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GATE - 1997 Electronics and Communication Engineering 1, For each of the followting questions (1.1—1.11), four alternativesa, b,c andi are given. 1.1 The current i, in the cireuit ofthe figure is equal to @ DA ® -12A @ 4a (@ None ofthese 112 The voltage V in the figure is equal to @ 3 ® -3v @5v (@) None of these 1.3 The voltage V in the figure is always equal to ek @ ov @ 5v wav (@_ None ofthe above 1A The function (has the Fourier Transform g(o). ‘The Fourier Transform @ Efe) & tie (©) 2nfw) (d) None of the above 15: The Laplace Transform of ect cos (a) isequal to (s-a) (+a) @ Gara O Gal re’ 1 © Gar (None of the above 16 A transmission line of 50 @ characteristic mpedance is terminated witha 100 Qresistance. The minimum impedance measured on the line is equal to @ 02 & 30 @ 50a (10900 47 A rectangular air-filled waveguide has cross section of cm x 10cm. The minimum frequency which can propagate in the waveguide is (@ 15GH2 ( 20GHe (9 25GHz @ 30GHz 1.8 Theline code thathas zero decomponent for pulse transmission of random binary datas (a), Non-return to zero(NRZ) W) Retrun to zero (RZ) (©) Alternate Mark inversion (AM) (None of the above 19 A probability density fuention is given by payee"? mex cx, ‘The value of K should be 1 z © te o VF 1 1 OR o OE 1.40 A determininistic signal has the power spectrum given in the figure is, The minimum sampling rate needed to completely represent this signal is “0 @ hte (@) Noneofthe above (a) Lietz ( 3kHe LIL The voltage V in the figure is 4 . ~ De *@ @ wv @ 15V @ 5v (@) Noneof the above 2. Foreach of the following 2.1—2.10), alternatives 4,b,cand d are given. Indicate the correct or the best answerby writing the ettera, cord against the corresponding question number. All parts of this question must be attempted strictly in order, (lox 1 = 10) 2.1 In the BJT amplifier shown in the figure is the transistor is based in the forward active region. Putting a capacitor across R, will (@) decrease the voltage gain and decrease the input impedance © increase the voltage gain and decrease the input impedance (0 decrease the voltage gain and increase the input impedance (@) increase the voltage gain and increase the input impedance 22 Acascade amplifier stageis equivalent o (@) a common emitter stage followed by a common base stage ® acommon base stage followed by an emitter follower (9. an emitter follower stage followed by a common base tage (@ acommonbase stage followed by a common emitterstage 23 For a MOS capacitor fabricated on a p-type semiconductor, strong inversion occurs when (@) surface potential is equal to Fermi potential ) surface potential is zero 24 25 26 27 28 29 (0. surface potential is negative and equal fo Fermi potential in magnitude (@) surface potential is positive and equal to twice the Fermi potential Ina commen emitter B)T amplifier, the maximum usable supply voltages limited by @) Avalanche breakdown of Base-Emitter junction ( Collector-Base breakdown voltage with emilleropen (BV 4) © Collector-Emiter breakdown voltage with base open BV 35) Zener breakdown voltageot the Emitter Base junction Each cell of a static Random Access Memory contains (2) 6MOS transistors (4 MOS transistors and 2 capacitors (© 2MOS transistors and 4 capacitors (@ 1 MOS transistor and 1 capacitor ‘A 2 bit binary multiplier can be implemented using (2) Zinputs ANDs only @) input XORS and 4 input AND gates only (©. Two2inputs NORs and one XNOR gate (®) XOR gates and shift registers Instandard TTL, the ‘totem pole’ stage refers to (0) the multi-emitterinput stage (the phase splitter (© theoutputbutler (@) opencollectoroutputstage The inverter 74 ALSO4 has the following specifications Iona =O HA, Nnag = 8 0A, Uppy, #20, Tins 2-0-1 MA, ‘The fan out based on the above will be. (@) 10 (b) 20 (© 60 (@ 100 “The output ofthe logie gate in the figure is mo 1 —D— oa * OF 2.10 In an 8085 4: P system, the RST instruction will cause an interrupt @) only if an interrupt service routine is not beingexecuted (© only ifa bitin the interrupt mask is made 0 (© only finterrupts have been enabled by an El instruction (@ Noneoftheabove 3. For each of the following (3.1—3.11), four alternatives, a,b, cand d are given. 