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Apellidos HUANCA CARHUAPOMA Semestre 2020-I


Asignatura Inglés I Ciclo IX
Docente Mg. Franco Antonio Chacón Breña Aula 104
Fecha 24 04 20 Turno M T N NOTA

Práctica Calificada de INGLÉS I

I. Escribe la forma progresiva de estos verbos (1 point each).

1. Write writing
2. Study studying
3. Do doing
4. Run running
5. Live living
6. Hit hitting
7. Create creating
8. Cry crying
9. Tie tying
10. Sleep sleeping

II. Redacta la forma Positiva, Negativa, Pregunta y las dos posibles respuestas (los
verbos están subrayados) (1 point each).
The president / take decisions.
11. Positive: the president taking decisions
12. Negative: the president does not make decisions
13. Question: does he president taking decisions?
14. Positive answer: yes, he take decisions
15. Negative answer: no, he does not take decisions
Peruvians / suffer a crisis.
16. Positive: Peruvians suffering a crisis
17. Negative: Peruvians don't they are suffering a crisis
18. Question: is it Peruvians suffering a crisis?
19. Positive answer: yes, it is Peruvians suffering a crisis
20. Negative answer: no, it is not Peruvians suffering a crisis

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