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The recurrence of negatively reinforced responding of humans was studied in three experiments. In each
experiment during Baseline, key-pressing produced 3-s timeouts from a requirement to exert finger
pressure on a force cell according to variable- or fixed-ratio schedules of reinforcement. In Experiment 1,
resurgence was studied by arranging a differential-reinforcement-of-other-behavior schedule in the
second phase, and extinction in the Test phase. In Experiment 2, ABA renewal was studied by
extinguishing responding in the second phase in a different context and, in the Test phase, by presenting
the Baseline-phase context when extinction still was in effect. In Experiment 3, reinstatement was studied
by arranging extinction in the second phase, followed by the delivery of response-independent timeouts in
the Test phase. Resurgence and renewal occurred consistently for each participant in Experiments 1 and
2, respectively. In Experiment 3, reinstatement was observed less consistently in four participants. The
results of these experiments replicate and extend to negatively reinforced responding previous findings of
the resurgence and renewal of positively reinforced responding obtained mainly with nonhuman animals.
Key words: resurgence, renewal, reinstatement, negative reinforcement, timeout from force
requirement, key pressing, humans

Previously reinforced responding that has Test phase, reinforcers for the alternative
been reduced to zero or near-zero rates in the response also are discontinued. In the study
recent past will, under certain environmental of renewal, after a Baseline phase similar to that
conditions, recur. Such response recurrence in the resurgence procedure, reinforcers are
might develop, for example, (a) when current, discontinued in the second phase in a context
alternative, responses are no longer reinforced that is similar, or different, from the context in
(e.g., Epstein, 1983), (b) when there is a which the response was reinforced in the
context change from the one in which extinc- Baseline phase. In the Test phase, the context
tion was effected (e.g., Bouton, 2004), and (c) is changed back to the one in effect during the
when, after exposure to extinction, the rein- Baseline phase, labeled an ABA-renewal proce-
forcer that previously maintained responding is dure, or to one that is different from the context
presented response-independently (e.g., Reid, in the second phase, AAB- or ABC-renewal
1958). Increases in the rate of the previously procedures. In the study of reinstatement, after
reinforced responses in (a), (b) and (c) relative a response is reinforced in the Baseline phase,
to the low rates of that response in the prior reinforcers are discontinued in the second
phase have been termed, respectively, resur- phase and, in the Test phase, the reinforcers
gence, renewal and reinstatement. that maintained responding in the first phase
In the experimental study of resurgence, a are presented response-independently.
response is reinforced in the first, Baseline The procedures leading to resurgence,
phase. In the second phase, reinforcers are renewal, and reinstatement have been sug-
discontinued for this first response and an gested to provide experimental models of the
alternative response is reinforced. In the third, relapse of problem (e.g., Bouton, Winterbauer
& Todd, 2012) and drug-maintained behavior
(Podlesnik, Jimenez-Gomes & Shahan, 2006).
Authors Note: Portions of these data were presented at Most investigations of these types of response
the 2015 Experimental Analysis of Behaviour Group
Conference, London, England. Address correspondence recurrence, however, have been conducted
to Jer^
ome Alessandri, Department of Psychology, University with nonhumans. Additionally, responding in
of Lille Nord de France, F-59000 Lille, France (e-mail: the Baseline phase in these investigations typically is established and maintained using
Corresponding author: J er^
ome Alessandri, Department
of Psychology, University of Lille Nord de France, F-59000
positive reinforcement. The resurgence, rein-
Lille, France. E-mail: statement and renewal of negatively reinforced
doi: 10.1002/jeab.178 human behavior rarely have been investigated,

