 
.066). Accuracy was also significantly influenced by
instruction for the BVE, F(3, 27) ¼ 6.7, p ¼ .002, h2 ¼ .43,
FIGURE 2. Average peak ball velocity per instruction and and MRE, F(3, 27) ¼ 4.4, p ¼ .012, h2 ¼ .33, but not for
kicking leg. Significant difference in maximal ball veloc- the centroid error, F(1.9, 17.0) ¼ 1.1, p ¼ .36, h2 ¼ .11
ity on a .05 level between the kicks with the dominant and
nondominant foot. ySignificant lower–higher maximal ball (Figure 3). On the other hand a one-way ANOVA on each
velocity on a .05 level for this type of instruction compared kicking foot showed that there was only a significant
with all other instructions for this kicking foot. instruction effect found for BVE and MRE for the dominant
kicking foot: BVE, F(3, 27) ¼ 7.6, p ¼ .001; MRE, F(3, 27)

2014, Vol. 46, No. 5 289

R. van den Tillaar & A. Ulvik

instruction in the expected way: emphasis on accuracy and

ball velocity reduced for both kicking feet (Figure 2). In
addition kicking accuracy increased when emphasizing
this. However, this only occurred with the dominant foot
and not with the nondominant foot (Figure 3). Furthermore,
in general the kicking velocity was higher and more accu-
rate with the dominant compared with kicks performed
with the nondominant foot (Figures 2 and 3).
The maximal ball velocity in our study was higher
(28.8 vs. 25.5 m/s) than in the study of Lees and Nolan
(2002), who used professional soccer players, while it
was similar (29.0 m/s) to the study of Andersen and
D€orge (2011). These differences in results can be
explained by the target position. In the study of Lees and
Nolan the two soccer players had to hit the right top cor-
ner, while in our study the subjects had to kick straight.
This would demand other kinematics of the subject and
thereby lower ball velocities.
Downloaded by [Roland van den Tillaar] at 13:15 30 April 2014

A clear tradeoff between velocity and task prioritization

of accuracy was indicated for both kicking feet. Kicking
with the dominant foot showed that velocity decreases
together with a significant increase in accuracy (measured
by MRE and BVE), while prioritizing accuracy (Figures 2
and 3). This follows Fitts’ law (1954) that suggested that
one can only prioritize speed or accuracy and not both. It
suggests that prioritizing accuracy will lead to another kick-
ing strategy as shown by the decreased kicking velocity. As
Fitts suggested it could be the result of limited information
processing capacity. This could result in a lower in run
velocity and kicking kinematics and thereby a lower kick-
ing velocity (Andersen & D€orge, 2011). However, no kine-
matic analysis was performed that could state this. Future
FIGURE 3. Average bivariate variable error (BVE), mean
studies should include kinematic analysis to investigate
radial error (MRE), and centroid error (CE) per instruction what exactly happens to gain more information what the
and kicking leg. Significant difference in accuracy on a cause of differences in kicking velocity is.
.05 level between the kicks with the dominant and non- In kicks with the nondominant foot also the velocity
dominant foot. ySignificant lower mean radial error and decreased significantly when the only aim was accuracy
BVE on a .05 level for this type of instruction compared
with all other instructions for this kicking foot.
and thereby following Fitts’ law (1954). Nonetheless,
the accuracy of the kicks did not significantly change. A
reasonable explanation for this was experience. Subjects
were not used to kick accurately and hard with their
¼ 8.7, p < .001, and not for the nonkicking foot: BVE, F(3, nondominant leg, which also was shown by the signifi-
27) ¼ 1.9, p ¼ .16; MRE, F(3, 27) ¼ 1.0, p ¼ .39. Post hoc cantly lower kicking velocity and accuracy (Figures 2
comparison on the dominant foot showed that for MRE and and 3).
BVE in instruction A0 were significantly more accurate The results of our study were not in accordance to the
than at all other instructions (Figure 3). Furthermore, no similar studies of van den Tillaar and Ettema (2003, 2006)
interaction effect was found for neither accuracy variable, in overarm throwing. Van den Tillaar & Ettema, (2003,
F(3, 27)  4.4, p  .14, h2  .05. 2006) also found that the throwing velocity was affected,
but the accuracy did not increase when prioritizing accu-
racy. Possible explanations for these differences are that in
overarm throwing accuracy is easier (van den Tillaar &
In this study the effect of instructions prioritizing veloc- Ettema, 2003) to establish as shown by the higher accuracy
ity, accuracy, or both on soccer kicking performance (ball measurements of BVE (0.26 vs. 0.81 m) and MRE (0.3 vs.
velocity and hitting accuracy) with the dominant and non- 0.94 m). In addition the distance of kicking (11 vs. 7 m)
dominant foot in experienced soccer players was examined. and target sizes (1  1 m vs. 0.5  0.5 m) were different
The main findings were that ball velocity was affected by between throwing and kicking that could influence the

290 Journal of Motor Behavior

Speed Accuracy in Soccer Kicking

accuracy. Another point that shows that another strategy instruction Vo should be used in training and competition
was used in kicking compared with overarm throwing was by soccer players.
the average velocity in instruction Ao. In this instruction in
overarm throwing the ball velocity was around 85% of REFERENCES
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Revised December 12, 2013
makes it much easier for the goalkeeper to react on the Accepted February 23, 2014
kick. Therefore, based on the findings of the current study

2014, Vol. 46, No. 5 291

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