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The T-dS

Equations & Diagrams

Meeting 9

Section 4-3 & 4-4

The Entropy is a PROPERTY

The entropy
between two
specific states
is the same
whether the
process is
reversible or
We can write entropy change as an
equality by adding a new term:
 δQ   Joules 
∆S1,2 = ∫1  T  A + Sgen 
 K 

entropy entropy
entropy transfer generation or
change, due to heat production,Sgenr0
∆Sr0 or
transfer, Qr0 or <0
Sgen ≥ 0 ; not a property. The larger the irreversibilities, the
greater the value of the entropy production

• Sgen > 0 is an actual irreversible process.

• Sgen = 0 is a reversible process.
• Sgen < 0 is an impossible process.
The Tds Equations
In previous slides, we
developed a new
property, entropy
 δq 
s 2 − s1 = ∫  
T  int rev
kJ Btu
Units are or
kg ⋅ K lbm ⋅ R
The entropy of a pure substance is determined
The Entropy Change of a
from the tables, just as for any other property

Pure Substance

It is tabulated just like u, v, and h: s = s f + x( s g − s f )

And, for compressed or s( T , p ) ≅ s f ( T )

subcooled liquids,
T-s Diagram for Water
v P
• Use the thermodynamic tables from your book
to find the entropy of the water at:

• 50 kPa and 500°C. Specify the units.

• 9,1546 kJ/Kkg (super-aquecido)

• 100°C and a quality of 50%. Specify the units.

• (1,3069+7,3549)/2 kJ/Kkg (saturado)

• 1 MPa and 120°C. Specify the units .

1,5276 kJ/Kkg (liq. Comprimido)
T-s diagram
Recall that the P-v diagram was very
important in first law analysis, and that

w = ∫ Pdv
Work was the area under the curve.
On a T-S diagram, the area under
Heat Transfer for Internally the process curve represents the
Reversible Processes heat transfer for internally
reversible processes
Q rev = ∫ TdS

Derivation of Tds equations:
The 1st Law: δQ − δW = dU
The work is given by: δW = PdV
For a reversible TdS = δQ

Substituting gives: TdS = dU + PdV

Or on a per unit
mass basis: Tds = du + Pdv
Tds Equations
•Entropy is a property.
•The Tds expression that we just derived expresses
entropy in terms of other properties.
•The properties are independent of path….
•We can use the Tds equation we just derived to
calculate the entropy change between any two states:

Tds = du + Pdv
Tds Equations
Starting with enthalpy h = u + Pv, it is possible
to develop a second Tds equation:

dh = d (u + Pv)
= du
+ vdP


= Tds + vdP

Tds = dh − vdP
Tds equations
• These two Tds relations have many uses
in thermodynamics and serve as the
starting point in developing entropy-
change relations for processes.

Tds = du + Pdv
Tds = dh − vdP
Entropy change of an
Pure substance
• The entropy-change and isentropic
relations for a process can be
summarized as follows:
1.Pure substances:

Any process: ∆s = s2 - s1 [kJ/(kg-K)]

Isentropic process: s2 = s1
The entropy change for an
incompressible substance:
We start with the first Tds equation:

Tds = C v ( T ) dT + Pdv
For incompressible substances, v ≅ const, so dv = 0.
We also know that Cv(T) = C(T), so we can write:
ds = [C ( T ) T ]dT → s 2 − s 1 = ∫ [C ( T ) T ]dT
If the specific heat does not vary with temperature:
 T2 
s 2 − s 1 = C ln  T 
 1
Sample Problem
Aluminum at 100oC is placed in a large, insulated tank having
10 kg of water at a temperature of 30oC. If the mass of the
aluminum is 0.5 kg, find: i) the final temperature of the
aluminum and water, ii) the entropy of the aluminum and the
water, and iii) the total entropy of the universe due this process.

water wall


System including aluminum and water

Constant volume, adiabatic, no work done
Conservation of Energy
Apply the first law
Q − W = ∆U sys = ∆U W + ∆U AL

mW CW ( T2 − T1 )W + m ALC AL ( T2 − T1 )AL = 0

But (T2)W = (T2)AL = T2 at equilibrium

mW CW ( T1 )W + m ALC AL ( T1 )AL
∴ T2 =
mW CW + m ALC AL
Solve for Temperature
mW = 10 kg, CW = 4.177 kJ/kg.K
Table A-14
mAL = 0.5 kg, CAL = 0.941 kJ/kg.K
kJ kJ
( 10 kg )( 4.177 )( 303 K ) + ( 0.5 kg )( 0.941 )( 373 K )
kg ⋅ K kg ⋅ K
T2 =
( 10 kg )( 4.177 ) + ( 0.5 kg )( 0.941kJ / kg ⋅ K )
kg ⋅ K

