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M 10 1 A L SO IN
A great step by step
article, from a patch of
grass, to a fully working
Step by step article
showing us how to erect
a pier for your mount.
.7A 80 m m REVIEW
Excellent Article
An EXCLUSIVE article for
Amateur Astrophotography Ezine

w w w .am ateu ras


Welcome to issue 03 of
the Amateur Astro-photo- 4 Readers Images
graphy E-Magazine.
8 Pinwheel Galaxy
I hope you enjoyed the
first two issues. Issue 02 18 Guide to Drift Alignment
was published on the 22nd
of January, while writing 20 Charlie Bates Solar Astronomy Project
issue 02 has received over 117,000 views world
wide. The ezine seems to be doing really well 24 Readers Solar Images
something I am very proud of, but none of this
would be possible if it were not for the members 26 ISS Transit by Hubert Drozdz
of the facebook group, our Flickr group and
bloggers the world over that have allowed their 29 Book Review
work to be published in the ezine.
32 Hills Observatory by Malcolm Dent
I really do apreciate everything you have all done
and all of your hard work. Thanks so much. 44 Photofisher by Kirk
50 Review of the Daystar SolaREDI.7a
Myself I am very much a novice in this field, but
now find astro-phototgraphy, much more of an 80mm by Stephen W. Ramsden
obsession than a hobby or past time.
54 Pier Project by Steve Bassett
Over the years I have produced several publica-
tions, some of which I sold and are still going 59 A view from my scope - Observation
today. I thought as there was not a single amateur Report
astro-photography magazine in the UK dedicated
to astro-photography alone that I could find, that PLUS MUCH MUCH MORE TOO
maybe I should change this. Website:
My original plan was to eventually publish the
ezine as a bi-monthly publication, but it seems Email:
that demand is calling for a monthly publication.
Something I am very happy with indeed. Flickr:
I added a SUBSCRIBE button to the website just Twitter:
after publishing the 2nd issue, the ezine already @AmateurAstroMag
has over 24,000 subscribers and growing.
Cover Image by Oliver Czernetz Cooling: Set to -15ºC default Focal Length: 530mm
Instrument Package Array: 4008 by 2672 (10.7 Mega pixels) (.53 metre)
CCD: SBIG STL-11000M FOV: 155.8 x 233.7 arc-mins F/Ratio: f5.0
QE: 50% Peak Filters: LRGB, Ha, SII & OIII and V Guiding: External
Full Well: ~50,000e- Anti Blooming Gate (ABG) Position Angle: 090º Mount: Paramount GT-1100S
Dark Current: 0.5 e-/pixel/sec. @ 0º C Telescope Optics
Pixel Size: 9um Square OTA: Takahashi FSQ Fluorite
Resolution: 3.5 arc-secs/pixel Optical Design: Petzval Apochromat Astrograph
Sensor: Frontlit Aperture: 106mm (0.1 metre)
Readers Images
20140222-Mars 0313hrs

IR-RGB1000 frames each from 3000 @60fps.

Stacked in Autostakert2 (1.5 Drizzle), wavelets
in RegiStax 6 and aligned in PS2.

Camera: TIS DMK21 618 Mono

Scope: Celestron C8 with Tele Tele Vue Powermate x 2.5
Filters: Baader IRRGB
Mount: AZ EQ6-GT goto.

Yosemite Milkyway
This milkyway shot was taken in
Yosemite, during a recent event
hosted by Enrico ISS over house by Dafydd Snelding
Camera :- Nikon D800
Lens :- Sigma 20mm f1.8
I've managed to put RGB data in this image.
The data about the luminance are the same
but with about 60:60:60 min RGB gathered
with several different scopes and cameras.
The frame is not fully colorized (just up right
corner miss colors...) due to different camera
orientation and size. Anyway seems to be
quite nice... Enjoy.

Image by Giovanni Paglioli

C/2011 L4 Panstarrs

14.5.2013 (22'39h)
Vixen ED 102/660
Canon EOS 500 D (mod.)
Exp. 7× 120 Sec.
Dark 5,Bias 5,Iso 800
Image by zlatko orbanić

Intergalactic Wanderer NGC2419

Image taken by Fred Herrmann of

 is issue’s D SO
The Pinwheel Galaxy (also known as Messier On August 24, 2011, a Type Ia supernova,
101, M101 or NGC 5457) is a face-on spiral SN 2011fe, was discovered in M101.
galaxy distanced 21 million light-years (six me- Pierre Méchain, the discoverer of Messier 101,
gaparsecs) away in the constellation Ursa Major, described it as a "nebula without star, very obsc-
first discovered by Pierre Méchain on March 27, ure and pretty large, 6' to 7' in diameter, between
1781, and communicated to Charles Messier the left hand of Bootes and the tail of the great
who verified its position for inclusion in the Mes- Bear.
sier Catalogue as one of its final entries.
William Herschel noted in 1784 that "(M101)in my
On February 28, 2006, NASA and the ESA rele- 7, 10, and 20-feet (focal length) reflectors showed
ased a very detailed image of the Pinwheel Gal- a mottled kind of nebulosity, which I shall call res-
axy, which was the largest and most detailed olvable; so that I expect my present telescope will,
image of a galaxy by Hubble Space Telescope perhaps, render the stars visible of which I suppo-
at the time. The image was composed from 51 se them to be composed.
individual exposures, plus some extra ground-
based photos. Image by zlatko orbanić
Lord Rosse observed M101 in his 72-inch (diam-
eter) Newtonian reflector during the second half
of the 19th century. He was the first to make ext-
ensive note of the spiral structure and made sev-
eral sketches.
To observe the spiral structure in modern instru-
ments requires a fairly large instrument, very
dark skies, and a low power eye piece.

Structure and composition

Image by NASA
‘This image of the Pinwheel Galaxy,
or M101, combines data in the inf-
rared, visible, ultraviolet and x-rays from
four of NASAs space telescopes. This
multi-spectral view shows that both you-
ng and old stars are evenly distributed
along M101s tightly-wound spiral arms.
Image by Anttler Such composite images allow astronom-
This image was taken from my backyard 8" ers to see how features in one part of the spectr-
telescope in Kalkaska Mi in April 2007. It is um match up with those seen in other parts. It is
a white light image, taken with a Canon like seeing with a regular camera, an ultraviolet
350D modified for astronomy use. (Anttler) camera, night-vision goggles and X-Ray vision,
at once! The red colors in the image show infrar-
M101 is a relatively large galaxy compared to the ed light, as seen by the Spitzer Space Telescope.
Milky Way. With a diameter of 170,000 light- The yellow component is visible light, observed
years it is seventy percent larger than the Milky by the Hubble Space Telescope. Most of this
Way. It has a disk mass on the order of 100 billi- light comes from stars, and they trace the same
on solar masses, along with a small bulge of spiral structure as the dust lanes seen in the infr-
about 3 billion solar masses. ared.
Another remarkable property of this galaxy is its
huge and extremely bright H II regions, of which The blue areas are ultraviolet light, given out by
a total of about 3,000 can be seen on photogra- hot, young stars that formed about 1 million
phs. H II regions usually accompany the enorm- years ago. The Galaxy Evolution Explorer
ous clouds of high density molecular hydrogen (GALEX) captured this component of the image.
gas contracting under their own gravitational Finally, the hottest areas are shown in purple,
force where stars form. H II regions are ionized where the Chandra X-ray observatory observed
by large numbers of extremely bright and hot the X-ray emission from exploded stars, million-
young stars. degree gas, and material colliding around black
The image (top right) of M101 combines data in of M101. The amplification of these waves leads
the infrared, visible, ultraviolet and x-rays from to the compression of the interstellar hydrogen
four of NASAs space telescopes. This multi-spe gas, which then triggers strong star formation
ctral view shows that both young and old stars activity.
are evenly distributed along M101s tightly-wound
spiral arms. 9
Image by Steve Bassett of

Image by Gareth Harding of

M51 Whirlpool Galaxy (2012)

M51- is a Spiral Galaxy (common name: Red 12 x 5min. bin 1x1

The Whirlpool Galaxy) Located within the Green 12 x 5 min. bin 1x1
constellation Canes Venatici, M51 is found Blue 12 x 5 min. bin 1x1
by following the eastern most star of the Big Exposure Time: 6 hours
Dipper, Eta Ursae Majoris (Alkaid), and
going 3.5° southeast.

Image taken by Kirk

Distance: 23 million light years from Earth,
38 million Light Years across (Companion to see more of his outstanding images,
galaxy NGC5195 ) please go to

This is my 3rd try on this target in 3 years.

Taken: May 17 & 18, 2012

Telescope: AT8RC at f/8 Upload your images to our Flickr group here @
Mount: G11 w/ Gemini II
Camera: SBIG ST8300M @ -10C
Filter(s): IDAS LPS-P2-48
Luminance 36 x 5min. bin 1x1 11
M42 Image by Oliver Czernetz


The Tadpole Nebula IC 410

Please feel to upload your images to our Flickr group
Messier 20 - Trifid Nebula
Messier 20 (NGC 6514) is also known
as the Trifid Nebula. Named for its th-
ree-lobed appearance, it is one of the
most famous objects in the sky.
It's an unusual combination of an
open cluster of stars, an emission ne-
bula, a reflection nebula, and a dark
nebula that divides the emission neb-
ula into three parts.
Imaged 27 August 2013 - Improved
seeing conditions from previous
Celestron CPC 9.25
Canon 7D Prime Focused
ISO 3200
Image by Wes Schulstad Exp. 48 x 20sec in Deep Sky Stacker LR4 Processing
Astro Groups
Galloway Astronomy Centre
Nr the U K s firs t Dark Sk y Park
Ou r fantas tic s k ies are perfect for you r ow n
as troim ag ing A STRONOM YFOR FU N
or u s e ou r equ ipm ent to tak e you r firs t s teps in W e firs t s tarted this g rou p w henw e decided
im ag ing w e needed m ore fu nand les s s eriou s nes s in
Contact - M ik e A lexander the A s tronom y w e do, after all, w e are ju s t
0 1988 50 0 594 am ateu rs w ith a pas s ionfor s tar g azing . W e m et via Facebook , s tarted talk ing , g ot tog - ether for a M iniStar Party and lik e the BIG
BA NG ...It s tarted offand BOOM , Here w e are!!.
W hich is how A s tronom y For Fu nbeg an.

