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It was a quiet morning and things were going as usual.

I was walking along side my best

friend Hayden. We made our way down the street and the buildings towered over us. The
screens on the buildings were full of ads and the streets were bustling with cars. I could see a
plane heading towards the airport which I assume was beginning to land.
Hayden looked at me, “Did you see that empty lot we just passed?” I looked back and I
could see a big open space where I assume a building would have been built. It was full of
garbage and smelled like piss. “Yeah, what about it?”, I asked.
“Looks like it’s been untouched and looks like the perfect size for BigDog.” He said,
Bigdog was a store he and I had been planning to open since High School. It was going
to be a store for selling supplements and work out equipment. We actually had saved up quite a
bit to open it, but we were in the process of finding a place for it and this lot seemed like a
perfect candidate.
We walked over to the lot to investigate more. As Hayden began to get his phone out to
see if the lot was available and to see for how much. I began to walk around to get the
dimensions and that's when I saw a little plastic heart sticking out of the ground. I made my way
towards it and as I did I began to make out what it was.
I was a memorial for a girl who had gotten into a car crash in that lot. ‘In loving memory
of Samantha’ it read. There were pictures of a young attractive blonde girl with what I would
assume was her family and another with what appeared to be a boyfriend.
“Hey Hayden, come look at this,” I gestured towards him. “It looks like someone died
He walked over and inspected the memorial. “Well shit, if we build our store here this
memorial will be destroyed.”
We both stood there for a while pondering and thinking. We then heard a small weak
voice appear from behind us, “That’s my Sam,”
We both turned around and saw a little old lady dressed in rags behind us.
“I’m sorry for your loss.” I empathized.
“Oh it was a while ago, but everyday I make sure to come and visit.”
“She’s buried here?”
“No we have no money for a funeral so we just have this memorial here to remember here.”
Suddenly this feeling of dread and guilt overcame me, this poor family has only one
place to remember their loss and we were about to destroy it for our own gain.
We said goodbye to here and carried on with our day. I could tell by the look on
Hayden’s face that he was thinking the same thing I was. We were not going to build BigDog on
that lot.

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