Writing Samples B2 Level PDF

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City & Guilds IESOL

Sample Writing Tasks at B2 Communicator level

The aim of this booklet is to familiarize teachers who prepare candidates for the City and Guilds ESOL
examinations with tasks, performance samples, assessment criteria and benchmark performance samples.
The tasks and performance samples in the current material represent level B2 according to the Common
European Framework of Reference. The CEFR levels and descriptors are embedded in every stage of the
production and delivery of the International ESOL and Spoken ESOL tests and are also incorporated in the
marking procedures.
The material includes sample tasks from former live tests and authentic performance samples produced by
ESOL candidates. An attempt has been made to select samples which represent a wide variety of performance
levels within the given CEFR level. All samples have been double marked to ensure that the evaluation criteria
are rigorously followed and marking is consistent, accurate and reliable.

Marking the writing tasks

The current guide includes only the open writing tasks which are evaluated with the help of task-specific mark
Each level has a task-specific mark scheme with descriptors for Task fulfilment, Grammar, Vocabulary and
Structure. The Task fulfilment mark reflects how far the candidate has achieved the task, the Grammar mark
measures the range, appropriacy and accuracy of grammar, the Vocabulary mark assesses the range,
accuracy and appropriacy of vocabulary as well as spelling accuracy. The Structure mark reflects how
coherently ideas are linked in the text and how accurate the punctuation is.
There are four levels of performance with a corresponding mark in each of the above criteria: First Class Pass,
Pass, Narrow Fail and Fail. The total marks awarded for the task are the sum of the marks awarded to each
The writing tasks are marked by trained markers who use the task-specific mark scheme for the evaluation of
the tasks. The mark-schemes are regularly updated and markers are trained regularly to ensure that they are
marking to standard.

Grading the Writing section

If a task has not been attempted, a zero mark should be awarded for that task.
Once each Writing task has been marked, an overall mark is awarded for the Writing section. This overall mark
is translated into one of the following grades: Fail, Narrow Fail, Pass or First Class Pass

Maximum marks for each writing task

Part 1 respond appropriately to a given text to produce a formal Maximum mark: 12
response for an intended public audience
Part 2 produce a personal letter, a narrative or descriptive Maximum mark: 12

Grade table for Writing section for B2

Grade Total marks: 24

FCP 20-24

PASS 12-19

NF 11

F 0-10
Spelling and capitalisation
American spelling is accepted if used consistently. Inappropriate use of capital letters is generally not penalised
unless spelling is the focus of the task.

Over and under length answers

The Task Fulfilment criterion with seriously under length answers will probably attract a score of 1 or 0 as there
will most likely be no or little expansion of the topic.
Answers which are seriously over length are awarded one mark less for the Task Fulfilment criterion than
would otherwise have been awarded.
Writing - Tasks
Communicator Level – (B2)

Writing 1: respond appropriately to a given text 100-150 words

to produce a formal response for an intended
public audience

Writing 2: produce a personal letter, a narrative 150-200 words

or descriptive composition

Writing –Marking
CEFR Overall Written Can write clear, detailed official and semi-official texts on a variety of
Production descriptor subjects related to his field of interest synthesising and evaluating
information and arguments from a number of sources.

CEFR descriptors related to assessment criteria

Task Fulfilment Grammar Vocabulary Structure

Can write clear, Shows a relatively Has a sufficient Can use a

detailed descriptions high degree of range of language limited number
of real or imaginary grammatical control. to be able to give of cohesive
events and Does not make errors clear descriptions, devices to link
experiences marking which cause express viewpoints his/her
the relationship misunderstandings. on most general sentences into
between ideas in topics, using some clear, coherent
dear connected text, complex sentence text, though
and following forms to do so, there may be
established language lacks, some
conventions of the however, 'jumpiness' in a
genre concerned. expressiveness longer text.
Can write clear, and idiomatic and
detailed descriptions use of more
on a variety of complex forms is
subjects related to still stereotypic.
his/her field of
interest. Can write a
review of a film, book
or play.
Marking Writing Part 1
Writing a neutral or formal response to a written, graphic or visual input for a public audience: 100-150

