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Angelica H.

BSED Engish ll A

1. How's Matilda different from other children?

Matilda different from other children because she's so smart and clever. No one at her
age did of what she did. At her age she can think and act like an adult. She also
wants/loves to read a book that some of children nowadays are not interested to do it
the whole day and everyday. Most of the children must prefer to play outdoor or play in
their gadgets.
2. If you were to recommend a book to Matilda, what would it be and why?
I recommend a poetry book because I know if she will read, she can also wrote. Where
in she could voice out all her emotions, feelings in her poem.
3. Describe Matilda's family.
Matilda's family is so sensitive, careless, and annoying. Insensitive because they don't
think of what the words they have said to Matilda. The poor little girl doesn't deserve all
the bad words she heard from her parents most especially from her father Mr.
Wormwood have favoritism, Michael is his favorite. Careless because I felt that they
don't give a care to Matilda. They just leave Matilda to be an independent. Instead of
giving her an extra attention because of her age they let Matilda to be alone in their
house just for them to play bingo. It makes me annoyed because Matilda is the one who
teach the proper manner to eat in the dinning room instead in front of the television.
Parents should be give full attention to their youngest child, so they will be the one to
notice first what their children ability. They shouldn't ignored it, but be the first one to
feel proud!.
4. What did you realize with the things Matilda did to teach her family- specifically her
father- a lesson?
I realized that Matilda wants only attention and understanding from get family. And what
she did to her family especially to her father is like the saying "Do unto others what
others want done unto you". Because when they just treated Matilda with concern and
kindness, Matilda wouldn't think a revenge.
5. Do you think what Matilda did is a bad thing? Why or why not.
I think Matilda did was a bad things. Because they are still her family. She should give
respect them and let her family live that way. For the reason that, she can't do anything
about it. For them she is still a kid and an ignorant for everything. If they ignored her, let
them be, because of what all she did was a rebel.
6. Do you have a favorite scene from the novel? Why was it your favorite?
My favorite scene was the 'the Ghost' scene where in her family believed that there was
a ghost inside their house. I can't still believed that a 5 yr. old girl could think that kind of
crap. While reading this, I laughed so loud. Il've imagine the fear in their face, their
actions and emotions. And of course for being the best actress of Matilda.

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