Hypo and Hyperkalemia Points Intracranial Bleeds Points

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Hypo and Hyperkalemia points Intracranial Bleeds points

Hypokalemia aggrevates digoxin toxicity Epidural hematoma===MMA injury === Pterion
& fracture ===Lucid interval present
Digoxin toxicity causes hyperkalemia ■Subdural Hematoma===Cerebral Bridging vein
Hypercalcemia cause pancreatitis injury.
& ■SAH===90 % cases berry aneurysms.
Pancreatitis causes hypocalcemia MC site=== ACA and & Anterior communicating
Acidosis causes hyperkalemia artery junction.
& Other less common causes===AVM.
hyperkalemia causes metaboilic acidosis IX of choice===CT brain.
Hypokalemia causes alkalosis Rx===Nimodipine with other protocol.
& ■Intra--Cerebral Bleed
Metabolik alkalosis causes hypokalemia Most common are Lacunae infarcts.
Hypokalemia inhibit insulin releases MC siteof BLOOD=== BASAL GANGLIA
& MC BG site==== putamen.
Insulin causes hypokalemia ■Ischemic strokes are 70%%% of all strokes.
Insulin deficiency causes hyperkalemia They are more common than Hemorrhagic.
& MC artery involved ===MCA.
Hyperkalemia causes insulin relaese.. ●●MCA lesion causes ===Contralateral
Hypokalemia causes rhabdomyolisis hemiplegia face arm leg.
& Aphasia.
Rhabdomyolisis causes hyperkalemia Best Ix====MRI brain although first CT brain
Sodium influx causes depolarization done to exclude bleed.
& ●●Pure motor stroke === Anterior 2/3rd of
Potssium efflux causes hyperpolarization posterior limb involved ===Anterior choroidal
Thirst Is Is Increased By. . artery involved.
Increase in Angi0tensin 2 ●●Vision affected most === PCA lesion.
decrease in blood v0lume CNS
incerease in osmolarity Abbreviations
drynes of m0uth. ••MC===Most common
Increase in ADH.. . ••MCC===Most common cause
THIRST is decreasd by. . UMN LESION
Gastric distensi0n.
Everything up.
Decrease in ADH,
Increase in BP. Hypertonia
Increase in blood volume. Babinski positive ((in infants and sleeping
people are normal ).
●Spastic Paralysis present
●Clasp Knife spasticity present.
Everything down.
●Muscle weakness & Atrophy
●Faciculations and fibrillation present
●Hypotonia present

B12 DEFICIENCY ●Hyporeflexia present

●Subacute Combined Degeneration ●Flaccid paralysis present.
●Demyelination of dorsal columns & L--CST & SPINAL CORD LESIONS
Spinocerebellar tracts. POLIOMYELITIS
●Ataxia,Parasthesia ●LMN lesions only
●Impaired Vibration & position sense. ●Anterior horn destruction
HORNER SYNDROME ●Flaccid muscle paralysis.
●Ptosis== eye sign due to sympathetic NP to MS
superior tarsal muscle. ●White matter of CERVICAL region
●Miosis===eye sign. ●OPTIC NEURITIS Compiled By Kool-Medic
●Anhydrosis ===(absence of sweating) and ●Scanning speech
flushing of face ). ●Intension tremors
●Causes are ●Nystagmus
▪▪Pancoast tumor ●Uthoff phenomenon((aggravation of symptoms
▪▪Brown--Square syndrome on raised temperature )).
▪▪Late stages Syringomylia. ●Lhermitte's symptom (tingling in spine or limbs
Others given in very detail in Eye book. on neck flexion).
PARINAUD Syndrome ●6th CNP MC.
●Cause===pineal gland tumor causing superior ●Postural tremors.
colliculi compression Etc.
