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operation & maintenance instruction

“F-1” SELECTOR VALVE, Pc.No. 575995

("F-1" Selector Valve Portion, Pc. No. 599325)

AUGUST, 1989
Supersedes Issue dated September, 1988

NOTE: The following description and

operation is based on this device and
its components being new or this
device and its components having
been repaired, tested, installed and
maintained in accordance with
instructions issued by this and any
other applicable Wabtec Corporation

WARNING: At the time any part is

replaced in this device, the operation of
the complete device must pass a series
of tests prescribed in the latest issue of
the applicable Wabtec Test Specification.
At the time this device is applied to the
brake equipment arrangement, a
stationary vehicle test must be made to
insure that this device functions properly
in the total brake equipment arrangement.
(Consult your local Wabtec
Representative for identity of the test
specification, with latest revision date, that
covers this device.)

IMPORTANT: Only Wabtec supplied

parts are to be used in the repair of this
device in order to obtain satisfactory
operation. Commercially available non-
O.E.M. parts are unacceptable.

NOTE: The part numbers and their

associated descriptions are the property
of Wabtec Corporation and may not be
replicated in any manner or form without
the prior sole written consent of an Officer
of Wabtec Corporation.

© 2000 WABCO Locomotive Products. A Wabtec Company. All rights reserved

February, 1989 Page 1 of 8


operation & maintenance instruction

1. DESCRIPTION sure to Port No. 53 and to Port No. 63 of the selector valve,
causing the selector valve to assume position as shown in
Designed for use in specific locomotive equipment arrange- the Figure 2 diagrammatic view chart under “TRAIL 6-26
ments where the air pressure does not exceed 150 psig, ONE LINE” position. Under this condition, air pressure
the “F-1” Selector Valve, Pc.No. 557995, consists of a Pipe from the brake cylinder equalizing pipe enters Port No. 14
Bracket Portion, Pc.No. 559322, and an “F-1” Selector Valve and flows to Port No. 16 and to Port No. 20, and then to the
Portion, Pc.No. 559325. The Pipe Bracket Portion is de- pipe leading to the relay valve of the trailing locomotive.
signed to be semi-permanently attached to the vehicle. All Brake cylinder air is thus built up on the trailing locomotive
pipe connections are made directly to the pipe bracket. in the same manner as the brake cylinder air is built up on
The “F-1” Selector Valve Portion is mounted on the Pipe the lead locomotive.
Bracket in such a manner that it can be removed for servic-
ing and/or maintenance without disturbing the piping ar- 2.3 “TRAIL 6-24-26 TWO LINE”
rangement of the vehicle. EQUIPPED LOCOMOTIVES

Refer to Figures 1 and 2. The “F-1” Selector Valve per- When a “26-L” equipped locomotive is trailing a locomotive
forms the function of conditioning certain elements of the equipped with “No. 6”, “24” or “26” Type Air Brake Equip-
brake equipment on the locomotive to lead or trail status so ment with an actuating pipe, the “F-1” selector valve is posi-
as to work with other locomotives equipped with approved tioned by directing air pressure to Port No. 63 of the selec-
“6”, “26”, or “24” Type Locomotive Air Brake Equipment tor valve, and the selector valve makes the connections as
currently in service. It performs the function of protecting a shown in the Figure 2 diagrammatic view chart under “TRAIL
trailing locomotive’s air brake integrity by automatically re- 6-24-26 TWO LINE” position. Under this condition, pres-
setting the brake control to lead position in the event of a sure from the control valve enters Port No. 4 and flows di-
separation between locomotive units. The selector valve rectly to Port No. 16, directing air for actuation of the relay
consists of three sections. The protection valve section valve of the locomotive equipment. Air pressure also enters
which is controlled by pipe No. 15 and two transfer sections Port No. 14 from the brake cylinder equalizing line and
which are controlled by pressure in Pipe Nos. 53 and 63. flows to Port No. 20 of the selector valve. This air pressure
Connections are made as shown in the chart in Figure 2 also serves to actuate the relay valve of the locomotive brake
for the positions “LEAD or DEAD”, “TRAIL 6-26 ONE LINE”, equipment. The brake cylinders on the trailing locomotive
and “TRAIL 6-24-26 TWO LINE”. Operation of the “F-1” are actuated by air from either an automatic brake applica-
selector valve is under control of the “MU-2-A” valve located tion or an independent brake application initiated by the
in the locomotive cab. “No. 6”, “24” or “26” Air Brake Equipment of the leading
2.0 OPERATION (Figure 2)
When a “26-L” equipped locomotive is a lead unit, pressure MONTHS, or more frequently, if service conditions so
to Port Nos. 53 and 63 of the selector valve is vented and warrant, the “F-1” Selector Valve Portion is to be re-
connections are made as shown under lead position in the moved from the equipment arrangement, taken to the
diagrammatic view chart (Figure 2). Control valve pressure shop, be completely disassembled, the parts cleaned,
flows from Port No. 4 to No. 16 and from there to the pipe inspected, lubricated, and re-assembled using NEW
leading to the relay valve of the locomotive. Pressure from Wabtec Corporation rubber parts and other specified
the brake cylinder line flows from Port No. 30 to Port No. 14 NEW parts. The assembled Portion is then to be tested
and then to the brake cylinder equalizing pipe of the lead for correct operation before it is returned to service.
locomotive. The brake cylinder equalizing pipe is used to
direct air to the brake cylinders on trailing units. 4.0 PARTS CATALOG AND REPLACEMENT
2.2 “TRAIL 6-26 ONE LINE”

