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" eed . Wy é. © CONTENTS Page Health Care Eating disorders 4 Addictions 7 The Environment Friends of the ‘Earth 10 Environmental risks 13 Adyertising Campaigns Health 16 The environment 19 Animal Care Animal rights \ Endangered animals Science Inventions Discoveries Bh \ U Genetics. Genetics and-heredity . \ 34 Cloning “The diet took hold of me. All day in class I thought about food but I wanted to keep getting thinner.” An obsession with being thin ‘Anne Murray is showing what it is like to have an eating disorder. Many people believe that part of the cause is how much we value and focus on being thin. Ask most people the one thing they want to change about themselves and a large number of them will answer that it is their weight. It is easy to become obsessed with how we look, especially with our weight. Nearly every magazine ad and every television commercial we see show thin, beautiful people. So we come to believe that we should look like them. Eating disorders can seriously threaten a young person’s health. Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder in which a person starves herself or himself to lose weight. Bulimia nervosa is another eating disorder. A bulimic person fills, herself or himself up with food and then induces vomiting. Our society suggests that we must be perfect in everything. If we can’t meet this ideal, then we feel bad about how we look. This can lead to the kind of behaviour Unit 1 that harms rather than helps. Anne Murray said: “I really didn’t feel | was very good at anything, it seemed like | was never in control. But food was the only thing in my life | could control.” In addition to being unhappy with their bodies and themselves, many teens have a strong need for approval from their parents or peers and some of them may be depressed.” @ What eating disorders do you know now? © an you make a list of the factors that play a © What can make someone go to one of these part in this behaviour? extremes to lose weight? Match these two columns to identify warning signs. £g.: An obsession with food Ll sudden drop Di body image [Zl Excessive concem and discontent Doiet pits Distorted BD physical exercise i raking with one’s body B using with food An obsession Daaetives Di refusal inweight BB excessive Doeat (1) Broccola, Philbin Anne, “An absession with being painfully thin” in Current Health 2. Jan 1996, v22n5, pp. 23-25. @ How do you avoid falling into) What are the causes for © what can you do to help the trap of eating disorders? anorexia in your opinion? someone who is bulimic? Find 10 words related to the topic. BPs Wee 1 CH TNL Be DEP RSS S10 RAO M.F L G7D WER RN Grr kL yt YC HX BA D Kung u Y Aga Dd LIE BA BK POY 0 M1-Ror N GG Agr qv 0 DM OUP MD Ys B OR Lge LO DE Bee Ay | 0 UR TMY DQ@PBR ENE FP OU OFRS HERD | S90) h > FR S Y WOH GD xk Youu 5 WNP) MOV UTR GO Y wily PROJECT Look for information about eating disorders (bulimia-anorexia). 2.Visit institutions or hospitals. Interview a nutritionist and ask for a plan of a healthy diet. Drawa chart. 3-With all this information, do role playing in class. Write your conclusions. Addictions What kind of addictions ¢ n you name? What’s the message in each ad? Rave fun with ag nar igs 22°C. 14% Aomorror: Party cous Hoh November, 16 Sports: drugs can be dangerous ‘becoming more | explain the Pros ‘and cons of { have named can help their Our (7-year old son | simply. dreams of a professional | massive. Nether my ans | these drugs. How common is | performance. i soe ee i ee Should we be scared | medical experts age, But fe iw 12°C crt cacer, He dedicates | noc are very Bi peo and |, their Tren waking hour to geting | we are ites ‘worried | for our son's heath? {medical community ws that Stronger and, it appears 10 US. | Tharsome ofbisinereaseinsize | ~ Delma" Toman | the drug, can be dangers, andsrengthisaresukofdugs. | California | ‘when taken without ‘medical supervision and in the | He denies using drugs, but we | Response: | | know that the weight ym | Many athletes are.) large doses and. varied | eae cs hs aeputan | convinced an probably 1) combinations often. used. by | of dispensing steroids. Please | | athletes and body builders” Can we also le Describe the eartoe through humour? Kevin Quirck (a sportsaholic) discusses sports addiction in an interview. He is a support group leader and author of “NOT NOW, HONEY, I’M WATCHING THE GAME”, He believes ™ that sports addiction is a significant problem for many men. Interviewer: What's the worst example of “sports addiction” you've ever seen? Kevin: | met a sportsaholic in Michigan who took his pregnant wife to a football match, and she went into labor in the stadium. Instead of leaving, he begged her to hold ‘out until the match was over. That's pathetic, but you must be talking about an unusual situation. Aly PROJECT 1-"Your best friend is an addict. He tells you his secret”. What can you do to help him? 2-Find out information about addictions. ~ 3-Make a campaign at schoo! to inform your classmates. (@) Geraci, Ron, “Are you a Sports Addict?” In Men's Health, Jan 1998; v13 NI, p. 38 That's the common answer | get. But try this: write down how many hours you devote to watching or listening to matches and reading the sports section. In a survey | did, most men assumed they spent about 12 to 15 hours. But when | asked them to keep a record, it turned out to be 35 to 40 hours. That's a full time job. I: Butit’s stil not enough to callitan addiction. K: Maybe not. But, are you still depressed three weeks after your team loses? Do you neglect things like keeping an eye on your kid while watching a game? If you answer yes, you may not be addicted, but sports may be dominating your life. ® Translating Complete this crossword puzzle. 1) Alcohol 2) Consume 3) Cigarettes 4) Addiction 5) Write down 6) Steroids 7) Anorexia 2 8) Drugs 8) Drink eo 10)Bulimia, M1)Habits 12) Obsession 13)Look for 14)Thin 15)Find out 16)Food Glossary Beg: suplicar Behaviour comportamiento Bodybuilder: sicocutursta ‘Concer: preocupacion Devote to: dedicarsea Dispense: dstrbuir Distorted: dstosionado/a Drop: descenso h-hh - Dh tLe) @ 66 (tt OE Focus on: concentrase en Harm: daar Health: salud Hold out aguantar Increase: aumento Keep an eye on: vigiar Lose weight: perder peso Neglect: descuidar Pils pidoras Record: registro Sportsaholc adito al deporte Starve: padecer hambre Strength: fuerza “Take hold of: apoderarse de ‘Threaten: amenazar Wamn: advertr the Earth poster. Which words describe it? words describe SMOG PESTICIDES PROTECTION THREATS RUBBISH WASTE ECOLOGY — POLLUTION PREVENTION POISON: ENVIRONMENT — ATMOSPHERE FOREST WORLD CLEAN SAFE PLANET PURE PEACEFUL HEALTHY DIRTY NoIsy AIR Complete the table. polluted protective prevent purify |_deanliness safely contaminating Nurs a fe de by risky ae i common inthis chart? care Speaking Look and discuss. @ What's happening in each picture? @ What do you know about environmental groups? @ Have you heard about similar problems in your country? Give examples. Reading Over the last 20 years, Friends o: the Earth International has become one of the largest environmental groups all around the world. They believe that ordinary people have the right to know about subjects that affect them and the power to change things for the better. Wherever they are, they worry about what is happening to our planet and the kind of environment we are leaving to future generations. Friends of the Earth says: “ The Earth is at risk as never before. We have polluted lands and rivers with poisons, a ayy changed the balance of the RAST atmosphere, contaminated the ‘oceans with waste, put chemicals in ‘our food and water, destroyed forests and wild life with little thought for the consequences. For many people these are cruel realities because they are suffering from man’s careless actions as in Chernobyl where inhabitants have to wear gas masks because the air is too polluted to breathe.” But damage to the environment affects us all, wherever we live. (3) Adapted from Tour Magazine, Q Magazine/EMAP METRO, London, 1993. Oa Make up sentences wi ap We have polluted rivers.” h the combir tions you have obtained. wy “PROJ EC a ‘Choose one of the following activities: | 1-Wite a letter to GREENPEACE. Here isthe address. GREENPEACE | You can begin the letter as follows: Id lke to get further Apartado Especial N° 177 information about: | (1000) correo Central Greenpeace ~ Greenpeace present and future campaigns L 4 = Greenpeace actions in the last 20 years. remember to include these dats 2-Visit Greenpeace. Here is the address N “Schoo! -Address “Code ‘Mansilla 3046 - (1425) Cap. Fed. > City, Prepare some questions before your visit. 