212 JER ^

despite the ubiquitousness of negative rein- extra-course credit or money were received for
forcement in nonlaboratory environments and participation).
its implication in many problems requiring
behavioral interventions (e.g., Thompson, Bru- Apparatus
zek, & Cotnoir-Bichelman, 2011). One of the Sessions were conducted individually with
few such studies was conducted by Bruzek, each participant. Participants sat at a desk
Thompson, and Peters (2009), who studied the containing a Novatech Mini40 ATi force
resurgence of a caregiving response directed cell (Tatem Industrial Automation Ltd.,
toward a baby doll by adult undergraduate Derby, U. K.), a computer monitor and a
students. In the Baseline phase of their Experi- keyboard. The force cell (40 mm in diameter
ment 1, the caregiving response stopped and 12 mm high) was mounted on the left side
simulated infant crying. In the second phase, of the keyboard, which was placed in front of
crying was stopped only if an alternative the participant. Programming of conditions
caregiving response occurred, and, in the Test and data recording (with a resolution of 0.125 s)
phase, resurgence of the previously reinforced were accomplished by a program written in
response occurred when the alternative Labview 8.6 (National Instruments Corpora-
response was not effective in stopping crying tion, Austin, TX).
Experimental analyses of these recurrence
phenomena with humans and under conditions Procedure
other than contingencies of positive reinforce- Force-criterion assessment. To establish the
ment comprise an important step in establish- timeouts from pressing the force cell as
ing the generality of previous research findings. reinforcers, before the first Pretraining session
In addition, such analyses might be useful in a force criterion was set at near the maximum
validating the experimental procedures used to for each participant. This was accomplished by
study resurgence, renewal, and reinstatement as asking participants to press the force cell with
models of phenomena such as clinical relapse their left thumbs (i.e., from their nondominant
and, eventually, to provide evidence that in- hand) continuously and with the maximum
forms the development and implementation of force possible for three 10-s intervals, which
behavioral interventions (Pritchard, Hoerger & were separated by 3-s timeouts during which the
Mace, 2014). In the present experiments the force cell was not pressed. For each participant,
resurgence, renewal, and reinstatement of the force criterion was set at 75% of the
negatively reinforced responding were studied maximum force he or she exhibited during
with humans. In each experiment, negative the three 10-s intervals (Table A1 in the
reinforcement (escape) contingencies were Appendix shows the force criterion for each
arranged by using a procedure described participant).
by Alessandri and Riviere (2013) in which After the force-criterion assessment, and for
responding produced brief timeouts from a the remainder of the study, a vertical gauge
requirement to emit an effortful response, (updated every 0.1 s) displayed at the top center
operationally defined as continuously pressing of the computer screen indicated the propor-
a force cell. tion of the (required) force criterion exhibited
by the participant. Participants were instructed
General Method to maintain the force indicator at the top of the
gauge, which defined the force criterion, at all
Participants times. Before the first Pretraining session,
Twelve undergraduate students (six males participants also were instructed to stop press-
and six females, 18 to 30 years old, all right- ing the force cell while the word “break”
handed) from the University of Lille partici- (written in blue letters) appeared on the
pated. Data from two participants (one male computer screen but to immediately resume
and one female) in Experiment 3 were pressing the force cell when the word “press”
excluded because their response rates were (also written in blue letters) appeared on the
relatively high after 10 sessions of extinction, screen.
precluding an assessment of reinstatement. Pretraining. The operant response was press-
Participants were not compensated (e.g., no ing the down-arrow key on the keyboard

