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Final Examination Differential Equation

Classify the following differential equation: exp(x)dy/dx + 3y = x 2y

a) Separable and not linear. b) Linear and not separable.

c) Both separable and linear. d) Neither separable nor linear.

Classify the following differential equation: wdw/dt + 3t = 10

a) Separable and not linear. b) Linear and not separable.

c) Both separable and linear. d) Neither separable nor linear.

Classify the following differential equation: dx/dt = (x + 2xt + cos (t))/(1 + t 2)

a) Separable and not linear. b) Linear and not separable.

c) Both separable and linear. d) Neither separable nor linear.

Classify the following differential equation: dz/dt = 1 + z + t + zt

a) Separable and not linear. b) Linear and not separable.

c) Neither separable nor linear. d) Both separable and linear.

Suppose y is a function of x. Which of the following is d(x 3y)/dx ?

a) 3x2y + x3dy/dx b) 3x2y

c) 3x2dy dx d) 3x2y + x3

Identify the functions p(t) and q(t) if the differential equation dx/dt = (x+t 2−2xt)/t is written in the form
dx/dt + p(t)x = q(t).

a) It is not possible to write the equation in the form described.

b) p(t) = 2t − 1, q(t) = t2.

c) p(t) = 1 − 2t, q(t) = t.

d) p(t) = (2t−1)/t , q(t) = t.

An integrating factor, I(x), is found for the linear differential equation (1 + x 2)dy/dx + xy = 0, and the
equation is rewritten as d dx(I(x)y) = 0. Which of the following options is correct? Exactly one option
must be correct)

a) I(x) = exp(x2)∕2 b) I(x) = (1 + x2)^(1/2)

c) I(x) = 1 + x2 d) It is not possible to find such a function I(x).

Which of the following differential equations is equivalent to d(e xy)/dx= exx?

a) exdy/dx = exx b) exdy/dx + exy = exx

c) dy/dx = x d) dy/dx = exp(x) – y

Consider the linear differential equation dy/dx + xy/(1+x) = 1 + x.

The integrating factor is

a) ex b) ex/(1 + x)

c) ex(1 + x) d) ex+x2∕2

Find the general solution to the differential equation dy/dx + xy/(1+x) = 1 + x.

(In each of the following options C is an arbitrary constant.) Exactly one option must be correct)

a) (1 + Cexp(−x))(1 + x) b) 1 + x + C

c) C(1 + x) d) exp(−x)(x + x2/2 + C)(1 + x)

Find the general solution to dx/dt = 1 + t − x − xt.

(In each option, C is an arbitrary constant.) Exactly one option must be correct)

a) x = Cexp(−t) b) x = 1 – Cexp(t)+t2∕2

c) x = 1 – Cexp(−t)−t2∕2 d) x = exp(−t)−t2∕2 (t + t2/2 + C)

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