T2 = 303.8 K
Entropy Transfer
Entropy change for water and aluminum

∆SW = mW CW ln
T1 ,W
kJ 303.8 K kJ
= ( 10 kg )( 4.177 ) ln( ) = 0.1101
kg ⋅ K 303 K K
∆S AL = m ALC AL ln
T1 , AL
kJ 303.8 K kJ
= ( 0.5 kg )( 0.941 ) ln = −0.0966
kg ⋅ K 373 K K
Entropy Generation
Entropy production of the universe
S gen = ∆ S total = ∆ SW + ∆ S AL
kJ kJ
= 0.1101 − 0.0966
= 0.0135 >0

Sgen > 0 : irreversible process

The Entropy Change
of an Ideal Gas
Entropy Change for an Ideal Gas
Start with 2nd Tds eq. Tds = dh − vdP
Remember dh and v for an ideal gas?

dh = C p dT and v = RT/P
Substituting: Tds = C p dT − dP
dT P
and integrating:

Dividing by T s 2 − s1 = C p ( T )
− R ln 2
Don’t forget, Cp = Cp(T) ….. a function of temperature!
Entropy change of an ideal gas
• Similarly it can be shown from
Tds = du + Pdv
dT v2
s2 − s1 = ∫ C v (T ) + R ln
T v1
Entropy change of an ideal gas for constant
specific heats: Approximation
• Now, if the temperature range is so limited that
Cp ≅ constant (and Cv ≅ constant),

T2 P2
s 2 − s1 = C p ,av ln − R ln
T1 P1

T2 v2
s 2 − s1 = C v ,av ln + R ln
T1 v1
Constant lines of v and P for Tds = du + Pdv → v = const → dT ds v = T C v
Tds = dh − vdP → P = const → dT ds P = T C P
Ideal gases diagrams
CP > C v ∴ dT ds v > dT ds P

T v = const.

P = const.


Summary: Entropy change of
an Pure substance
1. Pure substances:

Any process:
∆s = s2 − s1 [kJ/(kg-K)] (Table)
Isentropic process:
s2 = s1
Summary: Entropy Change for
Incompressible Substance
2. Incompressible substances:

Any process:
s2 − s1 = C av ln

Isentropic process: T2 = T1
Summary: Entropy
Change for Ideal gases
3. Ideal gases:
Constant specific heats (approximate treatment):

T2 v2
s2 − s1 = C v ,av ln + R ln [kJ/(kg ⋅ K)]
T1 v1
T2 P2
s2 − s1 = C p ,av ln − R ln [kJ/(kg ⋅ K)]
T1 P1

Isentropic process: Pvk = const

TEAMPLAY : Air is compressed in a
piston-cylinder device from 90 kPa and 20oC to 400
kPa in a reversible isothermal process.
Determine: (a) the entropy change of air,
(b) the work done and (c) the removed heat.
v2 v1
2 1

90kPa 400kPa
293K 293 K
Air is ideal gas, R = 287 Jkg-1K-1
Entropy change for an ideal gas with constant heat :
T P2 400  J 
s 2 − s 1 = C p ln 2 − R ln = −287 ln = − 428 
T1 P1 90  kgK 

Ideal gas isothermal compression work:

P2 400  kJ 
Wcomp = − RT ln = −287 ⋅ 298 ⋅ ln = − 125.4 
P1 90  kg 

Rejected heat (1st law):

 kJ 
Q − Wcomp = ∆U → Q ≡ Wcomp = − 125.4 
 kg 

Alternatively, for an isothermal reversible process:

 kJ 
q = T∆s = 293 ⋅ 0.428 ≡ − 125.4  
 kg 
• The entropy of the air decreased due to the heat
• Consider the heat is rejected on the environment at 15oC
(288K). Evaluate the entropy change of the environment
and the air.
• The environment is a heat reservoir. The entropy
change is ∆s = Q/T = 125400/288 = + 435 JK-1.

• The entropy change of the system plus the environment

is therefore:
∆s = ∆ssystem + ∆senviron = - 428+ 435 = 7 JK-1.

• If the environment is at 20oC, ∆s = 0 because both are at

the same temperature (reversible heat transfer).
Sample Problem
A rigid tank contains 1 lbm of carbon
monoxide at 1 atm and 90°F. Heat is
added until the pressure reaches 1.5
atm. Compute:

(a) The heat transfer in Btu.

(b) The change in entropy in Btu/R.

