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June 7th 2010 Curriculum Vitae Dr Elizabeth Nafula Kuria  

Name Dr. Elizabeth Nafula Kuria
Date of Birth: 29th October, 1953
Citizen Kenyan
Contact Address Department of Foods, Nutrition and Dietetics, Kenyatta University, P.O
Box 43844, Nairobi, Kenya 00100
Mobile + 254-721-433619
Email address
Languages English, Kiswahili

1997-2000 PhD Education Edith Cowan University, Western Australia
1990-1993 Masters of Education, Home Economics, Kenyatta University, Kenya
1991-1992 Postgraduate Diploma, International Course in Food Science and
Nutrition, University of Gent, Belgium
1980-1984 Bachelor of Education in Home Economics, First Class Honours,
University of Nairobi, Kenya
1974-1977 Diploma in Agriculture and Home Economics, Distinction, Egerton
College, Kenya


Aug. 2009- Febr.2010 Annual Leave. Teaching Food Science and Nutrition. Dean Graduate
School, Kampala International University
2001 –May 2010 Lecturer Department of Foods, Nutrition and Dietetics Kenyatta
Teaching PhD, Masters and Undergraduate students. Units teach include:
Curriculum development and teaching methods, nutrition in emergencies,
nutrition and HIV and AIDS; scientific principles in food science;
community nutrition; nutrition for the elderly;, food security, human
nutrition; therapeutic nutrition; nutrition anthropology, seminars in
nutrition and dietetics; research and statistics among others.
Promotion of research with academic staff in the department.
Supervision research thesis for Masters and PhD students

1993-2000 Tutorial Fellow Department of Foods, Nutrition and Dietetics

Kenyatta University- Teaching undergraduate students

1989-1993 Graduate Assistant Department of Foods, Nutrition & Dietetics

Kenyatta University- Assisting in lectures and practical sessions


2010 to date Senior Lecturer in the Department of Foods, Nutrition and Dietetics

Aug. 2009 to Feb. 2010 Director SPGS at KIU. Responsible for Masters and PHD
programmes- Curriculum development; Policy development;
Research Promotion and staff skills development for post Graduate
students and members of University Senate

2004 to Aug. 2009 Member University Senate and Executive Senate Kenyatta University.
Responsibilities include:- Approval of all Programmes in the university on
behalf of the University Senate. Determine university calendar dates for
sessions and examinations. Determine protocol for student welfare issues

2002-to 2009 Head Department of Foods Nutrition and Dietetics

Responsibilities include: Overall management and functioning of the
department. Staff appointment and allocate duties to department staff.
Staffs discipline. Staffs performance evaluations.
Develop programmes for the department that encompasses gender and
environmental mainstreaming in the curriculum
Student admissions and ensure students learn under conducive
environment in department
Chief Examination Officer and responsible for external examination
Student recruitment for the department
Budget and expenditure and fund raising for the department Linkages
between department and industry and other institutions
Overseeing department audit process to be in line with ISO
Promotion of staff development
Department development and programmes

Senator Kenyatta University

Member of the university Senate that manages the functioning of the
university. Decisions on staff deployment and discipline, programmes,
examinations, student welfare, university development

Member of University Bursary Committee

Responsible for issuing bursaries to needy students in the university

Member of the School Executive Board. Responsible for the management

of the department in the school, approval of programmes in the school and

2006 to date Mentoring students in the University. Get a number of students that join
the university each year that I mentor throughout their stay in the
university. This involves working with them on their programmes, social
life, outreach, financial management among others


2001-2002 Chairman Departmental Postgraduate Students Committee

Responsible for Masters and PhD students research thesis processing
Member of School of Pure and Applied Science Postgraduate Committee
Responsible for Masters and PhD students research thesis processing in
the school

1984-1988 District Co-operative Officer, Ministry of Co-operative Development.

Worked in Nyandarua and Nairobi Districts. Responsible for the
management and credits of the co-operatives in the districts

1977-1984 Assistant Agricultural Officer Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operative

Development worked in Griftu Training Centre Wajir, Homa Bay and
Mombasa Districts

