A Study On Process and Tribological Behavior of AI Alloy / Gr. (P) Composite C.B. B

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ELSEVIER Wear 217 (1998) 167-174

A study on process and tribological behavior of

AI alloy / Gr. (p) composite
C.B. Lin *, R.J. Chang", W.P. Weng b
Department q~fMechanical Engineering. Tamkang Unive~ily. Tam.~ui 25137. Taiwan
b ht.~tile*le t~fMawrials Science uml Eugineering. Natiomd Taiwan Unirersity. Taipei 1O672. Taiwun
Received28 October 1997:accepted20 March 1998

A process and an equipment have been successfully used to manufacture 6061 aluminum alloy/O-6 wt.~ (6 ttm) graphite paniculate
composite material. The graphite particulates are distributed uniformly within the AI alloy matrix. The results showed that tensile pfopertie~
of these composites have been reduced. However. the hardness is remaining practically unchanged. In the wear microstracture of the
uareinforced alloy, we can ob~rve the ploughing generated by the hard AI chip clusters on the wearing material. The tribological behavior
of the composites in the T6 beat-treated eonditiou is better than in the annealed condition or than that of the unreinforced alloy. The wear
weight loss is reduced with increasing content of graphite particulates and sfiding speed. © 1998 El~vier Science S.A. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Aluminummatrixgraphiteparticulatecomposite:Tensile: Hardness:Wear: Phmgh:Tribnl~ical

I, Introduction lubricating film on the wearing surface. According to Gibson

et al. 12 I. if 2 wt.C~ graphite particulate is added to AI alloy.
Gibson et al. [ 1,2] and Das et al. [31 found that a solid the friction cuefficie,at, wear rate, and contact temperature of
state lubricating film could he formed on the wearing surface the composite material are reduced. For 8 wt.% graphite par-
after adding graphite particulates into AI alloy. It helps to ticulates addition, the composite becomes brittle, and the
reduce the friction coefficient, contact Table 3 temperature. wear rate iucrea~s. Biswas and Pramila I I01 have indicated
and abrasive wear of the lubricating surface. It also helps to that the wear rate of graphite particulate-reinforcedcomposite
increase the anti-seizing effect and tribological behavior of iucre&~es with increasing the volume fraction of graphite
AI alloy. Under insufficient liquid lubrication, the solid state particulates. Rohatgi and Pr~c,ad I I I ] reached the .same con-
lubricating film of graphite can be u ~ d as a remedy [41. clusion and have demonstrated that due to the low ~rength
Krishnan et al. [ 5 ] found that the contact angle between AI at the interface between graphite particulates and AI alloy.
and graphite particulates is as high as 160° when molten AI and the prepuce porosity at the interface the graphite partic-
is at temperature below 1080°C. Therefore. it is not easy to ulates easily fracture and spall along the sliding direction with
add graphite particulates directly to AI melt. There are many voids left on the friction surface.
methods for improving wettability between graphite partic- Jha et al. [ 12] have indicated that during the production
ulate and AI melt, such as ( I ) UPAL method ( A direct process of AI alloy/graphite particulate composite material,
method of preparing cast AI alloy-graphite particulate com- clusters that form due to an uneven distribution of graphite
posites using uncoated graphite particulates) [ 51; (2) com- particulates contain porosity which embrittles the material.
pocasting method [ I I; (3) pellet method 161; (4) vortex causing crack nucleation. It reduces the fracture toughness
method under vacuum [ 7 ] • ( 5 ) powder metallurgy technique
and elongation of matrix material, and iucreases the wear. A
[8]; (6) liquid-metal infiltration [81; (7) spray co-deposi-
heavy work pressure will iucrease the wear rate. however, a
tion [ 81.
proper addition of graphite particulates can reduce it 13 I. An
Liu et al. 191 have reported that during sliding the AI alloy/
iucre&~e in sliding rate reduces the wear rate, especially when
graphite particulate composite material forms a solid state
graphite particulates are added. The effect is then even more
• Correspondingauthor. significant I 131.

0043-1648/98/$19.(X) © 1998ElsevierScienceS.A. All rightsreserved.