When the “26-L” equipped locomotive is trailing a “No. 6” IMPORTANT: When ordering replacement parts for the
or “26” type locomotive without an actuating pipe, operation “F-1” Selector Valve, Pc.No. 557995, and/or the “F-1”
of the “F-1” selector valve is performed by applying pres- Selector Valve Portion, Pc.No. 559325, refer to the cur-

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operation & maintenance instruction

30 12 53

20 16 14

63 4 15

Figure 1 - "F-1" Selector Valve - Exterior Side and Rear Views

6 9 12
Lead or dead

Trail 6-24-26

Trail 6-26
One line

Two line


4 12

20 7 10
53 Port Designation
4 Automatic Brake Control Valve
63 12 Emergency Pipe
14 Brake Cylinder Equalizing Pipe
15 Main Reservoir Equalizing Pipe
This diagrammatic representation is for func- 16 Application Pipe
20 Independent Application and Release Pipe
tional analysis only. It is not to be used as an
30 Brake Cylinder Pipe
actual physical representation of portion or pipe 53 Multiple Unit Control Pipe
bracket configurations. 63 Multiple Unit Interlock Pipe

Figure 2 - Diagrammatic View

February, 1989 Page 3 of 8


operation & maintenance instruction

rent issue of the Wabtec Corporation Parts Catalog facturers should be followed.
Ÿ When performing any test or work on devices or
NOTE: The reference numbers used in this publication equipment while they are on the vehicle (on car test,
and those used in the parts catalog may differ. Check the etc.) special precautions must be taken to insure
descriptive parts name to be sure that the desired part is that vehicle movement will not occur which could
ordered. result in injury to personnel and/or damage to equip-
Ÿ Assembly may be under a spring load. Exercise cau-
IMPORTANT: To obtain satisfactory operation and reli- tion during disassembly so that no parts “Fly Out”
ability of the “F-1” Selector Valve and its Component and cause bodily injury.
Portions, ONLY Wabtec Corporation parts are to be
used in the maintenance of this Valve and its Compo- Ÿ All air supply and/or electric current to this device
nent Portions. and/or to any components part must be cut-off be-
fore this device and/or any component part is re-
5.0 SAFETY PROCEDURES & WARNINGS moved from the equipment arrangement.

Regular owner-operating property and shop safety proce- Ÿ “Bottled” up air under pressure (even though air
dures are to be followed when performing any work on the supply is cut-off) may cause gaskets and/or parti-
“F-1” Selector Valve and/or its Component Portions. cles of dirt to become airborne and an increase in
sound level when this device and/or any component
The work area is to be clean. part is removed from the equipment arrangement.

