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Delhi's has an extreme climate. It is very hot in summer (April - July) and cold in winter
(December - January). The average temperature can vary from 25 oC to 45oC during the
summer and 22oC to 5oC during the winter. 

In summer adequate precautions need to be taken, to avoid the intense heat, such as
wearing light cotton clothing, wearing a hat or sunshade while going outdoors and
drinking plenty of liquids. In winter, wearing warm or woolen clothing will protect you
from the cold. 

  Seasons Month Av. Temp (Min-M

Winter December to January 5o to 25o

Spring Feburary to March 20o to 25o

  Seasons Month Av. Temp (Min-M

Summer April to June 25o to 45o

Monsoon July to Mid-September 30o to 35o

Autumn September end to November 20o to 30o

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