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1) About the crop

a) Name of crop - Fenugreek
b) Common names –Methi (Marathi),Kannada "menthya", Tamil
"Vendayam", Telugu "Menthulu" ,Malayalam "Uluva"
,Oriya,Bangla, Punjabi, Urdu and Hindi it is called Methi (Urdu).
c) Scientific name – Trigonella foenum-graecum L.
d) Family- Fabaceae
e) Origin- Mediterranean
f) Importance –

It is one of the most common vegetables grown throughout the Country.

Fenugreek is a leguminous annual plant that grows to around 60cm tall.

The leaves are similar to clover in shape. Flowers are pea-shaped and yellow
or white and appear in the leaf axils.

Like other legumes, the seeds are held in pods. Fenugreek pods are thin and
crescent-shaped. The light brown seed harvested from the dried pods has a
strong curry flavour.

The seeds can be lightly roasted and ground and used as flavouring,
especially in curry dishes. Fresh seed can be sprouted to give tasty sprouts.

The young leaves are often used in Asian dishes and can be included in salad
mixes. Traditionally, fenugreek tea made from the crushed seed was used
medicinally for a range of ailments.

The plant was fed to animals as a both a tonic and a valuable food source;
however it is now thought to have deleterious effects on animals if eaten in

Fenugreek contains steroidal saponins, alkaloids (inc. trigonelline and

gentianine), mucilage, protein, vitamins A, B, C, minerals.

2) Cultivation

a) Soil and climate

- Good soil of medium texture is required. Tolerated pH range is 5.3
to 8.2.
- Prepare soil by adding plenty of composted organic material.
- Add a ration of lime if the soil is acid.
- A sunny, well-drained position and adequate water is required.
- Seed is sown in situ in spring.

b) Season and months

It can be grown in plains throughout the year .Mostly Rabbi season good
for the cultivation.

- Rainy Season - June - July

- Winter Season –September - October

c) Varieties:
Fenugreek is the leguminous plant and the improved varieties are
Kasoori selection production get started in 2 months, Pusa Early
bunching it developed earlier, for seed production after 125 days.
These both developed by ICAER, Pusa, New Delhi.
In Maharashtra Fenugreek no.47 most cultivated variety.
d) Methods of cultivation-

1. Broadcasting –direct seed of Fenugreek under good conditions is

recommended in medium black soils well drained .Thin broadcasting is
more applicable for it.

e) Seed rate –25to 30 kg per hectares.

f) Spacing –

g)Land preparation
Fenugreek requires well-drained soil. It cultivated in flat bed this
should be in size 3 X 2 m. elongated flat bed also prepared for it.
h)Sowing/ planting
Fenugreek cultivated by broadcasting in flat bed at 20-25 cm distance
in line. Needs full sunlight, and requires watering during dry periods.
While fenugreek is easy to grow, most available cultivars need a
growing season of 4 to 5 months, although some cultivars mature
seeds just 3 months after sowing. It's a short-day plant, with flowering
only beginning as the days shorten in late summer.
3) Intercultural operations
a) Weeding

b) Water management
One has to irrigate Fenugreek during rabbi and summer season.
During all season at 4-6 days interval are required


The irrigation system must ensure uniform distribution and no wastage of

water. Fenugreek can be irrigated by surface-irrigation system.

Surface-irrigation system: water is directly applied to the surface of the soil

and is spread by gravity. There are several methods viz. flooding from ditch,
check basin, ring and basin, border strip and furrow.

c) Earthing Up

• It is the process of putting the earth or soil just near the base for
certain crops to give support to the plants.
• In Vegetables - To facilitate irrigation.

d) Fertilizer management
I. Organic fertilizers- 20 ton/hectare well rotten FYM or compost
should incorporated at the time of land preparation

II. Chemical fertilizers

Top dressing
For good quality of fenugreek leaves nitrogen plays a vital role.

1. 20 kg of Nitrogen (43 kg of Urea)/ha. – At Starting

2. 20 kg of Nitrogen (43 kg of Urea)/ha. – After 15 days weeding OR
3. After broadcasting of seeds in 3rd week spraying of Urea
150gm/10lit.water for betterment of production.

Bacterial nodules on the roots take up nitrogen from the air,

so this leguminous plant needs little if any nitrogen fertilizer, and
actually enriches the soil with nitrogen.

Application Methods
Fertilizers are applied in several ways.
Basal dressings are those fertilizers which are incorporated in the soil just
before sowing or planting.
e) Crop protection
I. Pest management
Aphids, Leaf minor are major pest infesting Fenugreek. Aphids
are black colored and infested the tip of leaf and sucking green

II. Weed management

Weeding is the process of eliminating competition of unwanted plants to the

regular crop in respect to nutrition and moisture. So that crops can be grown
profitably. It also facilitates other operations like irrigation and fertilizer
application. The advantages of weeding are

1. Conservation of soil moisture.

2. Reduced competition for nutrients, sunlight, space and water.

4) Harvesting & post harvest processing

a) Method of harvesting

Take out whole plants for fresh use in salads when they are about 5
cm (2 inches) high (cut off the roots)

Main product

Depending on the variety and the season it produces 7 to 8 tn.

of per hectare.

c) Post harvest processing

After harvesting of fenugreek it bounded in ‘Judi’ and packed in cloth
or netted bags or put in bamboo baskets

After the seeds have matured, uproot the plants and hang to dry.
When seeds are completely dry, thresh and separate them. Grind
seeds if required. Store whole dried seeds or ground fenugreek powder
in airtight containers.

Fenugreek has sold for distant as well as for local markets.

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