A General Way of Speaking: There Is A Coke in The Fridge. Ihavea Yellow Highlighter in My Pencil Bag

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For singular nonspecific nouns starting with consonant letters.

SINGULAR: using A → It is to mention only one thing and when the word starts with a
consonant and there is a general way of speaking (not a special or particular object).
Example: *I have a white car. * There is a coke in the fridge. * I have a dog. * I have a
yellow highlighter in my pencil bag.

For singular nonspecific starting and the word starts with a vowel.

SINGULAR: Using AN → When you want to talk about something that it is NOT particular or special,
and the immediate word starts with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) we use AN.
Example: * There is an apple on the table. *There is an elephant in the room. * I have an eraser in my
pencil bag. * I have an umbrella in the trunk of my car. There is an ostrich in Chipili park.
Note: When H has a mute sound use AN. Example: An honor.
When H has real sound use A. Example: A huge achievement.

Complete with Article for singular nouns: A / An.

1. It is _____________lovely day.
2.It is ____________old building.
3.He is ____________man.
4.It is_____________ to the rule.
5.It is ___________ long trip but it is _______________ easy trip.
6. It is __________________building.
7. He is __________________ honest man.
8. She is ________________happy child.
9.The car is _________________ car.
10. It is __________________ tall tree.
11. It is _____________ egg.
12. It is ________________ apple.
13. It is ______________old bus.
14. It is _______________ empty milk carton.
15. It is __________________ hour till lunch.
16. It is ______________ a windy day.
17. The book is _________ book.
18. It is _________________ one story building.
19. I am going to wear ___________ hat.
20. I work in _____________hospital.
For singular and specific nouns.

We use THE to talk about a specific or special object you want to mention. You can use
THE before all singular words it doesn’t matter if start with consonant or vowel.

Example: The apple on the desk is for the teacher. The coke in the fridge is mine “don’t drink
it”. * The college where I go is ITR. The city where I live is Celaya. The country where I live
is Mexico. *The love of my life is………

For names of Rivers, Countries, lakes, mountains, oceans, areas of a country, and countries with a
name in plural use THE.
Example: *The bay area in an area the northern California. *The United States, *The Amazon river,
*The Everest, *The Pacific Ocean, * The Andes, *The Alpes, *The Galapagos Island.


We use THE also to talk about PLURAL-SPECIFIC nouns. You can use it with words that
start with consonant or vowels.
Example: *The shoes that I use for school are black. *The jeans that I ma wearing I bought
them in Liverpool. * The students in my classes are very smart. * The green lemons are
sourer than the yellow ones. * The clothes in Liverpool are more expensive than other.

We use NO article for plural nouns that are common.

Example: My shoes are black. *Your pants are too big. *Whales are huge. * Elephants
have big ears. *Cheetahs are the fastest animals on earth. *Viruses cause diseases.
*Vaccines prevent diseases. *Vegetables contain fiber and minerals.


ZERO ARTICLE FOR PROPER NAMES. Don’t use any article.

We use NO article for names of persons, countries, streets, cities or towns when they’re are
used proper nouns.
Example: *They live in California. *Albert Einstein was a brilliant man. *Mexico is a
beautiful country.

Complete with the correct article use A / An / The / Zero article.

1. ______________ chair you are sitting in is very comfortable.

2. There is ____________ pencil on the desk.

3. There is ____________customer on the telephone who wishes to speak with Mr. Wilson.

4. ____________ customer who telephone Mr. Wilson earlier is on________phone now.

5.___________Fresh air is needed for all growing children.

6.__________ air in this room is not fresh.

7.____________telephone rings very often in our office.

8.I always get on ___________same bus at ___________same corner every morning.

9.He likes to study____________history and ___________geography.

10.____________cotton is one of___________most important products of __________south.

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