PII sn043-1648 ( 98 ) 00192-6
168 C.B. Lin eta/./Wear217(1998J 167-/74

Equipment and a process for the production of AI alloy/

graphite particulate composite material are described below,
and the tensile strength, hardness and tribologieal behavior
of produced composite material are evaluated.
r -..
I Indwishedinl~.ioi~
1 / Thew~ll~ n ~ ofCuSO,.SHoO
I Drying Wetting Agents
The 8raphile pl,r~icUlllte w u Addin8 nuio oflllmill icetlc mid to
2. Experimental details held it the timlp~iture of l l ~ h k e is 0 25rnl# It+
200 "C for boor .then
cooled n i t
2. l. Material preparation

The 6061 AI alloy (99.73 purity) is used in this experi-

ment as the matrix (0.523 wt.% Si-0.833 wt.% Mg-0.0135
wt.% Mn--0.207 wt.% Cu-0.149 wt.% Fe--O.0165 wt.% Ti- Miztnre I
0.103 wt.% Cr). The graphite particulates (6 I~m average i
size) have irregular shapes, Fig. I a, and were added to molten AddingtheZincpowder I
Zinc powd~ ilddlnK rite is I~mi.
6061 AI alloy at contents of 2.4. and 6 wt.%. For the purpose
of improving surface wettability and interface strength of
6061 AI alloy and graphite particulates, the surface of graph- r Fiitir pti;tolition I
ite particulates was coated with copper. This process is illus-
trated in Fig. 2. 1
I ~ sri~ite pattie.late vnn
2.2. Mehing pr+~'edure the temperalureof 200
Ihe~r.thlmcooledin air
The new melting equipment used in this experiment is Fig. 2. Copper-coatingprocess(if graphiteparticulates.
shown in Fig. 3. The 6061 AI alloy is placed into the graphite
crucible and heated up to 700°C until it is completely melted.
Then. all inclusions are removed and degassing is completed.
(~ ~ i - "--Gmphlte i

5" . . . . . .

i Motor2 ilub3 ivlaer~ck~ 4 S.mns rodS "rilzot'tle

•.'alve6 ~lon 7 LId8 Heztet'~~umt,a,mr~.ItI0Baffle
IIstlmnBI ~ 12 F¢~cler13 $ptrillnvoh,er
Fig. 3. Schem:Iti¢ illu:,tralii'in of the rlel-upof tnelIingequipment.

Argon is flushed over the melt lbr protection. Mixing equip-

Fig. I. ~ SEM pictures of graphite paniculale~ ( a ) bel~re ( b ) after coating ment and feeding system are placed into the crucible with the
with copier. lid sealed in order to isolate the melt from air and keep the
CB. Lin et al. / Wear 217 ( It~JSJ 167-174 169

