Instructor Assessment-Microteaching-Jon Zook

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Instructor Assessment for Microteaching Presentation

Name: Jon Zook

ExpectationsNot Meeting

Plans effectively for instruction X

Provides effectively written lesson plan X
Organizes instruction effectively X
Provides clear direction and instruction
Engages peers in effective learning using X
appropriate instructional approaches
Communicates verbally effectively (tone, volume, X
expressiveness, grammar, language, etc.)
Communicates non-verbally effectively (gestures, X
expressions, eye contact congruence)
Self-assess the effectiveness of own teaching X
Demonstrates confidence, composure, and poise X
Comments: time: I enjoyed watching your lesson and it makes me interested enough to watch
a game, and although it is not likely something I want to try, I think would be appealing to
children and youth.
Interesting introduction by connecting When using this (or any) video clip, (movie,
Lacrosse to the history of Canada and our etc.) set students up to get the most out of the
Indigenous peoples as well as talking about it viewing by being specific about what you
as Canada’s national summer sport, helps to want them to look for as they watch. That will
‘hook’ your students into wanting to engage help them to focus and have things to watch
in the learning. Additional information about for. We need to teach kids how to ‘watch’ and
the 2 types of lacrosse was interesting and as learn appropriately from this kind of resource
you narrowed it down to talk about box as they are engaged in so much unfocused
lacrosse as opposed to field lacrosse, it was viewing on their screens today.
an effective segue into the activity part of the
lesson. Don’t forget to introduce yourself in
this kind of situation although that would not
generally be necessary in a typical classroom
situation unless you are coming in as a
substitute or specialist teacher.
Provided a clear outline of what you planned Think about including some print support to
to cover in the lesson and then followed accompany your verbal explanations as this
through to cover areas you said you were will help you reach students who have a
going to teach. Very clear demonstration, all variety of learning styles. You could have
the motions you made were easy to see and to used a slide at the beginning to outline your
follow. Excellent use of the video clip of lesson, or at the end when you did your
famous player to demonstrate the more summary.
complex task of passing the ball. Once the
video clip was finished you took time to
review what had been covered and then
reinforced the skills with your own additional
Good volume and tone throughout the lesson,
you were knowledgeable and confident with
your content and in your presentation. The
movement and gestures you used throughout
were consistent with what you were sharing

Effective summary in which you reviewed

the key elements of your lesson, including the
historical significance and the importance of
sport, the need to grow the game. You also
summarized the 3 specific skills you
addressed in the lesson.
You refereed to a wide variety of other
resources that are available for players,
coaches and those interested in learning
Self Assessment
Good recognition that finding the best way to When you are writing about deviations from
share the information is critical. This is you plan in the observation section, you need
especially true if you know the content or to be more specific about what they were.
process well yourself, because you think that When you really start self-assessing your
if it is easy for you, it will be easy for teaching of lessons, you will often find that
someone else to understand, and that is often the problems occur in the process and not just
not true. the content, or the fact that you made an on
the spot decision to make a change is what
made the lesson effective (e.g. the change
Although you appeared fairly confident in could have been because of your ongoing
your presentation, if you don’t feel confident, assessment of your students.- you may make a
then it is an important area to work on. In change because you find they are not
teaching, we often tell student teachers to comprehending and so you find a different
‘fake it until you make it’ so at least acting way to explain or demonstrate; they may be
like you are confident is a good starting showing that they are bored, so you make a
place. You have some really good strategies change; they may be losing control with their
for working on your improvement goal. Try behaviour so you make a change) If you don’t
and be a bit more specific with your timeline have the details recorded you will have a more
for doing some of these things as you are difficult time of truly determining what went
much more likely to follow through. (e.g. right or wrong and setting an improvement
instead of ‘talking with people I know in the goal.
teaching profession” plan and book a time
with someone – I will schedule a lunch time
meeting with X during the week of June 20
and then make sure you follow through.

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