APRIL : 19th Satu rday, M onthly M eet U p,

Lu nt Fort. £3pp
Welcome to West Yorkshire Astronomical Society
MAY : 24th Satu rday, M onthly M eet U p,
W e norm ally m eet every Tu es day evening at Lu nt Fort. £3pp
7:30 pm at the Ros s e Obs ervatory and everyone is
w elcom e to attend, s o bring you r friends and fam ily JUNE : 21s t Satu rday, M onthly M eet U p,
along w ith the neig hbou rs . Ifyou are having a Lu nt Fort. £3pp
problem w ith you r ow nteles cope thenbring it
dow nand w e w ills ee ifw e canhelp or advis e you . JULY : 19th Satu rday, M onthly M eet U p,
There is a vis itors fee of£3 for adu lts bu t accom p- Lu nt Fort. £3pp
anied fam ily childrenare free ofcharg e. Pleas e
dres s appropriately for the w eather conditions as AUGUST : 16th Satu rday, M onthly M eet U p,
the teles copes are k ept at the ou ts ide tem peratu re. Lu nt Fort. £3pp
SEPTEMBER : 20 th Satu rday, M onthly M eet
U p, Lu nt Fort. £3pp

OCTOBER : 18th Satu rday, M onthly M eet U p,

Lu nt Fort. £3pp
A Basic Practical Guide to Drift Aligning an Equatorial Mount
Drift Alignment by Robert Vice (D.A.R.V) Method.

M. Sathyakumar Sharma
I would always be dreaded by the thought of - The Meridian is merely an imaginary line that runs
drift aligning my equatorial mount because the from North to South.
traditional method calls for observing the stars
drift over extended periods of time through a In the light polluted City areas it becomes increasin-
cross hair reticule eyepiece. The method is not gly harder to find stars near the horizon or even
entirely mine and mostly based on the DARV close to it. The haze and dust cover stars and make
method, but I have added a few pointers of my them practically invisible. To make my task easier I
own to the method. use SkEye, an android mobile planetarium app,
point it at the region of interest in the sky and then
Requirements for using this guide are; execute a goto on the mount. Due to bad polar
alignment it only comes close, but not on target. A
- A telescope mild search of the area using slow slew speed and
- An Equatorial mount with GOTO functions or peering into the finder scope reveals the star.
Tracking motors at the very least.
- DSLR camera with Live View. - Position this star in the centre of a medium power
- Intervalometer. eyepiece, preferably a reticule eyepiece.
Replace the eyepiece with the DSLR and focus such
The principles of drift alignment are the same that it is visible and centred in the
as described below:- viewfinder of the DSLR.

- Point the telescope (on the mount) towards - Change the slew rate setting on the hand pad
East or West to adjust Altitude. controller of the mount to the lowest possible
- Point the telescope near the intersection of setting, in the case of goto mounts, the speed is 1x
the Celestial Equator and Meridian to adjust sidereal.
the Azimuth.
- Keep the ISO of the camera at 100 or 200, start
I always used to have an issue with how to find the exposure using an intervalometer, wait
the intersection of the Celestial Equator and for 5 seconds so that the star registers as a blob on
Meridian? This question is likely to baffle any the sensor and then press and hold the
beginner as these are terms not used on a Right arrow key on the hand pad for the next 60
daily basis. Therefore the only thing the begin- seconds. After 60 seconds, press the left
ner needs to know about these two terms are; arrow key for a further 60 seconds. The point in
doing this procedure is simple. You are
- The Celestial Equator is exactly 90 degrees moving the star East for 60 seconds to draw a line
in angular separation from the North Celestial on the sensor and then back again. If the polar alig-
Pole, or in case of Northern Hemisphere obse- nment is perfect, then the star must do just that.
rvers it could be taken as the Polaris for all
practical purposes. For example, Bengaluru, Draw a line on the sensor.
India has a latitude of 13 degrees on average,
which means the Celestial Equator will be 13 + However, more often the polar alignment is slightly
90 degrees = 103 degrees from the Northern off due to several factors and the star, instead of
Horizon or 180 – 103 degrees = 77 degrees drawing a straight line, draws a wedge. Depending
upwards from the Southern horizon, or 13 on the direction of the wedgedrawn (up or down
degrees (latitude) Southwards from the Zenith explained later) we can determine the direction of
(exactly overhead). correction required.
The direction of correction for altitude correction In the figure at the bottom left we see that the
(when pointing telescope east or west) is bright spot is still above the return line even after
described below as Up or Down and for azimuth the adjustment has been made which clearly ind-
correction (telescope pointing near celestial icates that the adjustment is correct. However it
equator) is East or West. This is merely for con- also means a couple more minor adjustments
venience. The wedge drawn by the star looks may be required.
like one in the photo below.

The above figure shows the bright spot below the

return line which means that I have overshot the
Figure above shows the general wedge shape required position. I am now aware that I need to
drawn the by the star. Note the bright spot which raise the mount only a little bit to achieve the re-
indicates the beginning of the wedge. The line quired mark. Note that the length of the line each
starting with the bright spot is the onward line direction represents the time that the hand pad
andthe one without the spot is the return line. In direction key was pressed. In the above case
essence you are simply moving the star east or each line was created in 60 seconds of exposure,
west. implying that each photo above has 2 minutes
In the above case the return line is below the worth of data in it. The longer the time you press
onward line meaning that the mount was higher and hold the direction button, the longer the line
than necessary. Loosen the T- bolts on the altit- for the wedge will be and more accurate your
ude axis of the mount and lower the mount polar alignment.
slightly in altitude (i.e.; reduce the latitude The length of the line therefore clearly represents
reading). It is ok to overshoot the intended mark the amount of time one can photograph the
as it only shows that you are moving in the right object without it drifting off and creating trailed
direction. It also implies that if you overshoot the image. For example, in the above case, the
mark you just need to raise the mount in altitude “length” of the line is 60 seconds, and the two
and not lower it. Note that the return line will lines separate roughly half way through the proc-
already be above the onward line if your initial ess implying that one may achieve about 30 sec-
polar alignment is lower than necessary and onds of imaging time for each exposure before
again you need to raise the mount and not lower the starts trail. This is the reason why the wedge
it. The above process is therefore reversible and has to become a straight line and the longer the
one does not have to worry much about the time it stays a straight line, the longer the image
direction the wedge takes, rather worry about can be taken without the need for guiding correc-
getting the wedge to not be a wedge and tions. Of course someone has truly said that the
become a straight line. best guided mount is one which requires minimal
In the peviuos photo we can see that the
straight line condition is achieved which implies
that I can now have an unguided exposure of
the object for 1 full minute.

Having completed the accurate alignment in

altitude, repeat the same for azimuth correctio-
ns. The direction of the return line with respect
to the bright spot indicates which direction the
mount azimuth knobs need to be adjusted. If
the bright spot is above the return line the
mount is pointing west of the required position
and needs to be adjusted east and vice versa.
After corrections, the line should be straight as
shown below.

The line in the above photo is 1 minute each

way again implying that I can have 1 minute of
exposure without guiding. I then take another
exposure where I make necessary adjustments
to keep the line straight for full two minutes
each direction so that I may have 2 minutes of
unguided exposure as shown below.

Note: the bright spot and the return line


Many thanks to sathya kumar Prasanna

for this very interesting and informative
The hobby of Solar Astronomy is, by far, the The recent,mostly erroneous press about the
fastest growing area of interest for modern Sun’s magnetic field flipping (it is a months long
astronomy enthusiasts. The current solar process not suitable for mass media soundbites)
maximum has revealed countless phenomena to the travesty of recent reporting on “ a chunk
to more amateur astronomers than any before of the Sun is missing and heading right for us”
it. It seems every week there is some new on a major news outlet starkly highlights the
active region spitting out 2 million degree plus almost universal lack of knowledge and education
flares or prominences and constant magnetic on what our nearest star is and how it works.
ferocity to delight anyone with the interest to I guarantee you that if you were to venture in to
get involved regardless of their skill level. your local big box discount store and ask 20
From a simple objective filter made of glass random people if they could tell you what the Sun
or Mylar to the most complex air spaced is made of and describe some of the things it
etalons or solid cleaved mica instruments, does, you would get 20 wrong answers. Even
the Sun has not disappointed anyone willing asking if someone at Wally-‐
Wally- Mart could tell you
to simply look at it safely in the last 18 months whether the Sun ORBITS AROUND US or not
or so. will bring some very disappointing answers from
This cycle is showing no signs of letting up Joe or Jolene public.
and is forecast to last into July or August of
2014 before calming it’s magnetic field lines This sounds like a ripe, target rich environment
down for the 5 or 6 year rest period before for a major effort in Solar Astronomy outreach!
the next cycle begins. That was the case in 2008 when I founded the
Now is a great time to stare at the Sun. Charlie Bates Solar Astronomy Project in Atlanta,
GA with one PST and a
CPC 9.25 with a (horribly
fuzzy) glass filter. I wanted
to do something in memory
of fellow veteran and air
traffic controller Charlie
Bates who, while having
nothing to do with
astronomy, was an
incredibly generous and
friendly person who would
give you the shirt off his
back-‐ literally-‐
. Charlie
had succumbed to the
many demons that face
people these days after the
tragic loss of his wife
(another friend, veteran and
ATC) to cancer.

