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There are no limits...only plateaus...go beyond them

How Well Are You

Weathering the Storm?


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Table of Contents
Exceed Magazine January 2011

8 Five Easy Ways to Bring Family Time Into Your Day

simple tips to strengthen your family and to keep some of life's
pressures and stresses out of the home

10 Winning Ways to Sharpen Your Career Search in a

Challenging Economy
learn how talented workers can stand out from the competition

12 Five Vital Questions to Prepare for your Financial Future

discover if there are areas where your financial plans can be

14 How to Keep Those Healthy

Eating Resolutions - in January and Beyond
some tips for following up season's greetings with more reasoned

16 Healing a Broken Heart? Learn To Forgive

learning this one lesson in life will help you heal your past and
move on to a better future

18 Marketplace
classified ads for local businesses, professional services and more.
sell your stuff or find what you are looking for in our marketplace

23 What Counts

written many years ago by Edgar Guest, the poetry still has wis-
dom applicable to today

24 Do Less

a motivational poem about paying more attention

Back Cover photo by

Front Cover photo by
© Bertrand Thiry
© T4To


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Editor’s Message
How Well Are You Weathering the Storm?
What a tough year 2010 was! It seems that every article you read
or news cast you hear opens with the phrase, “In these tough eco-
nomic times…”

There is NO doubt that those who have been hit hardest by the
downturn of the economy have been negatively impacted, not only
in their finances, but, their relationships, their health, their mental
well-being, their spirituality. The stress of having little or no money
has taken a toll in every aspect of our lives, and especially the way we’ve dealt with our
bodies and the people in our lives.

How many marriages have ended? How many businesses have failed? How many hos-
pital visits have there been? How many people have lost faith? ...All as a result of the
tough economy? The goal of this message is NOT to focus on how bad things have
been, or how we have suffered. The goal of this message is to help you to recognize
that through all that has happened in the last 5 years, you are still standing, and to
further urge you to prepare yourself, so that you can continue to do so.

The new year is a great time for reflection and renewal. Take a good look at where you
are right now. What has sustained you during the most difficult parts of the year? What
can you do now to ensure the survival of you and your loved ones through the tough
times? While some may be recovering, there are others who are JUST starting to see
the worst of it.

Most emergency planning websites will give you these three basic tips to survive a disas-
ter: 1) Be informed—learn as much as you can about the type of disaster so you will
know what the danger is and how to respond appropriately; 2) Make a plan—How will
you respond to an emergency if it happens? ; and 3) Build a kit—Once an emergency
happens, there is NO time to go shopping or try to find and gather together all the essen-
tial items you will need. You need to have this ready beforehand.

I believe we should incorporate this same type of prudent planning in our relationships
and our well-being, and that these plans should be held with the same priority as if we
were planning for an emergency. Some may think this is little extreme, but consider the
cost of NOT being prepared for a sudden loss of income. Perseverance is a great trait to
have. However when a storm hits, simply “hanging in there” is not always the answer.
There are still some very basic items that are essential for survival. So this year, resolu-
tions aside, make it one of your goals to PREPARE for the unexpected using the same
basic steps that I mentioned above: Be informed. Make a plan. Build a kit. Become
as educated a possible on the areas that concern you and your family. Write a plan and
review it, then write a back up plan and review that. Gather everything that is needed to
get carry you through to the end of the storm, and beyond. These simple steps can be
applied to any situation, and incorporated into any list of goals. Should the time come
when you need to access your “emergency kit”, you’ll be ready to weather the storm, and
glad that you took the time to prepare. To your continued success!

Katrena Patterson Blackson

Founder & Editor
Exceed Magazine


Dennis Smith Communications, LLC

266 Avon Road
Upper Darby, PA 19082


Katrena Patterson Blackson


Michael A. Blackson, Sr.


Hunt 4 Photos

Special Thanks to Fotolia


Special Thanks to ARA Content

BZ Riger

Susan Russo

is published monthly by

Dennis Smith Communications, LLC

266 Avon Road
Upper Darby, PA 19082

Contents © 2011
All rights reserved.

No part of the magazine may

reprinted in whole or in part without
written permission of the publisher.