●Paralysis of conjugate vertical gaze AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS
Superior colliculi === Conjugate vertical gaze. ●COMBINED UMN & LMN LESIONS
Inferior colliculi===Auditory sensation. ●no sensory or cognitive or Oculomotor deficits
MOST IMPORTANT POINTS about CN . ●MC muscle hands atrophy and Faciculations
●☆●5CNP===Jaw deviates towards side of lesion. ●Commonly known as Loughborough Gehrig
●☆●10 CNP===Uvula deviates away from side of disease.
lesion. ●Famous exanple== Stephen Hawking
●☆●11 CNP===Shoulder droops on side of lesion. ●Riluzole Rx.
●☆●12 CNP===Tongue deviates towards side of TABES DORSALIS
the lesion. ●Caused by Tertiary Syphilis
●☆●7 UMNL===Contralateral lower face paralysis ●Dorsal column & Roots involved
& Sparing Forehead. ●Impaired vibration proprioception
7 LMNL===Ipsilateral upper and lower face ●Progressive Ataxia
including forehead. ●Argyll Robertson pupil (Response to
Bilateral facial palsy===Lyme disease. accommodation present but to light lost).
●☆●6 CN===MC nerve involved in (VIP).
▪▪ After Optic nerve in MS. ●Absent DTR& Romberg+ve.
▪▪Cavernous sinus thrombosis ●ATONIC BLADDER== Also called TABETIC
●●Corticobulbar &Corticospinal tracts ●●Increased Number and sensitivity of D2
==Pyramidal Tracts. receptors in Prefrontal Cortex.
●●Excitatory In Function. ●●Old Obsolete Rx
●●Increase Muscle Tone. ●●Frontal Leukotomy & Frontal Lobectomy
●●Infarction/Lesion cause ==Severe paralysis(Loss Now tranquilisers have better response.

Of strength ) than Secondary area. ■PRIMARY SOMATOSENSORY CORTEX

●●Most common infarction==PMA+SMA ●●Receives crude touch pain and temperature
==Complete Contralateral Paralysis. sensations.
●●Jacksonian Epileptic Seizures affect ■SECONDARY SENSORY CORTEX
==PMA==BMA==4. ●●Located in Superior Parietal Lobule.
■SECONDARY MOTOR AREA==6. ●●Fine touch,proprioception and Vibration
Lesions/infarction==Skilled Movements affected ●●Lesion leads to ASTERIOGNOSIS.
with little loss of strength. ●●●Inability to appreciate Texture,Size and form.
●●Send Extrapyramidal tracts (EPT) to Basal ●●e.g inability to recognize Key etc when you put
Ganglia(BG) and Reticular Formation (RF). it into pts hands when his/her eyes are closed.
●●Functions as inhibitory over pyramidal Tracts ■■PARIETAL LOBE
(PT). ●●Posterior Part Lesion leads to inability to
●●Lesions==Increase Muscle Spasticity. recognise opposite side of body.
●●Muscle Spasticity greater in SMA lesions than ■PRIMARY VISUAL AREA::
PMA (VIP) bcz of loss of inhibition over excitatory ●●Walls of posterior part of Calcined sulcus.
PMA. ●●Lesion of one side leads to CROSSED
●●Unilateral lesion== ●●Lesion of upper half==UQHHA.
==Two eyes deviate towards the side of Lesion. ●●Lesion of lower half==LQHHA.
==Inability to turn eyes towards opposite side. ■Secondary Visual Area
■BROCA'S AREA ●●Lesion== opposite side Fields Defects.
●●Left Inferior Frontal Gyrus ■Primary Auditory Area
●●Lesion==Expressive/Fluent Aphasia. ●●Cochlear Sensations
●●Can think,Write and understand words but ■Secondary Auditory Area
●●Can not Speak. ●●Lesion leads to WORDS DEAFNESS called
●●Left Temporal area lesion. ●●Inability to interpret sounds.
●●Fluent Speech TEMPORAL LOBE Supplied mostly by MCA.
●●Irrelevant Talking. >>>Lesion leads to SENSORY APHASIA/WERNICK
●●Can't understand words APHASIA. Speech is fluent but irrelevant.
■GLOBAL APHASIA >>>Auditory Hallucinations == Sign of
●●Both BA+WA==Involved. SCHIZOPHRENIA. (Visual hallucinations sign of drug
■INSULA intoxication).
