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C o m p re s s o r P o w e r In p u t & H e a t o u t p u t (W )

Compressore Power Input Heat Output Coefficient of Performance

32.8 280 921.94 3.29
35.8 287 907.94 3.16
38.8 294 888.41 3.02
41.8 306 811.62 2.65
44.8 309 789.03 2.55

Graph of Compressor Power Input, Heat Output, and Coefficient of

Performance Vs Cooling water outlet temperature, TT6
1400 3.5
1200 3
1000 2.5
800 2
600 1.5
400 1
200 0.5
0 0
32.8 35.8 38.8 41.8 44.8

Cooling water outlet temperature, TT6 (˚C)

Compressore Power Input Heat Output
Coefficient of Performance
C o e f f i c i e n t o f P e r f o rm a n c e

tput, and Coefficient of

rature, TT6
41.8 44.8

e, TT6 (˚C)
Heat Output

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