Opinions expressed in articles or

advertisements unless otherwise
noted, do not necessarily reflect
the opinions of the Publisher.
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Home and Family

Balancing Five Easy Ways to

and Family
Bring Family Time
Stresses Into Your Day
By BZ Riger
~ Eat dinner at the table not in front of the TV
The pace of life seems to quicken every year.
or standing in the kitchen grabbing a quick
More and more time is spent rushing from job
bite just before rushing out to the next activ-
to after school activities or evening meetings.
ity. Consciously eating your meals not only
It's easy to get over whelmed and to lose a
improves digestion but also allows you thirty
sense of family and relaxation in our homes.
minutes to slow down and reconnect; sharing
Here are a few ideas to help strengthen your
things that happened during the day. Make it
family and to keep some of life's pressures
mandatory and after a few weeks you will see
and stresses out of the home.
how everyone really looks forward to this
short peace of family time each night.
~ Be involved but learn how to say No, once
in a while. You want to be an involved in-
~ Develop family traditions with your immedi-
formed parent but you need to keep your
ate and extended family members. Come up
schedule sane. So don't volunteer for every-
with a special night once or twice a year that
thing and don't sign your kids up for every
isn't tied to a holiday. Have everyone who
after school sport or activity. Set limits on
comes make something to eat, even the
these activities, car pool whenever possible,
littlest ones. Share what you have been doing
and limit the activities you volunteer for and
since the last get together and come up with
your children participate in to two for each
some fun game everyone can get involved in.
half of the school year.
Horse shoes, softball, badminton, the game
isn't important it's the time you spend to-
“Come up with a special night once or gether just goofing around without judgment
twice a year that isn't tied to a holiday. “ and the pressures of the regular schedule of
~ Week long family vacations are great but
~ Keep expectations of achievement in
sometimes you need a family break more
school at a reasonable level; encourage your
often. Plan mini retreats that give you a break
children to strive for things and work at a level
from your routine and allow down time where
that always gives them a bit of a challenge,
you can just hang out. See if a local hotel with
but don't push them into situations that are
a swimming pool has off-season rates. Then
too different or may regularly affect their self
get together with one or two other families
whose company you enjoy and book a night
in the hotel. Bring swimsuits for the kids and
a good book for yourself. You can also turn About the Author
off the TV, telephone, computer, and CD
player for the night, cook an easy meal or ©BZ Riger is certified as a prosperity guide,law of attrac-
order take out and tell stories or play cards or tion coach, four agreements facilitator & tele-course leader
and is the author of The Soul of Success. She helps
a board game. Teenagers may think its hokey women rewire their minds, to master change, make things
at first but they really do appreciate the happen, and create the life they want! Visit
change of pace and the time with their family.


“There is no doubt that it is around the family and the
home that all the greatest virtues, the most dominating
virtues of human society, are created, strengthened
and maintained”
~ Winston Churchill


Education and Career

Winning Ways to Sharpen

Your Career Search in a
Challenging Economy
(ARA) - Five hundred unemployed people are
competing for every job opening in the coun-
How can
try, according to the U.S. Department of La-
bor. At the beginning of the recession in De-
cember 2007, there were less than two peo-
ple vying for each vacancy.
With more candidates going head-to-head for stand out
jobs, organizations can be very selective in
finding the ideal employee - someone who fits from the
all of the position's qualifications or even
goes beyond the requirements. competition?
How can talented workers stand out from the
als can quickly weed out cover letters and
"More than ever, job seekers need to proac- resumes that are generic versus those in
tively manage their job search with precision which applicants took the time to thoughtfully
and focus to help them stand out from oth- demonstrate how they meet the criteria. In
ers," says Mark Gasche, vice president of many cases, you'll need to apply via an
career services for Colorado Technical Uni- online database, where there's a lower likeli-
versity, a leading provider of education for hood of being identified through this elec-
career-motivated students. "It's all about tronic screening process. Increase your
targeting your search, doing your homework, chances by being resourceful and proactive
and leaving the best impression - on paper in finding and applying directly to people who
and in person." have the power to hire you.

For those looking for smarter and more effec-

tive ways to differentiate themselves in a
challenging job market where supply contin-
ues to outstrip demand, Gasche offers these

* Customize every cover letter and resume.