3-Or visit Greenpeace’s WEB SITE AT: | reenpeace ‘and find the same information. | 44. Write 2 report with the information you have collected. Unit 2 Reading Environmental risks Do you agree that the only recognized environmental risks are factories, cars or pesticides? Ed Carson (15), president of the School Environment Club, is sitting at his desk making notes about the speaker at tomorrow's Club meeting. Ed is going to introduce the speaker, a representative of a local factory, who is going to explain what his company is doing to protect the environment. Suddenly the telephone rings downstairs. His little sister is practising the piano. His mother calls him to come down for dinner. Let’s scan the text @ Find the type of pollution mentioned in the text: Match these elements and the’ 1)AR 2) WATER Di ractores B cHemicats Ed doesn’t hear anything of this. His headphones are at top volume. “ TURN DOWN THAT NOISE!” For decades, parents have told teens to turn down their radios and stereos. For many rock bands and their fans, though, louder is better. Today, more medical evidence shows that music played at high volume is a real environmental health hazard for both audience and performer. It’s possible to injure your hearing and not feel any discomfort until it is TOO LATE.“ © Write the possible questions Ed Carson is going ‘to ask at tomorrow's class meeting. possible causes of pollutic 3) FRUIT 4) VEGETABLES: Gi resniaves Bars (4) Adapted from Scott, Geoff, "Your Environment and Your Health” in Current Health 2, Apr. 1992; v18n8, pp. 7-13. Unit & Answer the following home questionnaire to find out how risky your house is, and tick your choice. 1) Is your house / flat 5) Do you open the windows when: Di near a factory? Di steeping? Di near a cisco? Di deaning? Dina heay traffic area? somebody is smoking? Di none of these? ? 2) Do you listen to loud music? oe" od a non ee Bys Ono 7) Do you use ... at home? 3) DO YOU UE ern at OME? Di returmable bottles Di pesticides or insecticides DD disposable bottles D air fresheners 8) Do you use recycled paper? By On 4) Does anybody smoke at home? Bys Ono Put a tick to check the type of pollution at home. AR Choose one of these activities: 1-Conduct a survey at home or at school on environmental risks. Use the HOME QUESTIONNAIRE as a guide. Draw your results on a chart. 2-Plan a poster giving advice on how to reduce environmental threats. Translating Complete this crossword p 1) Pollution Q 2) Prevention 3) Damage 4) Noise 5) Waste 6) Air 7) Atmosphere T 8) Forest @ | $9) Care ‘OpRisk ‘1)Poison 12)Protection 13)Danger DIRS CAEL THANK YOU FOR BEING MY FRIEND!!! Glossary Balance: equlbrio Injure: danar| Breathe: resprar ‘Ordinary: comin Careless: descuidado Returnable: retomable Chemicals: sustancias quimicas Rubbish: basura Destroy: destrir Safe: seguro Discomfort: molestia Threat: amenaza Disposable: descartable Turn dow bajar el volumen Environment: medio ambiente Wherever: dondequiers Hazard: isgo Wid ite: vida sivesre | Household appliances: electrodomésticos ere ie wse the present pasive 70 BE + PAST PARTICLE) when the person who does the action is unknown, or ‘when we are interested in the action or the resut of . the action, not who dl it. ee — aed = Pawn. es er of @o Suan ert een F Tre rscorg ifaYd A | a are essa AW aaaIVae Cire cnn 7d AIDS is short for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. AIDS is caused by infection from a virus known as HIV, Human Immunodeficiency Virus. The virus weakens the body’s immune system until the person can become infected by illnesses that usually don’t affect healthy people. AIDS leads to death. Some people exposed to HIV do not develop full-blown AIDS. Instead, they suffer symptoms such as longlasting fevers, lymph node swelling, persistent diarrhea, night sweat and weight loss. In fact, most people with HIV disease have no symptoms. Yet HIV disease can progress to AIDS. @ kes not known if all people who are infected with HIV will develop AIDS, but all who are infected become carriers of the virus and can spread it to others Some carriers remain symptom-free for long periods of time, but most adults develop AIDS in seven to ten years. @ HW is carried in blood, semen, and vaginal secretions. It enters the body through genital sexual contact including sexual intercourse with an infected partner. HIV can also enter the body through’the mixing of blood with an infected person or by sharing drug needles with an infected person. AIDS is NOT spread by casual contact. You cannot get it by hugging. You won't get AIDS by shaking hands, sharing a drink, a home, a classroom or