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operation & maintenance instruction

“C-1” SUPPRESSION VALVE, Pc.No. 562606

AUGUST, 1989

NOTE: The following description and

operation is based on this device and
its components being new or this
device and its components having
been repaired, tested, installed and
maintained in accordance with
instructions issued by this and any
other applicable Wabtec Corporation

WARNING: At the time any part is

replaced in this device, the operation of
the complete device must pass a series Suppression Valve Split Reduction Valve
Portion Portion
of tests prescribed in the latest issue of
the applicable Wabtec Test Specification.
At the time this device is applied to the
brake equipment arrangement, a
stationary vehicle test must be made to
insure that this device functions properly
in the total brake equipment arrangement.
(Consult your local Wabtec
Representative for identity of the test
specification, with latest revision date, that
covers this device.)
Pipe Bracket
IMPORTANT: Only Wabtec supplied
parts are to be used in the repair of this
device in order to obtain satisfactory
operation. Commercially available non-
O.E.M. parts are unacceptable.

NOTE: The part numbers and their

associated descriptions are the property
of Wabtec Corporation and may not be
replicated in any manner or form without
the prior sole written consent of an Officer
of Wabtec Corporation.

© 2000 WABCO Locomotive Products. A Wabtec Company. All rights reserved

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operation & maintenance instruction

1. DESCRIPTION temporary suppression reservoir. Equalizing reservoir

charging air, port 15, flows to the differential check valve
IMPORTANT: The “C-1” Suppression Valve is offered which is held seated by spring force.
for use in specific equipment arrangements when speci-
fied by the locomotive builder and/or owner-operating 2.2 During a penalty brake application the “C-1” Suppres-
property. This valve is intended for use ONLY in spe- sion Valve is arranged to receive air from an external de-
cific applications which are requested in writing and vice in the equipment arrangement such as the Wabtec
should never be used to initiate a split reduction when Corporation “P-2-A” Brake Application Valve as follows:
operating trains whose overall length IS LESS THAN
4000 FEET. The use of the “C-1” Suppression Valve IS 2.2.1 First reduction reservoir (equalizing reservoir) air in
NOT recommended by the Wabtec Corporation. pipe 24 to the split reduction diaphragm valve.

The “C-1” Suppression Valve, which may be used in spe- 2.2.2 Power knockout air in pipe 25 to the underside of
cific equipment arrangements where the air pressure does the split reduction spool valve and to the spring side of the
not exceed 150 psig, functions to provide the means for permanent suppression valve.
obtaining an automatic split reduction during a penalty brake
application with temporary and permanent suppression of 2.3 The direction of equalizing reservoir air into connect-
train control application when this feature is specified by ing pipe 24 by the “P-2-A” Brake Application Valve causes
the locomotive builder and/or owner-operating prop- a reduction in equalizing reservoir air pressure for the first
erty. part of the split reduction.

The “C-1” Suppression Valve consists of a suppression valve 2.4 The split reduction spool valve is moved upward by air
portion, a split reduction valve portion, and a pipe bracket. pressure in port 25 to connect passages and direct air flow
The pipe bracket is designed so that it can be semi-perma- as follows:
nently mounted on the locomotive. All pipe connections are
made to the pipe bracket. Ports and pipe connections are 2.4.1 First suppression reservoir air in port 23 to port 31
disignated numerically. These numeric port and/or pipe and the split reduction valve diaphragm chamber.
connections are listed in the diagrammatic view, Figure 2.
2.4.2 Brake pipe air in port 22 is blanked off.
The suppression valve portion and the split reduction valve
portion are mounted on the pipe bracket. Air connection 2.5 The split reduction diaphragm valve is moved upward
between the two operating portions and piping are made by air pressure in port 31, causing the spool valve to blank
through the internal passages of the pipe bracket. off reduction limiting reservoir air in port 24 and retain this
pressure at the first reduction level of a split reduction.
2.5.1 IMPORTANT: The volume of the first suppres-
NOTE: Refer to the Wabtec Corporation Publication sion reservoir in the equipment arrangement IS CRITI-
5076-6 for a typical equipment operating application CAL to the operation described in the preceding para-
which relates to the following description of operation. graph. Consult your Wabtec Corporation Representa-
tive for recommendations and information on specific
(Figure 2) equipment arrangements.

2.1 During a normal release operation, air pressure in 2.6 The time delay between the first and second parts of
switch pipe 3 holds the charging valve up in release posi- the split reduction is determined by the exhaust of the first
tion. The remaining spool valves and diaphragms are held suppression reservoir air through the diaphragm cover
in release position by spring force. Brake pipe air directed choke.
into port 1 flows to the diaphragm chamber of the tempo-
rary suppression valve, the spill-over check valve and the 2.7 After the pressure of the first suppression reservoir is
charging valve. From the charging valve, brake pipe air depleted, the split reduction valve will be forced downward
flows through; (a) port 22 and the split reduction spool valve by the spring. The spool valve will direct reduction limiting
to port 23 to charge the first suppression reservoir, and, (b) reservoir air in port 24 to port 24b and reduction limiting
the charging check valve to the temporary suppression valve valve exhaust.
diaphragm and check valve and to port 2 to charge the

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operation & maintenance instruction

Split Reduction Spool Valve

Charging Check Valve Reduction

Limiting Valve
Suppression Valve
Charging Valve


Suppression Differential
Valve Check Valve
Check Valve


Valve Portion

Split Reduction
Diaphragm Valve

Permanent Suppression 41 2 25 42 8 23 24
Check Valve 17 3 6 26 1 15
Suppression Valve Back Flow Spool Valve
Check Valve Back Flow
Check Valve
Designation Port This diagrammatic representation
Designation is for functional analysis only. It is
Brake Pipe 17
Temporary Suppression Volume Reservoir 23 Brake Valve Exhaust not to be used as an actual
Switch Pipe 24 First Suppression Reservoir physical representation of portion
Temporary Suppression Volume (Blowdown) 25 Power Knock-Out or pipe bracket configurations.
Timing Valve 26 Suppression Pipe
Lockover Pipe 41 Suppression Gauge
Equalizing Reservoir Charging 42 Stop Reservoir

Figure 2 - Diagrammatic View

2.8 The exhausting of reduction limiting reservoir air in duction limiting valve upward to blank off port 24b from ex-
port 24 is the second part of the split reduction and is in- haust to terminate the reduction.
tended to continue to reduce until the automatic brake valve
handle is manually moved to suppression position. 2.11 The differential check valve controls a total service
reduction in reduction limiting reservoir (equalizing reser-
2.9 When the controlling automatic brake valve handle is voir) air pressure during penalty brake applications. Mov-
moved to suppression position the following occurs: ing the controlling automatic brake valve handle to “Sup-
pression” position will reduce equalizing reservoir charging
2.9.1 Air is directed through suppression pipe 26 to the air, port 15, to a total service reduction. Any reduction
reduction limiting valve. limiting reservoir air pressure in excess of the total service
reduction pressure will flow through ports 24, 24b and the
2.9.2 Air in switch pipe 3 is exhausted immediately and differential check valve to port 15. If desired, a greater
power knockout port 25 is exhausted when the “P-2-A” Brake equalizing reservoir reduction can be made by moving the
Application Valve resets (releases). controlling brake valve handle past “Suppression” position.