31 In the circuit ofthe figure isthe energy absorbed by the 4 Q resistor in the time interval ais (@ 26 Joules (©) 16 Joules © 256 Joules (@_ Noneof the above 32 In the circuit of the figure is the equivalent impedance seen across terminals a, bis a (Seo (a @ (fee 33 In the circuit of in the figure is the current ip through the ideal diode (zero cut in voltage and @ Noneoftheabove forward resistance) equals vo « ma (Da @ 0A ® 4A @ 1A @ Noneofthe above 3-4 Inthesignal flow graph ofthe figure is v/requals 3 @ 3 . os @ 2 (None ofthe above 3.5. A certain linear time invariant system has the state and the output equations given below bel IR) Eh dy Te u(O)=Othen “ie 8 wo -1 (@) None of theabove 3.6 A communication channel has first order low pass transfer function. The channel is used to transmit pulses ata symbol rate greater than the half-power frequency of the low pass function. Which ofthe network shown in the figures can. be used to equalise the received pulses ? mT oe coupe —Ls co 3 wow FI ant oom kom — ee 38 39 3.10 aaa The power spectral density of a deterministic signals given by fxn ()/F |sshere fis frequency The autocorrelation function ofthis signa in the time domains (a) avectangulor pulse ( adelta function (©) asine pulse (f) a triangular pulse Anamplifier A has 6B gain and 50input and ‘output impedances. The noise figure of this amplifier as shown in the figure is (a) is3 dB. A cascade of two such amplifiersasin the figure is will havea noise figure of e380) rig 3300) (a) 6aB ) 846 ( 1248 (a None of the above A parabolic dish antenna has a conical beam 2° wide, the directivity of the antenna is approximately ( 2048 © 40408 () 3008 (a) 50aB Avery lossy, 4/4 long, 50 @ transmission line is open circuited at the load end. The input impedance measured at the other end of the line isapprokimately mo wo @ © 500 None of the above The skin depth at 10 MHz for a conductor is 1 ‘em. The phase velocity of an electromagnetic wave in the conductor at 1,000 MHz is about (a) 6x 10°m/sec(b) 6x 107 m/sec © 3x10%m/sec (a) 6 « 10% m/sec . For each of the following (4.1—4.10), four alternatives a, cand dae given. 4.1 The oulput voltage Y, of the circuit shown in the figure is (a -aV wo 5v 4.2. The decoding circuit shown in the figure is has bbeen used to generate the active low chip select signal for a microprocessor peripheral. (The address lines are designated as AOto A7 for 1/0 addresses) s=pD— pe aE The peripheral willcorrespond to 1/O addresses inthe range (@) OOH to63H — () AStOATH (© 30Ht033H — @) 70Ht073H 4.3. The following insturctions have been executed by an 8085 uP ADDRESS (HEX) INSTRUCTION 6010 LXTH, 8A 79H 6013 MOV A,L 6015 ADDH e0le DAA 6017 MOV HLA, 6018 PCHL From which address will the next instruction be fetched? (@ 6019 © 6979 © 6379 (@_ Noneof the above ‘complement format We wish Wate same integer ina T6bit word, We should {copy the origina byte tothe less sgnicant inte the word an llthe more significant wth zeros @ copy theoriginalbytetothe more significant byte ofthe word al fll the les signifiant byte with zeros (0. copy the original byte to the les significant byte of the word and make each it of the more significant byte equal to the most significant hit of the original byte W) copy the original byte to the less significant byte as well as the more significant byte of the word 4.5. Ahalf wave rectifier uses a diode with a forward Sin ot and the srrentis given by y, resistance RE. The voltage is V load resistance is R,. The DC Vo meen o Br, © [Rp +R) Vu Ozer: @ Re 4.6 The intrinsic carrier density at 300 K is 1.5 = 10!°/ ‘em’, in silicon. For n-type silicon doped to2.25 x 10! atoms/cm’, the equilibrium electron and hole densities are @ 1215x108 sem’, () 215 «10% /em’, p (2 =2.25 « 10!%/em’, p= 1.0 « 10°7em (d) n=15 «10! /em?, p= 1.5 «10% /em* 5 10/em* 25x 10"*/em* 4.7. For the NMOS logic gate shown in the figure is the logic function implemented is (a) ABCDE © @ A(B+C)+DE @) 48 49 4.10 5. 5. 