●●Lesion==Phenomes Pronunciation difficulty. >>>Contains LIMBIC SYSTEM Hippocampus
■ANGULAR GYRUS. lesion===Loss of Long term memory. (Short term
●●Posterior Parietal Lobe. memory == Function Neurotransmitter changes.
●●Lesions lead to Long term memory ==Function of Synaptic
●●Alexia==Inability to Read. structural changes). Amygdala lesion==Emotions
●●Agraphia==Inability to Write loss. PAPEZ CIRCUIT involving these structures and
■PRE--FRONTAL CORTEX others lesion leads to ==memory loss.
●●Functions for ●■●■●■●■● OCCIPITAL CORTEX. Supplied mostly
ideas,thinking,judgment,Emotional Feelings and by PCA. >>>Lesion of Posterior cerebral artery
personality Changes. leads to PRIMARY VISUAL CORTEX damage thus
●●LESIONS==Lead to causing: ●Visual field defects sparing MACULA
●●Loss of Initiatives and judgment ( VIP). ●Visual acuity loss.
●Loss of care of dress and appearance Anterior limb Body Posterior limb. ●■●■●■●■
>●>●>Lesion of Posterior limb Anterior 2/3rd part

CORTEX DEATH))). VIP POINTS. is confirmed by bcz it carries MOTOR Fibres to Upper and lower
■DOLL'S EYE REFLEX == This is eye reflex present limbs. (VIP MCQ). ●■●■●■● >●>●>LESION OF
in neonates and those with brain damage. It is BODY OF IC leads to damage to Corticobulbar
ascertained by turning head of patient from one fibres to Cranial nerves. Like Facial nucleus so
side to another with eyes lagging behind like a doll. causing FACIAL PALSY and may be other nerves
If eyes lag behind death is confirmed. ■ involvement like 3 4 6 etc. ●■●■●■● Lesion of
CALORIC VESTIBULAR TEST It is illustrated by cold Anterior limb and posterior 1/3rd of posterior limb
water in one ear that causes change in position if causes SENSORY IMPAIRMENT.
patient is alive. Other tests are light RELEX and STROKE ((((((VIP TOPIC).
accommodation etc. MC===Ischemic stroke round 70 % of all cases. MC
REFLEX ( CN 5 & 7 involved ). ■CONJUNCTIVAL causing APHASIA+ FACIAL PALSY. Depending on
REFLEX. ■GAG RELEX Compiled artery blockage it affects specific part of brain as
■RESPIRATORY FUNCTION. ■PULSE BP. mentioned and will be in each individual topic.
FRONTAL LOBE ●■●■● Mostly inferomedial part HEMORRHAGIC STROKE. HTN ●■●■●■● Most
supplied by ACA (Anterior cerebral artery === commonly cause Small hemorrhage in BASAL
supplying foot/leg area ((((VIP MCQ)))). Lateral and GANGLIA esp PONS and thalamus in
remaining surface by MCA supplied. Lesion leads lemticulostriate arteries. Berry aneurysms
to >>>Personality Changes, appearance behaviour ●■●■●■● Closely associated with APKD. MCC of
etc. Social withdrawal and self careless. SUBARACHNOID HEMMORHAGE 90% cases Only
>>>Primary motor area 4==lesion leads to Severe 10 % cases are due to AVM etc.
CONTRALATERAL PARALYSIS. >>>Pre frontal THALAMUS >>>Relay station of all somatosensory
cortex lesion== loss of Micturition reflex control by stimuli except Olfactory nerve which directly
cerebral cortex. >>> bypass it and go to Cerebral cortex.