argon flowing into the crucible. The mixer is actuated with a (III) Wear testing was conducted on specimens 6 mm in
DC motor to generate a vortex in the melt. The baffle directs diameter x 10 mm long using pin-on-disk tribometer. The pin
the swirly melt into the mixer bucket. A powerful shear force specimen is 6061 AI/0-6 wt.% graphite particulate compos-
is generated in the melt by taking advantage of the special ite material, and the rotating steel disk ( the wearing material )
geometric shape design inside the mixer bucket. Then, the is made of SKD I I. The effect of graphite particulate content.
copper-coated graphite particulates are directed into the sliding speed, heat treatment condition on tribological behav-
feeder from the top and fall from the outlet of the feeder. In ior was established. The hardness of rotating steel disk is
addition, the melt and the graphite particulates are mixed HRC62 _ 2 after a heat treatment. The surface of each .spec-
completely by powerful shearing in order to produce slurry. imen was ground, washed with acetone and then dried. A
which is drained out through the outlet at the bottom of ti~: digital bah.~cc with a precision of + 0 . | mg was u~d to
mixer bucket. The added graphite particulates are distributed measure the weight loss caused by wear. Microscopic exam-
evenly by the shear force generated from stirring the AI melt ination of wear surface was made with a Nikon optical micro-
with stirring rod and stirring blade, The mixer and feeder are scope I OM ).
removed after graphite particulates are added, and the com-
posite melt is cast into a preheated at 300°C permanent mold
to produce a composite reinforced with 2, 4, and 6 wt,e/¢ 3. Results and discussion
graphite particulates. The composites are sub~quently
homogenized at 380°C in an air furnace for 4 h in order to
Fig. la and b show SEM microgmphs of graphite partic-
reduce solidification-induced segregation. Parts of the melt-
ulates before and after copper-coating, respectively. The
ing equipment that comes directly in contact with the melt cemented copper layer is distributed mostly on the .surfaceof
are protected with a Zig), plasma coating. the graphite particulate. Fig. 4a and b show photomierographs
Composite specimens produced were prepared metallo-
of 6061 AI alloy and 6061 AI alloy/6 wt.% graphite partic-
graphically and studied with a Nikon optical microscope
ulate composite material, respectively. Copper-coating
(OM) to establish the distribution of graphite particulates
increa~s the wettability of particulates by the AI melt. From
within the matrix. the aforementioned and the Fig. 4b accompanied herewith.
the present process provides an apparatus and a ptoce.~s,for
2.3. Heat treatment making an AI alloy matrix homogeneously reinforced with
fine ( 6 p,m ) reinforcing material.
Matrix alloy and composite specimens were heat treated Table I shows the tensile properties of 6061 AI alloy/2, 4.
to T6 condition, as well as annealed. The effect of various 6 wt.r~ graphite particulate composite material with a"i"6heat
heat treatments on tribological behavior was studied. For the treatment. It showsthat the tensile wopertiesofthe composite
1"6 treatment, the specimens were solutionized at 532 + 3°C, decreased with increasing weight fraction of graphite partic-
furnace-cooled for 2 h, and were subsequently water-
quenched (27°C). and aged at 160_+3°C for I8 h before air
cooling to room temperature, The annealing treatment was
conducted at 415 _+3°C for 3 h before furnace cooling to room

2.4. Proper~." evahtathm

The following tests were conducted on the matrix alloy

and the composite material both in the T6 condition:
(i) Tensile testing of the composite material was per-
formed with a constant crosshead speed of 5 mm/rain at room
temperature. In order to ascertain reproducibility, at least
three measurements were typically made for each type of
sample. The tensile fracture surfaces were observed by .scan-
ning electron microscope (SEM) tbllowing gold plating for
2 Join before observation.
(II) Hardness testing was conducted on specimens ground
to 1200 grade grit with a SiC sand paper, and tested on a B-
scale Rockwell hardness apparatus and a Brinell hardness
apparatus ( load: 500 kg: the diameter of steel hall: 10 ram)
are used. In order to ascertain reproducibility, at least six Fig. 4. Oplical micrographs o1"6061 AI alloy lgraphitc paniculalc comlx~site
different points are tested. with (a) a wl.r'/~ graphite and (hi 6 wl.r/r graphite.
170 C.B. Lht et al. / Wear 217 t I 9q8/167-174

Table I
Mechanicalprnpertiesof t~(161AI alloy containingdil'li:rentpercentageo1"6
p.m gr-~philepanicles

Pn~penies Yield~,tress Ultimaletensile

I GF.,~.,~/¢) t kg,/mm"l !.tress( kg,/mm-")
Ehnlgation Hardness
U/t) IHRB)
{Iwt.q 211.4 26.3 9.46 61)
2 wt.g) 22.3 22.4 4.62 62
4 wt.t/; 18.t) 18.9 2.98 58
6 wl.(~ 13.n 13.u 3.33 52

