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Ph.D. in Education Program of Study

Esther Lim Summer 2015
Program plan for
(First Semester in Program)
Core Courses (30 credits which includes 12 dissertation credits)
1. General Culture (3)
EDUC 800 (3) Ways of Knowing Fall 2015
2. Research Methods (15)
EDRS 810 (3) Problems and Methods in Education Research Fall 2015
EDRS 811 (3) Quantitative Methods in Educational Research Summer 2016
EDRS 812 (3) Qualitative Methods in Educational Research Spring 2016
Select two additional courses: EDRS 818, EDRS 820, EDRS 821, EDRS 822, EDRS 823, Spring 2017
EDRS 824, EDRS 825, EDRS 826, EDRS 827, EDRS 828, EDRS 830, EDRS 831
3. Specializations (36)
Distribution of credits among specializations is based on size of program. Advisors must
contact the Ph.D. in Education office for clarification.
All 36 credits in specialization with the exception of 9-credit reduction (see below) must be
at the 800- level or above.
Primary Specialization (18-24): Education Leadership
EDLE 801: Contemporary Organization Theory Summer 2015
EDLE 802: Leadership and Decision Making Fall 2016
EDLE 803: Foundations of Education Leadership Spring 2016
EDLE 813: Social and Political Forces in Education Leadership Fall 2016
EDUC 886: School Reform in the US: Politics and Policies Summer 2018
EDUC 853: World Perspectives of Teacher Education Fall 2018
EDRS 850 Grounded Theory Spring 2020
EDUC 897: Independent Study Fall 2020
EDUC 994 (3) Advanced Internship in Education (may be taken as a specialization course)
Secondary Specialization (12-18): ____________________________________________
International Education
EDUC 878: Intercultural Competence Spring 2017
EDUC 880: Introduction to International Education Fall 2018
EDUC 892: Social Justice & Equity in International Education Fall 2017
EDUC 815: Research Inquiries in International Education Spring 2018
EDUC 885: History of Education in the US Spring 2018
Upon permission of advising committee, student may receive a 9 credit reduction based on
a licable Ma e s coursework. Please indicate course numbers and titles.

4. Dissertation Proposal and Research (12)

Upon successful completion of all coursework (core and specialization), and comprehensive
portfolio assessment, students are advanced to candidacy and enroll in EDUC 998.

EDUC 998 (3) Doctoral Dissertation Proposal

EDUC 999 (9) Doctoral Dissertation Research

September 2016

PROGRAM RATIONALE (please review the Program Guidelines for directions):

I came into this program aware of my weaknesses and areas needing improvement. My
background in education and research is very limited. That is why, I am thankful for the
opportunity to learn, be challenged, and grow in knowledge in educaitno leadership, international
education, among other things. My goal is through this program I will be better equipped to
conduct research and study Asian American women in education leadership. My hope is that
through the courses I have selected—content, research methodologies, educational policies,
leadership examples and approaches will better support me to ask purposeful questions for
educational research while provoking me to examine my own perspectives and beliefs.
May 28, 2020
Student Signature Date

_______________________________________ ________________________________________
Chair Date Margret Hjalmarson, Director Date
Doctoral Advising Committee PhD in Education Program

Member Date
Doctoral Advising Committee
(secondary specialization)

Member Date
Doctoral Advising Committee

September 2016

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