(The Sun in Calcium K (393nm) through a Lunt Solar Systems setup) 21

I didn’t want him remembered asm“ that guy” I made up an imaging station for Calcium K,
so I decided to highlight the great things he Hydrogen Alpha and white light imaging. I did so
had done for others in better times. in a fashion that they could all share the same
I setup my PST at the local Starbucks and…. mount and be setup and torn down in a timely
the rest is history. manner by using a 3 way ADM mouting system
We are now, by far, the highest volume private from Anthony Davoli.
citizen’s astronomy outreach program on This link shows a youtube video of the imaging
Earth and we bring the Sun in multiple wavele- stations in action at a local school:
ngths to hundreds of thousands of viewers
and imagers around the globe at over 250
events per year. The introduction of this segment to my outreach
I was asked by my friend Steve Lindon to write events completely revolutionized what I could
an article on solar imaging. In my typical“ get present to the public. There were many pleasant
on the soapbox” attitude that has endeared and unexpected benefits from this approach and
me to so many…lol I encourage you all to consider adding it to your
I have decided to write a slightly different repertoire or taking your camera sand scopes
article exclusively for Amateur Astrophotogra- outside of the dome.
phy magazine.
No longer were the people who could not see
Adding Solar Imaging Stations to different wavelengths clearly through our little
your Outreach Setup eyepieces and bino-‐ viewers exempt from enjoying
the Sun. They could simply lift up the glare
In 2008, I decided to add live video to my resistant blanket over the iMacs and enjoy
standard outreach setup for all of my public breathtaking views of the Sun like anyone else.
and school solar outreach events. I did this
by purchasing several PGR Grasshopper Many people who are not mobile enough to get
cameras and a golden key for ASTRO IIDC to the sometimes undesirably placed eyepieces
which at the time was the only software out can now simply sit in a chair and watch three
there for the 24” iMacs that I use. computer screens. They can even take their own
I am a Mac only astronomer with no plans movies or images through the capture software
to change. and take them home on a USB drive if they are
so inclined!

22 (three wavelength visible and imaging setup for outreach)

The greatest benefit so far has been to that an entire community of rabid astronomers can.
handicapped students who were normally I am asking for your help as fellow astronomers, f
excluded from this somewhat motor skills or the good of the hobby and the future of mankind
dependent hobby. I can now advertise my -‐PLEASE take your equipment and set it up in
program to special needs classes all over public, anywhere, and frequently to share the abs-
the country and include an entire segmentof olutely brilliant wonders of our Universe with others
the population that were previously unable around you.
to enjoy this great hobby.
On June 22nd, 2014 we will be holding the first
inaugural International SUN-‐ day celebration.
Concerned peopleall over the world will be creati-
vely sharing the Sun in any way that they deem
appropriate with their local communities in a conc-
erted effort to popularize this wesome hobby.

I am personally inviting you, readers of Amateur

Astrophotography, to lead the way in this endeavor
by committing to setup and run your own outreach
event, big or small, in your towns an report your
efforts through our social media outlets. More
information can be found at


(an exploding filament captured on the Sun by a 6th grader in 2013)

Readers, we all have a stable of fancy and

expensive imaging equipment or we probably
wouldn’t be reading this great magazine.
I have seen far, far too many people in this
hobby hide away all of their stuff in domes
rather than taking it out in public and sharing Stephen W. Ramsden is the founder and Director
it with the community. We all know the of The Charlie Bates Solar Astronomy Project,
direction that our world is going now and I
firmly believe, and have dedicated my life to The worlds highest volume astronomy outreach
the notion that science outreach in the program located in Atlanta, GA USA.
community and the popularizing of science in
general is THE best way possible to get us
back on track as a space faring civilization.
In my own state of Georgia here in the states,
we have a dismal 67% high school graduation
I fear that your local communities are not much
better as I see the countless reports of political
and religious extremism ushering in a new
“ dark ages” for our planet.

Taking your passion for, and knowledge of,

science to your local community is of enormous
benefit to all in the community. No one person
alone can change the world by setting up a
telescope (since Galileo) but I guarantee you

Readers Solar Images

Image by Michel Chretien DOUBLE STACK 290114
Image by Michel Chretien

Lunt Solar Systems LS-60THA-PT/B12FT

60mm H-Alpha Telescope - B1200 Pressure
Tuner & 2" Feathertouch Focuser.
Mounted on a Celestron CG5-GOTO & field
Images shot with an Imging Source

This image was taken by John W ONeal II

To view more of his and others amazing

Solar Images by visiting the Facebook
Group www.fa

The Sun on February 3rd, 2014

Taken with a Canon T3i DSLR and TMB92L refractor with a white light filter, using the following
settings: f/5.5 1/2000 s and ISO 100. This is the result of 15 images stacked with Registax and
processed with Astra Image Pro and Adobe Photoshop CS6.

The AR1967 of Feb. 4, color version. Image by Gabriel Corban

Image taken by Joel Tonyan.

Sunny day, meadow, sound of cars located on disk. It seemed to me that there shouldn’t be a
the nearby road, telescope, camera and me. problem - you just need to know where and
The tripod is set, the telescope with solar filter in when. Unfortunately, the reality was a little bit
right place, the camera is attached. You can see different.
some people who look strange at me from the
distance. Preparing
The final countdown. At first I decided to find the necessary informa-
Suddenly came the right time and... I will tell you tion on the Web, and then to get in touch direc-
everything from the beginning. After Venus tran- tly with someone who had taken similar pictures.
sit across the disk of the Sun in June 2012 and My questions referred to determining the time
in anticipation of Mercury transit I decided to do and place of the phenomenon and the equipme-
something so spectacular. I choose the ISS (Int- nt used, including the optimal camera settings.
ernational Space Station, ISS) transit. Encoura- I used Calsky website ( to find
ged by the photos found in the Internet, I wanted the next ISS transit across the disk of the sun.
to "hunt down" the ISS transit across the solar After completing the self-location and setting the

maximum distance from the center line of the I packed my equipment, precisely set my watch
transit, I found information about accurate date, and went to the right place. It was about half an
time and place of the phenomenon, including hour to the transit. I installed my telescope on
the map indicating the most convenient place the mount, put the camera body to focuser to
for observation. (taking pictures). take pictures in focal point, then set the center
of the frame on the sun and started dual-axis
First attempt motor drives. Then I began focusing. It was not
I arrived at the right place, then set up the equi- simple because of not many (small-size) suns-
pment and installed the camera. I had the pots occurring. Then I decided to take a few
Sky-Watcher paraboloidal mirror reflector (dia- test shots .
meter of 150mm and focal length of 750mm) I wanted to receive the best quality images, so
on an equatorial mount EQ3-2 and Canon EOS I decided to set RAW mode in my camera. As
450D digital camera. I put the Baader ND 5 you know, RAW files take up more space than
(density of 5) filter film on the tube. You can JPEG so the record on a memory card is slow-
also use film with density 3.8 (not intended for er in this case. This was the reason of my sec-
visual observation), to provide short exposure ond failure. I pushed the right button on the
times and lower sensivity (ISO) settings. cable remote controller to start taking shots
when the phenomenon was to occur in a few
Increasing exposure time is unfortable because seconds.
the ISS transit takes only about one second After taking a few shots the camera began to
and you can’t see an approaching object on the save data and, as you would expect at that
sky. I plugged in the camera remote control moment I saw the ISS passing across the disk
cable so I had to only wait. I knew the exact of sun. That failure motivated me even more to
time of the occurence, but I forgot one simple complete the task.
action – I didn’t check if my watch was correctly
set. I assumed that the error didn’t transcend Fourth attempt - the final
one minute. The only one thing I could do in this I performed steps automatically – I determined
situation was to look through the viewfinder and the location and the time of phenomenon, che-
start the sequence of images at the right time. I cked the weather forecast, looked at online sa-
was waiting and waiting. tellite photos and looked out of the window to
I became a little bit impatient, because, accord- be completely sure. Then I synchronized my
ing to my watch, ISS should be seen about two watch and packed the equipment. My conclus-
minutes earlier. I looked at my watch once again, ion was that I needed less time to prepare for
then back through the eyepiece and then… each subsequent attempt. When I reached the
the ISS passed. I didn’t get it. I was very disap- place, it was still a lot of time. You could enjoy
pointed, so I packed my equipment and went the beauty of the surrounding meadows and
back home. fields.
I started preparing. Once again an automatism
Second attempt worked – I had only a few words in my head:
I planned the closest opportunity to photograph tube, solar filter, mount, camera, focus, position,
the transit nearby, take look at forecasts on po- motor drives, test shots. I remembered my exp-
pular weather services. Everything seemed very erience at the third approach, so decided to
optimistic. Unfortunately, forecasts do not alwa- take a picture in JPEG format only. I expected
ys work. It was that day. I lost with the clouds. quick data saving, to take as many photos as
The nature teaches man to be humble and pati- possible.
ent. I didn’t give up. I thought that maybe “three After the test shots I decided to take pictures
times a charm”. with exposure times of 1/3200s with ISO
setting of 400. I had minor problems because
Third attempt there appeared some small clouds on the sky.
The best place to observe was near my house You could not see the sun two minutes before
on that time. It seemed to be a beautiful day, transit.
the sky was cloudless.
Fortunately there was a 30-second break in the
clouds, exactly when the ISS flied across the
solar disk. I started taking series of images wit-
hin 2 seconds before transit. It worked that
There was a lot of joy. On 16 July 2013 at
9:51:40.56 I registered the transit of Internatio-
nal Space Station (across the solar disk) locat-
ed 581.4 km above the Earth. I made it on three
photos. You can see overlapping frames on the
title page of this article. I didn’t suppose that
you could take photos like those, using typical
amateur equipment. It was worth trying many

Summary and planes for the future

I hope I’ll take a picture of ISS transit across
the moon soon. I haven’t got such images in
my gallery yet, but it will change in the near
future, I think. I’m also considering recording TRANSIT OF VENUS
videos of transits. I intend to use a webcam
attached to a telescope in this case. I strongly
encourage you to take photos of ISS transits.
It isn’t a simple task, but I can guarantee
awesome excitement and satisfaction of taken

Images and editorial by Hubert Dró żdż



Images and editorial by Hubert Dró żdż

Book ition, as well as Hybrid ImageProcessing, a Techni-
que that I use myself on nearly every Image I work
Overall I can say that this extraordinary book will

soon be your best Pal once you started, and you’ll
come back to it over and over again. A must have!