2.12 The exhaust of air pressure in port 3 permits the

2.10 Air pressure in suppression port 26 moves the re- charging valve spool valve to be moved downward by the

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force of the spring to blank off brake pipe air in port 1. Also cover/body interface, and body/sup- pression spool valve
port 22 is connected to exhaust. passages as long as the controlling automatic brake valve
handle remains in the quadrant between the minimum serv-
2.13 The exhaust of air pressure in port 25 permits the ice and suppression positions.
split reduction spool valve to be moved downward by the
force of the spring. Port 22 is connected to port 23. 2.15.2 In effect, there is no split reduction function, as
such, in operation during the foregoing situation.
2.14 When a penalty brake application occurs after an
automatic brake valve initiated application, the split reduc- 2.16 If the cut-out cock in the pipe to the first suppression
tion is eliminated and a direct reduction of reduction limit- reservoir is closed, the split reduction feature will also be
ing reservoir air (equalizing reservoir) is provided. When eliminated. This cut-out cock should be closed when oper-
the controlling automatic brake valve handle is manually ating trains with an overall length of less than 4000 feet.
moved to “Service” position the air pressure in switch pipe
3 is exhausted. The charging valve will be moved down- 2.17 When specified by the locomotive builder and/or
ward by the force of the spring to make passage connec- owner-operating property, a train control initiated pen-
tions and direct air flow as follows: alty brake application may be temporarily suppressed by
making light service applications at the controlling automatic
2.14.1 Brake pipe air in port 1 is blanked off. brake valve. Initial movement of the controlling brake valve
handle will exhaust the air pressure in port 3 and permit the
2.14.2 First suppression reservoir air pressure trapped charging valve spool valve to be moved downward by the
only in passage 22 is exhausted. force of the spring. This downward movement of the charg-
ing valve spool valve will blank off brake pipe air in port 1.
2.14.3 The split reduction feature described in the previ- Air under pressure from port 22, along with the air from the
ous paragraphs remains operative, whereby equalizing res- first suppression reservoir will flow to the top of the perma-
ervoir pressure is further reduced when connected to the nent suppression valve piston and to the suppression gage
24 pipe (and the volume therein) during the first phase of port 41. This air exhausts through the exhaust port of the
the split as the first suppression reservoir pressure is de- cover to provide a time period which should be adequate to
pleting. Eventually, equalizing reservoir pressure via 24 permit adjustment of train slack before a further service
pipe will continue to reduce further at the reduction limiting application is made. When a service application is made,
valve exhaust when passages 24 and 24b re-connect in the brake pipe prssure at port 1 and under the piston diaphragm
split reduction portion, if the controlling automatic brake valve of the temporary suppression valve is reduced. The pres-
handle has not been moved to suppression position as the sure differential on the diaphragm will move the piston down-
stated events occur. ward to unseat the temporary supression valve check valve
and allow temporary suppression reservoir air from port 2
2.15 The exhausting of first suppression reservoir air will to flow to the top of the permanent suppression valve piston
nullify the time delay provided by the split reduction dia- and to suppression gage port 41. When the air pressure
phragm and allow reduction limiting reservoir air to flow di- reduction of the suppression reservoir is sufficient to re-
rectly to exhaust. If an automatic brake application is made move the differential across the temporary suppression valve
before a penalty brake application occurs, the first sup- piston diaphragm, the force of the spring below the dia-
pression reservoir pressure is then used during the first phragm assembly will move the piston up and close the
phase of the temporary suppression function in part as fol- check valve.
2.18 The air pressure directed into gage port 41 will move
2.15.1 Port 3 depletion, upon the controlling automatic the permanent suppression valve down to blank off the flow
brake valve handle movement from release, permits the of timing valve in pipe 6 and prevent a penalty brake appli-
charging valve to assume its spring applied position, per- cation from this source. This valve will remain down until air
mits the charging valve to assume its spring applied posi- pressure in gage pipe 41 exhausts through the cover ex-
tion. The first suppression reservoir then begins to deplete haust at which time the spring action will move the valve up
to atmosphere at a controlled rate by way of passages 22, and direct timing valve air to exhaust. Also brake pipe ex-
23, and the choke in the top cover of the suppression por- haust air in pipe 17 flows through the back flow check valve
tion. This pressure also travels a path to the non-spring to gage port 41 for additional suppression air pressure.
diaphragm chamber (port 41) of the permanent suppres- The pending penalty application may be suppressed sev-
sion valve from the top cover by way of a choke at the top eral times through successive service applications in the

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2.19 If sufficient pressure is not maintained in the perma-
nent suppression valve to overcome the force of the spring, 4.1 PARTS CATALOG
air flow from the timing valve at port 6 will resume and cause
the “P-2-A” Brake Application Valve to apply. When this 4.1.1 When ordering replacement parts for the “C-1” Sup-
occurs, air pressure in port 25 on the spring side of the pression Valve, Pc.No. 562606, or any of its Component
permanent suppression valve will nullify any further attempt Portions, refer to the current issue of the Wabtec Corpora-
to suppress the penalty brake application. tion Parts Catalog 3241-1.

2.20 WARNING: Temporary or permanent sup- NOTE: The reference numbers used in this publication
pression of a brake application WILL result in an ex- and those used in the parts catalog may differ. Check the
tended slowdown and/or stop distance for any given descriptive parts name to be sure that the correct part is
train. This extended distance could possibly contrib- ordered.
ute to a situation which may result in damage to equip-
ment and/or injury to personnel and/or bystanders. 4.2 REPLACEMENT PARTS
Therefore, this feature IS NOT recommended by the
Wabtec Corporation. 4.2.1 IMPORTANT: To obtain satisfactory operation
and reliability of the “C-1” Suppression Valve and its
2.21 Permanent suppression is obtained by manually Component Portions, ONLY Wabtec Corporation re-
moving the controlling automatic brake valve handle to “Sup- placement parts are to be used in the maintenance of
pression” position. With the controlling automatic brake the “C-1” Suppression Valve and/or its Component
valve handle in “Suppression” position, the brake pipe pres- Portions.
sure should be permitted to drop at a service rate, without
interruption, until a full service brake application is achieved. 4.2.2 IMPORTANT: Rubber Parts Kits for the “C-1”
This should provide the shortest train stopping distance un- Suppression Valve and/or its Component Portions are
less an emergency brake application is called for due to the available. Consult Parts Catalog 3241-1 for Kit infor-
operating circumstances. mation.

