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 Aarakocra (EE)
 Aasimar (VGM)
 Bugbear (VGM)
 Changeling (ERLW)
 Dragonborn
o "Vanilla” (PHB)
o Draconblood (EGW)
o Ravenite (EGW)
 Dwarf
o Duergar (SCAG)
o Mountain (PHB)
o Hill (PHB)
 Elf
o Drow (PHB)
o Eladrin (MTF)
o High (PHB)
o Pallid (EGW)
o Sea (MTF)
o Shadar-kai (MTF)
o Wood (PHB)
 Firbolg (VGM)
 Genasi (EE)
 Gith
o Githyanki (MTF)
o Githzerai (MTF)
 Gnome
o Deep (SCAG)
o Forest (PHB)
o Rock (PHB)
 Goblin (VGM)
 Goliath (VGM)
 Half-Elf
o “Vanilla” (PHB)
o Aquatic Elf Descent (SCAG)
o Drow Descent (SCAG)
o Moon/Sun Elf Descent (SCAG)
o Wood Elf Descent (SCAG)
 Half-Orc (PHB)
 Halfling
o Ghostwise (SCAG)
o Lightfoot (PHB)
o Lotusden (EGW)
o Stout (PHB)
 Hobgoblin (VGM)
 Hollow One (EGW)
o Unlike the other race options shown here, hollow ones have the option of starting out
roleplay within any one of the channels in “Sword Coast Wilderness”.
 Human (PHB)
 Kenku (VGM)
 Kobold (VGM)
 Lizardfolk (VGM)
 Orc (VGM)
 Tabaxi (VGM)
 Tiefling (PHB)
o “Vanilla” (PHB)
o Asmodeus (MTF)
o Baalzebul (MTF)
o Dispater (MTF)
o Feral (SCAG)
o Fierna (MTF)
o Glasya (MTF)
o Levistus (MTF)
o Mammon (MTF)
o Mephistopheles (MTF)
o Zariel (MTF)
 Tortle (Tortle Package)
 Triton (VGM)
 Warforged (Eberron: Rising from the Last War)


 Demi-Dragon
o Embodiment of the Voidmaw
o Unlike the other race options shown here, demi-dragons have the option of starting out
roleplay within any one of the channels in “Sword Coast Wilderness”.
 Heritage and Half-Breeds: Genasi
 Shardmind
 Demihuman species

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