When it comes to a cover letter and resume,
one size doesn't fit all. Job postings always
include specific qualifications or responsibili-
ties. A cover letter should be just as specific
(and error-free), with each job requirement * Take five: Get to know the organization from
addressed point by point with your relevant the inside out. Beyond researching the or-
experience and skills. ganization on the Internet, conduct five brief
interviews with current employees at the
Recruiters and human resources profession- company. You can find them through your
social networking channels, referrals or col-
leagues. Ask them about the corporate culture and * Identify and fill education gaps. During the
what it means to be an effective employee at their job search, networking and interview proc-
organization. This will give you valuable insights esses, you may discover that further educa-
into the company, helping you personalize both tion is needed for your chosen profession or
your cover letter and resume while being better that you want to pursue new career opportu-
prepared than most candidates for a future inter- nities that go beyond your current skill set.
view. This may lead you to weigh the time, costs
and benefits of going back to school. If so,
* Nail the interview. Your preparation doesn't stop one option to consider is attending a career-
when you land an interview. In interviewing and focused college such as Colorado Technical
coaching hundreds of job applicants, Gasche says University, which offers online classes that
the questions that candidates ask - or don't ask - make higher education accessible anytime
demonstrate their level of enthusiasm and initia- and anywhere for those juggling work, family
tive. commitments and managing a career.

"Your questions during an interview reveal how * Turn a negative into a positive. If you're not
well you're prepared and how much you sincerely hired after an interview, consider it an oppor-
want the position," Gasche says. "You should run tunity to follow up with the interviewer and
out of time in the interview before you run out of seek constructive feedback to apply to your
questions." ongoing job search. Ask if he or she is open
to providing any advice on what you can do to
A good question for interviewees to ask: What improve - whether on your resume, interview
does success look like in this position and how will techniques or overall skills. It also gives you
it be measured over time? Other questions should the chance to show your continued interest in
dig deeper into topics discussed during the inter- the organization should further positions
view, a direct reflection of your listening skills and arise.
level of engagement in the conversation.
Business and Finance

Five Vital Questions to

Prepare for your Financial Future
(ARA) - Have you ever 1. What are my goals?
wondered if you'll be able Before you get started,
to afford retirement? Do determine what you need
Discover if you question if your fi- to finance, especially in
nances will keep you the future. Some typical
there are afloat if your family were goals to consider include
to experience a medical home ownership, starting
areas emergency or another a family, paying for col-
expensive and unplanned lege tuition and financial
where your event? independence.

financial "Financial awareness and 2. Who depends on me?

education are extremely Part two of determining
plans can important, which is why your goals is assessing

be stronger people need to take a

moment and think about
who depends on you fi-
nancially, including a
their areas of need and spouse, children and par-
risk and determine which ents or in-laws. These
steps are the best ones to dependents can change -
take to develop a strong for example your children
financial future," says may leave the house
M i c h a e l R . when they graduate - so
Fanning, executive vice you might want to take
president, U.S. Insurance that into consideration
Group, Massachusetts and re-evaluate your plan
Mutual Life Insurance during the course of your
Company (MassMutual). life.

Take one hour to review 3. What are my risks?

your finances and dis- Assessing gaps in your
cover if there are areas coverage is a vital step in
where your plans can be the planning process be-
stronger. cause it allows you to
Here are five questions create a plan B. Common
created by financial ex- risks include dying too
perts at MassMutual to soon or living too long,
a s k y o u r s e l f : getting hurt, being unable
to work due to a job lay-
off or illness, being re-
tired on a fixed income
but facing increasing


health care costs or own- for example. While the 5. Who should I talk to?
ing your own business above options are valid If you feel you need as-
and not being able to sell solutions for many, keep sistance in strengthening
it when you need to re- in mind that access to your finances, consider
tire. cash values through bor- involving a financial pro-
rowing or partial surren- fessional to help guide
4. What do I need? ders will reduce the pol- you through the process.
When you have your risks icy's cash value and death This person can give you
and goals all lined up, set benefit. It can also in- an outside opinion, which
out to answer the ques- crease the chance the is helpful when dealing
tion: What do I need to policy will lapse, and may with emotional issues
make my fi n a nc e s result in a tax liability if involving the people you
stronger? For example, the policy terminates love. A financial services
whole life insurance can before the insured dies. professional can also sug-
help provide security to Consulting a trained fi- gest sound strategies you
your family if you were to nancial professional is might not know about.
die at a young age. It is recommended.
also a product that accu- And lastly, be prudent.
mulates cash value, a Disability income insur- It is important to work
component that can help ance insures a portion of with a financially strong,
at home in the face of your income against an reliable company with a
unexpected emergencies unexpected injury or ill- long track record of per-
or to supplement retire- ness that leaves a person formance like MassMu-
ment income. If you're a unable to work and pro- tual. For more informa-
small business owner, vide for family. Some t i o n , v i s i t
you could take a loan carriers also offer retire- www. mas s mut ual .c om.
from your whole life pol- ment contribution protec- Insurance products are
icy to help with payroll tion, in the event of a issued by MassMutual,
until receivables come in, disabling illness or injury. Springfield, Ma 01111.
Mind and Body