(hereafter, key pressing). Reinforcers were 3-s During the second, Alternative Reinforce-
timeouts from pressing the force cell. Within ment, phase a DRO schedule was in effect.
sessions, the word “press” was displayed contin- Under this schedule, timeouts from pressing
uously on the computer screen until a rein- the force cell occurred only if key pressing did
forcer was delivered. The reinforcement cycle not occur during a given interval (i.e., the DRO
started when the word “press” disappeared and value); key presses restarted the interval and
the word “break” appeared on the screen. After delayed scheduled timeouts. Thus, key pressing
3 s, the word “break” disappeared and the word was placed on extinction while alternative
“press” reappeared and remained on the screen behaviors (of unspecified topography) were
until the next reinforcer was delivered. Partic- reinforced (e.g., da Silva, Maxwell & Lattal,
ipants were told that they could press the key 2008). For each participant, the DRO value
whenever they wanted, but not that key pressing initially was 2 s and was increased gradually,
produced reinforcers. after two consecutive timeouts, to 20 s (the DRO
In this phase, key pressing was maintained on values were 2 s, 4 s, 8 s, and 20 s). This phase
a fixed-ratio (FR) schedule of negative rein- lasted for one 10-min session for P1 and P3, and
forcement. The FR value was increased from 1 for two 10-min sessions for P2 (because of
to 75, with at least two reinforcers produced consistent responding observed during the first
under each FR value (i.e., 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, session of this phase). For P1 and P3 the DRO
30 and 50). Pretraining ended when an FR 20-s schedule was effected during the first
value of 75 was reached for each participant. minute of the session comprising this phase;
This phase lasted from 5 to 20 min across for P2, it was effected during the last 5 min of
participants. the first session of this phase and was in effect
In each experiment, and for each participant, during the entire second 10-min session.
sessions lasted for 10 min (excluding reinforce- The Test Phase was implemented as a within-
ment access time) and three sessions were session phase change. Thus, the DRO 20-s
conducted during each visit to the laboratory schedule was in effect during the first 5 min of
(which occurred two or three times per week this session and, during the last 5 min, timeouts
across participants) with a 5-min rest period from pressing the force cell did not occur
between sessions. (extinction). For P1 and P3 only, an additional
10-min extinction session was conducted.
Experiment 1 Results and Discussion
The resurgence of key pressing maintained The number of reinforcers during the last
previously by timeouts from pressing a force cell three 60-s blocks of the Baseline and Alternative
was studied in this experiment. The procedure Reinforcement Phases were, respectively, 19
systematically replicated that of Bruzek et al. and 8 for P1 (in the Alternative Reinforcement
(2009), but with a different type of negative phase, one response was emitted during these
reinforcer (escape from a requirement to press blocks and one of the 9 programmed rein-
a force cell). forcers under the DRO 20-s schedule was lost by
this participant); 41 and 9 for P2, and 12 and 9
Method for P3. Table A1 in the Appendix also shows the
Participants and apparatus. Three male un- median percentage of the force criterion that
dergraduate students (P1, P2 and P3) partici- each participant exerted in each phase. These
pated. The apparatus was as described in the data show that participants pressed the force
General Method. cell consistently across all phases of the experi-
Procedure. The computer screen color was ment. There were no instances in which
gray during each phase of this experiment. participants stopped pressing the force cell
During the first, Baseline phase, key pressing before a timeout was produced.
was reinforced according to a variable-ratio Figure 1 shows key presses per minute (in 60-s
(VR) 23 schedule (constructed with 10 values— blocks) in each phase, for each participant.
1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 50, and 75—that were Responses during timeouts were excluded from
selected randomly without replacement during response rate calculations and reinforcement
a session). This phase lasted for three 10-min access time was excluded from the total time
sessions for each participant. used to calculate response rates. Response rates
214 JER ^