ulates. This reduction of tensile properties may be attributed
to cracking at the matrix/parliculate interlace. However. its
ultimate tensile stress and yield stress decreased less signifi-
cantly than previously reported 151. Since additions of cop-
per would lead to an increase in the tensile strength. Fig. 5a
and b are the tensile fracture surf'aces of 6061 AI alloy and
6061 AI a l l o y / 6 wt.Ch graphite peniculate composite mate-
rial. respectively. In Fig. 5a. the fracture surface of 6(161
exhibits dimples, indicating ductile fracture. On the contrary.
in Fig. 5b. the fracture surface of the composite shows a mi xed
fracture mode. Therefore. Table I conlirms a reduction in
percent of elongation with addition of graphite particulates.
and with no sio.nilicant change in hardness• Fig. 6. Optical micrographsof the worn surface on (a) 61161AI alloys and
I b ~SKI) I I wearing material bcfi~rewears test.
Fig. 6 exhibits photomicrographs of the worn surface on
6061 AI alloy and SKDI I wearing material before a wear
on the specimen ( H R B 5 0 ) and S K D I I wearing material
experiment. Alter 1200 grade grit SiC sand paper was used
( H RC62 ). the latter had a smoother wear surf'ace ( Ra = 0.035
ttm ) than the former which exhibits a plough wear morphol-
ogy ( Ra = 0.3 rtm ).
Fig. 7 illustrates photomicrographs of the worn surface of
6(161 AI alloy after an annealing treatment. The annealed
alloy is soft ( HB47 ). and the friction generated from sliding
plastically deforms the specimen surface. Fig. 7a shows the
microstructure of a specimen ground against the S K D I I
wearing material for 3 s. The white areas are the sites of
abrasive wear. When the wear process is performed for 6 s.
due to the extent of plastic deformation on the alloy increases.
the worn surf::ce with many patches morphology ( Fig. 7b).
After 9 s. a coarse groove is generated on the specimen ( Fig.
7 c l . During wear the 6061 AI alloy surface is subjected to
severe plastic delbrmation and abrasive wear. The AI chip
that is locked upon the surlace of SKDI I wearing material
grows forming a cluster• which is hardened. X-ray diffraction
analysis indicates that the AI chip contains AI,Ov It adheres
strongly to the substrate due to the localized high temperature.
The hard AI clusters plough the alloy specimen surf'ace. Fig.
7d shows the surh|ce morphology of SKD I I wearing material
after 9 s of wear test• with chips clustered on the SKDI I
wearing material.
Fig. 8 shows the worn surface morphology of 6061 AI
alloy after a T6 treatment, which hardens the material
( HRB92 ) due to precipitation of Mg_,Si. Fig. 8a and b show
the surface morphology of a specimen after 3 s and 6 s of
Fig. 5. Fracture morphologyof t a) 61161AI alh~yand ( b I ¢~IX~I AI alloy/l~ wear test. respectively. The abrasive wear region and patch
v,t.5; graphite paniculate colnl~lsilc. in these ligures are less signilicant than in Fig. 7a and b•
C.B. Lin el .1. / Wear 217 t l998~ 167-174 171

:J l
~o~.I ,r~

Fig. 7. Op6cal micrographs o f the worn surface o f 6061 AI alloy afl~:r an annealing Ircatmcnt on sliding lime of ( a ) 3 s ( b | 6 s (c) *) ~. and ( d ) the wlma
surface o f lh~ disc with 9 s on sliding lime.

200 "~: ~': :': " " '""%"

Fig. 8. Optical micrographs o f the worn surface of 6061 AI alloy after a TO ffcatzncnl ~m ~liding time of (a) 3 • (b) 6 s I c ) 0 ~ and (d) the wcwn ~urfacc oI" lhc
disc with 9 ~ on sliding tim~.
172 C.B. Lin et aL / Wear 217 ~1998) 167-174

Fig. 9. Oplical micrographs of the w o m surface of 6061 AI alloy/6 wt.% graphite particulate composite after an annealing treatment on sliding time of (a) 3
s {b J 6 s ~c ~ 9 s and (d } the worn surface of the disc with 9 s on sliding time.

Fig. IlL Oplical micrographs of the worn surface of 6061 AI alloy/6 w t . ~ graphite paniculate composite after a "1"6treatment on sliding time of (a) 3 s (b) 6
( ¢ ) q s and t d) the worn surface of tl'lc disc with 9 s on sliding time.
C.B. Lin et al. / Wear 217 (1998) 167-174 173

respectively, due to enhanced hardness. The grooves in Fig.

