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8/17/2017 ML Fairness

ML Vanguard Projects
Project These projects have committed to making fairness a P1,
going above and beyond to ensure Google's products work
Home for everyone.

Vanguard Projects
Infrastructure Infrastructure

Scorecard Fairness Policy
Establish proactive-oriented best-practices and Establish the company-wide normative and
Reports the formal process framework to support fair value-based positions necessary for teams to
Community and inclusive ML development; lowering risk, pursue fairness work. These company-wide
opening up opportunities for market growth, policies will be complimentary to the Scorecard,
FAQ and making remediation easier, should and include positions on risk identi cation,
Archive unfairness arise. sensitive subgroups, and incident response.
Project POC: Andrew Zaldivar Project POC: Jakara Mato

Infrastructure Production

Subgroup Discovery Meeting Room Intelligence

Demographic subgroupings using self-identi ed Ensure a successful launch of an inclusive vieo
seed data, for model analysis that protects conferencing product in the fall 2017, including
access to unique users. Discovery of auto-zoom functionality and image quality that
demographic subgroups in data that have not performs well across subgroups.
been annotated. Project POC: Zachary Yorke
Project POC: M. Mitchell

YouTube Restricted Mode
Display Ads Quality Signals
Ameliorate unnecessary ltering of LGBTQ
Correct or mitigate unfair inferences used in content in Restricted Mode and expand work to
Display Ads targeting. other YouTube classi ers.
Project POCs: Marzia Polito and Jen Io nova Project POC: Tulsee Doshi

Production Production

FaceNet YouTube recommendations

False Negative Rate (FNR) for non-white faces Improving recommendation models to better
comparable to white faces. serve underserved demographics (females and
Project POC: Florian Schroff users 35+).
Project POC: Tulsee Doshi

Production 1/3
8/17/2017 ML Fairness
Mitigating false positives for non-toxic
comments that contain language related to MomentQuality score unaffected by gender or
protected classes. race.
Project POC: Camille Francois Project POC: Divya Tyam

Production Production

ML FaceSDK and Human Sensing Image Search results

Fairness A ributes Mitigate result sets that are unrepresentative or
Project Accuracy of face/person understanding
offensive in the way they manifest societal
stereotypes and/or historical unfairness.
components used in VSS, Mobile Vision, Cloud
Vision APIs with regard to demographic Project POC: Cathy Edwards
variables (race, age, gender).
Project POC: Marco Andreetto

Sma Reply
Mitigate unwanted and unwarranted subgroup
Bias analytics tools for use in vision inferences in suggested replies.
model development process Project POC: Sushant Prakash

Demographic classi iers for model analysis,

diverse datasets for all widely used visual
human understanding components. Infrastructure

Project POC: Hartwig Adam Data labeling pipeline

Measuring and Reporting Data Diversity for
GET INVOLVED Machine Learning.
Project POC: Anurag Batra

What quali es as a Vanguard Project?

A focused and strategic fairness effort with a dedicated project point-person.
We are committed to supporting these teams in every way possible, including
gaining support from senior leadership, tracking and publicizing progress, and
building out a case study to share processes, ndings, outcomes, and

Vanguard Projects fall into the following three categories:

Production: Increasing fairness for a speci c measureable facet of a product.

Research: Surfacing actionable and measurable fairness opportunities for
one or more products.
Infrastructure: Providing reusable and scalable fairness componentry for one
or more products.

Ready to be on the fairness vanguard? 2/3
8/17/2017 ML Fairness

If you'd like to discuss a project that you or your team are embarking on, have
a proposal you'd like to discuss, or have an interest in getting involved as a
contributor, please contact us at ml-fairness-leads@.



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