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Summer 2020 Music Theory Puzzle Response Sheet

● Before completing this response sheet you MUST:

(1) read the 6 Weeks of Music Theory contract
(2) and complete the interest form on Google Forms

● You MUST record all responses on this sheet for them to be credited! You may do work on scrap
paper and then transfer the answers to this sheet. I WILL NOT accept responses on staff paper or
other scrap paper.

● BE AWARE the FINAL date to submit this response sheet is June 28th, 2020 midnight EST in
order to be eligible for a tuition discount for the 6 Weeks of Music Theory series.

● To SUBMIT this sheet, (1) either scan to/save as a PDF, (2) email to,
and (3) make the subject of the email “Summer 2020 Music Theory Puzzle Response Sheet”.

If you do not follow these instructions I may not see your response and it will not be credited.

There are 4 puzzles to complete, you aren’t required to complete all 4, however, if you are applying for
the tuition discount it is in your best interest to attempt every section:

❏ Section 1: Scales
❏ Section 2: Triads
❏ Section 3: Cadences
❏ Section 4: Transposition

Email (used to send this form and used to fill out the interest Google Form - these should be the SAME):


Name: __________________________________________________________

Preferred Pronouns: _______________________________________________

Puzzle #1 Scale Ciphers Puzzle
Decode and define the following 6 terms.

1. UECNG - _______________



2. I ENGH - ________________



3. OGNQFKE OKPQT - _____________________________



4. EJTQOCVKE - ___________________________



5. OCLQT - __________________



6. VQPKE - __________________


Puzzle #2 Triads Picture Puzzle
(1) Label the type of inversions featured in the snowman picture and include each inversion's stability
(rank from most stable to least stable).
(2) Use the picture as a reference to construct the 6 following triad inversions.

PC: Classic Jenny:

Type: _____________________ _______________________ _______________________

Stability: ____________________ _______________________ _______________________

Puzzle #3 Cadential Crossword
Provided the term bank and 9 musical excerpts solve the crossword puzzle. Audio excerpts are on the
Section 3 tab of
Puzzle #4 Transposition Challenge
Take the given melody and transpose it the 3 different ways specified below. The audio clip for the
primary melody is on the Section 4 tab of


1. Transpose the primary melody DOWN a Major 2nd

2. Transpose the primary melody UP a minor 7th

3. Transpose the primary melody UP a Perfect 5th.

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