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1. Read the following information and, according to the video, answer the 
following questions: 

Colony collapse disorder (CCD) is a phenomenon in which worker bees from 

a beehive or European honey bee colony abruptly disappear.Urban 
beekeeping is the practice of beekeeping in an urban environment. It has 
become popular in cities such as New York and London, which saw a 220% 
increase in beekeepers between 1999 and 2012 and and the practice recently 
became legalized in many American cities, including New York. Pollination 
is the process by which pollen is transferred in the reproduction of plants, 
thereby enabling fertilization and sexual reproduction. 

1.1 Noah Wilson-Rich asks us to think about the health of bees like we 
think about our own health. How do you think we can adjust our thinking 
of the importance of honeybees and help save them? 

We can inform people by using social media as a tool because everyone is 
using them recently and we can present the idea to the government and plan 
awareness campaigns on schools and public places. With this tool we can 
tell people that they​ ​need​ to r​ ecognize​ that the subsistence of many plant 
and crop species r​ ely on​ the bees w ​ ho are​ in charged of the pollination 
system​ as ​they may be​ t​ hose​ that t​ ransport​ the pollen from one flower to 
the opposite​ one. Without pollination happening p ​ lants​ would ​not​ be 
capable of​ reproduce and neither ​human nor​ animals m ​ ay have​ an 
surroundings​ and f​ ood​ to s​ tay​ from. Maybe when they understand this they 
would respect bees. 

1.2 What components do you envision that creates a sustainable city? 

D​raw a picture or elaborate each point. 

I consider that one way to create a sustainable city could be the various alternatives
of environmental energy and look for ways that urbanization and the environment are
not affected and manage to coexist and evolve aspect could be
pollution. if we make sure that the cars, the thrills and others are friendly to the
environment and we reduce the rates of pollution in the city decrease we can create
an ecologically friendly city.

2. Courses of Action/Global Perspectives: Find what else is being done in 

the world to solve this situation: approaches, campaigns, etc. Give your 
What Greenpeace is doing. 

They want to achieve an agricultural model that protects, maintains and 

restores biodiversity, respects ecological limits and is socially just.They 
work so that society and the political class understand the importance of 
bees and other pollinators and the threats they face. They are also fighting 
for the banning of pesticides that are harmful to bees and for strong support 
for organic farming.Thanks to the pressure exerted by the thousands of 
companies, Greenpeace and other groups in the EU have managed to stop 
fipronil from being marketed in September 2017, and that three very 
harmful neonicotinoid insecticides for bees were almost completely banned. 
But they must continue working to stop other pesticides that threaten bees 
and therefore life as we know it. 

3. Check the following s

​ ite 

(Enlaces a un sitio externo.) 

. Write a 100 word summary about its main points. Remember to write your 
summary according to the guidelines studied in your english class for 

This text explains how important the great influence these insects have in 
our lives and how they are all involved or have something to do with them in 
the following three roles: as consumers, as beekeepers and as farmers. And 
also the negative effects that are reflected today. Most beekeepers today are 
struggling with competition against large companies offering processed 
honey in cloth in response to consumers' search for cheap honey. However, 
this negatively affects beekeepers who produce higher quality honey that 
has more work behind it and that is the reason behind the value. On the 
other hand, farmers have recently been experiencing difficulties due to the 
absence of bees, since they now do not have pollinators that allow the 
reproduction of their plants.  
4. Check the following article about water problems in the world. Write a 
short comment.  
I believe that most of the world's water difficulties are caused by global 
warming, which damages the daily climate of a region. Another aspect that 
also affects water is its mismanagement of this resource. Since most of the 
cases in which humans do not value nature, since nature always surpasses 
the human being and is much more powerful. 
5. Go to the official site of the W
​ orld Water Day (Enlaces a un sitio 
externo.)​ ​I already went

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