8c after a 9 s wear test are smaller than in Fig. 7c.
Fig. 9 is the worn surface morphology of an annealed 6061
AI alloy/6 wt.% graphite particulate composite material.
Graphite particulates are released during the wear test of 3 s,
forming clusters, due to the surface plastic deformation, Fig.
"i i~E.n3
9a. After a wear test of 6 s, more of the worn surface is covered
with graphite lubricating film, Fig. 9b and after 9 s, almost
the entire surface is covered. Fig. 9c. Fig. 9d shows that after
a wear test of 9 s. the SKDI I wearing material is covered 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
evenly with graphite particulates. ~le, e I:~ialm~ tw¢/.)
Fig. 10 exhibits the worn surface morphology of 6061 AI/ Fig. 12. Variationof gravimetricwear rate vs. graphilepaniculalecement
6 wt.% graphite composite material after a T6 treatment. for 6061 At alloy/grdphiteIrarliculatecomposite.
Graphite particulates are released during the wear test faster
than for the annealed specimen. Figs. 10 and 9. In addition.
from this observation with the results given in Figs. 9 and 10 ,t0~o3 -- -
clearly demonstrates that make use of fine graphite (6 I~,m)
particulates are covered with lubricating film on the total
tribosarface quickly, because a close-up of the graphite lubri-
cating film linked quickly on the tribosurface of the composite
sample under the fine graphite particulate. After a wear test
of 9 s, the SKDI I wearing material is covered evenly with
graphite particulate, Fig. 10d. Therefore, the .seizing of spec-
n.~-eo . . . .
imen/wearing material interface, caused by wear. and the 0 i 2 3 4 5 6
plough of the specimen/wearing material interface caused by D w ~ e t~nice~e r,,wet t we,'.)
hard AI20 3 AI cluster can be prevented at an early stage of Fig. 13. Variationof gravimclricwear rate vs. graphitelYarliculaleconlenl
friction. In the annealed and T6 heat-treated condition. Fig. for differentslidingspeedsof 6061 AIalloy/graphitelYarlicnlareconlllOSile.
9d and Fig. 10d. the graphite particulates are not effectively
locked, and the number of clusters of graphite particulate is
large. chips..seizing is reduced or stopped as wt.% of graphite par-
Fig. I I shows the effect of heat treatment on gravimetric ticulates increase, diffusion and adhesion are less effective.
wear rate during the dry wear testing. For the annealed, that is. the graphite particulate lubricating film helptoweaken
unreinforeed alloy wear rate is greatest with seizing and the structure of AI cluster, and it helps to minimize ploughing
ploughing resulting on the worn surface, as shown in Fig. 7. on the specimen surface. In Fig. I I, the wear rate on 6061 AI
The wear rate of the annealed composite material is lower alloy/6 wt.% graphite particulate composite material with an
than the one with a T6 treatment, it proves graphite particulate annealing treatment is more .serious than on the treated spec-
lubricating film does stop seizing on the interface. Also. the imen. The composite with annealing and 1"6 heat treatment
structure of AI chip cluster is reinforced through the localized can generate a lubricating film on the wear material, bul the
high temperature generated from friction and the resulting matrix becomes .softer after an annealing treatment, the abra-
enhanced diffusion and adhesion. When graphite particulate sive wear on the specimen surface is severe, and the wearing
is accumulated on the wearing material along with the AI rate is large.
Fig. 12 clearly shows that the gravimetric wear rate
1.60E-03 , ~ltew~mN,~mlle,,r~ T6 decreases with increasing graphite particulate content in the
8.60E-04 I-[~t~Pm~"~06~u~' / composite material with a "I"6treatment, presumably because
then a solid lubricating film forms quickly, preventing direct
! 6.ooE~I
7.00EOI 11i ~