Public Version Mark scheme B2 - Part 1

Task Fulfilment Grammar Vocabulary Structure

Fully and
A good command
3 Broad range of of a broad
addresses all four
grammar used repertoire. Good Few if any errors of
First content points
with clarity, command of coherence, structure
Class satisfying the
assurance and idiomatic or punctuation.
Pass demands of the task,
precision. expressions. No
with good expansion
serious errors.
& support.
Mainly satisfies the Good range of Cohesive & coherent
demands of the task, Adequate range vocabulary on text adequately
2 covering at least 3 of grammar general topics, using a range of
content points with used, with no accuracy is high. linguistic devices.
Pass adequate expansion impeding Errors don’t Punctuation errors
of the topic / content errors. impede do not impede
points. communication. communication.
A range capable
Attempts to use
Responds to at least of describing
Relatively linguistic devices
2 content points. situations only
1 narrow range of though not always
Partially satisfying the relating to
grammar used, consistent. Errors,
Narrow demands of the task, him/herself, eg
with some including
Fail with little expansion of family, hobbies,
impeding punctuation make
the topic / content work. Errors make
errors. the text difficult to
points. understanding
Does not satisfy the
Only a Lacks cohesion
demands of the task, Only a
rudimentary and/or uses linguistic
responding to only rudimentary range
0 range of devices
one or none of the of vocabulary
grammar used. inappropriately.
Fail content points used. Many
Many errors, Punctuation errors
appropriately. No errors, often
often difficult to make the text almost
expansion of the topic difficult to follow.
follow. impossible to follow.
OR off topic.
Marking Writing Part 2
Free writing to produce a text using informal language: 150-200 words.

Public Version Mark scheme B2 -Part 2

Task Fulfilment Grammar Vocabulary Structure

A good command
Fully and
of a broad
3 appropriately Broad range of
repertoire. Good Few if any errors of
satisfies the grammar used with
First Class command of coherence, structure or
demands of the task, clarity, assurance
Pass idiomatic punctuation.
with good expansion and precision.
expressions. No
& support.
serious errors.
Good range of Cohesive & coherent
Mainly satisfies the
vocabulary on text adequately using a
2 demands of the task, Adequate range of
general topics, range of linguistic
with adequate grammar used, with
Pass accuracy is high. devices. Punctuation
expansion of the no impeding errors.
Errors don’t impede errors do not impede
communication. communication.
A range capable of
describing Attempts to use
situations only linguistic devices
Partially satisfies the Relatively narrow
1 relating to though not always
demands of the task, range of grammar
him/herself, eg consistent. Errors,
Narrow Fail with little expansion used, with some
family, hobbies, including punctuation,
of the topic. impeding errors.
work. Errors make make the text difficult to
understanding follow.
Lacks cohesion and/or
Does not satisfy the Only a rudimentary Only a rudimentary
uses linguistic devices
0 demands of the task, range of grammar range of vocabulary
with no expansion of used. Many errors, used. Many errors,
Fail Punctuation errors
the topic OR off often difficult to often difficult to
make the text almost
topic. follow. follow.
impossible to follow.
Sample answers and scores with examiner’s comments
B2 Communicator Writing Part 1
Example 1

Write a letter to the magazine that included the following graph. Mention the following:
• if you agree that the title of the graph is accurate
• the advantages of using the Internet
• the disadvantages of using the Internet
• your views on the results of the survey.

Write between 100 and 150 words.


Do you agree that the title above the graph is accurate?

Sample answer 1
Dear Sirs,

I would like to respond to the article called ’Results of survey demonstrating that neither men nor women
waste their time using the internet at home’ which appeared in Tuesday’s edition of your newspaper.

At the age of the World Wide Web, the survey you had conducted could be eye opening to read, however, I
believe that the activities you’ve listed do not give a full picture of Internet usage in general, therefore the
title itself is rather misleading.

Unfortunately the focus was put on the advantages the Internet offers, such as having access to online
newspapers and shopping. But let’s not forget about the traps either. Many people spend hours playing
online games, visiting social websites to look up photos of friends old forgotten or chatting endlessly.
Unfortunately such disadvantages were totally neglected by your analysis.

Furthermore, the findings suggest that men use the Net more extensively regardless of the nature of its
purpose, which idea can be very much argued as well.

Best Regards

Abigail Waugh

Task Fulfilment Grammar Vocabulary Structure Total
3 3 3 3 12

Examiner’s comments
This sample does an excellent job of presenting the writer’s arguments in a well-structured, logical
form. Information and ideas are skilfully organised through a range of cohesive devices, which are used
to good effect. A wide range of complex structures and vocabulary is used effectively. This sample
uses sophisticated and appropriate language and is ambitious in both concept and approach to the task
as well as language. The candidate’s writing has a very positive effect on the reader.
Sample answer 2
Dear Sir or madam
I would like to give you my opinion about the survey published yesterday in your magazine. I do not think
these numbers and title words are absolutely right. For example I do not know any woman who checks out
sport scores on the Internet. Also I suppose the online shopping is more popular among the women, not men.
That is because men have better imagination about the dangers of Internet and they do not believe the
Internet shops as much as women. What I find a real advantage of Internet is the possibility of getting
news. Of course these information may not be always true, but you cannot be sure about truth of
information in any item of messmedias generally. Another one from the yes of Internet is undonblealy
communication which is missing in your survey. Many people, including myself, use the Internet, especially
Facebook, to be in contact with their friends and relatives. I would find a survey about development of
Internet interpersonal communication really amazing. However, I suppose that in future PC will become the
major mean of communication.
Thank you for your interesting articles and surveys.
Yours faithfully
I. Rosanova