workspace with someone who is infected. @ there is no known cure for AIDS. Doctors treat AIDS patients for their specific infections or cancers. There are experimental drugs that will slow the progress of the disease. But no drug has yet been discovered that will kill HIV or repair the body’s damaged immune system. @ _ Having sex with multiple partners and not using latex condoms. _ Having sex with infected persons and not using latex condoms. Persons most likely to be infected today are gay/ bisexual men, drug users who share needles, prostitutes, and persons with hemophilia. _ Sharing needles when using drugs _ Getting pregnant if you are infected. Your baby may be born with HIV. @ since Hiv cannot be stopped by a drug or vaccine, the best defence is to reduce your risk of exposure. Here are your options: _ Abstain from sex, or maintain one sexual relationship instead of having multiple partners. _ Practise safer sex. Use latex condoms during sex to prevent exposure to HIV if you or your partner have had other partners during the last 5 to 10 years, or if you are unsure of your partner's sexual history. _ Don’t use drugs, especially IV drugs. Needles should never be shared. Better yet, seek treatment for your drug problem. @ ves. Counsetiing and testing are available at health clinics and doctors’offices. There is no test for AIDS. But there is a test to tell you if you have been exposed to the Virus. It is called the HIV Antibody test. If you have engaged in highly risky behaviours, you may benefit from testing. Early medical treatment can prolong your life if you are infected, But the test is not the way to stop the disease. Only stopping risky behaviours can do that. YOU CAN CONTROL WHETHER OR NOT YOU GET AIDS. SPREAD THE WORD.... NOT THE DISEASE. ® (5) Adapted from a brachure provided a5 a community service by KGW-TV and Oregon State Health Division, U.S.A When you plan an advertising campaign you need some information and one ofthe ways of getting it through a survey. Interview ten people of clfferent ages. Use the folowing chart as a guide, "Eee eae) Use the information from the survey to complete this bar graph. Yes . tia a Don’t know Ba 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% shy Q PROJECT ~ Find more information about AIDS: visit institutions, libraries, etc,; read magazines or newspapers to get up-to-date material. ~ Design a leaflet giving advice on AIDS prevention. Speaking ~ The environment ee @ What is Greenfreeze? @ what is the advertisement warning us about? © What makes this fridge different from others? © What is destroying the ozone layer? © wat do you do to protect the ozone layer? Reading In the early 1970s scientists discovered that a class of chlorine containing industrial chemicals called halocarbons were harmful to the ozone layer. The most commonly used halocarbons are chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). CFCs are stable, non-toxic and inflammable compounds. These qualities have made them very attractive for industrial use. They have numerous industrial applications. Unfortunately, they are also the major contributors to the depletion of the ozone layer, and consequently need to be eliminated. Over the years Greenpeace has maintained thatitis possible to meet all the human needs that have been serviced by ozone depleting substances without using chemicals that harm the ozone layer or the global climate. In 1992, Greenpeace published two extensive reports: “Climbing out of the ozone hole”and “Making the right choices” which surveyed the then existing alternatives to CFCs and other ozone depleting chemicals. The development of the world’s first ozone safe technology for domestic refrigerators - GREENFREEZE- was initiated, revolutionizing the refrigeration industry and the market. The ozone layer’s most vulnerable period is expected around 1998-2000 when the accumulated atmospheric levels of chlorine/ bromine from human made chemicals will be the highest. Vocabula ry Match the words to the objects in the p @ 004 waste go © paper and card O viss © clothing © ret! © passtic Reading We throw away millions of tons of rubbish every year. This rubbish contains a variety of material which we can recycle. If you empty the contents of a typical domestic rubbish bin you will find that about a third was paper and card, especially from food packaging. About a quarter of the contents will be food waste, a tenth plastic and the rest equal