60-s block of exposure to the DRO schedule for

P1 and P3. The almost-immediate reduction
in response rates for P1 and P3 might have
occurred because, compared to P2, response
rates in the Baseline phase were lower for
these two participants. This, and gradually
increasing the DRO interval (see the Method
section) during the initial blocks of this phase
might have facilitated the contact of responding
with the DRO schedule. Because in some
previous experiments (e.g., Cleland, Foster, &
Temple, 2000; Leitenberg, Rawson, & Mulick,
1975; Sweeney & Shahan, 2013) the magnitude
of resurgence has been inversely related to the
duration of the Alternative Reinforcement
phase, a gradual increase in the DRO value
might be useful in more quickly reducing
response rates and decreasing the duration of
this phase, thereby increasing the chances of
observing resurgence. In the last three blocks of
the Alternative Reinforcement phase, response
rates were zero or near zero for each
Resurgence of the response previously re-
inforced in the Baseline phase occurred for
each participant in the Test phase. For P1 and
P3, resurgence occurred initially in the first 60-s
block of the Test Phase, and for P2, in the
second block of this phase (for P1 and P3,
the increase in responding from the fifth to the
sixth block of the Test phase were instances of
Fig. 1. Responses per min in 60-s blocks for each spontaneous recovery). For participants P2 and
participant in Experiment 1 (in which resurgence was P3, rate of responding during the Test phase
studied). Data are shown for the last five blocks of the increased initially, peaked later during this
Baseline (BL) phase and all blocks of the Alternative
Reinforcement (DRO) and Test Phases. Note the different phase (third 60-s block for P2, and fourth and
Y-axes scales for each participant. Blank spaces between 10th 60-s blocks for P3), and decreased to zero
data points indicate the beginning of a new session. In each or near zero in the final block of this phase. For
graph, gray data points show the first block of the Test P1, this pattern did not occur: Resurgence
peaked during the first 60-s block of the Test
phase, and response rates then decreased to
are shown for the last five blocks of the Baseline near zero across blocks of this phase (but note
phase and all blocks of the Alternative Rein- the increase in P1’s response rate in the last
forcement and Test Phases (in each graph, block of the Test phase).
the gray data points show the first 60-s block The robust resurgence shown here systemati-
during the Test phase). During the Baseline cally replicates previous findings of the resur-
phase, response rates were relatively high and gence of negatively reinforced responding
without consistent downward trends for each (e.g., Bruzek et al., 2009; Volkert, Lerman,
participant, showing that the Alessandri and Call, & Trosclair-Lasserre, 2009). In addition,
ere (2013) procedure maintained key-press these results extend the previous finding of
responding. In the Alternative Reinforcement resurgence of negatively reinforced responding
phase, response rates decreased for each to a procedure in which responding was a more
participant relative to the Baseline Phase. The typically studied response in human-operant
decreases in response rates in this phase were experiments (key or button pressing) and
more gradual for P2, but occurred in the first the consequences of responding consisted of

timeouts from the relatively effortful response

of pressing a force cell. The present procedure
is relatively easy to implement and might
be useful in further studying variables affect-
ing the resurgence of negatively reinforced
responding with humans in the laboratory.

Experiment 2
The renewal of key pressing maintained
previously by timeouts from pressing the force
cell was studied using an ABA-renewal proce-
dure (Berry, Sweeney, & Odum, 2014; Bouton,
Todd, Vurbic, & Winterbauer, 2011; Nakajima,
Tanaka, Urushiara, & Imada, 2000; Nelson,
Sanjuan, Vadillo-Ruiz, Perez, & Leon, 2011;
Podlesnik & Shahan, 2009).

Participants and apparatus. Three male un-
dergraduate students (P4, P5 and P6) partici-
pated. The apparatus was as described in the
General Method.
Procedure. The Baseline phase was con-
ducted as in Experiment 1, except that the
color of the computer screen was green (instead
of gray). In the second, Extinction, phase, the
color of the screen was blue and extinction was
in effect for key pressing for a minimum of two
10-min sessions. When response rates during
the last two 60-s blocks of an Extinction session
were zero, the Test phase was implemented Fig. 2. Responses per min in 60-s blocks for each
within the following 10-min session. This phase participant in Experiment 2 (in which ABA renewal was
change from Extinction to Test occurred after studied). Data are shown for the last five blocks of the
5 more minutes of Extinction, for P4 and P5, Baseline (BL) phase and all blocks of the Test phase. Blank
spaces between data points during the Extinction phase
and after 2 more minutes of Extinction, for P6. demarcate sessions. For P4 and P6 these were Sessions 1 and
When the Test phase began, the extinction 2 plus, respectively, the final five and two blocks before the
contingency remained in effect, but the color of midsession change to the Test phase. For P5, Sessions 1, 6
the computer screen changed from blue to and 7 are shown before these final five blocks preceding the
green (the screen color in Phase 1), constitut- Test phase. Note: The last block of Session 2 of the
Extinction phase had 45 s for P4 (see the Method section of
ing an ABA-renewal procedure (Bouton et al., Experiment 2). Other details are as in Figure 1.

