Assessment Principles-1

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Assessment Principles

In order to achieve a deeper understanding of the very nature of the assessment

process, it is necessary to define the general principles that should be observed in
assessment. Fundamental agreed assessment principles are (Havelka  al. 2003):

1. Assessment is planned as an integral part of the instruction.

2. It encompasses all actors and activities related to the instruction.
3. Assessment represents a very important professional skill of teachers.
4. Assessment should provide an answer to the question:
How do students learn?
5. Assessment needs to support and channel students’ progress.
6. Assessment is an important motivational factor in respect of learning and education.
7. Assessment is the driving force of students’ emotions and their self-respect.
8. The students and other stakeholders are familiar with learning object and outcome
assessment criteria.
9. Assessment is a developmental factor of student self-assessment skills.
10. Assessment is the activity that is to cover the whole range of students’ achievements.

The assessment process is also based on the following operational principles:

11. Demonstrations of learning outcomes. Students should be aware of what is being

assessed and the evidence that will be used to judge their performance.
12. Comprehensive range of evidence. A variety of assessment techniques and recording
instruments should be used.
13. Valid and reliable evidence. It is important that tasks assess what they are intended to
assess and a broad range of evidence is used to make judgments.
14. Learners as individuals. Students should have the opportunity to demonstrate learning
outcomes in different ways and at different levels.
15. Equity. Students should be able to demonstrate learning outcomes in ways that are
sensitive to, and inclusive of, their circumstances.
16. Responsibility for own learning. Students should be self-monitoring and have the
opportunities and the skills to set their own learning goals, to monitor their progress in
relation to the learning outcomes and to gather information that they and others can
use to make decisions about future learning.
17. Opportunities to demonstrate learning outcomes. Students should have numerous
opportunities to demonstrate learning outcome over time and in a range of contexts.

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