, 5.60E~4 l
n~ '
" contact and seizure. The accumulation of AI chips is lower.
a-s is the ploughing effects and the tribologicai behavior is
I 3.60E.o4 l
2.60E-04 ] / Fig. 13 shows the gravimetric wear rate vs. sliding speed
for unreinforced 6061, ,as well as composite with 2. 4. and 6
wt.% graphite all in the T6 heat-treated condition. It is clear
0 40 80 120 160 260 240
that the wear rate decrease with increasing sliding speed, most
~ x diD~e (m)
likely due to the corresponding increase in temperature at the
Fig. I I. Variationof gravimetricwear rate vs. sliding distance tar 6061
unreinforced and reinforced AI alloy in the annealedand T6 heal-lreated contact interface. An oxidation film may form on the metal
conditions. surface and the plastic stress will he reduced 1131.
174 C.B. Lin et al. / Wear 217 ¢ 1998) 167-174

4. S u m m a r y References

A process has been successfully u ~ d to manufacture 6061 ] I ] P.R. Gibson. A.J. Clegg. A.A. Das. Mater. Sci. Technol. I (1985)
AI a l l o y / 0 - 6 wt.% (6 ttm) graphite particulate composite 559-567.
material with an uniform particulate distribution. The wetta- 12] P.R. Gibson.A.J. Clegg. A,A. D&~.Wear95 ( 19841 193-198.
131 S. Das, SN. Prasad.T.R. Ramachandran.Wear 13311989) 173-187.
bility between the graphite particulates and the liquid matrix 141 B.P. Krishnan.N. Raman. K. Narayana.swamy.P.K. Rohatgi.Wear
was improved by copper-coating the graphite particulates, 60 ( 19801 205-215.
The tensile strength, hardness, and wear of the unreinforeed 151 B.P. Krishnan.M.I¢. Surappa.P.K. Rohatgi.J. Mater. ScL 16 { 19811
alloy and the composite were evaluated. 1209-1216.
( I ) The ultimate tensile stress, yield stress and elongation 161 B.C. PaL P.K. RohatgioJ. Mater. Sci. 13 ( 19781329-335.
171 B.C. Pal, P.K. Rohatgi.Mater. Sci. Eng. 21 119751 161-167.
of the composite decre&~ed as the graphite content increased
18 [ D. Huda, M.A. El Bradie.M.SJ. Hashmi.J. Mater.ProcessingTech-
from 2 wt.% to 6 wt.%. whereas hardness remained practi- nol. 37 ( 19931513-528.
cally unchanged. 19l Y.B.Liu.S.C. Lim. S. Ray,P.K, Rohatgi.Wear 159 f 1992) 201-205.
(2) The tensile fracture surface of the matrix alloy is duc- [ 101 S.K. Biswas,B.N. pramilaBai, Wear 68 ( 1981) 347-358.
tile and that of the composite exhibits a mixed fracture mode, [ I I I P.K. Rohatgi,S.V. pra.sad.J. Metals,Nov. ( 19871 22-26.
( 3 ) The wear of the matrix alloy is by ploughing generated [ 121 A.K.Jha, S.V. Prasad.G.S, Upadhyaya.Wear 133 ( 1989) 16.3-172.
by the hard AI chip clusters that form on the wearing material. [ 131 P.K. Rohatgi, S. Ray, Y. Liu, int. Mater. Rev. 37 (3) ( 19921 129-
(4) The tribological behavior of 6061 improves with addi-
tion of graphite particulates and a T6 heat-treatment rather
than annealing.
(5) The gravimetric wear rate is reduced with increasing
the particulate content and the sliding speed.
(6) The Iribological behavior of the composite depends
on the hardness of the matrix, the rate of release graphite C.B. Lin earned his PhD in Material Science and Engineering
particulates, the structure of the solid lubricating film depos- from National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan) in 1991. He
ited on the wearing material, and the structure of AI chip is currently an associate professor of Mechanical Engineering
clusters. at Tamkang University.

Chang R.J. earned his MSc in Mechanical Engineering from

Acknowledgements Tamkang University (Taiwan) in 1997.

This wor~ was supported by the National Science Council, Weng W.P. earned his PhD in Materi~l Science and Engi-
Taiwan. neering from National Taiwan University (Taiwan) in 1997.

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