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Family Legacy

Most families these days seem to have some kind of reward for when
a kid graduates highschool. My family is different however. Education is
expected to be an easy thing for the kids in my family. We never really
focused on how we were going to get through school. It wasn’t until my
Junior year that my parents decided that I was having too much trouble in
regular public school that they decided to switch me schools.
Both of my parents graduated highschools with really good gpas.
They must have thought that their ability to get through school so easily
must have been a genetic thing and thought it would pass on to all of their
children. They were surprised when it turned out that it was not that simple.
When I initially suggested that I go to valley highschool they were not
receptive to the idea. Instead they switched me to a private school which
had a much harder curriculum. Why did they decide to switch their son who
already was having trouble in public school to a school that was more
difficult? Who knows but it costed failing 3 quarters there for them to realize
that alternative school was the better way to go.
After I have graduated my parents don’t have too much expectations
for my education further but I imagine that they will want me to have some
college education but they do not care where I go.
Education has been a bit of a struggle for me and the rest of my
family but that is why we decided to come to valley highschool and since
then it has been better. But with graduation coming up it will be time to
focus on education in the future.

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