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Assignment: Development Sociology in Pakistani context

Submitted by: Maria Zahid Khan

Submitted to: Mr. Muhammad Kashif
Subject: Development Communication
M.Sc Mass Communication (4th Semester-Afternoon)
Date: 27th September 2018

- Sociology of development is a branch of sociology which studies the interface of socio-
cultural circumstances and the processes of development
- This discipline presumes that every aspect of development largely depends on
sociological conditions of society for its realization
-  It refers to bringing change, progress, growth, evolution in the social set up, it’s

1. Economic development depends on entrepreneurship development and
entrepreneurship is a socio-psychological phenomenon
- Pakistan never had long term coherent social development policies for the masses. 
- Entrepreneurship is a combination of innovation and risk taking
- When such activity thrives, high growth rates are achieved as well as opportunities
offered to all of society, including the poor
- In Pakistan, the policies have always been biased towards the high class of country,
rather than entrepreneurship, policies are planned for investors and investments
- Pakistan today has a huge young population most of which are unemployed. This
demographic change indicate that large amount of jobs and work opportunities are
needed right now otherwise unemployment rate will increase to a dangerous
- The fact is creating job opportunities alone cannot help. Need of the hour is to enable
environment for entrepreneurship in Pakistan. For creating environment for
entrepreneurship, we must need to prepare our young blood. Those who are studying
business should not take it as an alternative to medical or engineering. “Become rich
overnight by hook or by crook” mindset is catching up among the youth which is highly
damaging for competing in knowledge based economy. 
- The government has continuously been of the opinion that investment especially at the
large industrial level is entrepreneurship. Hence the entrepreneurship never flourished
in Pakistan as it was supposed to be.

2. Several sociological conditions define development. Gender equity, women’s education

and their participation in economically gainful activities, increase of lifespan, increase of
literacy, advancement of democracy, reduction of infant mortality, reduction of
maternal deaths, reduction of death rate and birth rate are the sociological phenomena
which in combination determine the extent of development.
- a very low proportion of Pakistani women work outside the home, where best-paid work
opportunities abound
- only about 25% of Pakistani women who have a university degree work outside the home.
Women’s low labor force participation results in a significant potential loss of productivity
- More importantly, women in Pakistan do not take up paid employment women face restrictions
on their physical mobility outside the home.
- Several interconnected factors restrict women’s mobility outside the home, among them (i)
social, cultural, and religious norms;(ii) safety and crime; and (iii)the quality of available
transport services.
- It also has important implications for women’s empowerment, as working women are more
likely to play a role in household decision making compared with nonworking women in the
same villages or even in the same families
- women’s work is generally actively stigmatized in Pakistan. Women who go outside the home to
work are not considered “respectable” in many social contexts
- A number of promising key policy levers could increase female labor force participation even
without a major change in norms restricting the kind of work appropriate for women
- On the demand side, policies can be targeted to increase labor demand in particular types of
jobs in which women are more likely to work.

3. Market and consumption patterns are socially determined

4. Sociology of development deals not only with industrialization and economic growth in a
country but also enquires into the relationships emerging as a consequence of economic

- Theories of underdevelopment and dependency are thus hot subjects of sociology of

development today as the gap between the rich and poor countries is increasing and the
latter are underdeveloped and dependent on developed countries which exploit them

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