Review by Oliver Czernetz

Rob Gendlers fourth
Book – Current Conc-
epts in Astronomical Great starting point for anyone in-
Image Processing – terested in starting up with astrop-
is really one of a kind, hotography. This book starts off
and the title says it (as you'd expect) with the basics -
all. what to look for in a telescope,
Rob should be well then moves onto sections on how
known within the Ast to take photos with everything from
ro Community, his a digital compact, a webcam!, a dSLR then finally
outstanding images an astronomical CCD camera.
have been published Each section is further broken down into the same
in many magazines subsections: what kind of photos you can take with
and books, he was the particular type of camera, pros and cons of
awarded the “Hubble Prize” in 2007. He was using it, buying tips, how to take the photos and
featured in the PBS documentary “Seeing in finally how to process them.
the Dark”, worked together with Rogelio Bern-
al Andreo on the Hubble 3D Imax Movie, and This book is packed with excellent reference pho-
is a “World Leader” in having features on the tos, and covers the basics of astrophotography in
APOD website (currently 96 times as I write a lot of detail, and finishes off with an extensive list
this). of links to appropriate software, astronomy links,
For this Book, Rob managed to gather the camera and telescope manufacturers, and books.
cream of the crop in Amateur Astrophotogra- A must-buy for anyone considering taking photos
phy and Image Processing for this outstanding of the night sky. Be warned though, once you've
Masterpiece, and so you will find various cha- read it, you'll be outside on many a cold night!
pters written by top names like Tony Hallas,
Ken Crawford, Jay GaBany, Babek Tafreshi, Review by D. Graham
Damian Peach, Adam Block, Johannes Sche-
dler, Rogelio Bernal Andreo and many others, Great little book. For anyone
each one of them world-renowned in their par- taking up astrophotography
ticular area. as a hobby this book has
The book covers a wide range of topics like great advice on how to get
HDR Processing, Color Intensifying, Narrowb- started. I can highly recomm-
and Imaging, Solar, Lunar and Planetary Ima- end it.
ging, Earth & Sky Photography, and various Review by Alice Kay
Deep Sky Imaging Workflows. The chapters
usually concentrate on a single Workflow or Excellent little book for the
Process, giving you TONS of useful tips to serious astronomer or the
improve your Astrophotography and Image beginner looking for informa-
Processing Skills. Whatever you are looking tion on the night sky.
for: you’ll find it here, in one single book. Review by David B
I especially like to point out two excellent cha-
pters written by Rob himself, covering the rar- .............................................................................................................................
ely discussed area of Aesthetics and Compos- 29
ZW O A SI034M C Colou r 1/4"
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Resolution: 0.34Mega Pixels 728x512
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Pixel Size: 5.6µm
Exposure Rage: 64µs-60s a fforda ble
ROI: Supported
Interface: USB2.0
Bit rate: 8bit output
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Adaptor: 1.25" / M42X0.75
Dimension: φ62mm X 28mm
Weight: 100g
RRP £129
PRICE £118.80
The NEW ZWO ASI034MC is an excellent choice for an affordable
planetary camera. Its long exposure abilities are limited (60
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imager that can also serve as a deep sky one shot colour
camera as well, you'll be better off with a ZWO ASI120
or a ASI130. If you want to replace a modified web-
cam or a cheaper planetary imager, the ZWO ASI034
is the right camera for you.

Features of the NEW ZWO ASI034MC

Recommended for the Sun, Moon and planets.
(To image the Sun you'll have to use a proper front
solar filter or Herschel wedge depending on your
telescope. Please contact us here at Tring Astro if
not sure!)
Resolution: 728X512
M42X0.75 internal thread.

nforma ti on on this a ma zi
p la neta ry ca mera vi si
a k
Hills Observatory
by Malcolm Dent

Groundbreaking for the pier. A work colleage is

making me a custom made
the new pier. I have dug a reasona-
Hills Observatory ble depth but hit solid clay
and rock. so the pier fixing
bolts will be raised a
I have decided to have a couple of inches higher on
go at a dome. Gasps I the observatory floor after
hear all around. I just dont the flooring is fiited. No
have the space for a roll great worries really better
roof. It will be a six sided that than a bad back trying
wooden framework below a to excavate another 6
6 foot dome. Dome conce- inches.
pts are still developing at
present fibreglass is the
preferred option. I have
taken some ideas from
many of the amateur domes
I have seen.
My view has somewhat im-
proved with an almost to the
horizon view to the south.

Below is a shot of the garden

where Hills Observatory is to be Everthing is nice and
built. I was quite lucky in the respect that huge level and now waiting
patio slabs have been laid previously and are the concrete pour.
level. I have removed 2 slabs for the hole for Hopefully this aftern-
oon! fingers crossed.

What conservatories
were made for

When the weather is foul and the work still

needs to be done do I ‘don’ the wet weather
gear and wellies and slog it out like a true Brit,
NO WAY that is what conservatories were
made for I have spent a few hours glueing and
screwing the framework together in comfort.

To my surprise the cladding arrived this morning
and not Saturday as arranged (not complaining).
So another chance to get on, 5 sides have been
done. Very simple to do just attatch the end
strips and slide the 300mm pieces in, therefore
aligning perfctly with the top that will soon
support the fixed ring. I have also battoned at
each 300mm intersection to provide additional
strenth and support.I am nearly ready for a
fellow society member Tony to measure up for
the steel door. He is the same chap who made
the door for the last observatory. The doorway in
will be on the left side nearest the fence (north
facing) this affords easy acces when scopes are

The wind was a bit fierce and luckily the rain
cleared to allow long enough for me and my
daughter to get the framing up. It gave her 40
minutes away from essay writing so I think she
didn't mind helping.

So what have we got I decided that the obse-

rvatory would be hexagonal in shape. I have
used 3" x 2" for the general structure and used
the same for the flooring, once. Not a bad
morning's work.

I had arranged to get a days golf in today but

the bad weather has left me a little behind

I have the cladding coming tomorrow for the

exterior sides so todays job is to cut the batons
and to get rid of the rubbish.

Insu lationand ooring Look ing Good
The base ring has been completed . Just a couple
It has been a good week since anything has of coats of protection before bolting into place.
been done. A few well deserved days off work As you can see the dome ring is nearly there.
has allowed me to crack on. I have used A small upgrade to the jig had made the cutting
50mm Polystyrene insulation in the wall cava- process smoother. This job really takes time as
ties and under the floor as well as some secu- each piece is glued and screwed and clamped.
rity measueres to give added protection. This I lost several clamps during the move so having to
gave me the opportunity to install the cables make do.
to the light fittings, switches and get the heater Millimeter perfect on it's shape and looks fantastic
cables and enough mains sockets for future on to of the base ring giving me a 30mm clearance
add ons!! for rotation. I was going to use the 6 castor's from
the previous roll off roof but they look just to darn
Dom e ring big and out of place. I know they will never be on
Time well spent in show externally just not happy with them.
finishing off the inte-
rior. The pier base is
totally isolated from
the observatory and
my steel pier is curr-
ently under constru-
ction from Nathan a
welding tutor where
I work. I cant wait to
see it.

Probably the only tool I do not own is a router

and a fellow Breckland Astronomical Society
member Barry has lent me his. I have used THE DOOR.
12mm external grade ply and carefully cut out A few days ago Tony our chairman from our
the ring that will fit to the top of the walls I built society Breckland Astronomical Society delivered
a little jig and used a steel plate with a 4.5" and installed the steel door. He had to make a
gap to give a consistent sizing of the pieces small alteration to the frame as it was just off
cut. The castors will be mounted ontop of each square. Fits like a glove and now has 2 coats of
upright so distrubuting the load quite effectiv- red oxide primer. The inside has been painted
ely. black and the front hopefully will have the first of
I have cut 10 pieces that will be glued and its gloss white coats to match the siding.
screwed to give be a firm base ring on 24mm.
Haven't taken a pic of a pile of arc sections I received a text from Nathan to inform me the pier
but all they need is a sanding before constru- is now ready for collection. Cant wait to see it and
ction. get it up for a test run.
 e p ier
What phrase is it the kids are using these
days OMG. I think that sums it up.

Today I looked rather suspicious in the car

park at work doing what looked like a dodgy
deal from the back of 2 open car boots. Let
me put your minds at rest. I havent turned to
the dark side but I was collecting the custom
made pier made by a work colleague Nathan.

Taking us both to lift it in to my car I rushed it

home. I had to wait though till I got home that
evening to get it out from the dining room floor
and into position. I just had to know if it fits.

Oh My God it's huge. It's heavy and a hernier

later lifting it on, yes it fits perfectly onto 3 feet
of cured concrete. From the state of the wea-
ther forecast It may not be till next week until
I can get the scope attatched and do a polar
alignment. But for this minute I am one happy

It will get several coats of primer and a nice

Glossy black finish before it takes up perma-
nent resisdence at the new Hills Observatory.

My sincere thanks Nathan for a fantastic job.

 e p ier
You know that feeling you get in the pit of your
stomach when you you are about to do someting
and you are not sure if it is going to work?
I had that feeeling. It was the first clear sky since
the pier was installed and I wanted to get the
mount fitted and do a polar alignment. From day
one when I dug the hole I had been relying on the
fact that I had found north accuratly.
When I poured the concrete and set the bolts that
hold the pier. The shape of the building was also
set the the north alignment give allow an easy
access when scopes are parked.
 e pier
So I cannot put it off any longer it was time to ctions. ( I was going to say erections but I wont)
carry out the mount attatch to the new top pla- Ha ha
te and level it to the pier. It was an agonising
45 minute wait to see polaris. Finally the wait
was over and I nervously I peered through the
finder scope and wow there she was right
there where it needed to be.Success I didnt
have any doubts at all what was all the worry-
ing about.
Dont know what all the fuss was about..........

