Chapter 2 - Motion in One Dimension: Problem 8

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Chapter 2 - Motion in One Dimension

Problem 8
An object, constrained to move along the x axis, travels a distance d1 with
constant velocity v1 for a time t1 . It then instantaneously changes its velocity
to a constant v2 for a time t2 , traveling a distance d2 . (a) Show that

v1 d1 + v2 d2 v1 t1 + v2 t2
≥ .
d1 + d2 t 1 + t2
(b) Under what conditions is this an equality?

With these variables, we have the relations v1 t1 = d1 , and v2 t2 = d2 . We can
rewrite the inequality as follows:
v1 d1 + v2 d2 d1 + d2

d1 + d2 t1 + t 2
(v1 d1 + v2 d2 )(t1 + t2 ) ≥ (d1 + d2 )2
v1 v2
d1 d2 ( + ) ≥ 2d1 d2
v2 v1
v1 v2
( + ) ≥ 2 .
v2 v1
The last inequality always holds, as x + 1/x ≥ 2. (b) The last statement is an
equality when v1 = v2 , which also means d1 = d2 , and t1 = t2 .

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