Task Fulfilment Grammar Vocabulary Structure Total
3 2 2 2 9

Examiner’s comments
The text includes each content point but the organization lacks logical progression, coherence and
cohesion. Lack of organizational structure makes it sometimes difficult to follow the author’s line of
thought. This inconsistent organizational structure is maintained throughout the text. Grammatical and
vocabulary mistakes (e.g. any woman, messmedias) occur but usually they are non-impeding.
Sample answer 3
Dear Sir
Internet at home
I am writing this letter with regard to you graph which you appeared in a magazine. Moreover, I agree with
you about that men and women do not waste time using the Internet at home. In fact, they spend their time
in shopping or sitting in fornt of television. Although they can get the Internet at home easly, they do not
care about it.
In addition, there are advantages and disadvantages to using the Internet.
First of all, the disadvantages to use this service are as follows:
This service need more time to spend with it. Moreover, sometime it could be efacted in your eyes. Also, if you
let this service for your children, they can get enfaction in their behavior.
On the other hand, there are advantages to use this service such as you can get many information quickly and
also you can improve you self with this service.
I hope that I kick the nile to give you my opinion about this service.
Thank you very much for your kind attantion.
Yours Faithfkully.
Ahmed al Shukali
Task Fulfilment Grammar Vocabulary Structure Total
1 1 2 1 5

Examiner’s comments
Inadequate attempt. The contradictory ideas presented in the text (men and women do not waste time
using the Internet …, they do not care about it) suggest that the writer lacks clear focus or lacks the
linguistic resources to present their arguments clearly and comprehensibly. There are a number of
linking devices in the text, but many of them are used inadequately. The frequent and sometimes
erroneous use of the linking devices makes the text unnatural. Frequent errors (e.g. which you
appeared, efacted, kick the nile) impede comprehension.
Sample answers and scores with examiner’s comments
B2 Communicator Writing Part 1
Example 2

Write an email of applicant for the following job:

- say you are interested in the job
- say what skills you have
- ask whether they provide accommodation
- ask about pay.
Write between 100 and 150 words.
Are you energetic with a good sense of humour?
Do you enjoy arts and crafts?
Come and spend the summer with us
Help to organise activities for children such as:
sports tournaments, art competitions and musical performances
Apply to Mr Green (Manager): jgreen@sunnybay.com

Sample answer 1
Dear Mr Green
I am writing with regard to your advertisement published in the Mladá Fronta 10.12.09. For long I have
been looking for suitable work and I am deeply interested in your offering.
I am 20 years old student. Since my youth I have been interested in art and music. I play on a guitar, a
violin and also a bass guitar. My other hobbies includes painting, skiing and tennis. People say I had good
sense of humour. I have already organised some musical performances and I think I could help in this area.
However, I will be grateful if you answer my question. Do you provide accommodation? If not, is there some
list of available accomodations?
Second, may I ask you for information about payment? I am sure we will make an agreement.
I hope you will consider my application. I am looking forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely
Ondrej Dosunov

Task Fulfilment Grammar Vocabulary Structure Total
3 2 3 2 10

Examiner’s comments
A good attempt that covers all content points with reasonable expansion. There are a few mistakes in
grammar (People say I had good sense of humour) but also a wide range of accurate structures. The
vocabulary used is ambitious (grateful, provide, consider). The ideas are well arranged, and the text is
coherent with accurate punctuation.
Sample answer 2
Dear Mr Green,
I am applying for the job at the Sunny Bay Holiday Camp as an Organiser of activities for children.
As a former scout I attended many camps as a child and later on I had my own group. I am a very social
person, enjoying taking part in group activities. I am very creative as well and rather good with children.
Let me inquire if you give accomodation? I am happy to sleep with other people, it is not a problem at all.
Can you also inform me about the exact payment for the summer camp job, please?
I hope my application will meet your expectations. Thank you for your consideration.
Best Regards
Task Fulfilment Grammar Vocabulary Structure Total
2 2 2 2 8

Examiner’s comments
All content points are addressed and although there are some errors, these do not prevent the
message being conveyed. The structures are fairly simple and the candidate does not appear to make
efforts to produce more complex sentences. Register and format are reasonably appropriate to the
purpose of the task and the audience.

