8 Form Great Britain

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План-конспект уроку з англійської мови у 8 класі

Велика Британія

Theme: Розвиток навичок діалогічного та монологічного мовлення.

Objectives: увести та активізувати ЛО теми; удосконалювати навички

аудіювання, діалогічного та монологічного мовлення; продовжувати
формувати комунікативні навички учнів; розвивати ерудицію учнів;
виховувати інтерес до культури та історії Великої Британії.

Equipment: підручник, зошит.


І Introduction

1) Привітання: Greetings! How are you today?

2) Організаційний момент: What is the weather like today? Who is on duty

today? Who is absent today? What was your home task for today?

1) Повідомлення мети та теми уроку: Today we are going to start a new topic
“The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland” and revise general
information about this country.

II Warm up: Our today’s topic is “Great Britain”. What do you know about Great
Britain? Can you name any of British …

 Cities?
 Places of interest?
 Facts of history?
 Famous people?
 Traditions?
 Food?

ІІI Main Part

1) Discussing the results of the test:

2) Presenting vocabulary: to divide class into groups of three and to give
cards for the group work for each group. Their task is to fill in the table
the general information about Great Britain. In 5 minutes the teacher
checks the results.
Facts about the Untied Kingdom
Official name
Official language
Rank among countries in population
Major cities
Rank among countries in area
Highest point


Facts about the Untied Kingdom

Official name United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland
Capital London
Official language English
Population 60,400,000 people
Rank among countries in population 21st
Major cities London, Birmingham, Leeds, Glasgow
Area 244, 000 square kilometers
Rank among countries in area 77th
Currency Euro
Highest point Ben Nevis (1,343 metres)
3) Listening: Pupils should listen to the text and choose the correct item.

Pre-listening: Children get acquainted with the test



Some people call it Britain. Others say Great Britain. Many people mistakenly call
the whole country England. But its real name is a mouthful: the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Northern Ireland. That is why it is usually called the United
Kingdom, or the UK for short.

The United Kingdom is a country made up of four parts: England, Scotland, Wales
and Northern Ireland. For centuries, it was ruled by kings and queens. The United
Kingdom still has the monarchy, although today its power is mostly symbolic.

England is the biggest part, but don’t forget the others. Each part was once ruled
separately. Each has its own culture and its own native language, which some people
still speak. Each even has its own national soccer team!

1. The official name of the country is…

a) Britain
b) Great Britain
c) the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

2. The country is usually named the United Kingdom, or the UK for short,
because …

a) this sounds better

b) this is the official name of the country
c) the official name of the country is too long

3. The United Kingdom is a country made up of…

a) three parts
b) four parts
c) five parts

4. the parts of the UK are:

a) England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

b) Britain, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
c) England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland.

2) Vocabulary notes: p117

3) Writing: ex4 p117
4) Reading: ex5 p118

ІV Summing up

1) Підведення підсумків: What was this lesson about? Did you like it? What
new did you learn today? What was the most difficult for you at this lesson?
2) Оцінювання: your marks are the following:
3) Д/з: your home task is впр7 с 118

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