parts of glass, cloth and metal. Now complete this pie graph. cture. ‘We use the fist conditional + SIMPLE PRES: ENT + SIMPLE FUTURE) to tak about a future station that wil probably hapoen The frst conditional has two parts, or causes: these clauses can change postion without changing the meaning ofthe sentence What are the advantages of recycling waste? Read the text and make a list. Many of the things we throw away can be recycled. Recycling can reduce pollution from certain products such as car oil and batteries. It can also prolong the life of limited reserves of other natural resources such as wood. It often saves energy too. For example, using recycled glass, saves energy so it is cheaper. Recycling also gives jobs to hundreds of people by creating new industries. So, before you throw something away next time, stop and think! 1-Look for information about products which don’t harm the ozone layer. 2-With all the information you have collected make a campaign. Tran dating Complete th crossword puzzle. 1) Infection 2) Needle 3) Bromine 4) Share 5) Carrier 6) Harmful 7) Healthy 8) Compounds 4) Last (v) 10)Weaken 11)Chlorine 12) Aids 13)Depletion 14)Prevent («) 15)Bin 16)Blood 1)Card 18)Spread 18)Damage (») Glossary ‘Acquire: adauitc Counselling: orientacon terapia Disease: enfermedad Exposure: exposicion Fullblown (AIDS): forma completa Hug: abrazar ness: enfermedad Intercourse: relaciones(exuales) See On Her) Lead: conduc Long lasting: protongada lymph node sweling: inflamacién de ganglioslntticos Major principal Meet (needs: satistacer Night sweat: sudoracién nocturna Oil nafta Packaging: embalaje Resources: recursos Seek: buscar Stable: estable Vaccine: vacuna Weaken: debiltar signs mean? Express s using BO pueremiectmane| OON'T/ SHOULD / SHOULDN'T and "SHOULD" or "SHOULDNT" to give advice —) ¢ other animals and make up signs for them. Reading This is a street survey on animal rights. ree with. Choose the opinions you ag) — Eat me dere: Sie 1 Age: 48 Home: Bookn Occupation: City worker What do you thnk about animal gts? ‘A: God created us al and we all share the same Earth Other creatures should have equal rghs, And since weare higher animal, we should protect their rights ‘Name: Vaiir Votre Do you wear fur? Age: 21 ‘A: No, I don't really like it Home: Queens : Occupation: Student : Do you wear leather? A: Yes, | do. Q: Do you eat meat? A: Ys, Because we must fight fr our sunival. It isa way o balance the ecology. ® (What do you think abou animal ghts? ‘A: I hate seeing animals mistreated. | see the dog fights in the cty where they tron away the one tat loses 0: Do you wear fir? (A: No. It's inhumane. 00 you wear lather? A: Yes. tis fc not to weer leather Qo you eat meat? {Am a vegetarian forthe fac that meat has 0 many chemicals it Oerupation: het Pot Paige, coutontrel tng? Q: What do you think about animal rights? ‘Asits better than using humans. ‘Asis something that has changed so much in the popular mind. | mean, we are more concerned now, rotoniy with the fact that they fel pain but that they have emotions fel ve Q:Do you weer fur? A: No, I don't. (Q: Do you wear leather? A: Kling spat of it. (What do you tink about anima testing? ‘As For medical reasons, agree wit it but there shoul be mits. * ‘Name: Marco Runanin (6) Adapted from Lee- Edmund, “Eat mel Wear me! Love mel”, in Vilage-Voice. Dec.2, 1997; v42n48,p. 18, ‘ Name: | Name ‘Name: Age: Age: | ee | Answer: Answer: | Answer 7 J» 1- 2- 2 , a2 3 } 3- } 3. - 4. }o4 } 4 | 5 | 5 | 5 10 words associated with the survey. PROJECT 1-Think and discuss. “Do you know other animals which are mistreated? If yes, give examples “here an organization in your country which protects animal rights? If yes, which one? 2-Find out information about animal rights. a itake 2 speech using the information collected in point 2. Choose the best one in your class. Reading Endangered animals _ On your planet, many animals are in danger of extinction, even animals which are close relatives of man, like the orangutan and the’ chimpanzee. In Africa people hunt elephants and rhinoceroses for the tusks. In the seas many types of fish as well as many types of whales are close. to extinction. In the air, eagles and storks are at risk. Organizations like the World Wild Fund for Nature (WWF) help to protect these animals, but their job is massive. Scientists estimate that, if people continue to behave like they do now, several hundred species, of vertebrates