BROCA'S AREA LESION==MOTOR APHASIA. >>>Sensations from head and neck via trigeminal
Speech is AFLUENT== Can understand but can't lemniscus. >>>Sensations from lower parts of body
communicate. Can understand writing. via Spinothalamic and DC--MLS. >>>Sensations go
Severe AGITATION and Depression. Lesion of to CONTRALATERAL CORTEX. >>>Lesion leads to
inferior part of Prefrontal Cortex. ●>●>●>Lesion hemianesthesia
LOSS OF OLFACTION SENSE. threshold to pain stimuli. Just touching the patient
PARIETAL CORTEX. Supplied mostly by MCA. feels agitated and irritated. Remember this point
>>>Lesions lead to somatosensory impairment like HYPERALGIA+ HEMIANESTHESIA ((((THALAMUS
pain temperature proprioception visual and INVOLVED )))).
Auditory sensations. >>>Lesion leads to RETICULAR FORMATION Consists of nuclie
TRANSCORTICAL APHASIA (Communication deficit located in gray matter of around 3rd ventricle in
in Motor and sensory speech area. ● midbrain also called PERI AQUEDUCTAL GRAY
EMG==Electromyography== decrease in response other parts of CNS. ●MAIN FUNCTIONS
to repeated electrical stimulation. Confirmatory ■Important in maintaining WAKEFULNESS.
test . ■GBS===NCS ==Nerve Conduction studies. ■General anesthesia works on this area to produce
Diagnostic Also CSF examination == High protein unconscious. ■Recovery drugs act on this area to
no leukocytes. ■MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS ==MRI. regain Conciousness. ■FACIAL EXPRESSION is a
BRAIN and CSF exam. ■DSF== CT BRAIN. Coma ==periaqueductal gray matter lesion (VIP
■ISCHEMIC STROKES ===MRI but CT BRAIN should Group consensus). ■DEEP COMA===Locus cerulus
be done first to exclude ICB(bleed). nucleus. ■AWARENESS == FUNCTION OF


BERRY ANEURYSMS == ANGIOGRAPHY for lesion PONS ((((VIP POINT & MCQ)))). ■Supplied mainly
site detection. ■SPINAL CORD LESIONS==MRI. by AICA ■Blockage of AICA leads to Lateral pontine
■PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY ==NCS. ■EPILEPSY == syndrome. ■Lesion involve 5 6 7 8 nerves Esp 7th
EEG. ■BRAIN TUMORS== CT/MRI. ■POSTERIOR nerve with facial palsy. On same side of
CRANIAL FOSSA TUMORS == MRI BEST. lesion((VIP)). ■Loss of sensations from lower body
■CAVERNOUS SINUS THROMBOSIS == MRI AND occurs on opposite side due to decussation of
MR fibres already done in medulla below pons(VIP).
>>>>Quick CATCHING points. ■■PREDUCTAL rostral part of medulla OBLANGATA ). ■PICA==
COARCTTATION Of AORTA. ●●IF just one limb like Posterior inferior cerebellar artery supplies this
right upper limb has high bp. And ●●Left upper medulla. ■Blockage affects 9 10 11 12 CN. But esp
limb, BOTH lower limbs All remain 3 have low bp. 9 10. ■CN 9 & 10 pals is cause dysphagia and
Then Dx== PRE DUCTAL COARCTTATION of AORTA. hoarseness. ■Loss of sensations on same side.
CLINICALLY ■Motor /proprioception deficits on opposite sides.
●●Radio--Radial Delay ●●Radio--Femoral delay on MEDIAL MEDULLA MEDIAL MEDULLARY
right side more prominent. SYNDROME
■■POST - DUCTAL COARCTTATION ●●If two upper ■Caused by ASA== Anterior Spinal Artery blockage.
limbs spared like have high bp But only lower limbs ■Most important point is 12 nerve palsy with
affected Then there will be no RADIO-RADAL tongue motor dysfunction.
DELAY on each side of the body right and left. ■■ this topic). ■Caused by blockage of BASILAR
ATRIAL FIBRILLATIONS:: # AF Just few quick picking ARTERY.
points in mcqs. ■Clinically ●Previous RHD Hx. ■Involves greater part of BRAINSTEM. ■Causes
●Hyperthyroidism MS etc Hx ●Now with dyspnoea Ataxia ,Nystagmus, vertigo, vomiting,breathing
dysphagia palpitations etc Hx. ■EXAMINATION difficulty. ■Loss of Conciousness. ■Needs high
●Irregularly irregular pulse ●Pulses Deficit. ■ECG intensive Care with ventilation support etc.