2004-2005 Nutrition Status and Feeding Practices of PLWHA and Orphans: A case of
Thika and Bungoma Districts, Kenya. Sponsored by Nutrition Third
2003-2004 National Food Consumption Study Sponsored by UNICEF KCO.
2002 African Proverbs: Ninety One Proverbs from the Bukusu and five
Proverbs from the Kikuyu in Kenya on Food. Funded by Maryknoll
1997-1999 Participation and the focus of nutrition education in a rural child growth
monitoring program in Kenya. PhD thesis.
1996-1997 Children in very difficult circumstances. Family Support Institute,
Sponsored by the Kenya Government and UNICEF.
1995-1996 An investigation of the extension services provided to women on food
storage/preservation and nutrition in Bungoma District. Research grant
sponsored by the African Academy of Sciences (AAS).
1994-1995 The role of school gardens: A case study of Webuye Division, Bungoma
District. Research grant sponsored by International Development Research
Centre (IDRC), KUTERA project.
1994-1995 Researcher on the food security and health sector in the “Task Force on
the Laws Relating to women in Kenya”. Kenya Government.
1994 Women’s access to knowledge on utilization of sorghum in Webuye
Division. Research grant sponsored by the Association of African Women
in Research and Development (AARWORD).
1993 Women’s food taboos in Bokoli Location. Research grant sponsored by
1991/1992 An investigation into the factors related to beans storage practices among
women in Bokoli location of Bungoma District. M.Ed. Thesis


Research Articles
Chege, P., Kuria E. and Kimiywe, J. (2010). A comparative Study of dietary practices, morbidity
patterns and nutrition status of HIV/AIDS infected and non-infected pre-school children
in Kibera slums, Kenya. Journal of Applied Biosciences ISSN 1997-5902 32-2008-2014

Mugendi, J. B., Njagi, E. N., Kuria, E. N., Mwasaru, M. A., Mureithi, J. G. and Apostolides, Z.
(2010). Nutritional quality and physicochemical properties of Mucuna bean (Mucuna
pruriens L.) protein isolates. International Food Research Journal 17: 357-366 (2010).

Mugendi, J. B., Njagi, E. N., Kuria, E. N., Mwasaru, M. A., Mureithi, J. G. and Apostolides, Z.
(2010). Effects of processing technique on the nutritional composition and ant-nutrient
content of mucuna bean (Mucuna pruniens L.). African Journal of Food Science Vol4 (4)
pp. 156-166 April 2010

Mugendi, J. B., Njagi, E. N., Kuria, E. N., Mwasaru, M. A., Mureithi, J. G. and Apostolides, Z.
(2010). Effects of processing methods on protein quality of Mucuna bean (Mucuna
pruniens L.). African Journal of Food Agriculture Nutrition and Development. ISSN
1684 5374 pp. 2394-2412
Kuria, E. N. (2010). Food consumption and nutritional status of people living with HIV/AIDS
(PLWHA): a case of Thika and Bungoma Districts, Kenya. Journal of Public Health
Nutrition Vol. 13 No 4 2010 1SSN 1368-9800 pp. 475-479

Waweru, J. Mugenda, O. and Kuria, E. (2009). Anemia in the context of Pregnancy and
HIV/AIDS: A case of Pumwani Maternity Hospital in Nairobi, Kenya.
African Journal of Agriculture and Development Vol 9 No 2 2009 ISBN
1584 5374

Muinde O. Kuria E. (2005). Hygienic and Sanitary Practices of vendors of Street Foods in
Nairobi Kenya. African Journal of Food Agriculture Nutrition and
Development. Peer Reviewed Article 7 Vol. 5 No 1 2005

Kuria, E. N. (2003) Dietary management of HIV and AIDS for People Living with HIV and
AIDS: Association of African Women in Research and Development

Kuria, E. N., Wefwafwa, T. and Munyasi, F. (1997): An investigation of the extension services
provided to women on food storage/preservation and nutrition in
Bungoma District. Abridged research Report No 25. Nairobi: Academy
Science Publishers.

Kuria E. N. (1995). Bokoli nutrition project: Initiative of a Home Economist. In Association of

African Women in Research and Development (AARWORD). Newsletter
Vol. 6 1995. Nairobi.


Kuria, E. N. (1993). Women’s beans storage practices: A case study of Bokoli Location,
Bungoma District. Association of African Women in Research and
Development (AARWORD). Newsletter Vol. 4 December 1993. Nairobi.

Books and Chapter in Book

Kuria, E. N. (2008). Basics of Foods and Nutrition. Nairobi: Aged, Children and Women

Kuria, E. N. (2008). Feeding for Health: Perspectives from God’s Word. Nairobi: Aged,
Children and Women Organization.

Kuria E. N. (1990). Experience of a home economics extension worker in Kenya, In Looking

towards the 21st Century: Home Economics and the Global Community.
American Home Economics Association Yearbook 10/1990. Glencoe
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company.

Research Grants
2003-2006 Nutrition Third World: Nutrition Care of HIV and AIDS. 2003-2006.

2004-2005 UNICEF: Food Vehicle for Vitamin A fortification.