Results and Discussion phases. For P4 and P6, the change from
The number of reinforcers during the last Extinction to Test occurred after five and two
three 60-s blocks of the Baseline phase was 17 blocks, respectively, in session 3. For P5, the
for P4, 39 for P5, and 38 for P6. Figure 2 shows Extinction phase lasted for seven sessions
rates of key pressing (in 60-s blocks, and (sessions 1, 6, and 7 are shown in the figure)
calculated as described in Experiment 1) in and the transition from Extinction to Test
each phase, for each participant. Connected occurred after five 60-s blocks in session 8. Due
data points represent blocks completed in the to a programming error, the criterion for
same session; the exceptions to this rule occur transitioning to the Test phase was not met by
at midsession changes from Extinction to Test P5; he made 13 and 0 responses per min in the
216 JER ^

last two blocks in session 7. Table A1 in the the force cell was studied in this experiment.
Appendix shows the median percentage of the Like resurgence and renewal, reinstatement has
force criterion that each participant exerted in been studied mainly with nonhumans, but
each phase. there are a few studies with humans (e.g.,
Figure 2 shows response rates during the Falcomata, Hoffman, Gainey, & Muething,
periods indicated in the caption. In each graph, 2013; Nadler, Delgado & Delamater, 2011;
gray data points show the first block of the Test Spradlin, Fixsen & Girardeau, 1969; Spradlin,
phase. In the Baseline phase, key pressing Girardeau, & Hom, 1966) in which mainly
occurred consistently for each participant. positive reinforcement has been used to estab-
Response rates in this phase were more variable lish or maintain the responding later to be
across blocks for P4 and P5 than for P6 (for reinstated.
whom responding across blocks was relatively
stable). Although P4 and P5’s response rates in Method
the last five blocks of the Baseline phase Participants and apparatus. Four female
decreased and increased, respectively, key undergraduate students (P7, P8, P9 and P10)
pressing occurred consistently for them both participated. The apparatus was as described in
in the last block of this phase. the General Method.
In the Extinction phase, response rates Procedure. The computer screen remained
initially increased for P4 but decreased across gray across phases. The Baseline phase was
blocks for all participants. For P6 (and for P4 in conducted as in Experiment 1 except that P10
the first block of Session 3 of the Extinction was exposed to an FR 10 instead of the VR 23
phase), at the beginning of each session in this schedule used with P7, P8 and P9. This phase
phase, response rate increased relative to the lasted for three 10-min sessions for P8, and for
last block of the previous session. This occur- two complete 10-min sessions for P7, P9 and
rence of spontaneous recovery highlights the P10. For these latter participants, due to a
usefulness of the present within-session phase programming error, the third and final session
change, which allowed an analysis of renewal of this phase lasted for, respectively, 6 min, 55 s;
(and of resurgence and reinstatement in 7 min, 3 s; and 4 min, 53 s, instead of 10 min.
Experiments 1 and 3, respectively) indepen- During the second, Extinction phase, extinc-
dently of the spontaneous recovery that might tion was in effect for key pressing (i.e., breaks
occur when extinction is effected across ses- were no longer produced). This phase lasted
sions of the second phase and, most impor- for ten 10-min sessions for P7 and P9, and for six
tantly, during the Test phase. 10-min sessions for P8. For P10, this phase lasted
Renewal of previously reinforced responding for four sessions, of which the first three were
occurred for each participant. Response rates in 10 min and the fourth was 5 min in duration.
the Test phase were highest in the first block, When response rates during the last two 60-s
when the color of the screen changed to that in blocks of a session were zero, the Test phase was
effect during the Baseline phase, and decreased implemented within the following 12-min
consistently across subsequent blocks of this
session. During the first 2 min of the Test-phase
phase. These results thus systematically repli-
session, extinction was in effect. In the subse-
cate, with humans, previous findings of ABA
quent 10 min, timeouts from pressing the force
renewal of positively reinforced behavior ob-
cell occurred response-independently accord-
tained mainly with nonhumans (e.g., Berry
ing to a fixed-time (FT) 60-s schedule. For each
et al., 2014; Bouton et al., 2011, 2012; Nakajima
participant, the first response-independent
et al., 2000; Podlesnik & Shahan, 2009; but see, timeout occurred after the 2 min of exposure
e.g., Nelson et al., 2011) using a procedure in to extinction elapsed such that there were 10
which responding was maintained in the response-independent timeouts within this
Baseline phase by timeouts from pressing a Test-phase session.
force cell.
Results and Discussion
Experiment 3
The number of reinforcers during the last
The reinstatement of key pressing main- three 60-s blocks of the Baseline phase was 22
tained previously by timeouts from pressing for P7, 18 for P8, 21 for P9, and 41 for P10 (this