Taking Shape Progress

Had a few hours this afternoon and with a few As you can see progress has been made today I
extra helping hands, thank you Katie and Erin have completed all the arc sections. Last piece to
for your assistance in holding things steady. I do is the shutter sections. There will be a hinged
have managed to get the two main arches in shutter piece at the bottom the will drop down when
place and level and temporarily secured with required, the sliding section will roll back to the
some batons. The image (right) gives a close backstop of the shutter opening there will be an
up of the secondary arch that will be cover in overlap to stop the ingress of water.
hardboard ready for the fibreglass, and of You will see what I mean when they are done..
course the upper arch will allow for the shutter
to run on a smooth and true path backand
forth. Hopefully I can get the rest of the arcs
cut and have myself a dome. If I say so mys-
elf this is looking fantastic. First light will be a
momentus occasion. I hope I am inspiring a
few to have a go too. You can do it I am not
an engineer and using just the normal dome-
stic tools in my back garden. Give me a shout
and send me a link to your ideas and constru-
I have spent the day today making the shutter and
Slowly Slowly the the hinged door. The plan is to allow the door to
work progresses close into position and the shutter slide down over
As you can see I have managed to get the the top.
back panel on. I think it looks really good. I couldn't wait to see what it looked like ontop of the
Two gores also in place. These were much dome.
more difficult than I expected. I have studied
other designs and they suggest using wall pa
per to make a template. Easy enough I thoug-
ht until the wind took the first piece across the
road. The second piece tore itself away from
the pins holding it as another gust came along.
Only to find when I did get a template piece
and transferred it to the hardboard. Cut it out
really carefully BINGO it doesn't fit.

When you stretch the wall paper tight it stretc-

hes across the shortest distance not taking in
curvature the that thicker more solid hardboa-
rd needs. So I spent a great deal of time offeri- Fibreglass.
ng up and clamping a piece and trimming it
until I have a good fit. Thankfully as the struct- The day had finally arrived. I was not looking fow-
ure is square or round the template spun ard to doing the fibreglass. Have read a great deal
around has cut the gores for the opposite side. and so many contradicting statements had left me
I also managed to finish the corner gore. This a little unsure as to whether I wanted to undertake
one was really tricky as I can only clamp it from the task myself. A good conversation at work with
one side. Needed an extra set of hands to hold a colleague and I felt much better about doing it.
it in place against the rib so I could draw the
angle directly on to the panel. Well I am happy The plan really was going to be a little at a time.
with what I done today I think it looks really So here we go. Started off a little shaky by trying to
good. What do you think? press out the air bubbles to hard and spreading the
matting across the surface, I ripped that piece off
and tried again. Once you get used to what you are
trying to do it was plain sailing. Overall I am very
happy with what I have done. I give my thanks to
the guys at J.W Morris Mouldings for their help and
supply of a few gallons of resin.

Dome ready for Fibreglass

As you can see the dome is ready for the fibre-
glass. It has been a long slog to get to this part
especially as I have done everything myself,
the template making of the gores was someti-
mes difficult as I needed often more hands than
I currently own. Clamps help but the size often
required a little extra help to hold things in
place. Still I am very happy with the result so
It has taken me two and a half days to give a
couple of coats of matting and to help with a
smoother finish I have laid the tissue paper
matting on top. This pic shows the first of two
coats of gel coat with the missing part at the
bottom as I have decided to add the skirt after
the dome is in position. There are a few lumps
and bumps that can be sanded back quite
easily. Looking good I think?

Up, Up and away

The time has come and that horrible feeling in my
stomach has returned. Have my measurements
been accurate enough has my routing beed steady
can I glue and screw a perfect circle. Will the fibre-
glass peel away the second we start to lift. Anyway
my two neighbours are here and it now or nothing.
Before I can get the dome raised I need to get I am going to look and feel so stupid after all the
the main roller wheels on and aligned. Quite a banging and noise they have had to put up with.
simple job. The not so easy job was to align
the lateral guide rollers to exactly 1800mm end 1...............2...............3.............. lift.
of wheel to wheel apart and aligning them cen-
trally to the structure so when the dome turns
all wheels are in contact with the inner part of
the ring. With these in place I waited for my
neighbour Mark to come home as he offered
to help raise the roof.
Just a few more things to do
I have the skirt in place. I used 4mm ply to give
a good strenth and supported also by two layers
of fibreglass, I will give at least one gel coat.

"Ordo Ab Chao"
Well folks the time has arrived the observatory is
complete. It has taken four and a half months of
hard work. The kids only recognise me from the
family pictures on the wall!!!!!
I also continued work on the main shutter, I A few friends have asked was it a tough project.
have added a bit of weight with 2 coats of fibr- Answer. No, not really the only difficult part has
eglass aswell as overlapping seams to go been not having a workshop to allow me to conti-
around the corners. nue working when the weather changed which it
did frequently. Covering and unplugging power
I also have fiitted the roller wheels. An ingenio- tools packing them away wasted time. I have
us idea that was made possible by a local com- learnt numerous new skills including routing,
pany. I have also fitted the front and backstops fibreglassing. Oh and the Maths required to work
for the main shutter and a long hook allows out all the dome sections I thought I had long
and simple opening mechanism without too since forgotten.
much fuss. My club has asked me
to do a membership talk on the construction I am
Today also allowed me to add a few security looking forward to presenting.
features for which I wont go into detail but it
does stop the shutter being removed from the It has been a
outside as well as stooping gusts of wind to really great exp-
ripping it off. Bolts are also positioned to stop erience and the
unwanted rotation when not in use. title of this post
says I think I
And the inside of the dome got a coat of black have achieved
paint. My daughter has a few of those glow in Order From
the dark stars on her ceiling and has donated Chaos.
some for me to add to my ceiling when compl-
ete. If anyone has
I took a pile of scrap wood to the dump today any questions
and a chap next to me was dumping the cut please feel free
off carpet he had spare he kindly let me have to message me
it and that was laid this afternoon along wit a and I will be glad
good quality underlay. to offer any ass-
Now the shutters are in place I have installed istance.
the scopes, balanced and realigned them.
Numerous power supplies and leads have Many thanks to
been cable tidied. Malcolm Dent for allowing Amateur Astrophotogr-
aphy to publih these posts from his blog. 39
Pho to n sher

Object: NGC281 – Pacman - 2013 *HST palette which is accomplished by combining

(HST Palette*) sub frames using three narrowband filters that ca-
pture light produced by glowing hydrogen (Ha),
NGC 281 is a Hydrogen Alpha rich emission oxygen (OIII) and sulfur (SII) present in the nebula.
nebula in the constellation of Cassiopeia and Green is assigned to hydrogen, blue to oxygen and
is part of the Perseus Spiral Arm. Also in the red to the sulfur.
shot are the open cluster IC 1590 and the mu-
ltiple star HD 5005, plus several Bok globules. Acquisition Date: Between 10/1/2013 and
NGC281 is also known as the Pacman Nebula 10/3/2013
for its resemblance to the video game charac-
ter. Camera: SBIG ST8300M @ -15°C
Telescope: Stellarvue SV105T (f/7)
- Other designations - IC 11 - Sharpless 184 Mount: Losmandy G11 with Gemini II
- Distance: 9500 light years Guidescope: 50mm finder/guider
- Radius: 48 light years Guide Camera: Orion SSAG

NGC7380 & The Wizard Nebula (2012) Mount: Losmandy G11 with Gemini II

NGC 7380 (also known as the Wizard Nebula Guidescope: 50mm finder/guider
or Sharpless 142 Sh2-142) is an open cluster
with associated nebulosity located in the con- Guide Camera: Orion SSAG
stellation of Cepheus. It is about 7200 light
years from earth. Filters:
-Hydrogen Alpha (Ha): 8 x 15min. (120min.)
This was done in the HST palette which is -Oxygen III (OIII): 5 x 15min (75min)
accomplished by combining sub frames using -Sulfur II (SII): 5 x 15min (75min)
three narrowband filters that capture light pro- Total Exposure: 270min. (4.5hr)
duced by glowing hydrogen (Ha), oxygen
(OIII) and sulfur (SII) present in the nebula. Limiting Magnitude: 5.1
Green is assigned to hydrogen, blue to oxyg-
en and red to the sulfur. Comments: Baader Planetarium RCC I Rowe
Coma Corrector used.
Acquisition Date: 10/21/2012
Camera: SBIG ST8300M @ -12°C
Telescope: Orion 8-Inch f/3.9 Newtonian

Heart & Soul Nebulae (Mosaic) in HST* Acquisition Date: Between 9/11/2012 and
Palette 9/16/2012
Camera: SBIG ST8300M @ -12°C
This is a shot of IC1805 (The Heart Nebula – Telescope: Canon 200mm F2.8 L ULTRASONIC
also Sh2-190) and IC1848 (The Soul Nebula Mount: Losmandy G11 with Gemini II
– also Sh2-199, LBN 667). Located between Guidescope: ATLE80 80mm at f/4.8
6150 light years for the Heart and 6550 light Guide Camera: Orion SSAG with Televue
years for the Soul nebula from earth, the co- TRF2008 0.8x reducer
mplex is located in the Perseus Arm of the
Galaxy and can be observed in the constella-
tion Cassiopeia. Both objects are emission Filters:
nebula made of glowing gases and dark dust Heart Nebula(IC1805)
lanes. -Hydrogen Alpha (Ha): 8 x 15min (120min)
-Oxygen III (OIII): 8 x 15min (120min)
*HST palette is accomplished by combining -Sulfur II (SII): 9 x 20min (180min)
sub frames using three narrowband filters that Total Exposure: 420min (7 hours)
capture light produced by glowing hydrogen
(Ha), oxygen (OIII) and sulfur (SII) present in Soul Nebula(IC1848)
the nebula. Green is assigned to hydrogen, -Hydrogen Alpha (Ha): 9 x 15min (135min)
blue to oxygen and red to the sulfur. -Oxygen III (OIII):12 x 15min (180min)
-Sulfur II (SII): 9 x 20min (180min)
Total Exposure: 495min (8.25 hours)

46 Total Acquisition Time: 915 minutes 15.25 hours

IC410 & IC405 in Auriga (HST Palette) Camera: SBIG ST8300M @ -12° C
Telescope: Canon 200mm F2.8 L ULTRASONIC
Object: IC410 & IC405 in Auriga Lens
(HST Palette) Filters:
-Hydrogen Alpha (Ha): 14 x 15min (210min)
The Flaming Star Nebula (IC405) and the Ta- -Oxygen III (OIII): 18 x 15min (270min)
dpoles (IC410) are two emission nebulae loc- -Sulfur II (SII): 12 x 20min (240min)
ated in the constellation of Auriga. Total Exposure: 720min ( 12 hours)
IC405 (also: The Flaming Star Nebula,
SH 2-229, or Caldwell 31) is approximately Limiting Magnitude: 5.1
1500 light years distant. Comments:
IC410 (The Tadpoles) Surrounds the open Processed in Pixinsight 1.7 and Adobe Photoshop
start cluster NGC1893. It contains the “tadpo- CS5
les”, which are artifacts created by stellar
winds and radiation emanated from the star To view more of Photonfisher’s amazing images
cluster. please go to

Acquisition Date: Between 11/17/2012 and

All images and text by Kirk of Photonfisher.