WARNING Ÿ Personal eye and ear protection must be worn and

The following statements of warning apply all or in part wher- care taken to avoid possible injury when performing
ever the symbol appears in the maintenance procedures. any work on this device and/or component part.
Failure to observe these precautions may result in serious
injury to those performing the work and/or bystanders. Ÿ An adequate support or lifting device must be avail-
able to support the Device and/or Valve Portion(s)
Ÿ The use of an air jet, which must be less than 30 during removal, installation and maintenance pro-
p.s.i.g., to blow parts clean or to blow them dry af- cedures.
ter being cleaned with a solvent will cause particles
of dirt and/or droplets of the cleaning solvent to be 6.0 CLEANING SOLVENT AND LUBRICANT
airborne. Wire brushing may also cause particles
of dirt, rust, and scale to become airborne. These 6.1 The solvent used to clean the reusable parts of the “F-
conditions may cause skin and/or eye irritation. 1” Selector Valve Portion MUST BE an aliphatic organic
solution, such as mineral spirits or naphtha that will dissolve
Ÿ When using an air jet, do not direct it toward an- oil or grease and that will permit the parts to be cleaned
other person. Improper use of air jet could result in without abrasion.
bodily injury.
6.2 Number 2 Silicone Grease, Wabtec Corporation Speci-
Ÿ Personal eye protection must be worn when per- fication M-7680-2, such as Dow Corning Corporation
forming any work on this device or its components Molykote 55M, MUST BE used to lubricate o-rings, o-ring
parts to avoid any possible injury to the eyes. grooves, and the bearing surfaces of bushings into which
o-ring assemblies are installed.
Ÿ The use of solvents as cleaning agents and the use
of lubricants can involve health and/or safety haz- 7.0 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES - “ON-CAR”
ards. The manufacturers of the solvents and lubri-
cants should be contacted for safety data (such as IMPORTANT: “On-Car” maintenance is limited to the
OSHA Form OSHA-20 or its equivalent). The rec- removal and replacement of the “F-1” Selector Valve
ommended precautions and procedures of the manu- Portion. NO “On-Car” repairs to the “F-1” Selector
Valve or its Component Portions are to be attempted.

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operation & maintenance instruction

7.1 REQUIRED PARTS ports and passages are clear and unrestricted. If neces-
sary, the ports may be “blown-out” using a low pressure jet
IMPORTANT: The repair person will require the following of clean, dry air. Exercise care so that no dirt is blown into
parts: the ports.

7.1.1 A NEW “F-1” Selector Valve Portion, Pc.No. 559325, 7.2.6 Remove ALL protective materials from a NEW pipe
or an “F-1” Selector Valve Portion, Pc.No. 559325, that has bracket gasket (18), Pc.No. 559322, and from a NEW or
been overhauled and that has been tested following the pro- overhauled and tested “F-1” Selector Valve Portion (21),
cedures of the current issue of the Wabtec Corporation Pc.No. 559325. Be sure that protective tape is removed
Test Specification T-2428-O. from the mounting face of the Valve Portion (21).

7.1.2 A NEW pipe bracket (mounting) gasket, Pc.No. 7.2.7 Install the NEW pipe bracket gasket (18) and the “F-
559322. 1” Selector Valve Portion (21) on the pipe bracket (19).
Secure the parts in place by installing the four 3/8" hex nuts
7.2 PORTION REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT (1). Equally tighten the nuts.

7.2.1 IMPORTANT: ALL owner-operating property safety 7.2.8 Provide adequate protection to prevent dirt and/or
procedures and the safety procedures and warnings moisture from entering the ports of the removed valve por-
as listed in Section 5.0 of this publication are to be tion and transport it to the shop area for servicing.
adhered to.
7.2.9 IMPORTANT: Whenever the “F-1” Selector Valve
The wheels of the vehicle are to be chocked and the Portion is removed from an equipment arrangement
handbrake(s) applied to prevent unintentional vehicle for any reason, and it is re-installed or replaced with a
movement. NEW or overhauled and tested “F-1” Selector Valve
Portion, a stationary vehicle test MUST BE performed
ALL air supply to the “F-1” Selector Valve is to be cut- to be sure that the “F-1” Selector Valve Portion and
off. the “F-1” Selector Valve function properly in the total
equipment arrangement.
Warning placards indicating that work is being per-
formed are to be placed on and about the vehicle. 7.2.10 IMPORTANT: Whenever the “F-1” Selector
Valve Portion is removed from an equipment arrange-
7.2.2 Remove ALL free dirt from the exterior surfaces of ment for any reason, and it is re-installed or replaced
the “F-1” Selector Valve by wiping with a clean, dry, lint- with a NEW or overhauled and tested “F-1” Selector
free cloth or by blowing the surfaces clean with a low pres- Valve Portion, a NEW pipe bracket (mounting) gasket,
sure jet of clean, dry air. Pc.No. 559322, MUST BE used. This gasket MUST BE
ordered as an individual item.
(Figure 3)
7.2.11 IMPORTANT: Remove ALL warning placards and
7.2.3 Provide adequate support for the “F-1” Selector wheel chocks before attempting to move the vehicle.
Valve Portion (21) which weighs approximately 30 pounds
and remove it from the pipe bracket (19) by first removing 8.0 “F-1” SELECTOR VALVE PORTION -
the four 3/8" hex nuts (1). MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES - “IN-SHOP”