participant was exposed to an FR 10 instead of a

VR 23 schedule, which accounts for the higher
number of reinforcers for this participant than
for the others in the Baseline phase). Because
an FT 60-s schedule was in effect during the Test
phase, one response-independent timeout
occurred in each 60-s block, for each partici-
pant. Table A1 in the Appendix shows the
median percentage of the force criterion that
each participant exerted in each phase.
Figure 3 shows rates of key pressing (calcu-
lated as described in Experiment 1) during the
periods indicated in the caption. As in Experi-
ments 1 and 2, in the Baseline phase, key
pressing occurred consistently for each partici-
pant. Response rates increased slightly during
the last five blocks of this phase for P7, P9 and
P10. For P8, although response rates decreased
in the last block of this phase (relative to an
increasing trend across the previous four
blocks), responding still occurred consistently
(59 responses per min) in the last block of the
Baseline phase.
During the Extinction phase, response rates
of each participant decreased to zero or near
zero across sessions. As in Experiments 1 and 2,
spontaneous recovery occurred for some par-
ticipants across successive sessions of this phase
(see data for P8, P9 and P10). For example, P8’s
response rate during the first block of Session 2
was higher than in the last block of Session 1.
Considering the last two blocks of the Extinc-
tion phase, spontaneous recovery also occurred
for P8 (i.e., response rate was higher in the first
of the last two blocks of this phase relative to the
last block of Session 6; similar findings were
observed for P10). During the last two blocks of
the last 10-min session (for P7, P8 and P9) or
5-min session (for P10) of the Extinction phase,
response rates were, respectively, 0 and 6
responses per min for P7, 0 and 0 responses
per min for P8, 0 and 0 for P9, and 0 and 0 for
P10. Although the criterion for starting the
Fig. 3. Responses per min in 60-s blocks for each
Test-phase session was not strictly followed with participant in Experiment 3 (in which reinstatement was
P7 (i.e., zero response rates in the last two 60-s studied). Data are shown for the last five blocks of the
blocks of a session in the Extinction phase), for Baseline (BL) phase and all blocks of the Test phase. For the
each participant, rates of key pressing were zero Extinction phase, data are shown for Sessions 1, 2 and 10,
responses per min in the last block of the and the last two blocks for P7 and P9; for Sessions 1, 2 and 6
and the last two blocks, for P8, and for each block of this
Extinction phase (which preceded the delivery phase, for P10. Note: The last block of the Baseline phase
of response-independent timeouts according to had 55 s, 63 s and 53 s, respectively, for P7, P9 and P10
the FT schedule). (see the Method section of Experiment 3). Blank spaces
Reinstatement, that is, an increase in the between data points indicate the beginning of a new session.
Other details as in Figure 1.
rate of the response previously reinforced in the
Baseline phase during the Test phase, relative to
218 JER ^

