Dupont Analysis

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DuPont analysis is a framework for analysing fundamental performance originally popularized by the
DuPont Corporation. DuPont analysis is a useful technique used to decompose the different drivers of return
on equity (ROE). 

An investor can use analysis like this to compare the operational efficiency of two similar firms. Managers
can use DuPont analysis to identify strengths or weaknesses that should be addressed.

The return on equity (ROE) metric is net income divided by shareholders’ equity. The Dupont analysis is
still the ROE, just an expanded version. The ROE calculation alone reveals how well a company utilizes
capital from shareholders.

With a Dupont analysis, investors and analysts can dig into what drives changes in ROE, or why a ROE is
considered high or low. That is, a Dupont analysis can help deduce whether its profitability, use of assets or
debt that’s driving ROE.


1.Profit Margin– The net profit margin is the ratio of bottom line profits compared to total revenue or total
sales. This is one of the most basic measures of profitability.

One way to think about the net margin is to imagine a store that sells a single product for $1.00. After the
costs associated with buying inventory, maintaining a location, paying employees, taxes, interest, and other
expenses, the store owner keeps $0.15 in profit from each unit sold. That means the owner's profit margin is
15%, which can be calculated as follows:

Profit Margin= Net Income / Revenue = 0.15/1.00=15%

The profit margin can be improved if costs for the owner were reduced or if prices were raised, which can
have a large impact on ROE. This is one of the reasons that a company's stock will experience high levels
of volatility when management makes a change to its guidance for future margins, costs, and prices.

2.Asset Turnover Ratio

The asset turnover ratio measures how efficiently a company uses its assets to generate revenue. Imagine a
company had $100 of assets, and it made $1,000 of total revenue last year. The assets generated 10 times
their value in total revenue, which is the same as the asset turnover ratio and can be calculated as follows:

Asset Turnover Ratio= Revenue/ Average Assets =$100/$1,000=10

A normal asset turnover ratio will vary from one industry group to another. For example, a discount retailer
or grocery store will generate a lot of revenue from its assets with a small margin, which will make the asset
turnover ratio very large. On the other hand, a utility company owns very expensive fixed assets relative to
its revenue, which will result in an asset turnover ratio that is much lower than that of a retail firm.

The ratio can be helpful when comparing two companies that are very similar. Because average assets
include components like inventory, changes in this ratio can signal that sales are slowing down or speeding
up earlier than it would show up in other financial measures. If a company's asset turnover rises, its ROE
will improve.

3.Financial Leverage

Financial leverage, or the equity multiplier, is an indirect analysis of a company's use of debt to finance its
assets. Assume a company has $1,000 of assets and $250 of owner's equity. The balance sheet equation will
tell you that the company also has $750 in debt (assets - liabilities = equity). If the company borrows more to
purchase assets, the ratio will continue to rise. The accounts used to calculate financial leverage are both on
the balance sheet, so analysts will divide average assets by average equity rather than the balance at the end
of the period, as follows:

Financial Leverage=Average Equity/Average Assets=$250/$1,000=4

Most companies should use debt with equity to fund operations and growth. Not using any leverage could
put the company at a disadvantage compared with its peers. However, using too much debt in order to
increase the financial leverage ratio—and therefore increase ROE—can create disproportionate risks.


The biggest drawback of the DuPont analysis is that, while expansive, it still relies on accounting equations
and data that can be manipulated. Plus, even with its comprehensiveness, the Dupont analysis lacks context
as to why the individual ratios are high or low, or even whether they should be considered high or low at all.


The Dupont analysis is an expanded return on equity formula, calculated by multiplying the net profit
margin by the asset turnover by the equity multiplier.

DuPont Analysis=Net Profit Margin × AT × EM

DuPont Analysis Example

Let’s analyse the Return on Equity of Companies- A and B. Both the companies are into the electronics
industry and have the same ROE of 45%. The ratios of the two companies are as follows-
Ratio Company A Company B

Profit Margin 30% 15%

Asset Turnover 0.5 6

Financial Leverage 3 0.5

Even though both companies have the same ROE, however, the operations of the companies are totally

Company A is able to generate higher sales while maintaining a lower cost of goods which can be seen from
its high-profit margin.

On the other hand, company B is selling its products at a lower margin but having very high Asset Turnover
Ratio indicating that the company is making a large number of sales. Moreover, company B seems less risky
since its Financial Leverage is very low.

Thus, this Analysis helps compare similar companies with similar ratios. It will help investors to measure the
risk associated with the business model of each company.

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