Seeing conditions were poor this evening but Processed another video from
managed to get a (rather noisy) image of the 19/1, Vixen Atlux 150mm
Jupiter with the shadow of Europa transitting ED Refractor with SPC900 web-
the planet. Was hoping to get a bit more time cam & x 3 Barlow. Various adjust-
with the imaging program but the weather has ments made in CS 5.1. Taken @
other ideas. David White 22.16. Tony Barton

Jupiter from 22/01/2014.

Sky-Watcher 200PDS on
HEQ5-PRO, Canon 550D
triggered using EOS utility
to reduce vibration, 30s
video stacked using Autos-
takkert 2, wavelet sharpened
in Registax 6 and finished
using Photoshop CS5.
Image by M.Sathya Kumar

Image by Randall Evans

This is the best 2000 of a 3000 frame shot

taken with an Xbox £7 webcam.

Image by Terry Hunter

Title Image Jupiter on September 22nd, 2013

48 Taken with a Celestron C6 SCT, 2x Barlow, and ASI120MC.
by Joel Tonyan
S olar
Every issue Amatuer Astrophotography
Ezine will be dedicating a few of it’s pages
to the Solar System and the readers
images that they have taken of the
planets within our Solar System.

Amateur Astrophotography Ezine hopes

that this is something that the readers

S y stem
will enjoy.

If you would like to your image published

please go to our Flickr Group and upload
your images.

by Willow2173

Taken this evening 12/11/13.
Straight focal shot through a
Skywatcher 127.
Image by John Mills
Mars 2014-01-28 21:34 UT
CM 308.0°
Diameter : 8.6" equat
Location : Hong Kong, Sai Kung
Camera : DBK 21AS.04
Telescope : SCT 235mm F/10 + 5x = Focal
Lenght 2,350mm + 5x = F/50 11,750mm

Sun with sunspots 1968 & 1967

Nikon D7100 - Sigma 150-500mm -
Homemade filter
Image by Gareth Haring

DAYSTAR SolaREDI.7A 80 m m Sean brou g ht dow n the
m ons terific SR-127m m
J anu ary 20 14 s cope and the s leek ,
by Stephen W . Ram sden black SolaRedi80 m m
s cope for u s to try. This
Days tar filters ou t ofW arrens bu rg , M is s ou ri larg er s cope is als o being
(U SA ), g raciou s ly s u pplied the Charlie Bates s how narou nd the cou n-
Solar A s tronom yProject w ith a new SolaRedi try ina ps ychedelic, brain
80 m m .7A Hydrog en A lpha teles cope for a few w arping s pectral pattern
w eek s to u s e and review . that can be ordered as
anoption. Ithou g ht the
Firs t ofall, Ihope that this review is inform ative and nice pearl finis h onthis
u s efu lto the reader. The Charlie Bates Solar A s tro- w as beau tifu l, als o.
nom y Project (CBSA P) nonprofit 50 1c3 is inexis te- W e pu t both s copes on
nce for one reas ononly to s pread the s cience of a g rab and g o du alm o-
s olar as tronom y to s tu dents and the g eneralpu blic u nt and beg anou r obs -
throu g h ou treach events in the U nited States and erving .
s everal cou ntries arou nd the w orld. W e do not
s ell anything , w e do not pay any s alaries to anyone, I haven’t had any exp-
w e do not boos t ou r eg os throu g h s eek ing attenti- erience look ing throu g h
on, w e s im ply, and pas s ionately, believe that s hari- Days tar produ cts s ince
ng s cience is the qu ick es tand m os t effective w ay to pu rchas ing a SolaRedi w w w .days tarfilters .com
end political/relig iou s extrem is m and g etthe g lobal 60 m m in20 0 8 and then
com m u nity back ontrack tow ards interplanetary tak ing it back . I probably have m ore tim e beh-
and inters tellarexploration. ind the eyepiece ofCoronado and es pecially
L u nt s olar s copes thananyone onthe planet in
W e encou rag e and w elcom e you the reader to inve- the las t 6 years , s o m y opinionis bas ed onthis .
s tig ate, learn and s hare this aw es om e hobby w ith
you r com m u nity. W e als o pledg e to as s is t anyone
w ho w ants to s tart doing s olar as tronom y ou treach
w ith any m aterials or equ ipm ent that w e can.M ore
info can be fou nd at w w w .s olaras tronom

Sean L eag u e of Days tar Filters pos ted a com m -

ent onou r Solar Chat! foru m abou t the 80 m m
SolaRedi. A fter s everal pos ts and a com m ent from
m e, the next thing Ik new , he and his lovely fiancée
actu ally s how ed u p inA tlanta w ith tw o Days tar s c-
opes in hand to g ive a com plete dem o at ou r local
teles cope s tore, The Cam era Bu g
( w w w .cam erabu g .com ). W hat a s u rpris e!

The inform ation onthe rig ht is from the Days tar

w ebs ite. W hoever does Days tar’s g raphics s ho- The firs t thing Inoticed in both s copes w as that
u ld have their pay im m ediately tripled as they have the qu ality ofthe view s have increas ed L IG HT
the bes t catalog u e and w ebs ite inthe bu s ines s ! YEA RS beyond w hat Ihad s eenbefore in their
produ cts . Iliterally s aid “ w ow ” onthe firs t look
50 throu g h the SR-127.
The SolaRedi 80 is cons tru cted ofa very lig ht Now , s om ething you s hou ld k now abou t s olid
w eig ht 80 m m refractor, painted ina very lu xu riou s s paced etalons from Days tar they only w ork
s hiny black finis h. There is a fixed dew s hield aro= at F30 and at a certain reg u lated tem peratu re.
u nd the objective and a very long tu be that leads You have to plu g ina 12 VoltDC pow er s u p-
dow nto a s m all clam s hell, a finder s cope, a foc- ply into anAC ou tlet or u s e s om e other pow er
u s er that w illaccept 2 inch or 1.25 inch acces s or- s ou rce inorder to heat u p the etalon.The F30
ies , a Days tar .7A heated s olid etalonand a .5X is achieved by a 4X pow erm ate or barlow ins -
focalredu cing 1.25 inch diag onal. The s cope is ide the teles cope before the etalon.This m ak es
very attractive and look s cool althou g h Ifeelthe it im pos s ible to have a native view ofa fu ll
need to s cratch m y head at acom pany u s ing a dis k s olar im ag e. Days tar g ets arou nd this by
black OTA for a s olars cope.... u s ing a .5X focalredu cer bu ilt into the diag o-
The finder s cope has a w hite lig ht filter ins ide of nal.
it to m ak e it u ltra-s afe for ou treach. Seem s lik e a lot of g las s and hu bbu b to g et a
fu lldis k s olar im ag e bu t w hen Ilook ed into the
eyepiece, it really look ed g ood. The s cope pro-
vided a very w elllit red dis k w ithou t any appr-
eciable g lare s how ing edg e featu res brig htly
and s om e s u rface detail. Exactly w hat one
Is hou ld s ay thatI w ou ld expect from a .7A H -Alpha s olar s cope.
really m is s the one g ood
thing abou t the las t s cope Ibou g htfrom Days tar
and that is the red anodized M oonlitefocu s er that
they u s ed to u s e.The focu s er on this new SolaR-
edi80 m m is a far cry from the qu ality of the M oo-
nlite. The finder s cope, w hile anorig inalidea, is
ridicu lou s ly cheap and pos itioned s o that it is ju s t
w aiting to be brok en off. A Televu e Sol-Searcher
w ou ld be a m u ch m ore dependable finder and w ay
cooler look ing .
The idea ofa w hite lig ht filtered finder s cope is
s om ething new . I’m not s u re that this m ak es it any
eas ier to find the Su nas it is com pletely black
u ntilyou happenu ponit inthe finder.It w as pretty The thing that w as really noticeable vis u ally in
orig inal, thou g h. this s cope w as thatthe etalon w as tu ned to de-
ad center of the H -Alpha w aveleng th w ithou t
The firs t thing Ithou g ht of w henIs aw this any interactiononpart ofthe u s er. It can tak e
s cope w as thatit look ed lik e a SolarChat! foru m s everalm inu tes and s everalattem pts inchan-
u s ers PST M od w ith a s nazzy paint job.Itook off g ing tem peratu res to g et an air s paced etalon
thatcrazy finder s cope and w ent to w ork vis u ally. onband as g ood as this one w as rig ht from the
s tart. The Days tar filter had a k nob, w hich
cou ld be tu rned to s et the tem peratu re to the 83
deg F by tu rning it u ntil you felt the s top.You
cou ld als o heat or coolthe etalonat you r leis u -
re to g et the red and blu ew ing featu res availa-
ble inthe pres s u re ortilt tu ned m odels from
other vendors .