the last blocks of the Extinction phase, occurred

for P7 and nominally for P8, but not for P9 and
P10. To better show these results, response rates
during the last two blocks of the Extinction
phase and each block of the Test phase are
shown in Figure 4, in which the Y-axes scales
were reduced relative to Figure 3. Reinstatement
occurred in 5 of 10 blocks during the Test Phase
(including the first block of this phase) for P7.
For P8, response rates were zero during the last
block of the Extinction phase (note that the
increase in rate of responding in the first of
the last two blocks of this phase was an instance of
spontaneous recovery, as previously indicated)
and, during the first two blocks of the Test phase,
response rates increased (to 3 and 10 responses
per min, respectively).
Using a negative reinforcement baseline, the
results only partially replicate previous findings
of the reinstatement of positively reinforced
responding of human and nonhuman animals
(e.g., Franks & Lattal, 1976; Spradlin et al.,
1966, 1969). The reasons for the relatively small
reinstatement effect with P8, and for not
obtaining the effect with P9 and P10, are not
clear. The magnitude of the reinstatement
effect (or lack thereof) was related to neither
response rates during the Baseline phase
(Doughty, Reed & Lattal, 2004) nor to the
number of sessions comprising the Extinction
phase (10 sessions were conducted with P7 in
this phase and 6 and 4 sessions were conducted
with P8 and P10, respectively). In addition, the
schedule in effect and the number of rein-
forcers obtained in the Baseline phase were not
related systematically to the magnitude of
reinstatement (no reinstatement occurred for
P10, exposed to an FR 10, and thus to more
reinforcers, in the Baseline phase relative to P7
and P8, exposed previously to a VR 23 and for
whom reinstatement occurred).

General Discussion
Responding previously maintained by a Fig. 4. Responses per min in 60-s blocks in the last two
blocks of the Extinction phase, and each block of the Test
negative reinforcement procedure based on phase, for each participant in Experiment 3 (in which
escape from a response requiring a high force reinstatement was studied). Labels above each data point
exertion (Alessandri & Riviere, 2013) was show responses per min in each block. Note the different
shown to resurge and renew thereby replicating Y-axes scales for P9 and P10. Other details as in Figure 1.
similar effects with nonhuman responding first
maintained by schedules of positive reinforce- of previously negatively reinforced human
ment (e.g., Epstein, 1983; Franks & Lattal, 1976; behavior in the forms of resurgence and
Nakajima et al., 2000). The evidence for renewal of behavior is further evidence that
reinstatement was inconsistent. The recurrence the generation of such recurrence is a general