WAVES ●●NARROW QRS complex . >>>>Some ■Course is progressive like ■Headache ■Cranial
Random points. ■■In type 1 HSR ●●IgE binds to nerve palsies ■Horner syndrome.
mast cells and basophils. ●●IgE doesn't bind to # PIGMENTS >>>>Regarding pigments in the body
Eosinophil which is a very wrong misconception I ■EXOGENOUS PIGMENTS ●●Carbon
often note it. ●●Blood cells that dust==Anthracosis Silica Dust==Silicosis Iron dust
raise==Eosinophils. ●●IL-5== Interleukin for ●●Plumbism==Lead poisoning ●●Argyria==Silver
Eosinophil activation and differentiation. poisoning and its deposition in skin & Conjunctiva.
■■Gluconeogenesis ●●Main purpose is energy ■■ENDOGENOUS PIGMENTS ●1●BILIRUBIN
fuel availability for RBCs and BRAIN which is ●2●MELANIN
glucose. ●●RBCs totally depends on GLUCOSE for ●3●HEMOSIDERIN ==Aggregates of Ferritin.
its energy bcz it lacks MITOCHONDRIA due to Hemosiderin ==Insoluble form. ●Hemosiderosis==
which it can't use FA for its energy production accumulation in macrophages with no
unlike other tissues. ●●Brain can use FA and parenchymal cells damage. ●
ketone bodies in case of starvation. ●●Fasting HEMOCHROMATOSIS ==Accumulation in
Hypoglycemia ●Most common cause==Alcoholism parenchymal cells with tissue damage and
bcz of excess production of acetyl CoA which is scarring. ☆☆HFE gene mutation is the cause
converted to ketone bodies due to lack of NADPH ☆☆BRONZE DIABETES is caused by
for the process of gluconeogenesis. ●Other causes hemochromatosis which is TRIAD of
are carnithine acyltransferase deficiency etc. >>Micronodular Cirrhosis >>DM >>Skin

■■CHERRY RED SPOT MACULA ●●Occurs in ●Tay Pigmentation. ●4●LIPOFUSCIN ● Also called
Sachs disease ●Nieman Pick Disease ●CRAO. Etc. PIGMENT of WEAR & TEAR found due to aging
■■Blue Sclera ● Osteogenesis Imperfecta. Many process in hepatocytes and cardiomyocytes.
others. ■■LONG chain fatty acids metabolism ●BROWN ATROPHY== LIPOFUSCIN accumulation
occurs in PEROXISOME while short chain Fatty plus organ
acids (<<10 Carbon FA ) metabolism occurs In CRANIAL NERVES RELATED.
mitochondria. CN 1& 2====Cerebral cortex. CN ---2===Mostly
■■REGARDING AIDS ■AIDS Defining infection== terminates in LGB. Some fibres=== occipital visual
PNEUMOCYSTIS Carinii (old Jeroveci). ●● occurs cortex.
when CD4 count less than 200 cells/dl. CN--1=== olfactory cortex===Postero--inferior
●●Rx==TMP--SMZ. Compiled By Kool-Medic temporal lobe. CN 3& 4====MIDBRAIN. CN 5 6 7
■■Best HIV sensitive test==ELISA ●● But false 8=== PONS. CN 9 10 11 12 ====MEDULLA. ■Most
positive in babies born to HIV Positive mother. ●● common nerve injury===Common peroneal
So in those babies best test==HIV RNA PCR. ●● In nerve(due to more exposed location around neck
ADULTS first 1 to 2 months Elisa is false negative of fibula. ■CN causing sleeping leg===Sciatic nerve.
due to no anti HIV antibodies. ■HIV confirmatory ■Longest cranial nerve===Vagus nerve that starts
test== Westren Blot. ●● But have some false from upper git to urinary bladder supplying.
negative results due to HIV some strains and HIV-- ■Largest CN=== Trigeminal Nerve. ■CN causing
3 undetectable. ●● So in these cases best==HIV eye movements===3 4 6. ■CN carrying B.P
RNA PCR. ●● For viral load and therapeutic sensation === 9 & 10. ■Thickest nerve===Sciatic
response HIV RNA PCR is nerve ■CN with gustatory sensations===7 9 10.
