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Comunicre de afaceri in limba engleza
 Pentru saptamana 11.05.-17.05 2020
 Pentru studentii de la cursurile cu frecventa redusa
I. Writing letters of complaint and apology

Match the beginnings and the endings below and identify the techniques which have been
included.Then say which letter:
 is a letter of complaint
 offers an apology
 is an application for a job
A.Dear Sir/ Madam,
It is with regret that I feel I must write to you to bring to your attention the
appalling service I received at your High Street
outlet . During my visit there on 4th September, I was horrified by the lack of courtesy
shown by your staff.

B. Dear Sis,
With reference to your letter dated 5th November, I am writing in my capacity as
manager to say how concerned I was to hear of the regrettable series of events that took place
during your visit to our restaurant.

C. Dear Mrs. Carter,

With regard to your advertisement in the online edition of the Bbedfordshire Globe, I
am writing to express my interest in the position of secretary that has become vacant in your
Luton brunch.

1. Once again, may I convey my sincere apologies for the inconvenince you have
been caused. By way of compensation, I would like to offer you and your party a
complimentary four-course meal at a date which is convenient to you. I look forward to
hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Derek Moor

2. I hope that, in the light of the information above, you will consider me for the post. I
can be contacted at the above telephone number during working hours and I am available for
an interview given one’s day notice.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. H.K. Long

3.I trust you will give the matter your urgent consideration and will take the necessary
disciplinary actio against the employees concerned. Meanwhile, I look forward to receiving a
written apology by return of post.
Yours faithfully,
Peter D.Grant

II. A. Use the prefixes in- or un- to form the opposites of the following

1.…...frequent; 2…..determined; 3….decisive;

4….willing; …..5…..appropriate; 6…adequate;

7…admissible; 8…...controllable; 9….interesting 10….trustworthy.

B. Choose the correct word to fill each gap.


Stop and consider for a moment how you would feel if you were willing
and 1)……………to work, and yet day after day you have 2)……….through all
kinds of weather to get to the local employment office you are told –once again-
that there is nothing available for you. Initially, you would probably feel a 3)
………of disappointment, a slight feeling of being 4)……….down. However,
as the days pass and you have still not found even the most 5)…….of jobs, you
would probably become increasingly angry and incensed at the injustice of it all.
What kind of society allows an able-bodied individual to sit around and twiddle
his 6)……….all day? Obviously, one which cannot understand how important it
is for a person to feel useful and productive.
1. capable, efficient, suitable, able
2. trudged, strolled, sauntered, strutted
3. pale, low, dim, faint
4. pushed, set, let, laid
5. basic, fundamental, rudimentary, menial
6. fingers, toes, hands, thumbs

III. . Fill in the blanks with an appropriate adverbial particle.

1. You needn’t come to see me ……at the airport. I’m perfectly capable of
getting on a plane.
2. It didn’t take me long to see ……..the firm’s plan of employing young
people in order to limit the wage bill.

3. Tom felt it was time he got a steady job and settled……..
4. Mary has some good ideas, but lacks the patience to see things……
the end.
5. My elderly uncle has moved into sheltered accommodation; it has taken
him some time to settle…….
6. His grandfather wouldn’t allow him to pay the bill; he had settled……
without my knowing.

IV. Translate into Romanian:

There are basic principles that apply to every negotiation. The first offer is
usually the most important and the benchmark by which all subsequent offers
will be judged and compared. You will never get what you do not ask for so
make your first offer bold and assertive. The asking price will typically include a
pad or margin to give away during negotiations. You want to take all of that and
hopefully more, so start lower than the seller expects. As long as your offer is
not ridiculous, the other side will continue the negotiations in hopes of settling at
a better number. As a buyer, do not disclose your budget or other limitations in
your negotiating position. A favorite ploy of salesmen is to reshuffle the product
specifications, schedule and other parameters in order to sell you an inferior
product to fit your budget. You want the best product you can get for the money
you have to spend, so employ an approach that maintains the possibility of
spending less than you had originally planned.
You always have something to give away without hurting your negotiating
position. If you are submitting a price proposal to a buyer, consider inserting
tricks for the other party to find. For example, if you are bidding a project,
consider including some nice-to-have items that aren't critical to the success of
the project. You could also include spare parts that may or may not be needed in
the end. If the buyer takes those items out to reduce the overall cost, you have
not lost anything but it may help the buyer reach his price target. Such
distractions will help to divert the other party. Employing this strategy must be
viewed in the context and in consideration of what other bidders may be doing.


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