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Three-Phase Power Measurement

Three-phase power measurement by two wattmeter method for balanced and unbalanced

Brief Theory:
The connection diagram for the
measurement of power in three phase
power measurement circuit using two
wattmeter's method is shown in fig .
This is irrespective of the circuit
connection being star or delta. The
circuit may be taken as balanced or
unbalanced one, balanced type being
only a special case. Please note the
connection of two wattmeters. The
current coil of the wattmeters 1 and 2
in series with R and B phase with the
pressure voltage coils being connected

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across R-Y and B-Y respectively. Y is the third phase in which no current coil is connected.
Hence we get:

Equation (1) is
compared with equation (3) to give the total instantaneous power consumed in the circuit.
They are found to be the same.
Also by manipulating the sum and difference of W1 and W2 we get the power factor:

1.Balanced Load
Circuit diagram:

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Apparatus :

Device Rating

AC 3 phase supply 110 V , 3-phase , 50Hz

Fuse ( 3 NOs.) 3A

Ammeter ( 3 NOs.) MI 0-5 A

Voltmeter ( 1NO.) MI 0-150 V

Rheostats ( 3 NOs.) 4.1 A 26 Ω

Wattmeter ( 2 NOs.) 150V , 2.5/5 A

Observation Table:

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Phasor Diagram:
At discussions


VL = Line Voltage


We get a maximum error of 0.0057 % and thus verified

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2. Unbalanced Load

Circuit Diagram:

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Apparatus :
Device Rating

AC Supply 110 V , 3-phase , 50Hz supply

Fuse ( 3 NOs.) 3A

Ammeter ( 3 NOs.) MI 0-5 A

Voltmeter ( 1 NO.) MI 0-150 V

Rheostats ( 3 NOs.) 4.1 A 26 Ω

Wattmeter ( 2 NOs.) 150V , 2.5/5 A

Multimeter/Voltmeter for each Rheostat

Observation Table:

Phasor Diagram:
At discussion

Wc = V1I1 + V2I2 +V3I3
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We get a maximum error of 0.177% and thus verified.

Q1. What do you understand by a balanced three-phase load?

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Ans:-When the 3 phase Load impedances are equal in both magnitude and sign, its known as
balanced three-phase load.This is because power lost in branch is same as the impedance of
each branch is same.We could have both star and delta shaped balanced 3 phase loads:

Q2. How would you measure power using a) Three wattmeters and b) One wattmeter
for balanced/unbalanced loads?
a) Three Wattmeter:
The Sum of the three readings will provide total power absorbed for both balanced and
unbalanced load.
b) One Wattmeter:
Measure power consumed in any one branch and multiply by 3.

Ptotal=3 x Pone branch

Since each branch is identical.

Measure across each branch and sum them up.

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Ptotal= Pbranch 1 + Pbranch 1 +Pbranch 3

Q3. Is it possible to measure the power factor of the balanced three –phase load by two
wattmeter method?
Ans: Yes, it’s possible by the following method:
VL - Line Voltage
IL - Line Current
P1 - Wattmeter 1 reading
P2 - Wattmeter 2 reading

Thus we get the Power Factor.

Q4. Comment on the neutral to start point voltage for each case.
It will be exactly zero , with no potential difference.
This is because the magnitude of the Resistance is exactly same in all three branches ( star or
delta ). Since the currents are same in magnitude with 120o Phase difference, there is no
neutral current and the voltage at the neutral point will exactly add up to zero
Will never be zero.
Here there exists Netrual current since currents are no more equal in magnitude since
different load values are present

Q5. Phasor diagrams: Balanced Load:

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Unbalanced Load:

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