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Highschool Experience

Before I came to Valley I went to Bingham Highschool. At that school

I had a hard time focusing on school because my mental health came to a
head that year so my parents switched me to a private school. It had a
much harder curriculum and I didn’t do well there at all. So after 3 quarters
of that school we decided to go to Valley.
During my highschool years I learned to not let what others are doing
to get in the way of what you are doing. If you focus on what other people
do and what they get, you will lose sight of what you want and how you can
get it.
My very own mental health has been the biggest setback in my life. I
have been in and out of treatment centers and I’m done with it. I have had
to learn how to cope with it but it still gets in the way of my education.
In the future I want to go to college, get my pilot's license, and own
my own house. After I have graduated I am going to go to SLCC. While I
am in college I will get my pilot’s license. After I have a career setup and
good credit I will get a house.

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