2.21.1 Lockover port 8 is blanked at the brake valve. 5.0 SAFETY PROCEDURES & WARNINGS

2.21.2 Air pressure is directed through suppression pipe Regular owner-operating property and shop safety proce-
26 to the suppression spool valve. dures are to be followed.

The air pressure in suppression pipe 26 will move the sup- The work area is to be clean.
pression spool valve down and direct brake pipe air in port
1 to suppression pipe 41 and the permanent suppression WARNING
valve diaphragm. The flow of timing valve air in pipe 6 is The following statements of warning apply all or in part wher-
blanked. ever the symbol appears in the maintenance procedures.
Failure to observe these precautions may result in serious
3.0 MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE injury to those performing the work and/or bystanders.

3.1 IMPORTANT: At least ONCE every twenty-four y The use of an air jet, which must be less than 30
months, or more frequently if service conditions so in- p.s.i.g., to blow parts clean or to blow them dry af-
dicate, the Suppression Valve Portion and the Split ter being cleaned with a solvent will cause particles
Reduction Portion of the “C-1” Suppression Valve are of dirt and/or droplets of the cleaning solvent to be
to be removed from the equipment arrangement, taken airborne. Wire brushing may also cause particles
to the shop, be completely disassembled, the parts of dirt, rust, and scale to become airborne. These
cleaned, inspected and lubricated, then reassembled conditions may cause skin and/or eye irritation.
using specified NEW parts. Each assembled Portion is
then to be tested following the procedure of the appli- y When using an air jet, do not direct it toward an-
cable test specification. other person. Improper use of air jet could result in
bodily injury.

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operation & maintenance instruction

y Personal eye protection must be worn when per- 6.2 LUBRICANTS

forming any work on this device or its components
parts to avoid any possible injury to the eyes. 6.2.1 Number 2 Silicone Grease, Wabtec Corporation
Specification M-7680-2, such as Dow Corning Corp.
y The use of solvents as cleaning agents and the use Molykote 55M, is required for the lubrication of o-rings, o-
of lubricants can involve health and/or safety haz- ring grooves, and the bearing surfaces of bushings into
ards. The manufacturers of the solvents and lubri- which o-ring assemblies are installed.
cants should be contacted for safety data (such as
OSHA Form OSHA-20 or its equivalent). The rec- 6.2.2 A compound consisting of one part graphite, Wabtec
ommended precautions and procedures of the manu- Corporation Specification M-7695-2, such as Superior Flake
facturers should be followed. Graphite Co. Superflake Number 597; J. Dixon Crucible
Co. Microfyne Graphite; or National Carbon Co. Number
y When performing any test or work on devices or 38 or 39 Graphite, and two parts of SAE-20 oil, by weight,
equipment while they are on the vehicle (on car test, is to be used to coat the threads of choke plugs after the
etc.) special precautions must be taken to insure plugs have been cleaned.
that vehicle movement will not occur which could
result in injury to personnel and/or damage to equip- 7.0 SPECIAL TOOLS
IMPORTANT: In addition to the regular shop tools, the fol-
y Assembly may be under a spring load. Exercise cau- lowing tools are required to maintain the Component Por-
tion during disassembly so that no parts “Fly Out” tions of the “C-1” Suppression Valve.
and cause bodily injury.
7.1 A hook type tool (a wire hook) is required when remov-
y All air supply and/or electric current to this device ing the limiting valve from the body of the Split Reduction
and/or to any components part must be cut-off be- Valve Portion.
fore this device and/or any component part is re-
moved from the equipment arrangement. 7.2 A Hand Tool for use when assembling the NEW piston
diaphragm of the Split Reduction Valve Portion. The nec-
y “Bottled” up air under pressure (even though air essary information and specications for making this tool
supply is cut-off) may cause gaskets and/or parti- are shown in Figure 3 (Drawing R-42-3).
cles of dirt to become airborne and an increase in
sound level when this device and/or any component
part is removed from the equipment arrangement. 1/4” R.
Material: Steel

y Personal eye and ear protection must be worn and 3/4”

care taken to avoid possible injury when performing
any work on this device and/or component part.
y An adequate support or lifting device must be avail-
able to support the Device and/or Valve Portion(s)
Approx. 8”

during removal, installation and maintenance pro-




6.1.1 The solvent used to clean reusable parts MUST BE

an aliphatic organic solution such as mineral spirits or naph- Round Corners
tha that will dissolve oil or grease and that will permit the
parts to be cleaned without abrasion.
Figure 3 - Hand tool for assembling diaphragms

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operation & maintenance instruction

7.3 A Spanner Wrench for use when servicing the Sup- or a Split Reduction Portion, Pc.No. 561885, that has been
pression Valve Portion piston. The necessary information overhauled, and then tested following the procedures of the
and specifications for making this tool are shown in Figure current issue of the Wabtec Corporation Test Specification
4 (Drawing R-82). T-2592-O.

8.1.5 A NEW Split Reduction Valve Portion mounting gas-

Material: Steel ket, Pc.No. 561907.
3/4” 1/4”

8.2.1 IMPORTANT: All owner-operating property safety
Drill procedures and the safety procedures and warning listed
.088 to .089 3/32 x 5/16” in Section 5.0 MUST BE adhered to.
2 holes Steel Dowel
Pin Pc. No.
535655 8.2.2 IMPORTANT: ALL air flow to the “C-1” Suppression
2 Required Valve MUST BE cut-off.
Press in
8.2.3 IMPORTANT: The wheels of the vehicle are to be
5” chocked and the handbrake(s) applied to prevent any unin-
tentional vehicle movement.

5/8” New Warning placards indicating that work is being per-

Round sharp 1-1/4” formed should be placed on and about the vehicle.
Figure 4 - Suppression Piston Spanner Wrench (R-81) (Figure 5)

8.2.4 Remove the four 3/8" hex nuts (4) which secure the
7.4 IMPORTANT: The information shown in Figures 3 Split Reduction Valve Portion (5) and its mounting gasket
and 4 for making tools is furnished as a convenience. (6) to the Pipe Bracket (7).
The Wabtec Corporation shall have no responsibility
for tools which they do not manufacture, and will not 8.2.5 With the aid of a support device, which will hold an
be responsible for the results of the use of any tools excess of 50 pounds, carefully remove the Split Reduction
(including claims by third parties). Portion (5) from the Pipe Bracket (7).

8.0 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES - “ON-CAR” 8.2.6 Remove and SCRAP the mounting gasket (6).