2002 MaryKnoll Ministries: African Proverbs on Food

1996-1997 UNICEF and Kenya Government: Children in Very Difficult Circumstances

1995-1996 African Academy of Sciences (AAS): Extension Services to Women Farmers

1994-1995 International Development Research Centre (IDRC) KUTERA Project

1994 Association of African Women in Research and Development (AAWORD):

Women’s Access to knowledge on utilization of sorghum

Successful Completed PhD Supervision

Date Student PhD Title
July 2009 Eunice Wambui Njogu Diversification of farming practices for
enhanced household food and nutrition
security among peri-urban farmers in
Kamae area- Nairobi, Kenya

July 2008 Dr. Jane Beatrice W. Mugendi Assessment of the effects of processing
3, 4-dihydroxy-L-phenylalanine (L-
DOPA) and other antinutrients
reduction on mucuna pruriens L.
protein quality


On going Ph D Supervision

Winfreda Use of amaranth grain in feeding HIV positive Analyzing data

Nyamota children at Thika District hospital and thesis writing

Lydia The use of novel biochemical markers in coronary Analyzing data

Kiduka heart disease risk assessment among an urban and thesis writing
population in Kenya"
Peter Chege Impact of use of amaranth on nutrition status in Proposal
Kajiado district presented in
Juliana Kiio Use of neglected crops for improved food security Proposal

Masters Thesis Supervision

Completed Masters Supervision:
Year Student Title
2008 Othoo Dorothy Dietary Assessment of vitamin A and iron among
Apondi pregnant women at Ndhiwa SubDistrict Hospital-Kenya
2008 Muia Esther Nutritional Status and Eating disorders among female hair and
Nduku beauty college students in Nairobi, Kenya
2008 Mogesi Betty Nutritional status, blood pressure levels and the associated
Samburu risks for hypertension among Kenyatta University
employees, Nairobi
2006 Joseph Waweru Iron status and HIV/AIDS: A case of pregnant women at
Pumwani Maternity Hospital in Nairobi, Kenya
2006 Maina Peter Dietary practices, health and nutrition status of HIV/AIDS
Chege infected pre-school children in Kibera slum, Nairobi
2006 Suzan Wairegi Women’s awareness, perceptions and attitudes of
Wambui menopause and their dietary intakes in managing
menopausal symptoms: A case of maragua Town, Kenya
2006 Mwema Household Food Security and Nutritional Status of under
Josephine fives in Kieni West Division, Nyeri District
2005 Jane Muting,au Nutrition status of children in selected primary schools in
Machakos district
2005 Edwina A. Factors that Influence Glycaemic Control in Diabetes
Ochieng Mellitus: A Case Study of Kenyatta National Hospital
2005 Rose Shikuri Nutritional Status and Food Consumption Patterns of
Children with Cancer: A Case of Kenyatta Hospital,
2005 Ruguru Sarah Risk Factors Associated with Nutritional Status among
Mwaniki the Elderly in Selected Homes for the Aged in Nairobi
and Kiambu, Kenya
2004 Rose Health Professionals Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices


Olwambula in the Management of Protein Energy Malnutrition in

Ambalo Government Hospitals , Kisumu, Kenya
2004 Eunice Ndung’u Utilization of Beta Carotene rich sweet potatoes, millet
Njeri and pigeon pea in the development of alternative bread.
2004 Onesmus An Assessment of Hygienic and Sanitary Practices of
Muinde Kilungu vendors of street foods in Kayole and Dandora Estates
2003 Florence Kithira Household Food Security of members and non-members
of women self-help groups in Miriga-Mieru West division
of Meru Central district, Kenya.

Ongoing Masters Thesis Supervision

Name Title Status
1. Kimwele Maternal knowledge, attitudes and practices on Presented proposal
A. Mueni complementary feeding and nutrition status of in the Department,
children 6-24 months visiting Kahawa West working on proposal
Health Care centre
2. Zipporah Use of amaranth grain to improve household Presented Proposal
Ndung’u food and nutrition security of under fives in the school, doing
data collection
3. Gitonga Breakfast consumption patterns and nutritional Presented Concept in
Betty M. adequacy of diets of females (25-35 years) in Department,
private sector employment in Thika Town working on proposal
4. Seraphine Knowledge, attitudes and infant feeding Presented Concept in
Mukami practices of HIV infected women attending Department,
AMREF MCH Clinic at Kibera working on proposal

Community Service
2009 to date Member District Education Board Gatanga District
2008 to date Council Member, Kiriri Women’s University
Member Board of Governors Mangu High School
Member Board of Governors Ruaraka High School

2008 to date Series of radio broadcasts on Metro Station on nutrition education

promotion on various topics
2007 to 2010 External Examiner Department of Applied Nutrition University of Nairobi