How to Keep Those Healthy

Eating Resolutions - in January
and Beyond
(ARA) - For many of us, the approach to snacking is eas-
improving your season of gluttony begins ier to adhere to than a spe-
with candy-laden Halloween, cific and often rigid diet. Bal-
eating and continues through bountiful ance and moderation may not
Thanksgiving and festive be the most buzzworthy
lifestyle habits Christmas, and wraps up with terms, but they are the basis
party-time New Year's Eve. of success.
doesn't have January hopefully represents
a clean slate and, for many Follow your natural instincts.
to mean people, a cleaner plate. As more people resolve to
eat green and clean, espe-
radical change While lifestyle and diet reso- cially at the start of another
lutions are not new, the new year, a growing number of
year is still a welcome and organic and natural food
opportune time to make a products are available at their
fresh start in healthy eating, supermarket. Snyder's of
including developing better Hanover's popular line of
snacking habits. organic snack foods, for in-
stance, includes Organic
Indeed, finding snacks that fit Pretzel Sticks, available in
into a resolved new way of honey wheat, multi-grain and
eating is not always easy, 8 grains and seeds varieties.
especially when snacks have
long been viewed as an indul- Pack some extra nutrient
gent reward. The good news punch. If you are going to
for those intent on starting snack, why not add some
2011 with a different snacking other healthy ingredients? Try
mindset is that a wider array multi-grain snack foods, for
of better-for-you products are instance, to inject some fiber
available and the overall into your daily diet.
approach to eating better is
more focused on sensibility Remember, restricted diets
than on fleeting fads. don't mean restricted taste. If
you, like millions of Ameri-
Here are some tips for follow- cans, are looking for gluten-
ing up season's greetings free products, you can find
with more reasoned eatings: many more choices on to-
day's grocery shelves. All
Think big picture. Many diet kinds of your favorite snacks,
and health experts agree that from cookies to chips to pret-
a more general, practical zels, are easier to find than


ever before - Snyder's of Hanover, for
example, now offers Gluten Free Sticks.
These treats can be enjoyed by those
who must follow gluten-free diets on a
doctor's recommendation - and those
who just want to try something different.

Crunch it up. Studies have shown that

snacks with a crunch provide a more
satisfying snacking experience. Keeping
this in mind, make sure to stock your
pantry with a variety of crunchy apples,
carrots, and pretzels to keep you from
reaching for that sugary donut instead.

Gain some (portion) control. Like mod-

eration and balance, watching one's
portions isn't a trendy notion, but it is a
tried-and-true approach to healthy snack-
ing. Sitting down at the computer or in
front or the television with pre-packaged
100-calorie snack packs of popular treats
like Snyder's of Hanover pretzels, en-
sures that you won't go overboard - or
over recommended portion sizes.

Add some flavor. Take advantage of the many flavors available in today's snack foods that
can satisfy your cravings and allow you to savor what you're eating. Snackers craving some
heat might enjoy spicy varieties like buffalo wing and jalapeno flavored pretzel pieces, while
those with a sweet tooth can get their fix with choices like honey-tinged or cinnamon-dusted

Indulge just enough. Watching what you eat doesn't mean you have to swear off everything
tasty that you love - even chocolate. A handful of chocolate covered pretzels are still a good
choice compared to other high fat, high calorie chocolate snacks.

Balance eating with moving. Again, it's not a news flash that exercise is important to the
body's metabolism and to overall health and wellness, but taking time to engage in some extra
physical activity (it could be treadmill time or even opting for the stairs instead of the elevator)
makes snacking all the much more satisfying, and less guilt-inducing. Plus, if you're used to
just doing cardio now is the time to amp up your routine with weights and resistance training
and see results much faster.