8.1 PARTS REQUIRED 8.2.7 Remove the four 1/2" hex nuts (1) which secure the
Suppression Valve Portion (2) and its mounting gasket (3)
8.1.1 A NEW Suppression Valve Portion, Pc.No. 562798, to the Pipe Bracket (7).
or a Suppression Valve Portion, Pc.No. 562798, that has
been overhauled, and then tested following the procedures 8.2.8 With the aid of a support device, which will hold an
of the current issue of the Wabtec Corporation Test Speci- excess of 50 pounds, carefully remove the Suppression
fication T-2634-O. Valve Portion (2) from the Pipe Bracket (7).

8.1.2 A NEW suppression valve mounting gasket, Pc.No. 8.2.9 Remove and SCRAP the mounting gasket (3).
(Figure 6)
8.1.3 A NEW 3/8" Choke Plug (1/8" drill), Pc.No. 50715 or a
Choke Plug, Pc.No. 50715, that has been cleaned and in- 8.2.10 Remove the 3/8" Choke Plug (5) from port 17 of the
spected for correct choke size. Suppression Valve Portion mounting face of the pipe bracket
body (7).
8.1.4 A NEW Split Reduction Valve Portion, Pc.No. 561885,

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operation & maintenance instruction

2 4

17 4
2 2
3 6 All pipe taps are 3/8-18 NPT

Figure 5 - Exterior Side View Figure 6 - Exterior View - Pipe Bracket

Tag or place this choke plug in a plastic bag which has (Figure 5)
been marked or tagged with Pc.No. 50715.
8.2.15 Remove ALL protective materials from a NEW or
8.2.11 Visually inspect the Pipe Bracket (7) to be sure that overhauled and tested Suppression Valve Portion, Pc.No.
the valve mounting faces are clean and undamaged. 562798. Be sure that ALL tape is removed from the sur-
faces of the Portion.
The Pipe Bracket need not be removed from the equipment
arrangement unless it is damaged. If damaged in any way, 8.2.16 Install a NEW Suppression Valve Portion mounting
the Pipe Bracket (7) should be removed and replaced fol- gasket (2), Pc.No. 562370, and the Suppression Valve Portion
lowing car builder and/or owner-operating property instruc- (2) on the Pipe Bracket (7) and secure the parts in place
tions. by installing the four 1/2" hex nuts (1). Equally tighten the
nuts (1). Be sure that ALL ports in the Pipe Bracket Valve
Portion mounting faces are clear and unrestricted. If nec- 8.2.17 Remove ALL protective materials from a NEW or
essary, ports may be blown out using a low-pressure jet of overhauled and tested Split Reduction Valve Portion (5),
clean dry air. Exercise care so that no dirt is blown into the Pc.No. 561885. Be sure that ALL tape is removed from
ports and passages of the Pipe Bracket. the surfaces of the Portion.

(Figure 6) 8.2.18 Install a NEW Split Reduction Valve Portion mount-

ing gasket, Pc.No. 561907, and the Split Reduction Valve
8.2.12 Remove ALL protective materials from a NEW or Portion, Pc.No. 561885, on the Pipe Bracket (7) and se-
cleaned and inspected 3/8" Choke Plug (1/8" drill) (5), Pc.No. cure the Parts in place by installing the four 3/8" hex nuts
50715. (4). Equally tighten the nuts (4).

8.2.13 Apply a light coating of the graphite and oil com- 8.2.19 Transport the removed Suppression Valve Portion,
pound, as described in Section 6.2.1, to the threads of a Split Reduction Valve Portion, and 3/8" Choke Plug to the
NEW or cleaned and inspected 3/8" choke plug (5), Pc.No. shop area.
8.2.20 IMPORTANT: Whenever the “C-1” Suppres-
8.2.14 Install the lubricated 3/8" choke plug (5) into port 17 sion Valve, or any of its Component Portions, are re-
of the Suppression Valve Portion mounting face of the Pipe moved from an equipment arrangement for any rea-
Bracket (7). The choke plug (5) is to be installed so that it son, and the Valve or any Component Portion is re-
is flush with, or just below, the surface of the mounting face. installed or replaced with a NEW or overhauled and

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operation & maintenance instruction

tested Valve or Portion, a stationary test MUST BE per- move o-rings, gaskets, check valves or diaphragms.
formed to be sure that the “C-1” Suppression Valve Exercise care so that no damage is done to metal parts.
and ALL of its Component Portions function properly
in the equipment arrangement. (Figure 7)

8.2.21 IMPORTANT: When ANY Component Portion of 10.1 DISASSEMBLY

the “C-1” Suppression Valve is removed from an equip-
ment arrangement for any reason, and it is re-installed 10.1.1 Remove the four 3/8" x 1" hex head cap screws (20)
or replaced with a NEW or overhauled and tested Por- which secure the permanent suppression valve cover (21)
tion, NEW mounting gaskets MUST BE used. to the body (38), then remove the cover (21) from the body
8.2.22 Remove ALL warning placards and wheel chocks
before attempting to move the vehicle. 10.1.2 Remove the large piston spring (30), temporary
suppression check valve spring (28) and the three check
9.0 CHOKE PLUGS - MAINTENANCE valve springs (26).
10.1.3 Remove and SCRAP the temporary suppression
9.1 CLEANING & INSPECTING check valve (29), the two back flow and the spillover check
valves (27).
9.1.1 Choke plugs are to be cleaned individually - one at
a time - in order to avoid mixing chokes of different sizes in 10.1.4 Remove the permanent suppression valve and dia-
the same bag or storage area. phragm sub-assembly with o-rings (31 to 35 incl.) as a unit
from the body (38). Wash the choke plug in a bath of the cleaning
solvent as described in Section 6.1.1. 10.1.5 Remove and SCRAP the three 1/2" O.D. o-rings
(34) from their grooves in the stem of the permanent sup-
DO NOT use metal tools to clean the choke as the size and pression valve piston (35).
shape of the orifice MUST NOT BE changed.
10.1.6 Using the special spanner wrench, as illustrated in
9.1.2 Remove the choke plug from the solvent bath and Figure 4, to hold the permanent suppression valve piston
blow it completely dry with a low pressure jet of clean, dry (35), carefully remove the 3/8" hex nut (31) from the piston
air. (35).

9.1.3 Inspect the choke plug for damage. If it is damaged 10.1.7 Remove the diaphragm follower (32) and diaphragm
in any way, or if the size or shape of the orifice has been (33) from the piston (35). SCRAP the diaphragm (33).
changed in any way, the plug is to be SCRAPPED. Remove the spanner wrench from the piston (35).
Refer to Parts Catalog 3241-1 for correct drill size of the
various choke plugs. 10.1.8 Carefully install a #10-24 x 2" machine screw part
way into the tapped hole in the spool valve piston (37).
9.1.4 Use the graphite-oil compound as described in Sec-
tion 6.1.2 to coat the threads of the choke plug. Put the Using the machine screw as a handle, carefully
choke plug in a suitable plastic bag with tag indicating piece pull the spool valve with o-ring sub-assembly (36, 37) from
number and size of choke plug if it is going to be stored. the body (38) as a unit.

