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You are the manager of a supermarket which is losing customers because

employees of the company next door park their cars in the supermarket
parking area. Write a letter of complaint to the company and suggest what
should be done.

Dear Sir/Madam,

It is with regret that I feel I must write to express my annoyance, as the manager
of the supermarket located within easy reach of your company, in regards to the
parking shortage issue that we are confronting with.

In the past few days, our store has received several complaints from customers
concerning the time wasted seeking a parking spot, requesting an immediate
solution. Thus, I have decided to take action and discover the main source of the
problem. As a result of my investigation, I have come to the conclusion that a
significant number of your new employees have their car parked here for the
entire day.

Although I tried to explain them the complete situation, my expectations of

clarifying the issue were not met. They were not only inconsiderate to my
peaceful request, but also quite impolite. While I realize the attempt of ensuring
enough parking spaces for all your employees is very demanding, I urge you to
reconsider some ways of solving it.

Might I suggest that, as the manager, it would be advisable for you to either
extend your lot or provide a proper way of transport, facilities which would
convince them to park their car somewhere else. I would recommend, therefore,
that you give this matter your urgent attention.

I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. Unless this issue is
resolved, I will have no choice but to take legal action.

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