7.2.4 Remove and SCRAP the pipe bracket gasket (18). IMPORTANT: When performing the procedures which fol-
low, DO NOT use hard or sharp metal tools to remove o-
7.2.5 Visually inspect the pipe bracket (19) for damage. It rings or gaskets. Care MUST BE exercised so that no
is not necessary to remove the pipe bracket from the equip- damage is done to metal parts.
ment arrangement unless it is damaged. Should it be nec-
essary to remove the pipe bracket car builder, and/or owner- (Figure 3)
operating property instructions are to be followed.
8.1 DISASSEMBLY Inspect the Valve Portion mounting face of the
8.1.1 Remove the four 3/8" x 13/4" cap screws (2) which
pipe bracket. Be sure that there is no damage and that the
secure the valve spring cover (3) to the body (17), then

February, 1989 Page 5 of 8


operation & maintenance instruction

remove the cover (3) from the body (17). way or if there are signs of excessive wear.

8.1.2 Remove the three valve springs (4, 7, 10), one from 8.2.3 SPRINGS
each of the three valves (6, 9, 12). Wash the springs in a bath of the cleaning solvent
8.1.3 Remove and SCRAP the 23/8" O.D. ring gasket (13) as described in Section 6.1.
from its groove in the spring cover mounting face of the
body (17). The springs may be wire brushed to assist in the
removal of any dirt, rust, or scale.
8.1.4 Turn the valve portion assembly over on the bench
so that the bottom cover (15) is on top, facing upward. After the springs have been cleaned, they MUST
BE completely dried. Use a low pressure jet of clean, dry
8.1.5 Remove the bottom cover (15) from the body (17) by air to blow the springs dry.
first removing the four 3/8" x 11/4" cap screws (14). Inspect the springs. Replace any spring that is
8.1.6 Remove and SCRAP the bottom cover gasket (16). rusted, pitted, distorted, or if it has taken a permanent set.
Refer to the current issue of the Wabtec Corporation Parts
8.1.7 Remove valve “A” with o-ring sub-assembly (12, 11) Catalog 3241-3 for spring information and identification.
from its bushing in the body (17).
8.1.8 Remove and SCRAP the three 11/2" O.D. o-rings
(11) from their grooves in valve “A” (12). Wash ALL of the remaining parts in a bath of the
cleaning solvent as described in Section 6.0.
8.1.9 Remove valve “B” with o-ring sub-assembly (6, 5)
from its bushing in the body (17). After the parts have been cleaned, they MUST BE
completely dried. Use a low pressure jet of clean, dry air to
8.1.10 Remove and SCRAP the four 19/16" O.D. o-rings blow the parts dry.
(5) from their grooves in valve “B” (6). Inspect the parts.
8.1.11 Remove valve “C” with o-ring sub-assembly (9, 8)
from its bushing in the body (17). Replace any part that is cracked, cut, broken, bent, exces-
sively worn, damaged in any way, or if the part is in such a
8.1.12 Remove and SCRAP the four 15/8" O.D. o-rings (8) condition that may result in the unsatisfactory operation of
from their grooves in valve “C” (9). the “F-1” Selector Valve Portion.


8.2.1 NON-REUSABLE PARTS 8.3.1 Using Number 2 Silicone Grease, Wabtec Corpora-
tion Specification M-7680-2, perform the following lubrica- ALL gaskets and o-rings are to be SCRAPPED tion procedures:
and replaced with New Wabtec Corporation parts. Coat the surfaces of each of the following NEW o-
8.2.2 BODY rings with the lubricant. Wash the body in a bath of the cleaning solvent as Four 19/16" O.D. o-rings (5).
described in Section 6.1. A clean, lint-free cloth which has
been saturated with the cleaning solvent may be used to Four 15/8" O.D. o-rings (8).
assist in the cleaning of the body surfaces. Three 11/2" O.D. o-rings (11). After the body has been cleaned, it MUST BE
dried completely. Use a low pressure jet to blow the body
dry. Pay particular attention to the bushings and internal Fill the o-ring grooves of valve “A” (12), valve “B”
body passages making sure they are dry. (6), and valve “C” (9) with the lubricant. Inspect the body. The valve bushings MUST BE Lightly coat the bearing surfaces of each of the
free of damage. Replace the body if it is damaged in any three valve bushings of the body (17) with the lubricant.