9.1.5 Continue the procedure for each of the choke plugs, 10.1.9 Remove and SCRAP the four 5/8" O.D. o-rings (36)
until all are cleaned and inspected. from their grooves in the spool valve piston (37).

10.0 SUPPRESSION VALVE PORTION, 10.1.10 Remove and SCRAP the following ring gaskets
MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES - “IN-SHOP” from their grooves in the body (38).

IMPORTANT: When performing the procedures which The 11/2" O.D. ring gasket (25).
follow, DO NOT use hard or sharp metal tools to re-

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operation & maintenance instruction

Figure 7 - Suppression Valve Portion - Assembly View

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operation & maintenance instruction The 13/8" O.D. ring gasket (24). check valves, felt strainer, and diaphragms ARE TO BE
SCRAPPED AND REPLACED WITH NEW WABTEC The 15/16" O.D. ring gasket (23). CORPORATION PARTS. The three 1" O.D. ring gaskets (22). 10.2.2 BODY (Figure 7)

10.1.11 Remove the four 3/8" x 13/8" hex head cap screws Remove the 3/8" strainer and choke plug assem-
(2) which secure the temporary suppression valve cover bly (38A) from port 4 in the temporary suppression cover
(3) to the body (38). Remove the cover (3) from the body mounting face of the body (38).
(Figure 8)
10.1.12 Remove the check valve spring (7) and the charg-
ing valve spring (9) from the body (38). Remove the retainer (1) and filter from the 3/8"
choke plug (3). SCRAP the filter (2).
10.1.13 Remove and SCRAP the check valve (8). Following the procedure of Section 9.0, clean
10.1.14 Carefully install a #10-24 x 2" machine screw part and inspect the choke plug (3). The orifice size of this
way into the tapped hole in the charging valve (11), then choke plug MUST BE 0.0292" (Number 69 drill).
using the screw as a handle, carefully pull the charging
valve with o-ring sub-assembly (10, 11) from the body (38) Wash the retainer (1) in a bath of the cleaning
as a unit. solvent as described in Section 6.1.1. After the retainer is
cleaned, it MUST BE completely dried. A low pressure jet
10.1.15 Remove and SCRAP the two 9/16" O.D. o-rings of clean dry air may be used to blow it dry.
(10) from their grooves in the charging valve (11).

10.1.16 Remove and SCRAP the 13/8" O.D. ring (4), the 1"
O.D. ring gasket (5), and the 11/8" O.D. ring gasket (6) from
their grooves in the body (38).

10.1.17 Remove the temporary suppression spool valve -

diaphragm - piston sub-assembly with o-rings (12 to 19
incl.) as a unit from the body (38).
Figure 8 - Choke Plug with Filter - Assembly View
10.1.18 Remove and SCRAP the two 1/2" O.D. o-rings
(18) from their grooves on the spool valve piston (19). Install a NEW Filter (2), Pc.No. 525032, on the
cleaned and inspected choke plug (3). Secure the NEW
10.1.19 Using an open end wrench on the flats of the filter in place by installing the spring type retainer (1). If
spool valve piston (19) and the appropriate tools, carefully required, a NEW retainer may be obtained by ordering
remove the 1/2" hex nut (12) and the diaphragm follower Pc.No. 525033. Set the assembled strainer and choke plug
(13) from the spool valve piston (19). aside in a clean, protected area. Remove and SCRAP the diaphragm (14), then (Figure 7)

remove the spool valve piston head (15) from the spool valve
piston (19). Wash the body (38) in a bath of the cleaning
solvent as described in Section 6.1.1. A clean, lint-free Remove and SCRAP the 5/8" O.D. o-ring (17) cloth or rag, which has been saturated with the cleaning
from its groove in the spool valve piston (19). solvent may be used to assist in the cleaning of the exterior
and interior parts of the body.
10.2 CLEANING & INSPECTING After the body has been cleaned, it MUST BE
10.2.1 NON-REUSABLE PARTS completely dried. Use a low pressure jet of clean dry air to
blow the body dry. Be sure that all ports and passages are IMPORTANT: ALL o-rings, gaskets, rubber seated dried, BUT EXERCISE CARE so that no dirt is blown

August, 1989 Page 11 of 18


operation & maintenance instruction

into the ports and/or passages of the body. air to blow the parts dry. Visually inspect the bushings, passages, and Inspect the parts.
mounting faces of the body. There MUST BE no damage.
If the body is cracked, cut, nicked, damaged in any way, Replace any part that is cracked, cut, broken, bent, exces-
shows signs of excessive wear or if it is in such a condition sively worn, damaged in any way, or if it is in such a condi-
that may result in the unsatisfactory operation of the “C-1” tion that may result in the unsatisfactory operation of the
Suppression Valve IT IS TO BE REPLACED. Suppression Valve Portion and/or the “C-1” Suppression
Valve. Inspect the wasp excluder (38B, and 38C) of the
body (38). If a wasp excluder is damaged in any way, or if 10.3 ASSEMBLY (Figure 7)
it cannot be easily cleaned out, it is to be replaced with a
NEW wasp excluder. 10.3.1 Install a NEW diaphragm (33) on to the permanent
suppression valve piston (35) so that the small bead of the
A damaged wasp excluder can be removed from the body diaphragm (33) fits into the bead groove of the head of the
by inserting a small screw driver blade between the tangs of piston (35).
the excluder and then prying it out of the body with a twist-
ing motion. Press a NEW wasp excluder in place. The 7/8" 10.3.2 Install the diaphragm follower (32) on to the piston
wasp excluder, reference 38B, is Pc.No. 552074. The 1/2" (35) so that the spring seat of the follower (32) faces away
wasp excluder, reference 38C, is Pc.No. 555250. from the diaphragm (33) and is toward the threaded end of
the piston (35). Coat the threads of the cleaned and inspected 3/8"
choke plug with strainer (38A) with a light coating of the oil 10.3.3 Using the special spanner wrench, as shown in
and graphite compound as described in Section 6.2.2. In- Figure 4, to hold the piston (35), secure the follower (32)
stall the choke plug (38A) into port 4 of the body (38) its full and diaphragm (33) in place by installing the 3/8" hex nut
travel. (31). Set the body aside in a clean, protected area. 10.3.4 Coat th surfaces of three NEW 1/2" O.D. o-rings
(34) with Number 2 Silicone Grease, Wabtec Corporation
10.2.3 SPRINGS Specification M-7680-2. Also fill the o-ring grooves on the
stem of the piston (35) and lightly coat the bearing surfaces Wash all of the springs in a bath of the cleaning of the permanent suppression valve piston bushing of the
solvent as described in Section 6.1. A wire brush may be body (38) with the lubricant.
used to assist in the removal of any dirt, rust or scale.
10.3.5 Install a NEW lubricated 1/2" O.D. o-ring (34) into After the springs are cleaned, they MUST BE each of the three o-ring grooves on the stem of the piston
completely dried. Use a low pressure jet of clean dry air to (35). Any excess lubricant may be removed by wiping with
blow the springs dry. a soft, dry, lint-free cloth. Inspect each spring. 10.3.6 Carefully install the permanent suppression valve
piston - diaphragm - follower sub-assembly with o-rings (31
Replace any spring that is rusted, pitted, distorted, dam- to 34) as a unit into its bushing in the body (38).
aged in any way, or if it has taken a permanent set. Refer
to the current issue of the Wabtec Corporation Parts Catalog 10.3.7 Install a NEW temporary check valve (29) on its
3241-1 for spring identification and information. seat in the body (38).