You cou ld s ee the s picu le ring arou nd the dis k

rig ht offthe bat and the Su ns pots penu m bra
w as eas ily s eenw ithou tany tu ning .This etalon
has anau tom atic heating and cooling s ys tem
that k eeps it perfectly onband.That w as a g reat
featu re.
The 127m m vers ionw as abou t a m illiontim es bet-
ter,bu t this 80 m m s cope held it’s ow nand it w as
eas y for pas s ers by to s ee the Su n’s prom inences
and s pots . It w as a nice view and abou t the s am e
vis u ally as w hat you cou ld g et from other vendors .
Ireplaced the focalredu cing diag onalw ith a s tan-
dard m odelto g et s om e F30 view s and itdidn’t
dis appoint. It g ave a decent clos e u p im ag e inline
w ith abou t w hat you w ou ld s ee inother s ing le etal-
ons copes at.7A.
Now , let’s talk abou t the cas e!
Ithentook the s cope and s etu p m y Point G rey This s cope cam e w ith a s u per nice hards hell
Res earch G ras s hopper 5.0 M P cam era onit to s ee cas e,w ith rollers and precis ely cu t foam ins ide.
w hat k ind of im ag ing cou ld be done w ith this s cope. The cas e w as really nicely done and k u dos to
Seanadvis ed m e that the s cope is m ark eted forvis - w ho ever decided to u s e thos e g reatlook ing
u alu s e bu t the w ebs ite has a banner u nder the s co- and du rable Pelicancas es . Iw is h every vendor
pe’s pictu re that s ays “ M axim ized for both vis u al took the tim e to provide a room y,long las ting
and photog raphic s u cces s !!” . and du rable cas e w ith their produ cts .
I’m g oing to have to g o w ith Sean’s w ord onthis
one as the im ag ing res u lts w ere not very g ood.
The s cope s u ffered from a dis tinct lack ofcontras t ,
s trong New ton’s ring s at native focalleng th and
heavy vig netting w henim ag ed throu g h the diag onal
or at native focalleng th.
There w as not enou g h infocu s to im ag e w ith the
diag onal s o Ihad to add a s m allbarlow .Here are The Bottom Line
s om e im ag es tak enthrou g h the s cope ontw o diff- This s cope w as pretty cooland g ave a fu ll dis k
erent ou ting s . and u p clos e im ag e vis u ally of the Su nthat w as
rig ht onpar w ith the com petition.The etalontu ni-
W ith the focal redu cing diag onal and a1 .6 barlow ng m echanis m w as perfectly des ig ned and im pl-
added to reach focu s em ented and the etalonw as excellent. The
s cope w as very lig ht w eig ht and eas y to handle
for ou treach events .
The finder s cope w as ,u h… ..s illy bu t “A” for eff-
ort. The focu s er w as abou t s tandard for today’s
m ark et inthat it lefta lot to be des ired bu t w ou ld
w ork fine vis u ally.Don’t eventhink abou t pu tting
a DSL R or binoview ers onit thou g h,it w ou ldn’t
W ithou t the diag onal hold. The cas e w as fantas tic and the literatu re
provided w ith the s cope w as top notch and w ell
des ig ned. The g raphics onthe catalog u e and
the inform ationins ide w as lik e a w ell-w ritten
book abou t the Su n.It w as really incredibly im p-
res s ive.
This teles cope had the look and feelof very att-
ractive PST m odded to a larg er apertu re and
g ave abou t the s am e view s as a com petitor’s
40 or 60 m m s cope. It w as u nu s able for im ag ing .
TO P RIG HT: If this s cope w ere priced at $ 999 it w ou ld s ell
and finally aprom inence im ag e focu s ed as w ell as lik e hotcak es bu t at $ 3599 Idon’t think it w ou ld
Icou ld g etit: be m y firs tchoice.You r m ileag e m ay vary and
overallIw elcom e com petitioninthe s olar s cope
m ark et. Questions? Contact m e at
s ram s den@ s olaras tronom
Centaurus A
Centaurus A is a peculiar galaxy formed from emitted from its core creates relativistic (½ C) jets
the collision of two galaxies billions of years of high energy particles.
ago. Centaurus A was discovered by James
Dunlop in New South Wales, Australia in Centaurus A is also very active in the X-ray and
1826. At a distance between 14 and 16 Radio wavelengths.
million light-years it is one of the closest
active star burst galaxies to us.
Imaged this morning (28th January 2014)
from Siding Springs, New South Wales, Australia.
At its center is a supermassive black hole
with the mass of 55 million Suns. The energy Image and text from Fred Hermann.

Pier Project
1. Location

I decided about a year ago that I wanted to try Use this website
and improve my astro imaging so as well as ( for determin-
an upgrade to an HEQ5 pro I also wanted to ing true North. You simply find the location of
try my hand at building and installing my own where your pier is going to be sited and put down
pier in the garden. I started by doing my home the marker. This gives you the longitude and latit-
work, numerous hours trawling the net for ide- ude co-ordinates. You then add another marker
as, methods, do’s and don’ts. The pier had to keeping the same longitude but increasing the lat-
be aesthetically pleasing as well as solid and itude a little towards the North. This gives a 2nd
functional. After I had an idea of what I’d like point that is exactly (true) North of you pier location.
to end up with the next task was location.

Unfortunately when the picture was taken we had

So here is my garden. It’s small and doesn’t a gazebo in the garden so I had to estimate the
have a great deal of space to play with. I nee- rough location indicated by the red marker. The
ded to place the pier in a position that would blue marker is true north which puts it roughly be-
give the best possible views whilst also not im- tween the 2 vent stacks on the roof circled in
peding on the garden too much. I decided to yellow.
go for an area roughly in the same place as
the red ball (yes I did put it there for the purpo-
se of the picture).

The garden provides views North, South and

West (East being blocked by the house) down
to around 20/30 degrees above the horizon.

It is important to ensure you know the directi-

on of true North. The more accurately you set
your pier to this the easier your polar alignme-
nt will be.

The dimensions are
2. The Pier
Overall diameter = 236mm (this governed the di
Now the location and a rough direction were ameter of the top plate I had welded to the top of
set it was time to look at the pier itself. I wan- the post)
ted to have around 900mm to 1 meter above
ground and decided on around 500mm to 600m Overall height = 46mm
m below ground with a square plate on the
bottom encased in concrete. A quick design Centre hole diameter = 62mm
in MS paint and I ended up with this.
Disc thickness = 12mm

A commonly seen method for attaching disc to

the top plate of the pier is to raise the disc a few
inches above the top plate using threaded rod.
This then allows you to access the underside to
tighten and undo the hold down bolt of your mou-
nt and also allow levelling adjustments as shown
in the image below.

I was lucky enough to acquire some left over

pipe and some 13mm plating from work which
along with these drawings were given to the
fabricator to be cut and welded for which they
charged me £ 30.
Image by Tony King
I needed now to come up with a way of attach
ing the mount to the pier and found a few exa-
mples on the web that were using car brake Purely from an aesthetical point of view I wanted
discs. One of the sites listed the disc I would to try and avoid this although I don’t think it makes
need to take my HEQ5 perfectly. I found it on any difference in stability. To achieve it I had to
eBay for £ 10, turns out it was for a Skoda overcome 2 main issues. Firstly how was I going
Favorit. to gain access to the hold down bolt if it was
down inside the pipe? And secondly without the
threaded rod how was I going to level the top


scissor shovels and the customary garden

spade and fork. I know very little about gro-
und work but I do know one thing…….flint is
hard!! And when you are digging a hole in
ground that seems to be more flint than
earth it is pretty hard going! As it turns out
the combination of pick axe and garden
spade seemed to work best until I got down
deep and had to use a trowel to excavate
what the pick axe had loosened. It took the
best part of day to dig the hole but was kind
of satisfying (not to mention a relief) to see
it finished.

I put a small circular spirit level on top of the pier

and manipulated the whole thing until I was happy
it was level and managed to get it very close.

The second issue about levelling now need-

ed to be addressed however, having a perf-
ectly level pier is not essential and polar ali-
gnment can still be achieved so I was going
to be happy as long as I could get close to
level. I added some reinforcing bar to the
bottom of the hole and levelled them as best
as I could. Nothing technical just a hammer
and a spirit level checking in all directions.
Over time I expect the pier will go out of level as
Once I had them somewhere close I mixed
the ground moves but I’ll keep an eye on it worse
up a small bag of post-Crete and poured
case is that I’ll have to raise the disc up using
this into the bottom making sure it covered
threaded rod or perhaps add some shims but only
the bottom and buried the re-bar. I allowed
time will tell. I then had to mix and add the concr-
this to harden a little before trowelling it over
ete. In the end I used 16 bags of B&Q’s ready mix
again getting it as close to level as possible
concrete which was more than I had imagined
I also added some polythene sheeting which
needing and was very grateful for the loan of
I hoped would help with moisture. It was
cement mixer. We were fortunate enough to get
now time to carefully lower the pier in and
some prolonged good weather so I picked a day
allow it to sit on the re-bar. This forced the
and went for it with assistance from my wife.
still workable post-Crete around the side of
You may also notice that the tree at the back of
the bottom plate and formed a nice barrier
the garden has gone!!
(as far as I could tell) between the ground
and the plate. Possibly all a bit OTT but I
It was simply a case of pouring the concrete into
thought better that way as it was a simple
the hole whilst all the time checking the spirit level
thing to do.
on top to make sure there was no movement. I
56 finished the concrete around 100mm from the top

This left me with an idea of where to drill the hole

when the mount was removed. I measured the
thickness of the metal and added another strip of
tape. The pencil mark shows where I needed to

I drilled an 8mm hole through the disc and attach-

The next task was to add a small spigot to the ed an M8 threaded rod connector which is just
top of the disc for the azimuth adjustment high enough for the azimuth bolts to hit.
screws of the mount to work against. Although
I had made my map showing me where true
north was I decided it was far easier to attach
the mount and perform a polar alignment of it
to give me my true north position.

I cantered Polaris in the polar scope using the

altitude bolts but manually twisting the mount
in azimuth.

My thinking was that if Polaris was

centred in the scope cross hairs and I took
that as my true north direction I would have
enough azimuth adjustment in both directions
to properly polar align.
Tests using the azimuth screws showed that it
Once centred, I marked the mount outline with works perfectly and here is the finished pier with
electrical tape. mount and scope attached.
truly dark skies.
I hope this write up has provided some inspiration
and ideas to help get you started.