52 53 Ina) = K th Assuming the ip lop w then clocked for pte output willbe (@) 010000 011001 (©) 010010 (@ onoio1 ‘The gate delay of an NMOS inverter is dominated by charge time rather than discharge time (@ the driver transistor has larger threshold voltage than the load transistor () the driver transistor has larger leakage currents compared to the load transistor (0) the load transistor has a smaller W/L ratio. compared tothe driver transistor (a) none ofthe above The boolean function A + BCis a reduced form of (a) AB+BC () (A+B).AtO) (0 KB+ABC @) (A+O.B In the following questions (5.1—5.6), matcheach of the items 1, 2 on the left with the most appropriate item a, b,c:or don the right leg. If you feel I matches with b and 2 with ¢, write (1,0) 2,0] (6 x2'542) In the case ofa linear time invariant system (1) Poles inthe right half plane implies “* (a) Exponential decay of outpiit 2) Impulse response zero for t £0 implies () System iscasual—** (©) Nostored energy in the system (@_ System isunstable. IF the Fourier Transform of deterministic signal git) is G{p, then % (1) The Fourier Transform of g ((=2)is @ Gyerr* Q) The Fourier Transform of ¢(t/2) is ® GRA 2G@0 Gg? (1) An8-bitwideS word sequential memory wll have (a) 8 Fixed ‘AND’ gates and 4 programmable ‘OR’ gates 2) A256 x 4 EFROM has (Eight bit shift registers (9 4words of 2 bits each ( Saddress pins and 4 data pins coulput 5.4 (1) Wavettilt (a) Under-water propagation (2) Faraday Rotation (i) Ground wave propagation (0 Space wave propagation @_lonospheric propagation 5.5 While moving data between registersof the $085 and the stack (1) a PUSH instruction (@ Preincrements the stack pointer (2) a POP instruction (0) Post increments the stack pointer (Pre decrements the stack pointer (@)_ Post decrements the stack pointer 56 Negative feedbackin (0). Voltage series configuration (@) increase input impedance (2) Current shunt configuration (0) decrease inputimpedance (0) increases closed loop gain (leads to oscillation x fF The figure is shows the block diagram representation of control system. The system in block A has an impulse response i, (0) = 0°" 1 (). ‘The systema in block B has an impulse response g(t) = u(t) The block’K’ amplifies its inputs by a factor &, For the overall system with input WB and output y(t) 6 Yo Fi rrfunction x when k =I (@) Find the transfer function (5) when k=1 (6) Find the imputse response when k =0 (0 Find the vaiues of k for which the system becomes unstabic Note: BW)=0159 =16>0 Cireuit shown in the figure is an NMOS shift register. All transistors are NMOS enhancement ype with threshold voltage V, = IV Supply used Two non-overlapping clocks 6, and 9. are as shown in the figure is and have large pulse wid ths. SLL oS LIT All capacitors are initially discharged and the input Vii = 0. volts is applied. If values ot capacitors are C, = 2 pfand C, =I py, tind out voltage V,,oncapacitor C, after @, goes low. Neglect body-etfect on V, in your evaluation, .. The transistor in the circuit shown in the figure Js so biased (dc biasing network is not shown) that the de collecter current |, = | mA-Supply is 6 10. The network components have following vales R=2ka R=1dka and R,= 1000 ‘The transistor has speci ications {= 100 and base spreading resistance fg = 100.2. ar q Assume “= 25mV. Evaluate small signal Voltage Gain Ay, at a frequency of 10H, and Input Resistance R, for two cases (@) CE, the hypass capacitor across R, is 25 pF. () ThebypasscapacitorC, is removed leaving R,unbypassed AJ, section ofa 600 2 transmission line, short ited at one end and open circuited at the other end, is shown in the figure is 100 V/75 9 generator is connected at the mid point of the section as shown in the figure, Find voltage at the open circuited end of the line. (5) 1000 a In the ciruit of the figures R= 1002, L=20nHand C =32 pF. ‘The circuitis maintained ata temperature of 300 K. Derive and plot the power spectral density of the voltage V,,. Markall the relevant pointson the plot with ntimerical values. (The Boltzmann constant k= 1.28 x 10-23)/K SECTION B (50 Marks) Attempt any TEN questions from ths section question carries 5 marks.) ton n. 12. Consider the circuit given in the figure is usin, anideal operational amphier. * L Qe ‘The characteristics of the diode are given by the relation where V is the forward voltage across the diode. (@)_ Express V, as function of V, assuming V,>0 AT wAand © R=10040,1, 5 mV, find the input voltage V, for which V,=0. In the circuit shown in the figure is assume that the operational amplifier is ideal and that \V, = OV initially. The switch is connected first to A’ charging C, to the voltage V. It is then connected to the