10.2.4 REMAINING PARTS 10.3.8 Install three NEW check valves (27) in place on
their seats in the body (38). These check valves are identi- Wash ALL of the remaining parts in a bath of the cal and are designated as the spill-over check valve and
cleaning solvent as described in Section 6.1. back flow check valves, (see Figure 2). After the parts have been cleaned, they MUST (Figure 7)
BE completely dried. Use a low pressure jet of clean, dry

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operation & maintenance instruction

10.3.9 Coat the surfaces of four NEW 5/8" O.D. o-rings 10.3.19 Install the NEW lubricated 5/8" O.D. o-ring (17)
(36) with Number 2 Silicone Grease, Wabtec Corporation into its groove near the threaded end of the spool valve
Specification M-7680-2. Also fill the o-ring grooves on the piston (19). Any excess lubricant may be removed by wip-
spool valve piston (37) and lightly lubricate the bearing sur- ing with a soft, clean, dry, lint-free cloth.
faces of the spool valve piston bushing on the body (38)
with the lubricant. 10.3.20 Carefully install the spool valve piston head (15)
onto the spool valve piston (19) so that the spring seat of the
10.3.10 Install a NEW, lubricated 5/8" O.D. o-ring (36) into spool valve piston head (15) fits around the spring (16),
each of the four o-ring grooves of the spool valve piston which was previously installed in the body (38). The dia-
(37). Any excess lubricant may be removed by wiping with phragm bead groove in the spool valve piston head (15)
a soft, clean, dry, lint-free cloth. should be facing the threaded end of the spool valve piston
(19). Be sure that the o-ring (17) remains in its groove.
10.3.11 Install the spool valve piston with o-ring sub-as-
sembly (37, 36) into its bushing in the body (38). 10.3.21 Install a NEW diaphragm (14) onto the spool valve
piston head (15) so that the inner bead of the diaphragm
IMPORTANT: If not already removed, carefully remove (14) fits into the diaphragm bead groove of the piston head
the #10-24 x 2" machine screw which was installed in (15). The outside bead of the diaphragm should be facing
the spool valve piston during the disassembly proce- in the direction of the stem of the spool valve piston (19).
dure, Section 10.1.8.
10.3.22 Install the diaphragm follower (13) on the spool
10.3.12 Install the permanent suppression valve piston valve piston (19) making sure that the bead of the diaphragm
spring (30) in place in its seat in the diaphragm follower (14) remains seated in the bead groove of the piston head
(32). (15). Secure the parts together by installing the 1/2" hex nut
(12). Using an open end wrench to hold the spool valve
10.3.13 Install the temporary check valve spring (29) in piston (19) and the proper tool, tighten the nut (12) se-
place on its seat on the temporary check valve (28). curely, BUT DO NOT over-tighten it, as crimping of the
diaphragm may occur.
10.3.14 Install a check valve spring (26) in place on the
spring seat of the two back flow and the spillover check 10.3.23 Coat the surfaces of two NEW 1/2" O.D. o-rings
valves (26). (18) with Number 2 Silicone Grease, Wabtec Corporation
Specification M-7680-2. Also fill the o-ring grooves on the
10.3.15 Install a NEW 11/2" O.D. ring gasket (25), a NEW stem of the spool valve piston (19) and lightly coat the bear-
13/8" O.D. ring gasket (24), a NEW 15/16" O.D. ring gasket ing surfaces of the spool valve piston bushing of the body
(23), and three NEW 1" O.D. ring gaskets (22) into their (38) with the lubricant.
grooves on the permanent suppression valve cover mount-
ing face of the body (38). 10.3.24 Install the two NEW 1/2" O.D. o-rings (18) into
their grooves on the stem of the spool valve piston (19).
10.3.16 Carefully install the permanent suppression valve Any excess lubricant may be removed by wiping with a
cover (21) on the body (38) so that the spring (26, 28, 30) soft, clean, dry, lint-free cloth.
are properly positioned in their recesses of the cover (21).
Secure the cover (21) to the body (38) by installing the four 10.3.25 Install the spool valve piston - diaphragm - dia-
/8" x 1" hex head cap screws (20). Equally tighten the phragm follower with o-ring sub-assembly (12 to 19) as a
screws. unit into the body (38) so that the stem of the piston (19)
goes through the center of the spring (16) and into the
10.3.17 Install the spool valve piston return spring (16) in piston bushing of the body (38). The spool valve head (15)
its cavity in the body (38). spring seat should sit evenly on the spring (16).

10.3.18 Coat the surfaces of a NEW 5/8" O.D. o-ring (17) Carefully work the bead of the diaphragm (14) into the bead
with Number 2 Silicone Grease, Wabtec Corporation Speci- groove of the body (38) with finger pressure.
fication M-7680-2. Also fill the o-ring groove nearest the
threaded end of the spool valve piston (19) with the lubri- 10.3.26 Coat the surfaces of two NEW 9/16" O.D. o-rings
cant. (10) with Number 2 Silicone Grease, Wabtec Corporation
Specification M-7680-2. Also, fill the o-ring grooves of the

