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Types of taxes:

1-according to its nature:

a. Direct tax:
 It Imposed on Income when it is earned.
 Under it the taxpayer can’t shift his tax burden to others.
 Ex. Commercial tax.

b. Indirect tax:
 It is imposed on Income when it spent or utilized.
 The tax burden could be easily shifted from taxpayer to other one.
 Like value added tax.

2- according to its Source:

1-salary and the like – Subject to tax
2-Commorcial & industrial activities-subject to tax
3- Free profession -subject to tax
4-Capital revenues- exempted
5-Real estate wealth revenue subject to tax

3-according to taxable persons

The persons that subject to tax in Egypt are 2 groups:

1- Natural persons (Individuals)

 Any individual is considering a natural person
 He has to submit the tax return within 3 months from the end of the
taxable year (calendar year).
 The last day to submit the tax return is 31/3 each year.

2- Juridical persons (companies)

 Juridical persons include all different types of companies such as
partnership, corporation, public authorities or Defacto Company (any
company not satisfied its legal procedures)
 They have to submit the tax return within 4 months from the end of the
taxable year.
 The last day to submit the tax return is first of May each year

IF the tax payer didn't submit the tax return within this legal period he has to be
punished by paying fine (penalty) from 2000 to 10,000 In addition to the original

Taxable person:
1. Natural person:
 Individuals
 Sole enterprise
 Inherent defacto company
2. Juridical persons
 Corporation
 Partnership
 Normal defacto company
 Public authorities

Normal Defacto Company: Defacto Company established but doesn't satisfy the
legal requirements.
-Inherent detacto company: Defacto Company that inherited from any other

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