FAT EMBOLISM ●Cause is traumatic fracture of ■CN passing dorsal to brain===Trochlear nerve.
long bones mostly Like RTA/MVA ●Emboli reach to ■MC nerve affected in Cavernous sinus thrombosis
lungs via veins ●Death can occur 24--72 hours. ●Rx ===CN 6==medial squint. ■Nerve located at central
is supportive part of Cavernous sinus===CN 6 (Abducents). ■CN
■AMNIOTIC EMBOLISM ●Occur after normal paralysis in making patients difficulty downstairs
delivery mostly ●Death occurs even withen One going===CN 4 Trochlear nerve. ■CN paralysis
hour. ●Cause mostly found on postmortem Biopsy causing. Ptosis Mydriasis Lower eye ball position
tissue contains amniotic tissue or different fetal and Lateral position===CN 3 Oculomotor palsy.
tissue like lanugo hairs or other tissues etc. ●Very MC Vitamin Deficiency
fatal ●Rx supportive. 1■■Alcoholics===Folate and thiamine.
■PRIMORDIAL FOLLICLE==surrounded by ●Flat 2■■Smoking===Vitamin C due to used up by FR in
epithelial cells smoke. 3■■New born===Vitamin K due to sterile
■PRIMARY FOLLICLES==Surrounded by ●SIMPLE gut Compiled By Kool-Medic
cuboidal cells single layer. ■Vimentin ==Type 2 Bcz MC source of Vitamin K is gut bacteria.
intermediate filament ●Mostly found in 4■■Hospitalized Pts===Vitamin K>>>Biotin Bcz of
connective tissues ●Marker of Osteosarcoma antibiotics use that kills gut bacteria 5■■Renal
=tumours of connective tissues. ●Bcz sarcomas are Failure ===Vitamin D. Due to failure of 1 alpha
CONNECTIVE TISSUES MALIGNANCY ●Demarcates hydroxylation. 6■■Rice as staple diet===B1
invasion of tissues ■Keratin==Type 1 intermediate Deficiency That's why it has been enriched with B1
Filaments ●Mostly found in epithelial cells of skin in some countries 7■■Perniciuos
and GIT etc. ●Markers of CARCINOMAS ●Bcz anemia===Autoimmune atrophic gastritis===B--12
Carcinomas are epithelial cells malignancies. deficiency. 8■■Colostrum (Breast milk upto 4
1■Para - mesonephric duct ==also called days)=== deficient in Vitamin D. 9■■Breast
Mullerian duct Gives rise to Uterus Fallopian or milk=== deficient in D ,C and pantothenic acid
uterine tubes Upper part of vagina Appendix (Cpsp key). 10■■Goat milk === deficient in Vitamin
testes Etc. 2■Mesonephric ducts=also called B6 ,Folate . 11■■Cow milk === deficient in Vitamin
Wolfian duct Gives rise to All male genital ductal A ,C ,D. 12■■Post menopauseal wome===

system ●Epididymous ●Vas deferens ●Retes testes deficient in vitamin D (400 IU daily intake
●seminal vesicles. Etc. 3■PNH best investigation recommended ). 13■■Women strict vegetarian
==Flow cytometry. 4■Right handed people will ===B12 DEFICIENCY in her and her baby if
have pregnant or non. 14■■Pregnant lady === Folate
●●Right representational cortex and ● Left deficiency bcz of its more excretion due to
categorical cortex And Vice versa increased GFR And Fetal tissue growth
5■CIRRHOSIS HEP C==MCC of cirrhosis in adults in consumption.
