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When a body is whirled in horizontal circle by means of a string the centripetal force is supplied by
a)mass of body b) velocity of body c)tension in the string d) centripetal acceleration
2. Ideal fluid is
a)non-viscus b) incompressible c) steady flow d) possess all properties
3. The direction of linear velocity of body moving in circular path is
a)along axis of rotation b)along tangent c)directed toward center d)directed away from center
4. A man of weight w is standing on an elevator which is ascending with an acceleration a. The apparent weight of man
a)mg b)mg – ma c)mg + ma d)none
5. The angular momentum of body is conserved if
a)force acting on it is constant b)force acting on it zero c)torque acting on it is zero d) all
Short Questions:
1. When mud flies off the tyre of moving bicycle, in what direction does it fly?
2. What is meant by moment of inertia? Explain its significance.
3. Why Einstein’s theory of gravitation is better than the Newton’s?
4. A disc and hoop start moving down from the top of an inclined plane at the same time. Which one will be moving
faster on reaching the bottom?
5. Differentiate between steady and turbulent flow.
Long Question:

1. Explain centripetal force required for the body to move into circular path.

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