2005 to date External Examiner Jomo Kenyatta University Nairobi

2002 to date: Member Parents Teacher Association Mangu High School

2002 to date Member Board of Governors Kamunyaka Secondary School

2001 to date Chairperson Ladies Ministry Deliverance Church Kasarani and Nairobi


2000 to date Holding Series of lectures on “Nutrition and Health” in communities in

Nairobi and Kitale; Western Kenya based on food consumption, building
immunity, nutrition and HIV and AIDS and wellness life style changes
Education promotion among youth in schools and out of school in rural
settings in Kenya

2010 Marsabit Nutrition Survey Sponsored by Food for the Hungry,
2009 Kajiado Nutrition Survey sponsored by Concern Worldwide
2008 Nutrition Survey Kakuma Refugee Camp sponsored by International
Rescue Committee
2007 End of Project Evaluation: OFDA/ADRA Emergency Water and
Livelihood Support (EWLSP) Program in Bakol and Bay (Dinsor)
Sourthern Somalia sponsored by ADRA

2006 Nutrition Survey Turkana District sponsored by CCF-UNICEF

2004-2005 Breaking the Malnutrition Cycle in South Aweil Sudan Sponsored by



Kenya Institute of Nutritionist and Dieteticians
Kenya Coalition of Action on Nutrition
Kenya Non-Fiction Writers Association
Association of African Women Researchers in Development


24-28th August, 2009 African Education Conference, Kampala International University,
24-26th Feb. 2009 Management of university departments/schools and directorates
held at KUCC, Kenyatta University, Nairobi
26th March, 2009 Kenyatta University capacity building seminar for mentors held at
KUCC, Kenyatta University, Nairobi
24-28th Nov. 2008 Research on Neglected and Underutilized Species (NUS) from a
Kenyan perspective: perceptions, obstacles and opportunities’.
Paper presented to the Scientific Research Proposal Writing
Workshop for Neglected and underutilized Species of Crops
November 24th to 28th At Kenyatta University Conference Centre,
Nairobi, Kenya
Dec. 2005 Kampala Selection of an Appropriate Food Vehicle for Vitamin A Fortification: A
Kenyan Experience


19th-23rd September, 2005. International Congress of Nutrition, Durban South Africa

Kuria E.N., Kimiywe, J., Ochola, S., Meme, M., Waudo, J., Nyamota, W. and
Ogwayo, I. Appropriate Food Vehicle For Vitamin A Fortification: A Kenyan

19th-23rd September, 2005. International Congress of Nutrition, Durban South Africa

Kuria, E. Chege, P. M.; Waweru, J; Mugambi, G. & Wefwafwa, T. Nutrition
Status and Feeding Practices of People Living With HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) And
Orphans Of HIV/AIDS: A Case Of Thika And Bungoma Districts, Kenya
Mellinium Development Goals
Kuria E.N., Kimiywe, J., Ochola, S., Meme, M., Waudo, J., Nyamota, W. and
Ogwayo, I. Appropriate Food Vehicle For Vitamin A Fortification: A Kenyan

21st-23rd February, 2005. Inaugral National Nutrition Congress (INNC)

Nutrition Status and Feeding Practices of People Living With HIV/AIDS
(PLWHA) and Orphans Of HIV/AIDS: A Case of Thika and Bungoma Districts,

2003 57th Annual National Conference on Child Nutrition July Reno Nevada
School Feeding Programmes in Kenya

Addis Ababa
2004 Feeding Practices of PLWHA a case of Thika and Bungoma Districts, Kenya

17th – 21st June, 2010 Training workshop on “Supervisors and Enumerators Training on
Nutrition Survey” held at pastoral Centre Marsabit
10-12th June, 2009 Training workshop on “Supervisors and Enumerators Training on
Nutrition Survey” held at Kajiado for community health workers
17-18th April, 2008 Training workshop on “Nutrition Survey” held at Kakuma-Turkana for
community health workers

28-29th April, 2006 Training workshop on “Supervisors and Enumerators Training on

Nutrition and Food Security” held in Lodwar-Turkana for community
health workers of Oxfam, World Vision and CCF

11-12th July, 2005 Training workshop on “Adapted Practical Nutrition Guidelines for people
living with HIV/AIDS” to Ministry of Health doctors, nurses and
nutritionists and community health workers held at Ekwann Institute

15th March 2005 Dissemination Workshop on Feeding practices of HIV/AIDS and orphans
due to HIV/AIDS in Thika. Blue Posts Hotel 14 March 2005. Sponsored
by Nutrition Third World


13th April 2004 Dissemination workshop on National Food Consumption Study: held at
UN complex Gigiri sponsored by UNICEF/KCO

10th July 2002 Dissemination Workshop on “Cancer Awareness and Nutrition

Management in Cancer” held at Milani Bokoli Bungoma Kenya.


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