Asia especially Alpha antitrypsin deficiency ==MCC 15■■Pregnant lady with alcohol consumption
of cirrhosis in children 6■HCC ●HEP B ==MCC of ===MC Vitamin Deficiency ===Folate. Increased
HCC in adults in Asia HEP ●Hep C ==2nd MCC . NTDs risk.
>>>>>>>>Follow this sequence DVT Most common 16■■People having just maize their Staple
sites Deep Calf veins>>>Popliteal >>>Femoral diet===B3 NIACIN deficiency ===risk of PELLAGRA
veins. Bcz Occurence is high in given sequence PTE 3D diarrhea dementia dermatitis. 17■■Celiac
Femoral >>>Popliteal >>>Deep calf veins. Bcz more disease involves ===Jejunum mostly===So Folate
proximal to lungs there are more chances of deficiency.
embolism to lungs. >>>>Follow it. TGs 18■■Crohns disease ===Involves ILEUM ===so B12
Chylomycrons>>>>VLDL>>>>Chylomicron deficiency occur. 19■■Terminal ileal resection
Remnants. ===B12 &Bile salts deficiency === osmotic diarrhea
■Granuloma===Characteristic cells===Epitheloid and increased water loss and bile salts (Ganong).
cells ■Tuberculosis granulomas ===Caseating 20■■Cystic Fibrosis ===ADEK fat soluble vitamins
granulomas/necrosis characteristic. Also occur in deficiency
histoplasmosis ●To differentiate ===AFB. ●Cervical 21■■Total pancreatectomy === ADEK DEFICIENCY.
lymph nodes biopsy done Now characteristic 22■■Alcoholics==MC metal deficiency of Mg.
===Caseating granuloma Compiled By Kool-Medic Highest energy compound
●Cervical lymph nodes biopsy done and biopsy ATP Highest energy content===STARCH Highest
shows Caseating granulomas now further ===AFB energy molecule===STARCH Protein==4.1kcal/gm
detection === definitive Dx. ■Non - caseating CHO==3.8 kcal. Alcohol == 7kcal. Fats== 9 kcal
granulomas===SARCOIDOSIS, Crohns disease cardiovascular system. 1●Apex formed by Left
purpose of fixation of tissue== ☆☆☆ Preserve ventricle 2●Base of heart formed by=== Left
tissue structure. ☆It's action===stabilisation of atrium 3●Posterior most part of heart=== Left
proteins by cross links formation b/w proteins atrium 4●Cardiac vein independently draining to
molecules. ☆10% Formalin is used. Pure formalin right atrium===Anterior cardiac vein. 5●CHB===
=== 37% solution of formaldehyde gas in water. Blockage of RCA 6●Posterior wall MI=== RCA
■■For embedding process=== paraffin wax is used. Blockage. 7●RV infarction === RCA blockage
■■BASOPHILIC DYES stains acid. Like DNA 8●RBB ===supplied by LCA. 9●MC CAD===LAD
RNA===Stained with basic dye So they are 10●LAD blockage=== LV Anterior ++Apical
basophilic===Blue/purple color. Basophilic dye=== infarction. 11●Overall best drug for Angina
●●●Hemotoxylin,Toluidine blue,methylene blue. =Nitrates Initial best therapy for Stable
■■ACIDIC DYE stains basic organelles Including angina====Beta blockers. 12●Drug of choice for
cytoplasm. Eg.Eosin stains cytoplasm pink. VASOSPASTIC / Prinzmetal angina ===Verapami
●>●>●>Collagen fibres stains light pink with 13●Drug contra-indicated in Vasospastic angina
eosinophil dye(MCQ). ===Beta blockers (((due to beta receptors blockage
■■Leydig cells of testes====Forms testosterone. in blood vessels causing alpha receptors
Present in Testes connective tissue interstitium. predominant and thus vasospasm ))).so also
■■ Sertoli cells present in Seminiferous contraindicated in PVD(((SS crest syndrome
epithelium. FUNCTIONS. ☆Support ☆protection raynauds phenomenon))). 14●Vessels favoured for
and nutrition to spermatozoa. CABG=== Internal thoracic artery ===due to
REGARDING CARDIAC ENZYMES elasticity of arteries than veins=== NO stenosis===

■■MOST SENSITIVE ==MYOGLOBIN long survival. 15●Cardiac muscle pain is radiated

BUT less specific due to Non-Cardiao specificity to the arm and shoulder === Via T1---T5 thoracic
Raise in trauma skeletal muscle damage etc. segments === Sympathetic ANS fibres 16●Pain
■■EARLIEST TO APPEAR==MYOGLOBIN. from pericardium is radiated to the jaw or
■■MOST CARDIOSENSITIVE== TROP T. shoulder via===C345 (((Somatic== phrenic nerve)).