If anyone has questions or would like advice I can

be contacted via email at

A brililliant article. Many thanks to Steve Bassett

for the editorial and images.
For more of Steve’s work, please visit his website


Going forward I plan to add something to the

top when the mount is not attached possibly a
sun dial or a bird table just to give the post anot
her use. I may also fill the post with cement or
maybe just sand as it is possible to drop things
down inside the post and it may also fill with

I have also added my first image taken using

this pier. For the first time I took 180sec
exposures which is pretty good for an ungui-
ded set up but I plan on trying 240sec next
& get in touch

In conclusion I really enjoyed doing this proje-

ct and if anyone is considering having a go I
would say go for it. The stability that I get now
for both observing and imaging has improved
considerably my only wish is that I could take
it out into the field with me and use it under
A View from MyScope –
My main goal for this session was to image Jupiter
so, I set up my laptop running Sharpcap with the
Philips Webcam.

 e Setu p
As it had been a while since I got any meaningful
viewing in, I initially took it slow.
First I got my target lined up with the 25mm eyep-
iece. I was delighted to see how much detail I could
This morning was the first time in a long time make out, The 4 moons were clearly visible and I
that I had a chance to take the telescope out could make out the two main cloud bands.
and get some real good stargazing done.
I am not sure but I think the image was clearer than
Although I had work this morning, I got an pre collimation, I was pleased with this as it meant
early start and got up at 4.30am. The target my collimation was approaching being correct.
this morning was Jupiter. I had recently purc- Although I did notice that the image might disappear
hased a Philip SPC900 webcam and I was a little early in the eyepiece, I think this means that
keen to see how it performed. As well as the my secondary mirror is not low enough in the tube.
webcam I also purchased a Revelation 5x
Barlow earlier in the year and this would be Once I was happy that Jupiter was in the centre of
the first proper opportunity I had to use it. my view, I swapped out the eyepiece for the Philips
webcam. Once I had all lined up I had to play with
I had recently spent considerable time collim- a few settings on sharpcap to get an image (maxed
ating my telescope after discovering, I was out gain and exposure). I then centred the target on
doing it wrong all last year. Although I think it the laptop screen and went about focusing. It was
is still not quite right, I was pleased with the at this point that I noticed my lack of polar alignm-
results. ent, as Jupiter had moved a great deal and was
I have a new rule for this observing season: almost out of my field of view in just a minute or two.
Stick to one Target
I was happy with the focus I had achieved and
Meaning don’t try and do too much in one decided to try and get an image of Jupiter with its
observing and imaging session, pick a target moons in the same shot. I took 2 minutes of footage
and get some good footage / images of it. with only the gain and exposure set correctly for
Then spend some time observing. Jupiter, then I took 2 minutes of footage with the
image over exposed to help bring out the moons.
Conwas an incredibly
d itions clear sky this morning, My plan was to get two images and combine in post
with next to no wind. Ideal conditions for processing.
imaging. However my dark skies time was
limited as dawn was approaching.

The timeprestraints that I had this morning

 e Setu
meant I did not do a polar alignment. I usually
find this is easiest at dusk when you can
make out the polar markings on the scope.
Jupiter and the 4 Galilean Moons
From there I upped magnification and put in a When operating at such high mags I will need to
2x barlow. I was pleased with the video footage spend some time on polar alignment.
I managed to obtain with this, focus looked My  ou ghts
good as did the saturation and contrast.
Happy with the footage I got, I took a look and
could see Orion nebula, I spent some time looking
at it and back to my DSLR thinking “do I have time
to set all up”. I was glad I stuck to my rule as sett-
ing up for DSLR would have been too long. So I
decided on some old fashioned observing.

I first pointed the telescope at the Orion Nebula

Jupiter with Europa, IO and Ganymede
and popped in a 25mm eyepiece. Even with the
using a 2x barlow
sun coming up I was clearly able to make out the
nebula, I also tried it with a UHC filter, and for the
Buoyed by the footage I got with the 2x barlow, first time using this filter I really noticed a change,
I decided to have a go at 5x barlow. Immediat- it was an awful lot easier to make out the nebula
ely I could tell that I was pushing my telescope and a hint of colour could even be seen.
to the limit, but with a lot of effort and some
manual guiding I was able to get some footage I could easily see the trapezium (4 stars at the ce-
of Jupiter with reasonable quality. ntre), I then decided to try the 6mm.
Again the 6mm showed great detail within the
There were times when I lost Jupiter in my cloud and I could easily discern the outline of the
FOV, even once I had to start all over again nebula.
and start with a 25mm and move my way up I the tried the UHC filter on the 6mm eyepiece but
from 2x to 5x barlows. was not happy with the image it produced, so rem-
oved it again.

At this point it was really starting to get light, so

one last target to have a look at was the Pleiades,
These always look magnificent and did not disap-
point again, Best viewed with the 25mm

It was now getting to bright to observe anything

meaningful but out of curiosity i decided to check
my polar alignment through the polar scope.
Jupiter with a 5x barlow
(viewing Good)
I was way out, so I did some adjustment to at
My  ou ghts least being my declination back in line.

Overall I was happy with the performance of My next session I plan on trying out some deep
the new kit, The Philips webcam in particular sky shots. I have not had an opportunity to use
has a lot of options open up to it. I would like the auto-guiding system I built during the summer,
to do a head to head with the MS webcam so want to see how successful it is or not.
some night.
Just remember stick to the Rule.
The 5x barlow allowed a very close up image,
but unless viewing is excellent I think it might STICK TO ONE TARGET !!!!!!!!
just be to much. Might look at selling the 5x
and get a 3x. This I think would give me the Images and editorial by Ronan of
ideal cross between magnification and focus.
A Supernova
was born!!!
M82 goes by the name the Cigar Galaxy from This new supernova is currently named
the shape of the Galaxy long and thin, just like PSN J09554214+6940260, it's a Type la expl-
a cigar. M82 is one of the closer galaxies to osion.
Earth being just 12 million light years away from In terms that everyone can understand, while
us, and if you know where to look (Stellarium is we here on Earth are going about our daily
a great advantage here) it can be seen through routines, is the total destruction of a planet
a pair of binoculars or a 3" scope. sized star called a White Dwarf.

It is very surprising that nobody noticed the This planet sized star spent millennia gravitat-
Supernova earlier by either professional astron- ionally siphoning off gas from a near star. As
omers or even amateur astrophotographers in soon as the star reached it's ultimate limit of
their back yard. 1.4 times the mass of the Sun, it imploded
At it's discovery it was brighter than 12th magni- under it's own weight and heated up to billions
tude, if somebody had only been looking, as it of degrees in temperature and burned up
was very obvious from the 16th of January at explosively. A supernova was born.
13.9 magnitude, then 13.3 by the 17th and then
12.2 by the 19th. Image by Malcolm Dent

Supernova, M81 & M82. Image by Stewart Ledbury
Supernova in M82. Single 90
second exposure using a William
optics megrez 72 with a astro
modified canon 550D on a HEQ5
pro mount.

M82 Supernova 1-26-14

20140125-M82 SN2014J
Total 138min (HA combined to R only)
H-Alpha - 1x600sec, 1x300sec & 4x450sec (45min)
RG - 10x180sec
B - 11x180s
Stacked in DeepSkyStacker, processed in PS2
Telescope: Celestron C8 (@f/6.3)
Camera: Atik 314L+ Mono
Filters: Baader H-Alpha 7nm, RGB Image taken by Willow
Mount: AZ EQ6-GT goto, PhD guided using Orion OAG & SSAG.
Unprocessed shot of SN 2014

SN 2014J is a Type Ia supern-

ova in Messier 82 (the 'Cigar Galaxy',

Taken With Nikon D7100

150-500mm Sigma Lens
No guiding

Image by Gareth Harding

M81 & M82

Image by
Chris Sinclair

M81 & M82

Image by
Tich Wykes
M82 Supernova SN2014J Image by Andre van der Hoeven

Recently there was a supernova in M82,

the Cigar galaxy. Last 2 nights I could

image this supernova together with the

'sister' galaxy of M82, which is M81, aka
Bode's galaxy. In total I got 17.3 hours
of imagery for this one. I even detect
some IFN in the image from my very
light polluted (Bortle scale 7) location.

lum: 77x10 min

B,G: 6x10 min
R: 15x10 min

Scope: TEC140
Camera: QSI-583ws

Image by Kirk
Wide Field
Summer Milky Way Rise Memory image by VINCENT CHENG

Amateur Astrophotography need not cost any- capture some galaxies, again, given that the correct
one the Earth. A DSLR, can produce some settings are programmed into your DSLR first.
amazing images. These days, even some
mobile phones are capable of so much more The next few pages are dedicated to wide field
than they were say, just five years ago. astro photography. It is usually (when possible) to
focus your lens to infintiy, there are countless
With the correct location on a moonless night explanations online how this is achieved and very
it is amazing the quality of image that can easily simple too.
produced. Here are some camera settings that may help:-
· Manual mode
OK, mobile phones are great for some wide field · Fixed exposure time (5,10,15,20 seconds or “Bulb”)
astrophotography, some aateur astrophotograp- · No flash
hers, even use them to take images through · Widest aperture possible
their telescopes. · ISO 400 or higher (higher than 800 can be useful
for faint objects but will introduce more noise)
With the right lens and the correct exposure · Highest resolution picture mode possible
time and DSLR settings, some images can even · Set white balance to daylight saving mode
Readers Im ag es
w ide eld
Orion from Alderney
Alderney has wonderful "dark
Skies" and this is a photo of
Orion taken from an area of the town
call "The Buttes".

Image taken by Neil Howard.

Moon and Saturn

Image taken by
Henry Weiland

Me and my set up
image by Chris Sinclair

Andromeda Galaxy, The Milky Way and a bit of aurora

A heavily processed version of my Andromeda, Milky Way picture!
I like to play around every now and then too This amazing image
was takn by Mia Stålnacke. Check here Flickr page for more amazing

5am moon & Jupiter

image taken by
Dafydd Snelling

Orion, Image taken by David White

Milky Way, France Image by

M45 Pleiades Image by Craig Chew-Moulding, Anna (

Loch More Star Trail

by Chris Sinclair

Perseids 12/08/13
Image by Gareth Harding

Lunar halo 25mm

Image by April Harper

Painting with Light
Yet again a 'snapshot' taken in
a backyard, this time camera
balanced on a kids chair.

Image by John Mills

Jupiter and friends over Bothy

Image by Chris Sinclair

Image by Steve Walsh

9pm moon and Jupiter

9pm Moon and Jupiter taken on

18th Jan 2014
Balsamic Moon, 4% illuminated with Venus in tropical Capricorn. Image by Eva Young

VENUS OVER THE ROOF TOPS Image taken by Victoria Dewswith a Sony Cybershot
Orions Belt & Sword






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