property of extinction and not simply a result of responding as the Test phase proceeds.
removing appetitive or other positive rein- The latter might contribute to P9 and P10’s
forcers. Although the present findings do not absence of reinstatement. Other consider-
illuminate the behavioral processes responsible ations also might play a role in the inconsistent
for such recurrence, its occurrence during or reinstatement effects reported in Experiment
following the extinction of negatively rein- 3. For example, it is possible that a negative
forced responding provides further impetus reinforcement contingency is less likely to
for a search for integrative recurrence princi- induce reinstatement than a positive one. This
ples that incorporate not only a range of seems less likely, however, in light of the
stimulus (e.g., Bouton, 2004) and reinforce- findings of Experiments 1 and 2, where
ment conditions (e.g., Shahan & Sweeney, resurgence and renewal at least superficially
2011), but also different categories of resembled similar effects obtained when posi-
reinforcers. tive reinforcement is used to establish the
Similar to the recurrence of previously response. Finally, individual performance dif-
positively reinforced responding, the time ferences might have played a role in at least
course of previously negatively reinforced some instances. Unlike the other three partic-
responding was somewhat variable, but tended ipants, P9 went for an entire session just before
to develop relatively early in the Test phase, the reinstatement test without responding
peak soon thereafter, and then decline as time during the extinction phase. Participant P10,
in that phase progressed. Renewal yielded the however, did emit a number of responses in
most consistent and vigorous recurrence effect, the period just before the onset of the
and reinstatement the weakest. It is difficult, reinstatement test.
however, to directly compare the recurrence Relative to responding maintained by posi-
across the three experiments because different tive reinforcement, little is known about the
participants were involved and other variables extinction of negatively reinforced responding,
such as the stimulus conditions and the amount let alone the capacity of such extinction
of exposure to the second phase differed across to generate previously negatively reinforced
experiments. responding using any of the three procedures
The three procedures differed in the studied in these experiments. Extinction of
consistency and vigor of the recurrence of negatively reinforced responding may be ef-
the previously reinforced operant behavior. In fected by making the aversive stimulus unavoid-
terms of the number of participants showing able or inescapable, terminating the aversive
the effect and its consistency, renewal gener- stimulus independently of responding, or by
ated the strongest recurrence and reinstate- eliminating the aversive stimulus altogether
ment the weakest. Renewal, and ABA renewal (Lattal, St. Peter, & Escobar, 2013). The former
in particular, might be expected to produce was used in the present experiments. The
relatively large effects because one is simply extinction of responding of a force-escape
reintroducing a discriminative stimulus, or maintained response qualitatively resembled
context, previously associated with reinforce- that obtained when electric shock is eliminated
ment and in which no history of extinction has following the maintenance of responding by
been developed. A “pure” reinstatement is a free-operant (Sidman) avoidance procedure
revealed only during those interreinforcer (Schnidman, 1968): Responding rapidly
intervals before a response has the opportunity decreased with increasing time in the absence
to be adventitiously reinforced. Once respond- of the force requirement. Unlike Schnidman’s
ing is reinstated under an FT schedule, results with Rhesus monkeys, however, the
subsequent responding could be a joint present human participants often exhibited
function of the discriminative stimulus prop- spontaneous recovery at the beginning of a new
erties of the reinforcer and possible adventi- session of extinction. Whether the other two
tious reinforcement of the reinstated methods of extinguishing negatively reinforced
response. It also follows that the absence of responding would result in similar recurrence
responding (which may reflect the occurrence of previously reinforced responding is an open
of some response other than the measured question.
one) also may be adventitiously reinforced, Finally, translational research in behavior
resulting in the continuing absence of such analysis involves the generic extension
220 JER ^

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222 JER ^


Table A1
Force Criterion (in N), Median of the Percentage of the Force Criterion (and interquartile ranges) in
each phase of Experiments 1, 2, and 3.

Median Percentage of Force Criterion

Experiment Participant Force criterion Baseline Alt. Reinf./Extinction Test

1 P1 29 96 (85–103) 100 (105–108) 101 (96–105)

P2 26 85 (75–92) 97 (80–101) 87 (71–97)
P3 29 63 (57–68) 61 (57–66) 73 (66–76)
2 P4 39 95 (92–98) 83 (69–93) 95 (81–98)
P5 36 51 (44–58) 40 (35–44) 40 (35–42)
P6 35 74 (64–81) 40 (29–50) 47 (37–57)
3 P7 24 120 (98–106) 53 (44–65) 67 (56–77)
P8 21 99 (57–99) 68 (42–91) 84 (49–97)
P9 26 120 (98–106) 53 (44–65) 67 (56–77)
P10 29 78 (66–92) 48 (28–60) 45 (38–57)
Note. Medians (and interquartile ranges) are for all sessions of Baseline, Alternative Reinforcement (Experiment 1) or
Extinction (Experiments 2 and 3) and Test Phases in each experiment.

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