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YEAR: 2020
Plan of investigation………………………………………………………………
Written report………………………………………………………………………...
Oral presentation……………………………………………………………………
The researcher chose this event Mashramani because it is a Guyanese
holiday and it is celebrated every year in Guyana, and as a Guyanese
you are expected to know every history behind a holiday that is being
celebrated in their country.

This School Based Assessment explains what is Mashramani, Where did

the name derived from, and what other people think about
The researcher would first like to thank her mother for
supporting her financially and also staying up late and sharing
her opinion.
Secondly the researcher would like to thank her group
members for sharing their point of view on this topic.
Lastly the researcher must thank her teacher for explaining
each portfolio and guiding her through it.
Plan Of Investigation
-Why did the researcher choose this event?

-What are the expected benefits to the researchers as student of


-How does the researcher intend on collecting relevant information on


The researcher chose this event because I believe that here is more to
Mashramani than just parades and I would like to find out more about
mashramani and if possible more about it.

The researcher expected to gain more knowledge about mashramani

since it is being celebrated in my country every year on the 23rd

The researcher intend on collecting relevant information by

researching mashramani on the internet and by listening to what other
people think about it.

Mashramani is a festival that celebrates Guyana becoming a

republic in 1970. The festival usually held on 23 February this
festival includes parade, music, games and cooking and is
intended to commemorate the ‘Birth of the republic’
The word Mashramani is derived from an Amerindian
language and in Guyanese English means ‘celebration after
co-operative work’ it is the most colorful of all the country
festival there are spectacular costume competition float
parades . masquerades bands and dancing in the streets to
accompaniment of steel band music and calypso. Mashramani
2019 once again prove to be one of the most unifying
celebrations . in Guyana citizens of all ages and shades came
out in their numbers to be a part of the annual event spectators
flooded Vlissingen road in their costume to witness the grand
parade as it wended its way to Durban Park for the grand finale.
Mashramani is etched into the consciousness of all Guyanese
over the last forty nine years , where the creative imagination
and skills of the people have combined to help in the popularity
of Mashramani , every year we have steel pan contests ,calypso
and soca concerts , children parades , art exhibition .the ‘mash’
bands will as usual take to the streets to showcase our
Guyanese diversity in their costumes and flamboyant displays
In Guyana people travel from miles out of town to be a part of
the celebration. The mash day depicts a hive of activity from
Vlissingen road all the way to the National Park thousands of
people summon to the streets to participate in the annual
mashramani celebration which has been a part of Guyanese
culture for over fifty years. Mashramani also includes Jouvert,
which is usually the night before the carnival the festival starts
at dawn and would normally finish the next day in the morning.
First Entry
As a proud Guyanese I was able to gain more knowledge about
Mashramani: like the different competitions, the different type
of foods that are prepared that day. Mashramani is a holiday
that brings together family and friends Mashramani can also
bring together people of all different ethnic groups to unite,
work together and celebrate. Mash is being celebrated in
Guyana for fifty years and will continue to be celebrated in the
The researcher gained more knowledge when the audio was
presented. The audio did not only help me to see what other
people thought about Mashramani.
The visual helped me to identify the different costumes and the
different colors they wear it also helped me to see how they are
situated for the parade. I also notice in the Visual the different
types of people there. They were Amerindian, Africans and
people of other ethnicity.
Second Entry
The respondent used in the language of standard English in the
audio and print which the researcher did. The researcher was
satisfied when data was collected.

Third Entry
Each piece of data helped the researcher to become a better
person. While the researcher was researching the topic I
learned how to communicate with people more and how to
speak to people it also helped to develop the student skill of
thinking and it made the student more knowledgeable about
the event ‘Mashramani’.
Written Report
The School Based Assessment started when the teacher first
placed four students in each group and we decided on what
Event we would be doing we all agreed on researching the topic
Mashramani after all the groups had decided on what they
were doing. The teacher gave us the [6] six portfolios to be
presented. He explained each portfolio and went through them
step by step we did plan of investigation where by we wrote
what event we were doing and then we went on expressing our
expected benefits from the topic Mashramani.
Then we went on to discuss why the researcher chose the topic
and how we intend on collecting the information then we did
some researcher on the internet and in some books and even
recorded people who have been participating in mashramani
for a long time. Then we had to give a little statement about
what we understood and the type of language that is being
used in each piece of data.
Oral Presentation
Every year on the 23rd of February

Guyanese celebrates mashramani

Mash showcases our Guyanese culture

Including our art and craft and also our literature

Some of us play steel pans

While some of us dance in the Masquerade Bands

Some display beautiful costumes in the floats

And some enjoy short journeys on the ferry boats

Some people participate in poetry and dramatic presentations

Some dance and sing in calypso competitions

Some grace the cat-walk with their modelling

Some display their skills in gymnastics and tumbling

As Guyanese we have to show love for our country

We all should celebrate Mashramani

Mas is not about race or religion

It’s a Guyanese festive occasion

So…come join with me and my family

And lets have a happy Mashramani

>people should take time to look at the background of

>people should listen to other people’s opinion since the

holiday is being celebrated in their country

>More people should participate in Mashramani

In conclusion; Mashramani in Guyana is celebrated every year
on the 23rd of February and people from all over the country
come out to watch the colorful parade .
The Africans would come to Guyana to show off their talents by
dancing, beating drums and making fancy jewelry.

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