August, 1989 Page 13 of 18


operation & maintenance instruction

charging valve (11) and lightly coat the bearing surfaces of 10.4.3 IMPORTANT: Whenever the Suppression Valve
the charging valve bushing of the body (38) with the lubri- Portion is removed from an equipment arrangement
cant. for any reason, and it is reinstalled or replaced with a
NEW or repaired and tested Portion, a stationary vehi-
10.3.27 Install a NEW, lubricated 9/16" O.D. o-ring (10) cle test MUST BE made to be sure that the Suppres-
into each of the two o-ring grooves on the stem of the charg- sion Valve Portion and the “C-1” Suppression Valve
ing valve (11). Any excess lubricant may be removed by function properly in the total equipment arrangement.
wiping with a soft, clean, dry lint-free cloth.
10.4.4 Consult your Wabtec Corporation Representative if
10.3.28 Carefully install the charging valve with o-ring additional information is required.
sub-assembly (10, 11) into its bushing in the body (38).
IMPORTANT: If not already removed, carefully remove MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES - “IN-SHOP”
the #10-24 x 2" machine screw, which was installed
during the disassembly procedure, Section 10.1.14, from IMPORTANT: When performing the procedures which
the charging valve (11). follow, DO NOT use hard or sharp tools to remove gas-
kets, o-rings, the check valve or diaphragm. Exercise
10.3.29 Install the charging valve spring (9) in place on the care so that no damage is done to metal parts.
charging valve (11).
11.1 DISASSEMBLY (Figure 9)
10.3.30 Install a NEW charging check valve (8) in its
cavity in the body (38). 11.1.1 Position the Split Reduction Valve Portion on the
bench so that the bottom cover (12) can be removed.
10.3.31 Install the check valve spring (7) in its seat on the
check valve (8). 11.1.2 Remove the four 3/8" x 1" hex head cap screws (11)
which secure the bottom cover (12) to the body (21), then
10.3.32 Install a NEW 11/8" O.D. ring gasket (6), a NEW remove the cover (12) from the body (21).
1" O.D. ring gasket (5), and a NEW 13/8" O.D. ring gasket
(4) in place in their grooves on the temporary suppression 11.1.3 Remove and SCRAP the 9/16" O.D. ring gasket (20)
mounting cover face of the body (38). from its groove in the cover mounting face of the body (21).

10.3.33 Carefully position the temporary suppression valve 11.1.4 Remove the diaphragm - piston with o-ring sub-
cover (3) onto the body (38) being sure that the check valve assembly (13 to 15) as a unit from the body (21).
spring (8) and charging valve spring (9) fit properly in their
recesses in the cover (3). Secure the cover (3) to the body 11.1.5 Remove and SCRAP the diaphragm (13) from the
(38) by installing four 3/8" x 1" hex head cap screws (2). head of the piston (15).
Equally tighten the screw (2).
11.1.6 Remove and SCRAP the 1/2" O.D. o-ring (14) from
10.4 TESTING AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION its groove in the stem of the piston (15).

10.4.1 IMPORTANT: After the Suppression Valve Por- 11.1.7 WARNING: During the procedure which fol-
tion, Pc.No. 562798 has been assembled, BUT BEFORE lows, the piston spring (18) and spring cage (17) will
it is returned to service, IT MUST pass a series of tests be placed under tension. Exercise care so that no parts
following the procedures of the current issue of the are inadvertently expelled from the assembly. Inad-
Wabtec Corporation Test Specification T-2634-O. vertently expelled parts may cause bodily injury and/or
damage to equipment.
10.4.2 IMPORTANT: Whenever the Suppression Valve
Portion, Pc.No. 562798, is removed from an equipment Carefully depress and hold the spring cage (17) and spring
arrangement for any reason, and it is reinstalled or re- (18) far enough into the body (21) to permit access to the
placed with a NEW or repaired and tested Portion, a retaining ring (16). Remove the retaining ring (16) from its
NEW mounting gasket MUST BE used. This mounting groove in the body (21), then slowly release the hold on the
gasket MUST BE ordered as an individual item. See spring cage (17) and spring (18) to permit the spring (18)
Section 8.2.16. to extend its full travel.

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operation & maintenance instruction



19 18

6 17

7 16

4 19 14





11.1.8 Remove the spring cage (17) and piston spring (18) duction limiting valve spring (8), and the check valve spring
from the body (21). (6) from the body (21).

11.1.9 Turn the Portion to permit access to the top cover 11.1.12 Remove and SCRAP the four 13/8" O.D. ring gas-
(2), but exercise care so that NO DAMAGE is done to the kets (19) from their grooves in the top cover mounting face
bottom cover mounting surface of the body (21). of the body (21).

11.1.10 Remove the three 3/8" x 1" hex head cap screws 11.1.13 Install a #10-24 x 2" machine screw into the tapped
(1) that secure the top cover to the body (21), then remove hole in the spool valve piston (5), then, using the screw for
the top cover (2) from the body (21). a handle, carefully remove the spool valve piston with o-ring
sub- assembly (4, 5) as a unit from the body (21).
11.1.11 Remove the spool valve piston spring (3), the re-

August, 1989 Page 15 of 18


operation & maintenance instruction

11.1.14 Remove and SCRAP the three 9/16" O.D. o-rings Inspect the parts.
(4) from their grooves in the stem of the spool valve piston
(5). Replace the retaining ring if it is not elastic
enough to hold securely. When installed, the retaining ring
11.1.15 Insert a hook type tool (wire hook) into the 3/64" should “snap” into its groove when it is installed.
drilled hole in the reduction limiting valve (10) and carefully
pull the reduction limiting valve with o-ring sub-assembly (9, Inspect the top cover (2) to be sure that the
10) from the body (21) as a unit. Remove the tool from the wasp excluder (2A) is not restricted or damaged. If the
reduction limiting valve (10). wasp excluder is damaged, or if it cannot be easily cleaned,
it is to be replaced.
11.1.16 Remove and SCRAP the two 11/16" O.D. o-rings
(9) from their grooves in the reduction limiting valve (10). The wasp excluder can be removed by inserting the blade
of a small screwdriver between the tangs of the wasp ex-
11.1.17 Remove and SCRAP the differential check valve cluder and prying it out of the cover with a twisting motion.
(7) from the body (21). Replace any part that is cracked, cut, bro-
11.2 CLEANING AND INSPECTING ken, excessively worn, damaged in any way, or that is in
such a condition that may result in the unsatisfactory op-
11.2.1 NON-REUSABLE PARTS eration of the Split Reduction Valve Portion and/or the “C-1”
Suppression Valve.
11.2.1 IMPORTANT: ALL o-rings, gaskets, and the dia-
11.3.1 Coat the surfaces of two NEW 11/16" O.D. o-rings
11.2.2 SPRINGS (9) with Number 2 Silicone Grease, Wabtec Corporation
Specification M-7680-2. Also, fill the o-ring grooves of the Wash the springs in a bath of the cleaning solvent reduction limiting valve (10) and lightly lubricate the bearing
as described in Section 6.1.1. A wire brush may be used surfaces of the reduction limiting valve bushing of the body
to assist in the removal of any dirt, rust, or scale. (21) with the lubricant. After the spring have been cleaned, they MUST 11.3.2 Install a NEW lubricated 11/16" O.D. o-ring (9) into
BE completely dried. Us a low pressure jet of clean, dry air each of the two o-ring grooves of the reduction limiting valve
to blow them dry. (10). Any excess lubricant may be removed by wiping with
a soft, clean, dry, lint-free cloth. Inspect the springs.
11.3.3 Install the reduction limiting valve with o-ring sub-
Replace ANY spring that is rusted, pitted, distorted, or if it assembly (9, 10) into its bushing in the body (21).
has taken a permanent set. Refer to Parts Catalog 3241-1
for spring information and identification. 11.3.4 Coat the surfaces of three NEW 9/16" O.D. o-rings
(4) with Number 2 Silicone Grease, Wabtec Corporation REMAINING PARTS Specification M-7680-2. Also fill the o-ring grooves on the
spool valve piston (5) and lightly lubricate the bearing sur- Wash all of the remaining parts in a bath of the faces of the spool valve piston bushing of the body (21) with
cleaning solvent as described in Section 6.1.1. A clean, the lubricant.
soft, lint-free cloth that has been saturated with the pre-
scribed cleaning solvent may be used to assist in the clean- 11.3.5 Install a NEW lubricated 9/16" O.D. o-ring (4) into
ing of the interior and exterior surfaces of the body. each of the three o-ring grooves of the spool valve piston
(5). Any excess lubricant may be removed by wiping with a After the parts have been cleaned, they MUST soft, clean, dry, lint-free cloth.
BE completely dried. Use a low pressure jet of clean, dry
air to blow the parts dry. Be sure that the internal passages 11.3.6 Install the spool valve piston with o-ring sub-as-
of the valves and the body are dried. Exercise care so that sembly (4, 5) into its bushing in the body (21).
no dirt is blown into the passages.

