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Chapter 2 - Motion in One Dimension

Problem 21
A rocket is fired vertically and ascends with a constant vertical acceleration
of 20 m/s2 for 1.0 min. Its fuel is then all used and it continues as a free-fall
particle. (a) What is the maximum altitude reached? (b) What is the total time
elapsed from takeoff until the rocket strikes the Earth? (Ignore the variation of
g with altitude).

Under constant acceleration, the rocket will ascend to h1 = at21 /2, and have a
speed of v1 = at1 . As a free particle it will continue to ascend for t2 = v1 /g =
(a/g)t1 , gaining a height of h2 = v12 /2g = (a/g)2 t21 · (g/2). (a) The maximum
height will then be  
1 2 a
H = h1 + h2 = at1 1 + .
2 g
We find this to be H ≈ 108 km. (b) From this maximum height, the rocket will
fall according to H = gt23 /2. Solving for t3 , we find
p a a
t3 = 2H/g = t1 1+ .
g g

Thus the total flight time is:

" s  #
a a a
T = t 1 + t2 + t 3 = t1 1+ + 1+ .
g g g

This gives T ≈ 5.5 min.

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