12 Dimensions of Mastery (LifeBook Challenge) - Days 11-20

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12 Dimensions of Mastery – Day 11

There are hundreds of ways to define Spirituality, which is why you have to define it for
yourself. What's right for you. Knowing what we believe and why we believe it gives us a
deep strength within ourselves. It helps to create a feeling of standing on solid ground, and
asks us the questions of who we are and what we are all about.

This category deserves deep reflection because it is so rich and important. It addresses our
purpose and the reasons why we are here.

Exercise for today:

Write down your beliefs (premise) on Spirituality as simply and as clearly as you can.
12 Dimensions of Mastery – Day 13

More than anything else, your relationships will determine your happiness. They go directly to the
heart of your life experience. Today, we will explore love relationships, and I'll share with you Missy
and my beliefs on love.

Exercise for today:

What do you think makes a great love relationship? Write your answer in your journal.
12 Dimensions of Mastery – Day 14

We define an extraordinary, romantic love relationship as a passionate, spiritual, emotional, sexual

attachment between two people who adore and trust each other, who are highly connected, who
communicate effectively, and who value each other above all else.

Today, we’ll identify some of the strategies you can use to make this happen in your own love life.

Exercise for today:

1. Pick a positive love habit to adopt OR a negative love habit to eliminate.

2. Practice it every day for the rest of this challenge.

12 Dimensions of Mastery – Day 15

Whether you’re a parent or not, this will be a rich and rewarding category for you to explore.
You WERE a kid once, you have parents, and children are an important part of ALL our lives.

Raising a child can be one of the richest, deepest experiences imaginable. It's an intellectual,
emotional, and spiritual journey that can't be duplicated. There are as many parenting styles
as there are parents. Today, you can define YOUR beliefs on parenting.
12 Dimensions of Mastery – Day 16

Today, we will go over what is our primary role as parents. Whether you have kids or not,
this is a very important category, because it encompasses your values as a human and how
you want to and choose to live your life.

Exercise for today:

1. Choose 3-4 core values that you want to live your life by.

2. Write a few sentences for each of the values you choose.

3. How can you bring these values to life? How will you take action in the form of small, daily
12 Dimensions of Mastery – Day 17

Today, we will discuss your social life. In this category, we take a look at our relationships
with our family and our friends. Relationships are about RELATING and don't stay the same
over time. They take an investment, which is why having a vision for your social life can help
you decide what kind of friendships you want to have.
12 Dimensions of Mastery – Day 18

Today, we’ll be exploring some profound principles and life-changing content that will reveal
just how high the stakes are in this category. Then, we’ll share some powerful strategies for
taking your social life to the next level.

There have been many studies done that prove that your success in life will be a direct
reflection of the expectations of your peer group.

Exercise for today:

Choose a social strategy and implement it into your life over the remainder of this Quest.
12 Dimensions of Mastery – Day 19

People have always had a love-hate relationship with money. But what, exactly, is money? In this
category, we will explore financial abundance and how your beliefs and your attitudes toward money
and wealth will have a major impact on your financial life.
12 Dimensions of Mastery – Day 20

Today, we’re going deep into the financial category and taking it very seriously. This will be a
hardcore exploration with no sugar coating. As a result, this video will be longer than usual.

Everybody, no matter how wealthy, wants more money. It's human nature. We are wired to
strive for more. But, there are two sides to every coin. This is a great metaphor for the
financial category, because this category involves so much paradox and dichotomy. Today,
we'll learn how and why as well as a few key strategies to having a great financial life..

One of the true secrets of life that I've found, especially for the financial category, is that
happiness requires both “striving for more” with a passion that drives you forward and being
immensely grateful that you absolutely have enough already.

Happiness is the main thing; it's our North Star.

Exercise for today:

1. Create a gratitude practice around your current financial life. Appreciate what you already
have, whether it's a little or a lot.

2. Write in your journal everyday on what you're grateful for in your financial life.

3. Decide: How much money is enough for me? There is no right or wrong answer, but there
is a right or wrong answer for you.

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