Page 6 of 8 February, 1989


operation & maintenance instruction




6 12

"B" "C"

5 8
13 11

1 17

Pipe Bracket



Valve Portion

14 1

Figure 3 - Exploded View and Exterior View

8.3.2 Place the body (17) on the work bench so that the each of the four o-ring grooves in valve “C” (9). Any ex-
bottom cover mounting face is facing upward. The spring cess lubricant may be removed by wiping with a clean, dry,
cover mounting face of the body, the face with the gasket lint-free cloth.
groove should be on the bottom.
8.3.4 Install the valve “C” with o-ring sub-assembly (8, 9),
8.3.3 Install a NEW lubricated 15/8" O.D. o-ring (8) into open end first, into its bushing in the body (17).

February, 1989 Page 7 of 8


operation & maintenance instruction

IMPORTANT: The valve “C” sub-assembly MUST BE 8.3.12 Install valve spring (4) into the opening of valve “B”
installed, open end first, into the bottom cover mount- (6).
ing face opening of the body.
8.3.13 Install valve spring (7) into the opening of valve “C”
8.3.5 Install a NEW lubricated 19/16" O.D. o-ring (5) into (9).
each of the four o-ring grooves in valve “B” (6). Any ex-
cess lubricant may be removed by wiping with a clean, dry, 8.3.14 Install valve spring (10) into the opening of valve “A”
lint-free cloth. (12).

8.3.6 Install the valve “B” with o-ring sub-assembly (5, 6), 8.3.15 Install the valve spring cover (3) on the body (17)
open end first, into its bushing in the body (17). and secure it in place by installing four 3/8" x 13/4" cap screws
(2). Equally tighten the screws.
IMPORTANT: The valve “B” sub-assembly MUST BE
installed, open end first, into the bottom cover mount- 8.4 TESTING & ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
ing face opening of the body.
8.4.1 IMPORTANT: After the “F-1” Selector Valve Por-
8.3.7 Install a NEW lubricated 11/2" O.D. o-ring (11) into tion, Pc.No. 559325, has been assembled, BUT BEFORE
each of the three o-ring grooves of valve “A” (12). Any it is returned to service, IT MUST pass a series of tests
excess lubricant may be removed by wiping with a clean, following the procedures of the current issue of the
dry, lint-free cloth. Wabtec Corporation Test Specification T-2428-O.

8.3.8 Install the valve “A” with o-ring sub-assembly (11, 8.4.2 IMPORTANT: Whenever the “F-1” Selector Valve
12), open end first, into its bushing in the body (17). Portion is removed from an equipment arrangement
for any reason, and it is reinstalled or replaced with a
IMPORTANT: The valve “A” sub-assembly MUST BE NEW or overhauled and tested “F-1” Selector Valve
installed, open end first, into the bottom cover mount- Portion, a NEW mounting gasket, (pipe bracket gas-
ing face opening of the body. ket) Pc.No. 558534, MUST BE used. This gasket, which
is shown in Figure 3 as reference 18, IS NOT a part of
8.3.9 Install a NEW bottom cover gasket (16) on the bot- the “F-1” Selector Valve Portion and MUST BE ordered
tom cover mounting face of the body (17), then place the as an individual item.
bottom cover (15) in position and secure it in place by in-
stalling four 3/8" x 13/4" cap screws (14). Equally tighten the 8.4.3 IMPORTANT: Whenever any Component Por-
screws. tion of the “F-1” Selector Valve is removed from an
equipment arrangement for any reason, and it is re-
8.3.10 Turn the assembled parts over so that the bottom installed or replaced with a NEW or overhauled and
cover (15) is on the bench and the valve spring cover mount- tested Portion, a stationary vehicle test MUST BE made
ing face is facing upward. to be sure that the Component Portion and the “F-1”
Selector Valve function properly in the total equipment
8.3.11 Install a NEW 23/8" O.D. ring gasket (13) into its arrangement.
groove on the valve spring cover mounting face of the body
(17). 8.4.4 Consult your Wabtec Corporation Representative if
additional information is required.

WABCO Locomotive Products

1001 Air Brake Avenue • Wilmerding, PA 15148
(412) 825-1000 • Fax (412) 825-1019

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