and about 1 million types of insects will become extinct, before the year 2040!” Freeform 1, p. 101, Richmond Publishing, 1997 Warnings and education campaigns for sun avoidance re OK for humans, but what about the frogs laying their eggs in high mountain ponds \ and streams as they have for millennia, or the phytoplankton in the seas seeking the sun to ensure photosynthetic production, or the trees rooted in the earth and stretching their leaves or needles skyward to the sun? They cannot avoid the noonday sun, put on a shirt or hat, use sunscreen, or shelter indoors. They must be protected from exposure to increased UV-B radiation. This can only be accomplished through a concerted human effort to eliminate the release of those chemicals that destroy the ozone layer. The time to act is now. ” () “Frog do not wear sunglasses in Our Radlant Planet, Greenpeace, Oct. 1995, Unit 4 the previous texts. Add some more animals you can think of. IN THE SEAS IN THE AIR IN THE FORESTS e Speaking Read this extract from a real story about Paul and Linda Mc Cartney. What you would do in a situation like this? During the last tour, the tabloids done that — but it’s not a bad idea ! | think reported that Paul and Linda were __ it came from us being on holiday in the passing idle moments by visiting Caribbean years ago and seeing a guy high-class seafood restaurants, _ bringing in assea turtle. We decided to buy buying up all the live lobsters in the __it off him. But unfortunately we told him tank and taking them away to the we were going to let it go and then he nearest seashore for liberation into _ refused to sell it to us. He thought it would their natural elements. offend the gods | guess. So, as Linda was taught when she was a kid, a fish gets Paul: “ No, we don’t happen to have ever caught by opening its mouth.” \ Visit the local zoo and answer: I-How are animals treated? 2-What do you think about the animals in captivity? 3-Are there animals in danger of extinction? (9) “Lobster Potty’, Tour Magazine, 1993. pen 78: Translating Complete this eed crossword pt a z tii AG a LN - Je DAD oh ~ Mell La) rn wmreps=-2> wor Glossary Idle moments: atos de oo Lay eggs: poner huevos Lobster: langosta Massive: enorme Pond: laguna /estangue Stretch: extender Sun avoidance: evtar el ol Skyward hacia ceo Tabloids: dlarossersacionalstas Tank: estanque Turtle: tortuga Tusk: colmilo Whale: ballena Nature and Environment this instrument so nt? scope is an instrument that focuses light or other radiation through ‘one or more lenses to form a magnified image of a specimen. The microscope has revolutionized the study of biology and medicine. The instrument has applications in all other scientific and technical areas as well. The electron microscope is analogous in principle to the light microscope. The historical development of the microscope. Magnification by simple lenses has been known from ancient times, but the development of the modern microscope dates from the construction of compound- is system§, Which-eccurred some time in @ period between 1590 and 1610. Jannsen constructed a simple instrument made of a pair of lenses mounted in a sliding tube. In 1611 Johannes Kepler described a compound-lens system using a convex lens. The man generally considered the founder of microbiology is the Dutch biologist Anton van Leeuwenhoek (1632- 1723). He became interested in science when, as a businessman, he began grinding lenses and building simple microscopes as a hobby. Each microscope consisted of a flat brass or copper plate in which a small, single glass lens was mounted. The lens was held up to the eye, and the object to be studied was placed on the head of a movable pin just ‘on the other side of the lens. Leeuwenhoek made over 400 microscopes, many of which still exist. The most powerful of these instruments can magnify objects about 275 times. He was the first person to observe single- celled animals (protozoa) with a microscope. He was also the first person to observe clearly and to describe red blood cells in humans and other animals, as well as sperm cells. (10) Adapted from Grolier Interactive inc. © 1996. @ What isa microscope and what are its uses? @ Who was Anton van Leeuwenhoek? What did @ What happened between 1590 and 1610? © What did the Jannsens do? e,e Writing Complete these sentences QA compass... DA stethoscope oo... OAscak... QA speedometer. OA

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