Ultimately, improving your eating and lifestyle habits doesn't have to mean radical change.
From shedding those extra pounds that crept up during the fall and early winter holidays, to
pledging to eat in a more organic, natural or sustainable way, resolutions don't have to be so
daunting. And by the time next January rolls around, you may not even need to make such
resolutions in the first place.


Spirit and Soul

Healing a Broken Heart?

Learn To Forgive
By Susan Russo through these trials that we learn the most.

"When a deep injury is done to us, we never The key is learning something from what has
recover until we forgive." -Alan Paton caused you pain so as not to repeat the same
mistakes again. Walk away from this situation
As you are going through the various stages with the knowledge that you are stronger and
of healing yourself after the end of a relation- smarter. Forgiving will open that door.
ship; many people stumble when trying to get
through this very crucial stage: Learning to Second, forgive him or her. If you don't, you
forgive. will be holding onto the past. You may carry
anger and resentment around with you which
Depending on your circumstances, forgive- will hurt you...more than them.
ness may seem impossible to you right now.
You've probably endured a lot of heartache Harboring negative emotions can make you
and pain while going through this process bitter and resentful. It can and will permeate
and the blame and or guilt that you may be all areas of your life and it makes it more
experiencing can keep you stuck from moving difficult to enjoy today.
Not forgiving keeps you trapped exactly
Whether you blame the other person or have where you don't want to be...holding onto
guilt and you beat yourself up over it, learning memories of the past. Every time you begin
to forgive will put you on the right path. It will to think of this person; what they did or didn't
be a gift you give to yourself. do, what you said or didn't say, consciously
release them from your mind. Let these
Even though you may not feel capable of thoughts go and fill your mind with thoughts
forgiveness right now; the sooner you do of goodness and the things that you are look-
this...the sooner you will...let go for good. You ing forward to experiencing in your life.
have to learn how to forgive the other person. have to forgive yourself! Gaining control of your thoughts, releasing all
of the negative memories and releasing all of
If you've made mistakes, forgive yourself and the imagined confrontations you could have
go on. There is nothing you can do now to with this person will be the beginning of let-
change the past, but you can affect your ting go of what is behind you and moving on
future. to a better future.

Forgiving yourself takes the pressure off of You can't change the past but you can make
you for not being perfect. And, it gets rid of a significant difference in how you approach
guilt. You must learn to forgive yourself be- what's ahead of you. Stay focused on the
fore you can forgive others. positive. Stay focused on what you want, not
on what you had that didn't work.
We are all on a journey through life. Some-
times we make mistakes, which is part of a Once you find forgiveness you will regain
normal process on this journey. The mistakes control of you life. It's your choice! Read
that we make can result in painful experi- more about it at:
ences; these are the "lessons of life." But, it is
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Advertiser’s Index (Alphabetical)

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ADT Home Security Service 3
Allstate Insurance Company 18
Breast Cancer Research Foundation 18
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Clear Communications 2
Disability Group, Inc. 20
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Fast IRS 7
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Legal Helpers PC 21
Monument Media Group 19
Printing Deluxe 18
Proflowers 19
Sanctuary of Beauty Splaon 7
The Pure Sleep Company 18
Vernetta D'Orazio 7


What Counts
by Edgar A Guest

It isn't the money you're making,

it isn't the clothes you wear,
And it isn't the skill of your good right hand which makes folks really care.
It's the smile on your face and
the light of your eye and the burdens that you bear.

Most any old man can tell you, most any old man at all,
Who has lived through all sorts of weather, winter and summer and fall,
That riches and fame are shadows that dance on the garden wall.

It's how do you live and neighbor, how do you work and play,
It's how do you say "good morning" to the people along the way,
And it's how do you face your troubles whenever your skies are gray.

It's you, from the dawn to nighttime; you when the day is fair,
You when the storm is raging - how do you face despair?
It is you that the world discovers, whatever the clothes you wear.

You to the end of the journey,

kindly and brave and true,
The best and the worst of you gleaming in all that you say and do,
And the ting that counts isn't money,
or glory, or power, but YOU!


Do Less
Author Unknown

and pay more attention to your heart.

and pay more attention to what you already have.

and pay more attention to giving.

and pay more attention to letting go.

and pay more attention to complementing.

and pay more attention to forgiveness.


and pay more attention to stillness.

and pay more attention to silence.


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