point ‘B". This process is repeated times per second. a °) i —, Caleulate the charge transferred per second from node A to node B. Derive the average rate of change of the output voltage V,. {the capacitor and the switeh are temoved and a resistor is connected between points A and B, find the value of the resistor to get the game average rate of change of the output voltage? tthe repetition rate ofthe switching action is 10" times per second, C, pt and Ve 10m, whatis theaverage rate of change of the output voltage ? ) w w 1B. 1“. In the cascade amplifier circuit shown in the figure is determine the values of R,, R, and R, such that the quiescent current through the transistorsis I mA and the collector voltages are Vo=3V and V,. = 6V, Take Vpe=07 V, transistor Btobehigh and base currents to be negligible. A sequence generator is shown in the figure is The counter status (Q,, Q,, Q,) is initialised to 010 using preset clear inputs ‘The clock has a period of 50 ns and transitions take place at the rising clock edge. ) Give the sequence generate at Q, tilt repeats (0) What is the repetition rate of the generated sequence ? Given an NMOS circuit as shown in the figure is ‘The specifications of the circuit are Ga, W/L) = 104 Amp/V? 5m. Evaluate V,,,and R,, for the circuit Neglect body ~eflect tor V, esto” oh ay 16. Find Static Noise-Margins for 9 BIT inverter shown in the figure is Transistor used is an rn-p-n type with specifications as follows =70 Vox = 07 Vossar = 08V Vessar = OLY. Also R, = 1k9 R, = 10k @and supply Vge = SV. 17. For a typical m-p-m transistor, as shown in the figure we have the following data available 20 umand Collcetor doping =5% 10" /c 1 am and Emitter doping = 10"/ec © Base doping =5 « 10" /ee (a) Minority carrier life time in the Base regions +, = 5 psec. Under Punch-through condition the Vice #10 + ¥,, volts, Here V,, isthe built in potential of Base-collector junction. Emitter Injection efficiency can be assumed as 1 for this transistor. Evaluate Base Width W, and the current gain. [Standard data for this question is :q= 1.6 10" KT. loumt mV coloumbs; “7 Forsilicon atT'=300K, D, = 30 em’/s Kee, 10 F/em; n,= 15x 10"%/ec] 18, An meiype silicon bar is doped uniformly by 1% phosphorous atoms to a concentration 45.8 10! fee, The bar has cross-section of L mmr and length of 10cm. Its illuminated uniform for region 0. 28 The figure is shows the first stage of a superheterodyne receiver. The desired input signal is at a frequency of 700 MHz. The local oscillator (L.0) frequency is 1 GHz. The mixeris an ideal multiplier with a gain independent of frequency. A band-pass filter (BPF) is used to select the Intermediate Frequency (IF) outputat 300 MHz a) What is the image frequency of the desired input? () A Low Pass Filter (LPF) can be used before the mixer to reject the image frequency: Ifa perfect rejection (zero transmission) of the image is desired, what type of LPF should be employed? 29. (©) The input in the figure is corrupted by an undesired 750 MH? signal which has the same amplitudeas that of the desired signal ‘al 700 MHz. Let the BPF be of second order. AL the BPF output, the undesired signal should be 20 dB below the desired signal Calculate the Q required for the BPF. A uniform plane wave is normally incident from airon an infinitely thick magnetic material with relative permeability 100.and relative permittivity see the figure is. The wave has an electric field of IV, meter (rms). Find the average pointing, vector inside the material 30, Oe 8 ANSWERS 1.166) 1.2 @) 13d) 14 (0) 1.5(@) 1.9(@) 1.10 L1@ 2.1(b) 22 (a) 2.6 (b) 2.7 (©) 2.8 (bd 2.9(c) 2.10 © 3.4 (co) 35) 3.6 (b) 37d) 3.8(a) 4d) 4.2 (a) 4.3) 4.4 (0) 4.5 (6) 490 4.10 (6) BL (1)-d,(2)-b 52 53 (1)-,(2)-d 54 56 55 (1)-¢Q)-d A dipole antenna has 9 sin 9 radiation pattern ‘where the angle ¥ is measured from the axis of the dipole. The dipoles vertically located above an ideal ground plane the figure is. What should be the height of the dipole EI in terms of ‘wavelength 50 as to get a null in the radiation pattem at an angle of 45° from the ground plane 2 Find the direction of maximum radiation also, moses 8 16@ 17@) 18) 239@) 2A) 5(a) aid 82) 883) 39 (0) 8:10) 3.11) 46) 470 = 48 Q)-a, Qe ()-b, @-e a @-b

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