Angels Why Study Angels

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Why study angels

To avoid deception


Their existence is assumed, mentioned more than 165 times in the bible; more than 100 times in the

Jesus taught of their existence (Mat 26:53)

Historic beliefs

Acts 23:8


The Hebrew term is malak and angelos in Greek, the basic meaning is messenger. The words are also
applied to human messengers (1Ki 19:2; Luke 7:24)


Created – Gen 1.1, 2:1, Psalm 148:2,5, Neh 9:6, col 1:16

prior to creation - job 38:7

Probably created at the same time – Mat 22: 30

Nature and character

Spirits – Heb 1:14, 2 kings 6:17, Acts 8:26, 29, 39

Immortal – Luke 20:36

Holy – Job 5:1, Ps. 89:7

But as created they are probably imperfect (Job 4:18; 15 :15).

Said to have a language – (1 cor 13:1)

They are persons with intelligence (Matt.28:5; 1 Pet.1:12,2 Sm 14:20) emotions (Job 38:7; Luke 2:13;
15:10,) and Free will (Jude 6, Rev 12:9, Rev 22:8-9)

Unreservedly obedient to God – Psalm 103:20

A completely different class from humans – Mat 22:30, 1 Cor 6:3, Ps 8:5

Ranks & number

Angels are organized by ranks (eph 1:20-21, Col 1:16) but the details and nature of these ranks are
not Clear. We know there are archangels, but the number is unknown (Jude 9) Cherubim, seraphim
Their number is large - Rev 5:11, Dan 7:10

Gender – Zec 5:9

Special kinds of angels are:

cherubim, who show traits of both men and animals (Gen. 3 :24; Ezek. 1: 5-12; 10:19-;22; 11 :22; Ps.

seraphim who have 6 wings (Isa 6:2).


Heaven – Is 6:1-6, Dan 7:10, Heb 12:22

They leave heaven when assigned a task and go back upon completion – 2 kings 6:17


Messengers – from Greek & Hebrew terms

Fellow servants – Rev 22:9

They minister to believers – Heb 1:14, mark1:12

This service takes many forms

 Answering prayer – Acts 2:17

 Bringing announcements and warnings to God’s people – Luke 1:3, Acts 10:3-33
 Encouragement – Acts 27:23-24
 Guidance – gen 19:17
 Deliverance – Act 12:7, PS 34:7, deu 33:2
 Protection – Ps 91:11
 Comfort – Gen 32:1-2
 Caring for believers at death - Luke 16:22
 mediators of revelation (Zech. 1 :9, 11 ff.; 2:2-5 (2:6-9)
 Believers may have guardian angels (Mt 18:10, Act 12:15), this is not definitive.
 Directly assisted apostles and prophets – 1 king 19:15, Dan 6:22, mat 4:11
 Engage in spiritual warfare – rev 12:7

Among unbelievers, angels restrain wickedness (Gen 19:115), announce God’s judgment (rev 14:7-
10), execute God’s judgments (Acts 12:23, rev 16:1-18) and In the end times cast them into the
blazing furnace (mt 13:37-43)

Angels surround God's throne and fill the heavenly world with songs of praise (Rev. 5:11; 7:11).

Glorify God – Job 38:7, ps 148:2, Rev 5:11

Reveal and communicate God’s message to Humans – Act 7:53, Gal 3:19, Heb 2:2

seem to be present within the church (1 cor 11:10)

Worship God (Matt. 18:10; Heb. 1:6; Rev. 5:11)

spreading false doctrine (1 Ki. 22:21-23; 2 Thess. 2:2; 1 Tim. 4:1)

Execute judgement on the enemies of God (2 kings 19:35,2 sam 24:16, exo 14:19-20, Acts 12:23,

Rejoice in the works of God – luke 15:10

Watched over Israel- dan 12:1

National Guardians – (Dan. 10:13,21) (Deu 32: 8-9)

Probably "the angels of the churches" (Rev. 1 :20; 2:1 etc.) are really angels and not pastors.

Luke 2:14,28:2, Acts1:10

destroying angels" (Ps. 78: 49)

ministers of death" (Job. 33: 22)

Why they should not be worshiped

Heb 1:5-29 makes it clear that Christ is superior

Angels caution people not to worship them Rev 19:10,22:6

They were created – psalm 148:2,5

Scripture commands us not to – col 2:18

Elijah prayed to God instead of angels – 2 kings 6:18

Ability & Limitations

Can take on human form –Gen 18:1-8, Heb 13:2, mk 16:5,luke 24:4

Super powerful – PS 103:20, 2 Pet 2:11,2 chronicles 32:21, 2Ki 19:35, Acts 2:7-11 but limited ps
72:18, 1 thes 1:7

High Intelligence - 2 Sm 14:20, Gal 3:19, Daniel, Zachariah and revelation (the fact that angels
interpreted mysteries to prophets and apostles shows a higher intelligence)

Not omnipresent – Dan 9:21-23, Zech 1:11

Limited knowledge – Mat 24:36, 1 pet 1:12

Not omniscient – Dan 10:3

Can blind humans – Gen 19:11

Humans and Angels

Humans don’t become angels when they die – 1 Co 6:3, 13:1

Appearances to humans

they have human form (Mk 16:5; Lk 24:4), are robed in white garments (Mt 28:3; Mk 16:5; Jn 20:12),
radiate light (Mt 28:3; Lk 24:4), praise God (Lk 2:13-14), bring messages to God’s people, and cause
fear and trembling in those who encounter them (Mt 28:1-8; Mk 16:5-8; Lk 1:11-12; 2:9-10; 24:5)

Angel of the lord

Seems to be indistinguishable from Yahweh himself (see Gen 16:7,11, 13; 22:1-18; Num 22:22-35).
However, judges seems to be making a distinction (judges 6:23)

In one important passage this angel is said to carry God’s name (Ex 23:20-21).


In Hebrew the name comes from the root geger (man or strong) together with 'el (God). This
suggests two meanings: man of God, or God is strong. In the OT Gabriel appears only in Daniel, and
there as a heavenly messenger who makes his appearance as a man (Dan. 8: 16, 9: 21). His functions
are to reveal the future by interpreting a vision (8: 17), and to give understanding and wisdom to
Daniel himself (9:22).


The name probably means "who is like God ?". The Michael who is to be found in the NT appears in
the OT only in Daniel. Like Gabriel, he is a celestial being, but he has special responsibilities as the
champion of Israel against the rival angel of the Persians (Dan. 10:13,20), and he leads the heavenly
armies against all supernatural forces of evil in the last great battle (12:1).

Various facts

In the afterlife Christian will judge them

The son is not the same as angels - Heb 1

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