Sample answer 3
Mr. Green,
I would like to apply for a job as an activity leader which you need for July and August.
I am 17 years old student who studies art and sport. My hobbies are music, sport, art and children. Every
Monday I stay in a centre where are children with no family. And I must add that I am really good tennis
player. I win local competition every single year. Now I have to ask you about pay. I have to know it.
I am really looking forward to get letter from you. And I hope it will be positive because I would like to get
this job.
Your faithfully
Kristina Georgikova

Task Fulfilment Grammar Vocabulary Structure Total
1 1 1 1 4

Examiner’s comments
Concise text but addresses all content points. Lacks linguistic resources to achieve the appropriate
style, though the message is clear. Simple vocabulary and simple sentence structures are used
throughout the text.
Sample answers and scores with examiner’s comments
B2 Communicator Writing Part 2
Example 1
You’ve recently celebrated a significant birthday. Write a letter to a friend expressing how you feel about being
this age. What’s good and bad about it? Write between 150 to 200 words.

Sample answer 1
Dear Judy,
How are you doing? Thanks for the last letter and forgive me this so late response. I’ve been incredibly busy
for last month, as I was preparing and planning my 20th birthday party. It took place in my and parents’s
house last Saturday and over fifty people came to join the party. Honestly, that was one of the best parties
ever, even my friends told that. It’s a pity you couldn’t be there. Anyway, I find this age really exciting! I’m
just finishing the high school, preparing for university, so that’s a bit difficult. But I feel more an adult than
two or three years ago, which I find good for my self-confidence and satisfaction with myself. I haven’t
found any disadvantage about this age so far, really! Maybe just one little con – I started working 6 months
ago and I’m getting payed quite a lot of money. That makes me a bit rain, because I can afford more things
that I could before. Maybe you would visit me next month and we can go shopping or just to a café. I
haven’t seen you for ages! We can discuss on age’s possibilities together. I can’t wait for the 20th birthday
party of yours, it will be great. I think then you’ll find this age as amazing as I do.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Love, Orsi

Task Fulfilment Grammar Vocabulary Structure Total
3 3 3 2 11

Examiner’s comments
The script addresses the subject extensively, even going over the required length. It is written in the
right informal style except for one lapse when a formal closing is added to the informal one. There is a
good range of grammar used accurately. Vocabulary is in the higher range of the level with very few
mistakes, one of those (con) the result of an ambitious effort. The text is coherent with a good range of
linking words. Unfortunately, there is no attempt to use paragraphs although the ideas are clearly
arranged. Therefore it loses a point on structures.
Sample answer 2
Dear Ahmed
Hi! How are you and how is your family? It seems ages since I saw you. I hop your new job is going well.
I’m writing now to tell you about my significant birthday.
Actually my birthday was on 1st March, last week. In my family we make a party for everyone who has an
event like that. In fact I invited many people such as my friend, my relatives and also our family friends.
Moreover, I made a big party with music and dance. I’m really very happy because I’m 20 now so I can rely
on my self and also there are many people who respect me now more than before.
In addition, any party like this should has good things because you see your friends and your relatives
around you and also you reach 20 year old. Therefore, all these things made me happy. However, there was
one thing which was bad in my party. This thing was when one of my friend got sick during my party. I’m
really disappointed because that happened in my birthday party.
Anyhow, I’m very happy because I’m 20 now so I do many things which I couldn’t do before.
I hope to see you as soon as you can. Give my best regards to your family.

Task Fulfilment Grammar Vocabulary Structure Total
2 2 2 2 8

Examiner’s comments
There is very little in the answer that actually relates to the content point set, which is how you feel
about your age. Instead it gives an account of irrelevant details of the birthday party (e.g. how someone
turned sick). The range of grammar is reasonable with a few errors (should has good things). For
vocabulary it is less than ambitious and remains at the lower range of the level. Some sophisticated
linking words are overused and out of place. Coherence is disrupted by the random repetition of the
ideas (I’m happy because I’m 20 now, the invitation of friends and family).
Sample answer 3
Dear friend Katy,
Are you good? I’m very much. I am qoter centuries last week. I’m not happy for partys, celebration was with
family. We have a big family. I have 4 siblings all older as me. My family gave me big surprize they buy a big
puzzle from 2000 peace. We strated putting it together but we didn’t success. My father says we can do it
next week when it is my twin bothers celebration. I wanted to give them puzzle too, but I have to try
something diferent do you think.
I’m happy cos I drive and do so good thinks I am not small. Next year I go to abroad cos I have money I
picked from my wage. I wanna go to NY. It is lots of money but I dreamed it when I was a small girl. I
wanna go to Empire States building. I send you my postcard, ok?