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operation & maintenance instruction

IMPORTANT: If not already removed, carefully remove Specification M-7680-2. Also fill the o-ring grooves on the
the #10-24 x 2" machine screw, which was installed stem of the piston (15) and lightly lubricate the bearing sur-
during the disassembly procedure, Section 11.1.12, from faces of the piston bushing of the body (21) with the lubri-
the spool valve piston (5). cant.

11.3.7 Install four NEW 13/8" O.D. ring gaskets (19) into 11.3.15 Install a NEW lubricated 1/2" O.D. o-ring (14) into
their grooves on the top cover mounting face of the body each of the two o-ring grooves on the stem of the piston
(21). (15). Any excess lubricant may be removed by wiping with
a soft, clean, dry, lint-free cloth.
11.3.8 Install a NEW differential check valve (7) into its
bushing in the body (21), then install the check valve spring 11.3.16 Install the piston with o-ring sub- assembly (14,
(6) being sure that it is properly seated on the NEW check 15) into its bushing in the body (21).
valve (7).
11.3.17 Install a NEW diaphragm (13) on the head of the
11.3.9 Install the spool valve piston spring (3) in place in piston (15) so that the side of the diaphragm with the raised
the spool valve piston (5). areas and markings can be seen and so that the bead of
the diaphragm (13) is toward the bead groove in the body
11.3.10 Install the reduction limiting valve spring (8) in (21).
place in the reduction limiting valve (10).
11.3.18 Using the narrow end of the Diaphragm Assembly
11.3.11 Carefully install the top cover over the three springs Tool, as shown in Figure 3, CAREFULLY push the sides of
(3, 6, 8), being sure that the springs enter the proper re- the diaphragm (13) down between the head of the piston
cesses in the cover, and onto the body (21). Secure the (15) and the cavity in the body (21) until the bead of the
cover (2) in place by installing the three 3/8" x 1" hex head diaphragm (13) is seated in the bead groove of the body
cap screws (1). Equally tighten the screws. (21). Work the bead of the diaphragm (13) into its groove
in the body (21) by applying light finger pressure.
11.3.12 Position the body (21) to expose the bottom cover
mounting face. Exercise care so that no damage is done to 11.3.19 Install a NEW 9/16" O.D. ring gasket (20) into its
the body. groove on the bottom cover mounting face of the body (21).

11.3.13 WARNING: During the procedures which fol- 11.3.20 Carefully place the bottom cover (12) in position
low, the piston spring (18) and spring cage (17) will be on the body (21) being sure that the diaphragm (13) and
placed under tension. Exercise care so that no parts ring gasket (20) remain in position.
are inadvertently expelled from the assembly. Inad-
vertently expelled parts could possibly cause bodily 11.3.21 Secure the bottom cover to the body by installing
injury and/or damage to equipment. four 3/8" x 1" hex head cap screws (11). Equally tighten the
screws. Install the spool valve piston spring (18) and the
spring cage (17) into its bushing in the body (21). Be sure 11.4 TESTING AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
that the spring (18) is properly seated in the cage.
11.4.1 IMPORTANT: After the Split Reduction Valve Have the retaining ring (16) ready. Portion, Pc.No. 561885, has been assembled, BUT BE-
FORE it is returned to service, IT MUST PASS a series
Depress and hold the spring (18) and spring cage (17) far of tests following the procedure of the current issue of
enough into the body (21) to expose the retaining ring groove the Wabtec Corporation Test Specification T-2592-O.
of the body (21). Install the retaining ring (16) into its groove
in the body (21). Be sure that the retaining ring (16) “snaps” 11.4.2 IMPORTANT: Whenever a Split Reduction Valve
into the groove. SLOWLY release the hold on the spring Portion, Pc.No. 561885, is removed from an equipment
cage (17) to allow the spring (18) to extend so that the arrangement for any reason, and it is re-installed or
spring cage (17) engages the retaining ring (16). replaced with a NEW or repaired and tested Split Re-
duction Valve Portion, a NEW mounting gasket MUST
11.3.14 Coat the surfaces of two NEW 1/2" O.D. o-rings BE used. This gasket IS NOT a part of the Portion and
(14) with Number 2 Silicone Grease, Wabtec Corporation MUST BE ordered as an individual item. See Section

August, 1989 Page 17 of 18


operation & maintenance instruction


11.4.3 IMPORTANT: Whenever a Split Reduction Valve

Portion, Pc.No. 561885, is removed from an equipment
arrangement for any reason, and it is re-installed or
replaced with a NEW or repaired and tested Portion, a
stationary vehicle test MUST BE made to be sure that
the Split Reduction Valve Portion and the “C-1” Sup-
pression Valve function properly in the total equipment

11.4.4 Consult your Wabtec Corporation Representative if

additional information is required.

WABCO Locomotive Products

1001 Air Brake Avenue • Wilmerding, PA 15148
(412) 825-1000 • Fax (412) 825-1019

Page 18 of 18 August, 1989

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