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-A story about knights at battle

-A story about cowboys

-A story about the future
-A story set in a Tolken based universe
-A girl gets revenge on the man who raped her
-A story about an alternate universe where there are no laws
-A post apocalyptic story
-A story about the end of the world
-A story about some of the first humans
-A story about someone escaping from prison
-A story based on a big conspiracy theory becoming true
-A story about people who live on another planet

-A mage
-Police officer
-Drug dealer
-An old wise man
-A king
-A slave
-A dog
-The mom
-The dad
-A cyborg
-Shop owner
-Great Grandma
-Great Grandpa
-A construction worker
-Bus Driver
-A doctor
-The food supply is running out
-My brother is in danger
-How am I going to find myself in the modern world
-I lost my son
-Found a cursed object
-Plane is about to crash
-There is another man
-How am I going to pay for college
-I need to escape the country
-Someone is out to kill me

It was a quiet morning in the blissful countryside of Albuquerque. If you were passing
through you could hear nothing but the wind rush against the grass in the field. It had always
been quiet like this. The only thing that could dare touch the gentle glass ball that was this
beautiful bliss was the talk of townsfolk as they worked in the fields.
It happened to be this very same quiet morning as I passed through on my way to Sante
Fe. I had heard the sheriff offering big rewards on some crooks and I thought it seemed like
some good business, especially since it had been a while since I had found work. I had set out
for Sante Fe in late October but decided to find a spot in Las Cruces to rest and replenish and
wait for winter to pass. Once things began to warm up just about a week ago I decided to return
to my journey.
As I made my way down the rugged, dirty trail the sound of a piano slowly crept from the
silence. After I had traversed to the top of a nearby hill, I dismounted Benson, and tied him to a
tree. He was a very well behaved mustang but a hard working one and I knew he wouldn’t mind
a break for a bit.
I walked up towards the top of the hill and could see not too far down that there was a
big wooden building that was too long to be a house but too small to be anything for the law or
something. I heard the roars of laughter and slurred speech that pierced the silence of the
peaceful land. ‘A saloon’ I thought to myself. ‘Wouldn’t mind a drink right now.’
After I tied Benson to the post I made my way past the two doors. The room was dark
but loud. I could see men stumbling around and women dancing in a funny and clumsy way,
while others were sitting in front of the tender trying to stay out of the ruckus. I slowly walked up
to the bartender and could feel the whole room secretly staring at me as my boots clinked
against the wooden floor.
“What can I get ya today partner?” Asked the bartender.
“Just gimme a whiskey.” I said strictly.
He then grabbed a bottle from under the counter and poured some whiskey into the shot
glass and slid it over to me.
“What brings you into Albuquerque?”
“Just passing through.”
“You looking for work?” He asked. At this point his eyes had been darting towards my
revolvers. No doubt he also noticed the bandana around my neck. He could tell I was a bounty
“Yes but not here,” I shot at him. “Don’t trouble me with anybody you’ve got bad blood
with cause it ain’t worth my time.” I finished. There was a bit of a silence before he broke and
said. “Sorry sir just making conversation.”
“That’s alright just let me drink alone.” He nodded and walked towards the other end of
the bar table.
I sat there in silence like I always did when I went to bars and saloons. I wasn’t much in
favor of trying to make talk and end up having one of these lunatics start something. Next thing
you know there could be some punches and then some blood on the floor, or the whole place
will get shot up with broken bits of wood and glass everywhere and the whole place would be
covered in blood. Either way wasn’t the way I would want things to end up while I was just
coming in for a drink. I had gotten used to those circumstances I knew what I was getting into
when I decided to become a bounty hunter.
A short while later the doors to the saloon swung open with such force the whole room
shook. This was followed by 4 men rushing in with

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