Task Fulfilment Grammar Vocabulary Structure Total
0 1 1 0 2

Examiner’s comments
Inadequate attempt with little relevant content. There are numerous errors and frequent misspellings of
basic words which require considerable effort by the reader, with the overall clarity of the message
Sample answers and scores with examiner’s comments
B2 Communicator Writing Part 2
Example 2
Your friend wants you to go on holiday together but it’s to a place you’re not keen on. Write a letter persuading
your friend to go somewhere you’d like to go to.
Write between 150 and 200 words.

Sample answer 1
Dear Eva,
Thank you for your letter last week in which you invited me to go skiing in Turkey in the summer.
I know we have been planning a holiday together ever since we left secondary school, however, I thought to
go to a nice and warm summer resort rather than to the cold and icy mountains.
Do you have any particular reason for this choice? If not, let me suggest we go to a place where the
temperature is nice, we can do some sports, go on sightseeing or just sunbathe on the beach. What about
going to Egypt? I know you like history. Haven’t you wanted to see the pyramids? Some say the sea is
beautiful there. You could take the opportunity to dive in the Red See. Doesn’t it tease your interest?
If you have any doubts about organising the holiday let me assure you that we will be fine as one of my
friends is working there as a tourist guide. I can ask her to arrange accommodation for us and give a tip
about the sights worth seeing once we are there.
I hope I could stir your interest and you will agree to spend a fortnight on the lovely beaches of Egypt. I am
sure we’ll have lots of fun and a memorable holiday together.
Let me know if you are happy to go there, so I can get in touch with my friend and start arranging things.
Lots of love
Task Fulfilment Grammar Vocabulary Structure Total
3 3 3 3 12

Examiner’s comments
This is a very good attempt, ambitious in concepts as well as language. The writer is confident and
well-organized. The candidate uses a wide range of structures and vocabulary, practically error-free.
The content is relevant and the topic is fully developed. The candidate’s writing has a very positive
effect on the reader.
Sample answer 2
Dear Lucy,
I was very pleased when I got letter from you. I’m sorry, that I didn’t write to you earlier but I was very
busy with my school matters.
Anyway, let’s make some important decisions about our holiday. You said you would like to go to Czech
Republic, but I’m not so excited about this idea. There’s no sea, no beaches and no warm enough. So I want
to beg you if you could change your mind. I was thinking about some more interesting places such as Greece,
Spain or Italy. God, I love Spain. There are really nice monument and the beaches are beautiful places when
you can spend holiday. So, what are you saying? Do you like it? If you do, talk to your parents.
Ok, I must go to do my homework for English lesson. And I’m really looking forward to receive your letter.
Best wishes
Your best friend Sheila

Task Fulfilment Grammar Vocabulary Structure Total
3 2 2 3 10

Examiner’s comments
The text is the minimum length required with just adequate expansion of the topic, but makes a good
impression due to the appropriate informal style. There are several mistakes in grammar (there’s no
warm enough, there are really nice monument, what are you saying?). The vocabulary used is
adequate but not error-free (places when you can spend holiday). The text is well-structured with
appropriate linking words and accurate punctuation.

Sample answer 3
Hi Era,
I am writting you because holiday are coming soon. But first write me how are you? What are you doing
now? Oh, yes and what’s about your new job? I didn’t see you long time.
But now why I am writting. I spoked with Mot and he told me about our holiday. I am really looking
forward to spend time with you, but I am not sure when I want to go to India, because you know. I don’t
like Indian food and flue is there. I’d rather go to Japan, there is more thing to do, better food and no ill
people. And the traditions of Japan are more interesting than one in India. Ok all thing in now only up to
you. When you choose India I still will want to go but please think about it.
I am really looking forward to you and our holiday and I am sure that it will be fun.
Please write me as soon as it will be possible.
Task Fulfilment Grammar Vocabulary Structure Total
1 1 1 1 4

Examiner’s comments
Very basic vocabulary and very simple sentence structures with a number of basic errors in syntax and
vocabulary (e.g. writting, I spoked). The candidate fails to present convincing arguments. Although all
content elements are attempted, the overall clarity of the message impaired.

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