Draw diagram:
Rigid Tank => volume is constant
CO: m= 1 lbm v2
State 2:
State 1: P = 1.5 atm 2

P = 1 atm v1
T = 90oF 1atm&
Heat Transfer

• CO in tank is system
• Work is zero- rigid tank
• kinetic energy changes zero
• potential energy changes zero
• CO is ideal gas
• Constant specific heats
Apply assumptions to
conservation of energy
0 0 0
Q − W = ∆U + ∆KE + ∆PE
For constant specific heats, we get:

Q = mC v (T2 − T1 )

Need T2 ⇒ How do we get it?

Apply ideal gas
equation of state:
P1V1 mRT1 Cancel common
= terms...
P2V2 mRT2
Solve for T2:
 P2   1.5 
T2 =  T1 =  (90 + 460 )R = 825 R
 P1   1.0 
Solve for heat transfer

 Btu 
Q = ( 1 lbm ) 0.18 (825 − 550 )R
 lbm R 

Q = 49.5 Btu

Now, let’s get entropy change ...

For constant specific
heats: 0
 T2 v2 
S 2 − S 1 = m  C v ln + Rln 
 T1 v1 
Since v2 = v1 S 2 − S 1 = m C v ln
 Btu   825 R 
S 2 − S 1 = ( 1 lbm ) 0.18  ln 
 lbm R   550 R 

S 2 − S 1 = 0.073 Btu/R
Entropy Change in
Some Selected
Irreversible Processes
Some Irreversible Processes

Sistema Isolado- >não há calor

Sistema Isolado
R cruzando a fronteira e todo trabalho
V é transformado em energia interna:
Q i
Tf Uf − Ui = Ri ⋅ [t f − ti ] (1a.lei)
f δQ
Sf − Si = ∫ + Ps (2a.lei)
i T
Todo trabalho elétrico é convertido em energia interna do
sistema. A variação de S é devido a Ps, pois δQ=0.
Como S não depende do caminho,
TfdS = dU =Ri∆t - >Ps = Ri∆t/Tf > 0.
Trabalho elétrico convertido em energia interna aumentou
a entropia do sistema isolado. Não é possível converter a
mesma quantidade de energia interna em trabalho

Por que não é possível converter a mesma quantidade

de energia interna em trabalho elétrico?

Do ponto de vista microscópico: o sistema deveria

resfriar para diminuir a energia interna e transformá
la em energia elétrica . Certamente este não será o
estado mais provável de encontrá- lo portanto, esta
transformação não será espontânea!

Do ponto de vista macroscópico a entropia do

sistema isolado deveria diminuir e isto violaria a 2a.
Lei! Note que de (i)- >(f), ∆S>0

Sistema Isolado Sistema Isolado- >não há calor

cruzando a fronteira e toda energia
x0 Potencial da mola é transformada
k x em energia interna:
Uf − Ui = k ⋅ x02 (1a.lei)
Sf − Si = ∫ δQ T + Ps (2a.lei)
Toda energ. pot. mola é convertida em energia interna do
sistema. A variação de S é devido a Ps, pois δQ=0.
Como S não depende do caminho,
TdS = dU =(1/2)kx02 - > Ps = (1/2)kx02 /T > 0 & Sf > Si.
Aumentou a entropia do sistema isolado. Não é possível
converter a mesma quantidade de energia interna em
energia potencial da mola!
Sistema Isolado Sistema Isolado- >não há calor
inicial final cruzando a fronteira e toda energia
m Potencial é transformada
em energia interna após choque
com água
água Q
Uf − Ui = m ⋅ g ⋅ h0 (1a.lei)
Sf − Si = ∫ δQ T + Ps (2a.lei)
Toda energ. pot. é convertida em energia interna do
sistema. A variação de S é devido a Ps, pois δQ=0.
Como S não depende do caminho,
TdS = dU =mgh0 - >Ps = mgh0 /T > 0 & Sf > Si.
Aumentou a entropia do sistema isolado. Não é possível
converter a mesma quantidade de energia interna para
elevar a bola na posição inicial h0!
Sistema Isolado inicial final
Sistema Isolado- >energia interna
Quente Th Tmix = permanece constante (blocos com
mesma massa e calor específico
Th + Tc
porém a Th e Tc)
Frio Tc 2 Tq + Tf
Uf = Uq + Uf → Tmix = (1a. lei)
 Tmix   Th   Th 

∆S = C ln 
 + C ln  ≡ C ln  > 0 pq. Tq > Tf (2a.lei)
 Tc   Tmix   Tc 
S do sistema isolado é considerado como a soma de S do
sistema quente e frio. Squente diminui mas Sfrio aumenta de
modo que a variação total é maior que zero.