CPSP KEY (if not mention withen one hour). Microbiology Points
■■MOST CARDIOSPECIFIC ==TROP I. Hand foot and mouth disease - Coxsakie virus
■■CARDIOSPECIFIC raising within one Lymphoma in AIDS - EBV.
hour===CKMB. Burkitt lymphoma - EBV.
Microbiology Ist Aid Non hodgkin lymphoma - EBV.
Ascetic tap - E.coli Hairy tongue - EBV.
Peritonitis - E.coli. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma - EBV.
Pyogenic peritonitis - Bacteroids. Infectious mononucleosis - EBV.
Puerperal sepsis - Bacteroids. Kaposi sarcoma - HHV8.
P.O abdominal and gynaecological infection - Cervical cancer - HPV 16.
Bacteroids. Vulval papules – HSV
Abscess - S.Aureus. Meningo-encephalitis - Echovirus.
Acute osteomyelitis - S.Aureus. Meningitis in AIDS - Cryptococcus neoformans.
Toxic shock syndrome - S.Aureus. Black water fever - Plasmodium falciparum.
Wound infection - S.Aureus > Pseudomona. Cysticercosis - Taenia solium.
Hospital acquired pneumonia - S.Aureus. Cyst in liver - Teania echinococcus.
Septic meningitis - Streptococcus. SCC of bladder - Schistosomiasis.
Initiation of dental caries - Streptococcus. Cholangio carcinoma - Clonorchis Sinensis.
Pyogenic lung abscess + Meningitis - Migratory lesion of foot - Cutaneous larva migrans.
Staphylococcus. Toxoplasmosis – Cat
Subacute bacterial endocarditis - S.viridians. How to Solve Metabolic problems?????
Prosthetic valve endocarditis - S.epidermidis. normal values of ABG,s
Cellulitis - S.pyogenes. pH ... 7.35-7.45
Multiple draining sinuses - Actinomyces. pCO2... 35-45 mmHg
IUCD infection - Actinomycosis. HCO3- ... 22-26 mEq/L
Trachoma - Chlamydia. pO2 ... 80-100 mmHg
Pelvic inflammatory disease - Chlamydia. 1)Look pH first.. if low then acidosis, if high then
Lymphogranuloma venereum - Chlamydia. alkalosis.
Pseudomembranous colitis - C.Difficile. 2) Decide z it respiratory or metabolic.
Gas gangrene - C.Perfringes / C.Welchii. pCO2 level disturbance shows respiratory prob
Fatal diarrhea - V.Cholrea. if pCO2 z raised, resp acidosis n versa
Tubulo ovarian cyst - Gonococcus. HCO3 level disturbance shows metabolic prob
Abscess - S.Aureus. if HCO3 level z raised , metabolic alkalosis n vice
Acute osteomyelitis - S.Aureus. versa
Toxic shock syndrome - S.Aureus. 3) Decide z it compensated or uncompensated.
Wound infection - S.A if there z prob in pCO2 n HCO3 levels n pH z in
Valvular itching + Pink purulent discharge - normal range, it z compensated
Trichomanas vaginilis. if pH z not in normal range , it z uncompensated.
Infection in post liver transplant patient - CMV. if prob in respiratory system, lungs or chest , it will
Chorioretinitis in AIDS - CMV. b respiratory prob
Bronchogenic carcinoma - CMV. if prob in other than lungs, i.e it will b metabolic
Herpangia - Coxsakie virus.

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