Troca de calor com diferença de temperatura é

irreversível. O bloco que atinge Tmix não volta
espontaneamente para Th e Tc, é necessário trabalho!

Sistema isolado
P =P1 P=P2

V2 =2V

T1=T T2=T

Sistema Isolado- >na expansão para o vácuo não há

calor nem trabalho cruzando a fronteira. A energia
interna do gás permanece a mesma. T1 = T2 (1a lei)
Processo isotérmico: P1V1 = P2V2 ou P2 = 0.5P1
Variação da Entropia:
PdV dV  V2
TdS = dU
N + PdV → dS = = MR → ∆S = MRLN  > 0
T V  V1

Durante a expansão contra o vácuo a capacidade de

realizar trabalho do gás foi perdida (não havia máq. p/
extrair trabalho). A transf. inversa é irreversível pois ∆S>0
Isentropic Process
For a reversible, adiabatic process
δQ REV = 0 ⇒ dS = 0 or S 2 = S1

For an ideal gas → ds=0 and vdP = CPdT

Using v = RT/P and the fact that R = CP-CV ,
( γ − 1)
dP dT  P2  γ  T2 
(C P − C v ) = C P ⇒   =  
P T  P1   T1 

Recovers the adiabatic and reversible ideal

gas relations, Pvγ= const.
Adiabatic Process: Reversible x Irreversible
δQ = 0 ⇒ dS ≥ 0 or PS ≥ 0

2 P1

For an adiabatic process (1→2) ∆S is constant or
greater than zero due to entropy generation.
Adiabatic Process: Reversible x Irreversible
Compression, W < 0 Expansion, W > 0
P2 P1

2 P1 P2
2s 1

1 2
s s
∆S is constant or greater than zero due to entropy
generation independent if it is an adiabatic
expansion or compression.
Available Work in an Adiabatic Process:
Reversible x Irreversible
The first law states for an adiabatic
process that W = U2 – U1.
For compression, T < T , T
2S 2
since U ~ to T, then the 2 P1
reversible process requires
less work than the
irreversible, i.e., WREV < W . 1
T P1
For expansion, T2S > T2,
since U ~ to T, then the 1 P2
reversible process delivers
more work than the
irreversible, i.e., WREV > W . 2s
Process Efficiency
A reversible process may have an increase or
decrease of Entropy but THERE IS NO

An actual process which does or receive work is

often compared against an ideal reversible process.

The process efficiency is often taken as the ratio

between the actual work and the ideal
reversible work.
Available Work in a Process:
Reversible x Irreversible Paths
The 1st and 2nd law δQ = dU + δWREAL
combined result → TdS = δQ + δIrr

eliminating dQ → PdV − δIrr = δWREAL

but PdV is a reversible work mode, then

δWREV − δIrr = δWREAL → δWREV − δWREAL = δIrr > 0

or 1−
≥ 0 → η≤1

the work delivered in a reversible process is

always equal or greater than the one in a
irreversible process.
Available Work in a Process:
Reversible x Irreversible Path
Either for compression or expansion, the
irreversibilites :
1. increase the system entropy due to the
entropy generation by the irreversibilities,
2. a fraction of the available work is spent to
overcome the irreversibilites which in turn
increase the internal energy,
What For Are the Reversible Process?
• They are useful for establishing references
between actual and ‘ideal’ processess.
• The process efficiency defined as the ratio
of the work delivered by an actual and an
reversible process compares how close they

• It must not be confused the process

efficiency with the thermal eff. of heat
engines! The later operates in a cycle.
Um carro com uma potência de 90 kW tem uma
eficiência térmica de 30%. Determine a taxa de
consumo de combustível se o poder calorífico do
mesmo é de 44.000 kJ/kg. Considere a densidade
do combustível de 800g/l

1. Energia consumida = 90/0.3 = 300 kJ/s

2. Massa de combustível = 300/44000 = 6.818.10-3 kg/s
3. Volume combustível (ρ = 800g/l) = 8.523.10-3 l/s
4. A potência máxima se a velocidade média do carro for
de 140km/h (3.89.10-3 km/s) então o consumo de
combustível será de: 4.56 Km/l
4-18 4-19 4-23 4-25
4.26 4-34
A 50-kg iron block and a 20-kg copper
block, both initially at 80oC, are
dropped into a large lake at 15oC.
Thermal equilibrium is established
after a while as a result of heat
transfer between the blocks and the
lake water. Determine the total
entropy generation for this process.

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